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Stormborn High Priestess Contest [winner!]

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Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:22 am
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Start: Mon. 1 August 2016, noon EST
End: Tues. 9 August 2016, noon EST
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:40 am
The Prize(s)
User Image
Meet High Priestess Kluna and her thrall Stylter!

Anyone may enter for them, whether they have no Stormborn or a hundred, but keep in mind the role of high priestess is important, IC, and winning means you may be asked by other players to have her train their aspiring priestesses, perform marriage ceremonies, bless cubs/vikings/weapons/etc., or do a variety of other priestess-y tasks. So please read up on the pride and the role Kluna plays in it.

You are welcome to change their names if you like. Just make sure you fill in the name bit on the form with the names you prefer.

It should go without saying that they can't leave the pride, but just in case: they can't leave the pride.

To win this pair, you simply come up with some personalities, pick a prompt, and enter. I'll choose the one I like the best at the end of the contest.

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:53 am
Prompt 1
Describe the relationship between the two.

[b][color=navy]Mine now![/color][/b]
[b]Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess?[/b]
[b]Priestess Name:[/b] Kluna ([url=http://www.namekun.com/1/name-meaning-of/kluna#namevariants1]meaning[/url])
[b]Thrall Name:[/b] Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
[b]Brief Personality, Priestess:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality, Thrall:[/b]
[b]Describe the relationship between the two.[/b]

Prompt 2
Describe a time when things went very wrong for the pair.

[b]Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess?[/b]
[b]Priestess Name:[/b] Kluna ([url=http://www.namekun.com/1/name-meaning-of/kluna#namevariants1]meaning[/url])
[b]Thrall Name:[/b] Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
[b]Brief Personality, Priestess:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality, Thrall:[/b]
[b]Describe a time when things went very wrong for the pair.[/b]

Prompt 3
Describe a day during Kluna's priestess training.

[b][color=cyan]I can do that![/color][/b]
[b]Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess?[/b]
[b]Priestess Name:[/b] Kluna ([url=http://www.namekun.com/1/name-meaning-of/kluna#namevariants1]meaning[/url])
[b]Thrall Name:[/b] Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
[b]Brief Personality, Priestess:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality, Thrall:[/b]
[b]Describe a day during Kluna's priestess training.[/b]
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:55 am
Mysses Greenie

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:27 am
Mine now!
Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess? Yes
Priestess Name: Kluna (meaning)
Thrall Name: Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
Brief Personality, Priestess: Kluna is a no-nonsense lioness. She doesn't have time for jokes or games and is very serious about her role within the pride. Raised by traditional Stormborn parents, she is traditional herself and frowns upon females seeking to be Reavers or Captains. Gruff and full of vim and vigor, Kluna is not one you'd want to get angry, but with her short temper it's unfortunately a common occurance. The only lions she has patience for are her apprentices and other priestesses. They see a calm and devoted side that only the gods ever witness.
Brief Personality, Thrall: Stylter is a nervous little maned wolf. Used to being snapped and snarled at, she doesn't have a very thick hide in terms of verbal 'abuse'. She's a bit twitchy and seems to be very strung-out around others. If she doesn't have sight of Kluna you can bet she's whimpering and whining to herself. The only time she's calm and collected is when she is serving her master. Stylter is incredibly intelligent to make up for her less than average physical stature - she walks with a limp thanks to the Reaver that brought her down in the rogue lands many years ago.
Describe the relationship between the two. Stylter is Kluna's right arm and paw. The two seem to be connected on a mental level somehow, as if they were the same soul that was split at birth. They both have a very different personality to those around them, but when they're together they are one. Kluna is kind but strict with her Thrall and Stylter's paws don't tremble as she serves the high priestess. There is a silent understanding between them, both would do anything for the other even though Kluna stands far above Stylter in rank.

The high priestess was an apprentice when Stylter was brought back to the pride, hind leg mangled awfully by an overzealous Reaver out on his first Viking. Kluna scolded him and took the pup into her care, nursing her back to health and seeing that she was trained right along with her. Stylter knows every ceremony and duty that Kluna does and could probably do just as good of a job as the high priestess herself if she wasn't a maned wolf. Kluna understands and respects Stylter's mind and her physical limitations, even if others in the pride don't.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:58 am
Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess? Yes.
Priestess Name: Kluna (meaning)
Thrall Name: Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
Brief Personality, Priestess: Kluna is a strong silent type, typically returning to her ever listening stance on things. She is good to speak with if you'd like an opinion as she'd willingly listen to all sides of the story and could easily mediate most situations with an unbiased presence.

  • First Impression ; Kluna is comparable to the harsh and unforgiving weather they live with everyday. Her view is meant to be indifferent, but can come off as cold and almost unapproachable. For newer members this could seem as unsettling, but for the older members this is nothing out of the ordinary, as most of their pride likely appears the same way.

  • Crafting ; This is the one weakness she tries not to speak of, though she is much better now, Kluna had an issue with crafting good luck tokens for a stint of time. This lead her to believe she wasn't worthy to provide good luck and fortune to the pride - it slowed her pace, but didn't stop her - and with practice along side her Thrall she began to see the items together more quickly and well made.

  • Master ; Kluna is a just master to her Thrall. The maned wolf she has considered as a companion for some time now has seen her through some situations she likely wouldn't have been able to get herself out of or through alone. Stylter is important to her.

Brief Personality, Thrall: Stylter has been with Kluna for as long as he can remember. He had been snatched up by a group out on a Viking and seemingly given to the High Priestess as a gift. It was clear she could use the hand. The maned wolf is agile, intelligent and tough. Having seen the way the pride functions he figured it was better to make himself more distant and so he will happily stay by Klunas side or in her den.

  • First Impression ; He is aware of who is master is, what she does and how she handles herself. Stylter is impressionable and can appear just as harsh or unforgiving as his master, just from having been around her. Of course he would never speak out of turn, nor would talk back to someone of higher standings or that he has a high amount of respect for, that just wasn't how he was raised.

  • Pack Mule ; Stylter - if seen by himself - is because he has been given the task of delivering some various goods. He considers these tasks important and will appear confident, even in his position. The maned wolf completes tasks like these with a great amount of pride.

  • Thrall ; He is a helpful Thrall. Shortly after arriving in the pride and being forcibly given to his master he began to adapt. Stylter learned quickly that if he did what was asked of him and did with as much speed as he could muster everything would be fine, he has only had one foul experience and thinking back on it he realized it could all have been avoided.

  • Water ; Stylter has a fear of water, specifically large bodies. He has no desire to swim and though he may need to go to the water from time to time it is never by choice.

Describe a time when things went very wrong for the pair.
**I hope it was okay to do this in an RP response.**

Always dedicated to the job, Stylter, often found paths to get to others sooner than his Master anticipated. This of course awarded him with praise,or nearly as much as she was willing to give, but had given him some trouble a time or two. This particular event wasn't even a full day of joining the pride. He makes a near fatal mistake.

Stylter had been sent to the marsh for an ingredient that his Master was in need of. It was an odd idea to be trusted out on his own, but then it occurred to him that he wasn't entirely trusted as at any moment a pride member could easily snatch him back up and return him to his Master for discipline. So with that in mind he went about his business and headed for the Marsh.

"Just don't set foot in the run off." Her words rang in his memory as he approached the slope that, at it's very edge, sat the marsh he so desperately needed to get to. Being ignorant of the area he didn't realize that if he would simply head down further he'd find the needed ingredients, but instead attempts to push through that very run off he was warned against.

How bad could it be?

What could it possibly do?

His thoughts provoked zero concern and even seeing the water a little closer up, sure it appeared to be moving, but not to quickly. So he moved forward, paws carefully finding some easy footing as he got closer to it's edge. Then it all happened so fast. His paws touched the cool stream of pouring water that immediately swept him away, Stylter couldn't seem grasp the gravity of the situation and simply moved with the water that had taken him away.

Kluna was approaching her newest companion from the pride, seeing his dark pelted rump begin to head directly for the water she had so carefully warned him about stirred a rage inside. She had wanted to shout, warn him and lecture him immediately - she wasn't given the chance. Soon he was taken away and she watched as his body flailed in the water, limbs moving in unnatural ways.

Fortunately for the pair there was a build up of debris that halted his steady decline. This debris was wide enough that she would be able to get closer to the edge and perhaps receive aid from his companion. During this time Kluna had made the decision to do what she could, who knew how long it would take to find another suitable thrall to help her out - this one had already proved his was competent.. in most cases, not this one, so there was no need to ignore the situation she may be able to help out.


Help was received, Stylter was back on dry land and conscious. Though he began to wish he had been knocked unconscious when he saw the look on his Masters face. Silently Kluna worked through the motions of checking for injuries, there was blood - plenty of it, but nothing incredibly serious. He was entirely lucky on this round.

With him saved and Kluna furious they didn't speak for a while and he learned that when she did speak to listen to what she had to say or face the consequences.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:15 am
I can do that!
Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess? Yes
Priestess Name: Kluna (meaning)
Thrall Name: Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
Brief Personality, Priestess: Kluna is devoted to her duties and is proud to hold the title of High Priestess. She worked hard to get to where she was so that she can guide others to rise up in the ranks as Priestess. While her duties are important she believes that all of their jobs are just as equally necessary. She will not be kind to new recruits and will hound them with everything she knows. She doesn't do this because she wants them to fail, she does this because she want's them to succeed and be the best that they possibly can be. Their jobs, as unimportant as they might seem, are truly necessary and she doesn't want those that are unworthy to hold the title of Priestess. When she isn't overseeing the others she tends to stick to herself. She's truly a simple lioness without much to her but she doesn't allow others to see that. Her job is her life and she isn't afraid to let others know.
Brief Personality, Thrall: Stylter actually found themselves lucky to be in the 'care' of Kluna. From seeing how things could be for others the thrall was quite content with his life with the High Priestess. He was her right hand man, so to speak. He collected items she needed for blessings or captured the animal required for sacrifice. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her and he honestly didn't have an issue with it. Stylter also happens to be a mute. His vocal cords had been damaged when he was young so he is unable to speak. Which is probably why Kluna has kept him around for so long. At least that's his thoughts on the matter. He's truly devoted to her and quite protective. Before he was her slave he was just a slave to life itself, ready to die in the elements. But it seemed fate had wanted other things for him and to Kluna's beck and call he went. He's extremely laid back and almost always out gathering items and trinkets that Kluna requires. When he's not doing that he's nearby her while she's reading the bones or preparing rituals.
Describe a day during Kluna's priestess training. "no, No, NO!" The High Priestess yelled at her and Kluna frowned. How was this not right? She was sure that she had followed everything the way it was supposed to be done. Little did she know it wasn't about doing things step by step but feeling it, letting it flow through you and making it into your own. That was what the Current High Priestess was trying to instill upon her, it was just taking a little time to sink in. Kluna had stuck out to the Lioness and she had chosen her to be her successor, without telling her of course. Kluna had honestly thought that the older lioness was just always harassing her and putting her down because she didn't like her. Frowning she looked at the ceremonial alter she had prepared and then took everything off it. What was she doing wrong! Stylter gathered up a couple of the items and placed them closer to Kluna and gave her a nod of his head. He knew she could do this. If he could speak he would tell her what the High Priestess was trying to get her to see, to make it her own. After what seemed like forever Kluna closed her eyes and cleared her thoughts of everything around her. Finally it hit her and she began to prepare the alter. There was passion behind what she did and not just blind following and after a while she finally completed it and when she stood back even she could see the difference in what had been and what now was. "We shall use this for a Blessing Ceremony later this evening Kluna. I would like for you to lead it." She said simply before walking away from her pupal. Kluna couldn't help the small smile that formed and she realized then that being a Priestess was more than about following some guidelines.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:00 pm
Mine now!
Do you understand and accept the IC responsibilities that come with being a high priestess? Yes
Priestess Name: Kluna (meaning)
Thrall Name: Stylter (Norwegian for stilts)
Brief Personality, Priestess:
Kluna is an older lioness that few would dare to cross. She wears authority like a cloak and the very air around her seems to demand both attention as well as respect. She is as quick with a cutting insult as she is with a quiet compliment or kind gesture. Kluna is above all else practical, reliable, and steady as a rock. She can handle anyone from angry Reavers to squalling cubs. She can be both ruthless and merciful, able to adapt to nearly any situation with no fuss. As a female, she believes that females can do anything that males can do as it is the soul that counts, not the body. She does not adhere to either the traditional or the newer viewpoints and takes a private wicked delight in playing devil's advocate when asked for her opinion.
Brief Personality, Thrall:
Stylter is the one monkey wrench in Kluna's life. The maned wolf has a sassy, sarcastic attitude that both amuses and irritates the high priestess. Unlike Kluna, Stylter has a vast sense of humor and a seemingly endless supply of one liners. He knows to be careful around the other lions so as not to draw their ire, but has no such regard for Kluna. He adores frivolity and fun and has a weakness for anything that he considers pretty.
Describe the relationship between the two.
Stylter has been with Kluna for so long that barely anyone can recall how the two first came to know one another and both of them will hastily change the subject if asked. Stylter is Kluna's shadow and ever present side-kick and he dares to call himself her "conscience" which makes Kluna both chuckle and snarl at the same time. He is especially good at diffusing any somber, ceremonial occasion with a poorly timed jest or comment and Kluna has often had to step in and save him from bodily harm. Others have occasionally tentatively queried as to why the high priestess tolerates the rather annoying maned wolf and Kluna merely shrugs, not wanting to admit out loud that she is truly fond of Stylter. He is the only other being that she allows to see her rare vulnerable side when she is lonely and full of self-doubt. The two rely on each other completely and will remain utterly loyal to the other until the end. They have an unspoken bond that cannot be broken.  


Tactical Tycoon

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:09 am
All the entries up to here have been added to the entry list. I haven't actually read any of them, so if you have changes to make, go ahead, I'll never know. Everyone else, you have three-ish hours!  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:35 am
And...closed for judging. I will try to have the results posted in a timely manner. Thanks for making this really hard, guys. cool  

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:52 pm
So this was absurdly hard to judge because I liked all of the ideas you guys came up with for this pair. (Thank you, I like reading great entries.) Since I had to make a choice though, I am going to go with Greenie's entry.

Greenie, if you'd like to change their names, you're more than welcome to, just let me know what you change them to so I can keep the master list up to date.

The high priestess was colored by pinchmonster, and her thrall was colored by BluefireDragonz.

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:04 pm
Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much <3
-runs off for certing-

I'm good with the given names. 8D

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

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