Hi, my name is Vitomir Nicoli

But I mostly go by Vito, but only my friends call me that. So if you’d kindly refer to me as Mr. Nicoli, Don Vitomir, Boss or any other name showing proper respect.

I'm a considering I was born with a Y chromosome, I would assume it should be clear that I am of male orientation

I'm 13 years old. for those who have troubles keeping up, that is one more year since last time you asked.

My birthday is the twenty sixth of April

My dream job is Criminal mastermind or evil genius, I like to keep my options open.

My blood status is Half blood apparently on my mother's side.

This is my third friendless year here at Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Slytherin

I'm interested in None of yet, well I suppose there is one girl...

I'm currently with No one, even if I did like someone, no one would like me in return as my two years have pointed out.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm wait you’re asking what others say about me? What do others know about anything. I’ll give you the facts. I’m an intelligent boy with big plans, I’m not the sort to pretend I’m some knight in shining armor. I’m only interested in money and power. I might have some good qualities but they are more inconveniences than anything else like my nasty habit of helping girls who can not help themselves. I guess I prefer enjoying getting into things that others say I should not, like when I set fire to one of my father’s rival’s warehouse. It was so worth being grounded for. I also enjoy making others mad, I’m told I have a dagger like tongue that gets under other’s skin. I rather not do anything myself, I mean I’m rich, I can hire people to do my dirty work for me but only things I can trust them with. If I think a job needs brainpower I do it myself. I don’t like getting into fights but when I do I prefer to fight dirty, using anything I have on me as a tool.

My background story is I’m the prodigal son of mobster Mario Nicoli and Velvet Senza. Since I was young I’ve been trying to get involved with my father’s work, much to his attempts to keep me out of it. My magical talents started to appear when I went behind his back and tried to take out a warehouse of one of his rivals. Sneaking was not too hard since I’m small and no one thinks a kid would be able to do much. Well I broke in by paying someone to distract the guards so I can get into the dumbwaiter, Move up to the kitchen and avoided the staff till I made it to the main office. The Boss stepped out so I walked in and stole some plans. I almost got caught by unseen events and when I thought I was a dead man a fire started in front of me. Needless to say I took the opportunity to get out with my life I was caught by my father’s men afterwards and punished. A few days later I was given a letter from hogwarts. My mother sat me down and explained how she was a witch and I took to the idea like a fish to water. I thought there was a reason I felt like I was better than all the kids my age. Well I was and now I can learn magic, I can not wait to see how I can use it to make money. That is as soon as I’m no longer grounded and made to go everywhere with an escort.

First year update: Well my school seems to be full of prats, It seems from day one half the school thinks I'm going to become some dark wizard, like this Voldemort the school keeps prattling on about the other half or at least the members of my house are biased towards me for my blood. So far one of the only halfway decent person is Reyna Whyte. We may have had a row with her but at least she apologized for it. Now if only the rest of the student body and a professor I could name could do the same everything would go swimmingly.

Second Year Update: There's only a few things of note this year, first I joined the house quidditch team, I think it was Reyna's attempt to have me make freinds. I have to say it all together was not the worst experience of my life, actually managed to block a ball. I also had a run in to the forbidden forest another one of miss Whyte's brilliant let get us killed scheme and it almost worked since one of the students had a run in with an Acromantula. Just what idiot would think it was a good idea to smuggle a Southeast Asia monster onto school grounds in the first place. It's not like the forest already does not have enough things willing to kill whatever poor sod who walks in. Anyway we managed to fend it long enough for my least favorite teacher to come and pull us out of the fire as it were. Needless to say detentions were handed out all and all another horrid year. I can at least pick my electives this year so maybe I can have a good time next year.

I enjoy Making people look foolish or mad, money and making it, chocolate milk it's a dirty habit that I can’t seem to brake alright! Looking at guns, power and making myself look good.

I despise Goodie two shoes, dealing with less intelligent people that there are a lot of… People who think they are smarter than me telling me what to do, adults who say I'm too young to do something and lectures on how I should be a good person, look I’m evil alright and I’m not afraid to sugarcoat it E.V.I.L evil!. Added to the list herbology and ignorant people thinking I'm going to fall under 'every' Slytherin trope.

I'm afraid of things that I can not beat, buy or trick my way out of.

My strengths are Being wealthy and getting on people’s nerves.

My flaws are my nasty chivalric habits like really I can’t be the bad guy if I do things like that helping girls... Maybe I some of my mother's love rubbed off on me. Taking advice, though what do others know nothing that’s what.

I look like First year.
Second year.
This current year

My wand is a Inflexible Smooth 13 inches made from Beech tree, with Dragon Heartstring.

My O.W.L. Scores Are:
(Add each class you will take an OWL in at the appropriate time)

My N.E.W.T. Scores Are:
(Add each class you will take a NEWT in at the appropriate time)
- Marked Pending by Weasley 4/3/16
~ Accepted by Dia 05/12/16
~ Updates accepted by Dia 12/8/16