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[prp] rainy day hobbies [Chris & Juniper]

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Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:57 pm
It was wet and rainy and had been wet and rainy for the entire week but Chris was still here, crouched in the garden on the commons, weeding. A basket sat beside him, half filled with the things, but there was still plenty more to go. He had been working in the garden before, but the entire month of summer had put a setback on things and he was paying for it now.

He would have rather waited for the rain to end before he weeded, but he had been waiting since Monday and he was starting to get impatient. There was only so much he could do at Coalsmoke and anyways, the ground would be soft from the constant rain so the weeding would be fine. Rain was always in Other Ashdown anyways, so this wouldn't bother him much.

So Chris had gathered an umbrella, the spare basket and tools he kept at Coalsmoke and with that, had driven out to now sit in the garden with a umbrella half perched on his shoulder and an intense hatred towards weeds as he pulled them up.


[wc: 186]
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:13 pm
The summer had been so terribly dry that when the day was completely engulfed by the gloomy weather, Juniper hadn’t minded. It was just something else for her to enjoy despite the coolness of the autumn day. In fact, she had been so set to enjoy the gloomy weather that after work she had hurried home to change into blue jeans, a pale pink hoodie with Nike written across the front of it, yellow rain boots and an umbrella. After giving Star his dinner she had hurried out to head to the park where she intended to bask in the crisp, rainy weather.

Humming a soft tune, Juniper strolled through the park. Her black umbrella dripped with the rain that was falling from the skies and the trees above. She had made a point to head to the area of the park where a well tamed garden has been growing. It was always a lovely spot and she was sure that any flowers that were still in bloom would probably be quite perky and pleased by the rain that was steadily soaking the ground. It wouldn’t be terribly long before the first cold snap came. Once that happened it would be mere weeks before everything became barren for the winter. Not that Juniper minded the nakedness that the cold brought, but she much preferred greenery to all of the brown.

As she neared the garden, Juniper noted the umbrella first. In fact, she thought it was possibly a child playing in the rain before she realized it was a man. Curiosity got the best of her, and Juniper walked over. She positioned herself so that her umbrella wasn’t dripping onto him, as she bent over at the waist to look around the umbrella perched against his shoulder. “You know, that would probably be a lot easier for you if someone just held an umbrella over you while you worked.” She smiled and purposely shifted her Umbrella to do just that. It wasn’t the largest of things, and in fact Juniper’s shoulder was getting wet but she didn’t seem to mind.

total: 350


Inquisitive Agent


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:06 pm
Chris was so absorbed in his weeding that he hadn't even realized someone was walking up to him. It was only when Juniper spoke that Chris jumped, twisting to look at her with concern. Once he confirmed it wasn't anyone who was going to do harm to him, he relaxed, giving her a smile. He vaguely recognized her from the ball, which wasn't much, but it was something.

"It would definitely, but my roommate decided he did not want to leave the house to help me. Admittedly, he is baking and his baking could make angels cry so it's not too much of a loss," He shrugged, hands still full of weeds and he quickly dumped them in the basket. "I appreciate your help, although what are you out doing today? Not much of us around."


[wc: 135]
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:36 pm
Juniper felt bad that she had startled the man. That hadn’t been her intent, but at least he took it good naturedly and didn’t lash out at her for it. So, she opted not to mention the fact that she had given him a slight fright. Instead, she responded to his smile with one of her own. Unlike Chris, Juniper didn’t recognize him from the ball right away. The whole mask business had done a fairly good job at keeping some people’s identities secret. Some were just tough to decipher, but she had managed so far by staring hard at the person, which she did with Chris.

“Well, if he’s making amazing food then I certainly can’t fault him for not joining you out here. The least he could do is make sure there’s something warm and yummy waiting for you when you get back.” She said with a grin. “I don’t much mind the weather like this. It’s been awhile since we’ve had rain and pretty soon we’ll be dealing with snow, so I wanted to just enjoy what we’re getting. Plus, the puddles are always fun to splash in.” She gave him a wink before standing up to her full height to save her back from getting achy.

“If you don’t mind the company I’ll help you.” She gestured with her head towards the weeding he was obviously doing. It was about this point that she finally realized she had seen him before and at the ball.

“Sorry for staring at you.” She confessed. “But I couldn’t remember if I had met you before or not.” She paused for a moment. “I do now though. I can be a bit, slow with these sorts of things, especially since it was rather hectic at that...er...party. I am surprised it took me so long though. I guess we didn’t talk at all there, otherwise I know I wouldn’t have forgotten your face.”

It seemed that people from the ball were popping up everywhere. Perhaps there were more people than she thought who were visitors of Other Ashdown.

count: 349



Inquisitive Agent


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:22 pm
"I'm pretty sure he's making the amazing food just to make sure I didn't ask him to come out here," Chris laughed, smile wry and fond. Thorne knew his baking made Chris weak, which is why he didn't put up much of a fight when Thorne announced he was going to make food when he saw Chris getting ready. Chris was guilty as just as many evasive maneuvers as Thorne (including getting into the shower the minute he knew Thorne was ready to go) as well, so he couldn't even call him out on it really. "It is good weather isn't it? I like rain much more than snow, although I guess both give me a good excuse to stay inside with a book and a pile of blankets and someone to cuddle with. Although, when it goes on for a week, I do get a little stir crazy."

He shifted slightly, adjusted his umbrella so it covered him a little more. "Sure, company is lovely and the more help the merrier. I ended up forgetting to weed here for a long while, definitely paying for it now," Chris said, moving over to make room for her. He basket he shifted a little closer so it'd be able to be in the middle of them if she chose where he thought she'd go.

"Hm?" Chris said, reaching out to pull another weed as he glanced at her. "It's fine, I'm just about used to it by now between teaching classes and well. Everything else." Thorne drew quite a bit of attention when they were out, but so did their involvement in Other Ashdown. If Chris wasn't used to it by now, he would probably become used to it in the upcoming months. People were always curious. "Oh, that," Chris said, catching on quickly to what she meant. "It's quite alright, I didn't talk to a lot of people actually. Just focused on Thorne. My mask was also a bit much," He smiled, but it looked more like a grimace. The entire affair was not a happy memory.

"I'm Chris though, Chris Watts," He tacked on, introducing himself finally. He would have held out a hand, but it was slightly muddy.


[wc: 368]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:20 am
Juniper chuckled. "Well I suppose that works. Tit for tat after all. I believe that roommates are suppose to get on each others nerves. In a very loving way, of course. Almost a sibling sort of relationship." Juniper smiled. Having a roommate was something she would have enjoyed having, but when she moved to Ashdown she hadn't known anyone and the thought of bunking up with someone she didn't know had bothered her. She was always good for meeting new people. Hell she tended to just barge right on into conversations like she had done with Chris here, but the thought of having a stranger in her own personal space had been a bit much. Now though...now she felt like a roommate may be the way to go but she was well grounded in her tiny studio apartment. "But you're right. The weather is nice and perfect for all of those things. Especially the snuggling part." She grinned, blue eyes fixed on him before giving him a sly wink. "I would much rather be doing that then standing out in the rain, I must admit."

At the invitation to help, Juniper knelt down beside Chris, making sure she was far enough away that their umbrellas wouldn't drip water onto each other, and found a patch that was in dire need of some tlc. Propping her umbrella against her shoulder, she rolled up her sleeves and chose a particularly large weed to begin working on. Like Chris had surmised, the wet ground made pulling out the weeds much easier and also removed the fear of taking the flowers with it.

"You're a teacher?" She questioned as she glanced over at him, dropping a weed in the basket. "That's a nice job. I should have gone and got my teacher certification after I finished college, but I was too determined to prove to myself and my parents that I was a capable adult. Plus, my heart was, and still is, set on performing." She reached out to grab another weed, this one fought her a bit, but she managed. "I can't say my chosen career is paying the bills though." She chuckled and gave a one shoulder shrug.

Mentioning Thorne Juniper tilted her head. "I didn't get to meet Thorne at the Ball. Not formally anyway. We, of course, saw each other int he tithe room, but that was about it." She began tugging at another weed that gave way easy enough. "I did finally have a conversation with him not long ago. I am glad you were watching out for him." She smiled. "He's a nice guy. Not to mention good looking." Then she paused and furrowed her brows. "He isn't your roommate is he? Is that why you were helping him? I mean, not that I think there needed to be a reason. The tithes went through hell and deserved all of the help and comfort they could get."

count: 484



Inquisitive Agent


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:39 pm
"We've had the police called on us before through us getting on each others nerves, so I guess we cover that pretty well," Chris laughed, smiling. He certainly hadn't ever imagined he would become Thorne's roommate, and technically he kind of didn't know where he stood since he hadn't ever officially moved in but Thorne hadn't exactly told him to leave and he had just ended up bringing almost all his stuff over, but it was nice still. They made banana bread and yelled at each other and Chris got to sleep on someone warm and it was nice, just having someone around, different from what had been his experience for the past few years. He liked it a great deal, he liked having someone to yell his stupid ideas to and b***h about the channels to and the papers he graded and the cat hair everywhere. He liked Thorne trying to paint him and the 2 am laundry and the stupid coffee runs they did. "Ah, that's where we differ," Chris laughed, amused. "I've had enough snuggling over the past week that I had to come out, I was starting to getting stir crazy. Although I'm sure you're not someone who would have problems finding someone to snuggle with, you seem lovely enough."

He hummed slightly as he pulled at weeds, leaning forward to reach for the large patch at the back. These were going to take longer to pull up but he enjoyed it all the same, the work giving him something to do and the weather making the task easier even with the obstacle it also presented. They would probably get it done earlier than he thought with both working at it, but it was still nice.

"Mhm," Chris replied, looking over at her. "I teach Biology at the highschool and some science at the middle school. I'll teach elementary sometime too, I'm going for all I can at one time." He laughed a little, "My parents actually didn't really want me to be a teacher. But I'm doing well for myself for the most part, so they can't complain too much. What were you going to get your certification in?" It was nice to talk to someone who almost knew the hell he was going through.

Chris raised his eyebrows but returned to the weeds. "That's a surprise, I feel like he knows everyone," Chris said, pulling at a weed a little harder than he meant to. The talk of the ball was still awkward, still a sour taste in his mouth. He might have felt better but he still wasn't totally what he was before, probably would never be. Had lost it somewhere on those stone floors when Corr - no. That train of thought stopped. "He is absolutely good looking," Chris agreed with a laugh, dropping his handful of weeds into the basket before going to more. "Yeah, he is, although I became his roommate after the ball. I was his friend before and I still am now, which is why I helped him mostly. I care about him a lot and I wasn't going to leave him there, when I should've at least noticed he was gone in the first place."


[wc: 536]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:23 am
“Geez. Getting the police called on you? You two must really go at each other then.” She laughed as she tosses a weed carelessly into the basket. “It’s a testament to your relationship that you haven’t killed each other if it gets that bad.” She winked at him and adjusted her umbrella which had begun to shift against her shoulder and was slowly slipping away. The gentle patter of the rain hitting their umbrellas was the only thing heard for a moment as Juniper mulled over his next words.

With a small one sided smile, Juniper glanced over at Chris. They weren’t far from each other. In fact, all it would take was a shifting of her umbrella and a small shift to the left to put her in position to bump shoulders with him. And Juniper did just that. “You seem to have confidence in my ability to pick someone up.” She said slyly. “Are you offering to be my cuddle buddy?” Her tone was playful and teasing and could leave Chris wondering if she was just playing with him or if it was a serious offer on her part. “If you’re up for cuddling again that is.”

Juniper shifted her weight again so she wasn’t practically on the man, but was still in a close enough proximity that should either of them shift they would brush against one another. “I am surprised that they wouldn’t want you to be a teacher. It’s a much more stable career than I chose. Don’t get me wrong, my parents supported me, but I could tell they were worried. It’s one of the reasons that I am dead determined to live on my own without their help.” She sighed, and reached out to a small path of weeds that were beginning to overtake some roses. Entwining her fingers around the plants, she tugged carefully. “I think, if I decided to get my certification, I would get it in reading and comprehension. I’ve had to do a lot of script analysis in college and really found it interesting. If I had the time and cash to do another four years I think I’d take a crack at music education though. But, that’s not something that’s going to happen. So the certification would work well.”

As Chris explained his relationship with Thorne, Juniper found herself nodding in agreement with him. “I completely understand. I didn’t want to see any of the tithes left there to suffer through any more of that s**t. You’re a good friend, Chris.” She turned and looked at him, a soft, warm smile on her face. “I can only hope I find a friend like you are to Thorne some day.” It was a bit of a sad realization for Juniper. As accepting as she could be with people she hadn’t fully opened herself up to allow other people into her life. It was a problem she was trying to rectify but it felt terribly slow.

wc: 496



Inquisitive Agent


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:48 pm
"I guess you could say that," Chris said amused as he pulled another handful of green, "The banana bread war was important. But no, it wasn't anything that serious. The worst that happened was he had a bruise on his back from where I pinned him down - apparently my knees are bony. I don't think it'd be possible to kill him, I'm far too fond of him and his cat." The humming continued as a silence settled and Chris adjusted his umbrella as well, making sure he was covered in his new position. He wasn't in a rush with the conversation and patience had always been a virtue he possessed - so he was willing to continue on while he waited for Juniper to find her words.

He chuckled slightly at her bump, shifting to bump her back gently before dumping his handful of weeds into the basket. His face colored gently, but he still smiled at her. "I would have to deny, since Thorne is slightly possessive of me and my cuddling, it seems," He said just as light, just as airy as her own offer. If her offer was genuine, he wouldn't entirely mind it, but he was a bit too wrapped up with Thorne to consider it. "But don't let my denial keep you from searching - the college has a great selection of other, stressed out people who would gladly take you up on your offer."

"I think they wanted me to be a doctor, honestly. Or maybe an architect, like my father and sister, both make really good money in Jejudo," He replied, brushing past her as he reached for more weeds, his patch slowly depleting. "I think it's honorable to keep trying though, you're far more determined than me. I just chose teaching because it came easy to me and seemed like a good thing to pick, like something I could help. The science was next since I'm not the best at english." He dumped his newfound weeds in the basket, shifted back on his feet to study where to grab next. "Reading and comprehension is nice, I could see you getting that. That's a good thing to go for. Maybe later you can do music education, sometime in the future. I'd say go for the certification if you can though - it's a good back up to have even if you don't use it."

The blush that Chris had earlier bloomed into a full, bright red spread across his face. He busied himself with pulling weeds immediately, unsure how to take the compliment. "Thank you," He said, "It was nothing really, just. He's my friend is all. It's what I should do." He kept himself busy although he slowed at Juniper's words, cocking his head at her. "I think you will, honestly. You're too good of a person to not." Chris certainly hadn't expected Thorne, but here he was now.


[wc: 484]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:50 am
The great banana bread war? Juniper laughed at that as a lovely mental image of the two of them quarreling over a loaf of banana bread popped into her mind with Chris winning the war, holding the loaf up triumphantly while over Thorne. Sure, that may not have been what actually happened but it was still a very amusing image.

Chris’s bump back made Jun grin, but his comment afterwards caused her to stop mid weed pulling to look at him. “Whoa. Wait. You and thorne are a couple?” She thought about it for a minute, trying the picture the two as a pair. Really it wasn’t at all crazy. Both were attractive and had lovely personalities. Mind, thorne seemed a bit more withdrawn, but was certainly still pleasant and enjoyable to be around. She sighed and shook her head. “Dammit, why are all the good looking ones always taken.” She said with a wink at Chris, hoping to alleviate any awkwardness that might have brewed at her own comment. “I will do my best not to take your rejection to heart.” with a chuckle she reached back out to give the weed she had been tugging on a good yank, dislodging it from the moist earth.

Tilting her head, she listened to his little story about his parents and their wants. While her parents never forced their wants for her on Juniper, she could sympathize with Chris. It had been obvious they hadn’t been pleased with her chosen profession. For multiple reasons. “Well I find it admirable that you went with your heart instead of letting your parents wants for you to dictate your area of study. If my parents had been unsupportive and pushing for me to take on another area of study I feel like I would have caved.” With a smile, she plopped the last weed from the patch she was working on into the basket. “But yea, I may go for that certification once I can scrounge up some money for it. I’d rather not add onto my current loan situation if I can avoid it.”

She raised a brow as she sat back on her heels, arms wrapped around her long legs with her umbrella still tucked against her arm and resting against her shoulder.. “A nice person huh? I don’t know if you can make assumptions of me so quickly.” Flashing a grin she shook her head before chuckling. “I hope you’re right, anyway. I’ve not had much time since moving here to make friends. I’ve been so focused on just surviving and work as much as I can.” She placed her chin on her knees. “I am trying to fix that. I miss having friends and being social.” Turning her head so her cheek was resting on her knee she looked at Chris.

wc: 473



Inquisitive Agent


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:55 pm
Chris blinked at Juniper then started laughing, pausing in his weeding to take a minute. Him and Thorne being a couple was damn near impossible, even with Chris' one-sided crush and it made him laugh, just the idea of it even happening. It took him a bit to wind down, but when he did he said, "No, no we're just very tactile. I appreciate the thought though, but he's still single and I am too." He wondered for a second what kind of person Thorne found attractive, what his type was like, but let the idea go. It wouldn't do him any good and he was out in public at the moment anyways, it wasn't really the time to think about something like this, especially when he was nursing a crush like his. "Thank you for the compliment though, unless it was aimed at Thorne, in which I'll have to agree." He winked back but was content to turn back to the weeds, to the soil and dirt, the moist earth that was before him.

He looked back at Juniper, listening to her in consideration. "Well, they did actually support me luckily, but it was a bit of a ride at the start. The weird vague sense of disappointment was the hardest at first, but it's mostly faded now. I'm just glad I hadn't caved for them, I'm good at numbers but physics has always been hard for me. I could've been a doctor but I just like teaching better." He shrugged, tugged at more weeds. "I understand that, if you need help I'll offer it, since I know how the ride is like. Or just moral support really, bring you coffee and such. Fuel you to work on into the night." He smiled, coy and amused. He himself didn't sleep much, although how much of that was related to his degree and not his nightmares he didn't know. He didn't really know what life was like without the constant threat of Other Ashdown anymore, but he was trying his best.

He dumped his handful of weeds in the basket, shifted his weight. Most of the weeds in his patch were gone, just a few stragglers that he hadn't caught yet and he went for them slowly, still keeping an eye on Juniper. "I have a good sense of people," He said, thoughtful, then added, "Well mostly. But I don't think an a*****e would sit here and weed with me on a rainy day." He smiled him, gave a bit of a laugh. "If you have the time, maybe try seeing if there's a club around you like, like for reading or something. That's what most people do I've heard, I made most my friends from classes or well. Other Ashdown I guess. Weird how near death or death involving situations bond others, but I guess it's my life now." It was a strange sort of musing and he shook his head, took the time to take those weeds. "If you like, we could try being friends. I garden enough around here that you'll be bound to find me again and honestly I always enjoy finding more people who like to garden or at least help."


[wc: 536]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:58 am
Chris’s reaction had been unexpected. She hadn’t thought the question was so silly, but after he finally wound down and responded she couldn’t help the knowing grin on her face. Still, she quirked an eyebrow at him, putting on a coy act. “Well, if you’re single than he really has no reason to be jealous if you want to cuddle other people. You’re free to do as you want as a single man.” She paused a moment, letting him mull that over before she threw in another quip. “Of course, that’s assuming you’re not the one to feel guilty about it.”

Truthfully, with the abrupt laughter and his adamant words that he and Thorne were not a couple, Juniper was getting the distinct feeling that Chris may want to be in a relationship beyond friendship with Thorne. Maybe it was an unrequited love situation? Or perhaps, Chris just hadn’t been able to come out and tell Thorne exactly how he felt. And then, there were a million other issues that could be the problem, none of them including the fact that maybe, just maybe, Chris was telling the truth and there really was nothing beyond friendship between the two.

“Oh, and that compliment certainly goes for both of you. Don’t try to weasel out of it.” She chuckled.

As Chris went on about being a teacher and what he went through with his parents at first, Juniper still felt amazed at the man. He did what he wanted. He overrode his parents wishes to follow something he wanted for himself. For some reason, disobeying her parents had always been a tough thing to do. She felt like she owed them so much. So, yea, Chris’s resolve was inspiring. “Well, maybe I’ll look into it a bit more. See how much it would cost exactly and go from there. A few grants and scholarships would probably be enough for me if I went to a school around here so I could continue to work while pursuing it.” She nibbled at her bottom lip and adjusted her slipping umbrella. “Thanks for that though. I’ll remember who’s door to come knocking on when I need help and you’re the one who can explain to Thorne why you’re having a late night visitor.” She teased good naturedly.

“Hm, only mostly? That doesn’t give me much encouragement.” She said, softly, though it was obvious by her tone that she was playing with him. “I feel like you are putting a big weight on my shoulders. How am I going to hold up to your expectations? I mean, helping to weed a garden is one thing, but to continue this charade, geez…” She laughed and lifted her head to bump him again with her shoulder. “Thank you though. I appreciate it a lot. I just, hope I can manage not to fall off the radar. It’s...a bad habit of mine. Joining clubs has been something I’ve thought about, but really, I am lucky if I have time to try and keep up with the few people I know. Plus, you know, We have Other Ashdown now too that seems to suck up as much time as it wishes. Life is anything but simple.”

She sighed and reached out to tug at a weed she had missed. It was the last one in the patch she was working on, and it seemed it would be the last one she was going to pull as she dropped it into the basket and stood up.After brushing her hands onto her jeans to clear off the mud, she stretched her legs and back which had begun to cramp up from the crouched position she had been holding. With a soft crack from her back she exhaled and smiled down at Chris. “We did a pretty good job, I think.” She turned her attention to the work they did. The plants looked much better without the weeds encroaching on their space.

wc: 668

RP Total: 2820



Inquisitive Agent


Tiny Trickster

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:04 pm
"Mm all the same, I think I'll let him monopolize me a little more," Chris said, quirking his own eyebrow back at her, "Besides, it's best to stay on his good side, because then I get delicious baked goods without having to steal them. Sometimes I can even ask for something and I'll get it. Unless he's being spiteful and then adds things that shouldn't belong." His face got a little dark there, very distinctly thinking of The Great Banana Bread war and also the Breadpudding Battle. Basically if there was a baked good to have been fought about, they'd probably already done it or were in the process of it (this week it was Cinnamon rolls).

What he didn't really want to explain was his whole ******** of feelings surrounding Thorne, including the one-sided crush that didn't get any better because they were constantly touching. It wasn't like cuddling couldn't be platonic either, he and Hyejin had cuddled plenty of times, but it didn't make his crush hurt any less and it just sucked. But that was a conversation for a way, longer, another time far off into the future, if he didn't die or get his feelings trampled on before that. Both were distinct possibilities really.

"Fine, fine," He said back, incredibly amused.

Chris hummed lightly, giving Juniper and bright smile. It was kind of painfully obvious he was a teacher for a second, but it faded soon enough back to just being Chris. Who was currently holding the last of his weeds from his patch of garden. "Doesn't hurt to try, right?" He asked, "I can give you some help too if you go to Rider-Waite since I know most of the advisers and such. Not bribery, mind you, but just admissions and stuff." Why he knew most of the advisers was a testament to exactly how much time he spent with Poe, both now and when he had been in the lower grades. The rest of everything was him being nosy and eventually allowed access since he'd help. Chris was a bit of a force to be reckoned with. "Trust me, you wouldn't be the first to be a last night visitor to Coalsmoke. Thorne and I both get some strange thigns done late at night," He teased back gently.

He laughed, giving her a wicked smile. "I've only been off a few times, nothing too major," He said, "So don't think you've escaped so easily." He chuckled slightly again, lighter this time. "Mmm I know it's some high standards but I believe in you. I mean, if anything, aren't teachers supposed to make you rise to your best? Or is that just me?" He was teasing himself but he meant it goodnaturedly and bumped her back. "I understand, I used to be like that. It's kinda hard but you can do it. And what's to say all of us in Other Ashdown don't count as a club already?"

He dumped his last handful of weeds in the basket and after a final inspection stood up himself, taking care to not place his muddy hands anywhere he'd regret it. His legs were screaming at him but it was a good feeling, the reminder of having actually gotten something done. He looked over at Juniper and grinned. "Yeah we did," He replied, looking back over all the plants again. He crouched down to pick up the basket with one hand, his other going for the umbrella before popping back up. His phone buzzed in his pocket at that moment and with a very, very put out sigh he stared balefully at his pocket before balancing his umbrella against his neck and wiping his muddy hand on his jean. Once it was fished out he blankly read what was on the screen before tucking it back in his pocket and looking at Juniper. "I'm being asked to come home and I'm just about done here so I'm heading on out. But thank you for the help, I know I'll see you around so don't be a stranger alright?" He said brightly. He gave her a final wave and with that, left to go home.


[wc: 691]

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