Remembering the Past
Prompt 3

Can be used toward Solo or RP req

It has been seven long years since the Great Oban Invasion. It almost feels like a dream, considering all of the changes that have occurred in Tendaji since the great war. A new King sits on the Oban throne, and he has opened the boundaries of Oba and Matori. Many already are taking advantage of the open boarders to travel and explore. The world was expanding and changing all things to the massive war of the great nations.

Since the war, Tendaji took a stand against the extremist Alkidikes and won. They came together to show a new alliance that many could never dream of. Everything was settling, and now that there finally was peace everyone has begun to to take a moment and remember all that has come and gone.

How have the major wars and changes impacted your character these past few years? Are they bitter for their failures or happy about their success? Do they see a peaceful future to come or are they concerned about those who may be still holding grudges?

[Characters not part or even alive during the war can still respond to this prompt. Maybe they have a different way of understanding the war compared to those who were part of it, so feel free to explore those feelings and thoughts in your response]

She remembered when the Oban Invasion had happened. It was hard to forget when her people were the ones who had caused it all. She had been pretty young when it all happened, just barely into her teenage years. It had caused some issue even then in her young thieving days. Zen and his group certainly hadn't wanted to trust an Oban on top of the fact she was still young. Zen had trusted her though. He had continued to let her stay even when the war kept raging on. He had even used her to his advantage, letting her steal from the Oban who were shipping their supplies to the front lines. Things had been rough for all back then, but business had been lucrative for them all. It seemed times of war really were the best times to steal and be unseen. Everyone else was too focused on the wars to notice small thieves taking things. It had been really hard back then for her. Night after long night she was stuck wandering the roads, pretending to be the lost little Oban girl in need of help after being captured by the enemy. She feared for her parents the most during that time. While they were merely simple merchants, everyone was used to the fullest during the war. It had been a trying time for her nerves and morals alike, but in the end she hadn't sought them out. For all she knew they could be dead. Seven years was a long time, and she'd left them even before that.

Really things hadn't changed all too much. She didn't know whether her parents were alive or dead, people were still fighting, and even to this day they were still living it down despite everything else that had happened since those long years ago. When they had all been going to war against the Alkidike they had still been wary of her people. She had honestly been surprised when everyone had decided to work together despite the bad blood between them all. She didn't mind too much though. Being the big bad Oban did have its advantages every now and then. It was great when she wanted people to stay away from her and keep out of sight, unfortunately it was not so great when she wanted to convince someone she was the trustworthy sort. She'd gotten into plenty of fights over the years because someone didn't like the fact that she was an Oban. Her favorite wind had fought her without much question when they had first met as well. It just came with being an Oban. Things had definitely gotten better of course, that much was obvious. Her people were branching out to other races now and she was starting to spot a lot more hybrids than before. There were still purist out and about and probably always would be, but things were changing. Maybe not all for the better, but for the most part she was positive that her people could start to move forward instead of being stuck under everyone else's radar like the evil villains of Tendaji.

The recent war, while difficult and hard on everyone, had really solidified that they weren't the enemy anymore. The crazy religious nuts were banished to their island now and everything was slowly getting back to normal, or as normal as things could really be after it all. They hadn't exactly been dealt with, but it was as good as a solution as any at the moment. Things were starting to feel hopeful again after all they had been through. The Yaeli were a new and interesting group, but all in all seemed more terrified and superstitious of them than war starved. Their beast were coming over to the mainland now, but that wasn't too much of a problem per se. Just more of a nuisance. As long as they didn't start destroying everything they were safe in the mean time. They had rebuilt everything once after the invasion of her own people, now it was time to do so again after the destruction the Alkidike had caused. She liked to think she was a pessimist most of the time, but even she was starting to feel a bit positive about what the future had in store for them all. Things were settling down and they could all start figuring out what they wanted to do with themselves. She was thinking about finally going back to Oba, maybe search for her parents like Kauff had done searching for his. It had been a long time, too long, but perhaps now was the best time to do it. While she was still hopeful at least.

Word Count: 786