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Reply Open/Private Canon IC RP
[PRP] Foals at Play (DarkHeart x Cerridwen)

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:16 pm
This is a private RP between AstoriaFallen's DarkHeart and Faithofthefallen's Cerridwen. Please do not post without invitation.
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AstoriaFallens Teepee |x| FaithofthefallensTeepee
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:43 pm

The tan colored foal was having a wonderful sort of day and his mane bounced against his neck as he pranced along looking for anyone to play with. 'You don't need to play with anyone else but me. So why go looking?' The dark voice echoed and he glanced around trying to see where it was coming from but still failing. "I can't even see you. So you're no fun. And you're mean sometimes." He said to the creepy voice that had yet to give him a name.

Green eyes gazed around in the hopes he would spot someone but no such luck yet. Perhaps if he tried one of the meadows nearby?
'No one is going to want to be friends with you, not while I'm friends with you...' The voice teased and he shook his head. "You're wrong." He said firmly stomping his hoof in protest as he approached the meadow. He gazed around curious to see if anyone was nearby. He really wanted someone he could see to play with.

He figured if anything he could at least go prance around the meadow and eat some of the grace in the area. Might as well do something while he was there hoping someone appeared out of thin air. With a little wiggle of his short tail he began to chomp down on some of the sweet grass that was in the area.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:32 am

Cerridwen's wings fluttered instinctively as she skipped along, adding an extra little hop to her jaunty step. Her fuzzy blue tail flicked excitedly, it was a beautiful spring day. The chill was finally fading from the air, although there was a chilly bite to to the breeze that flared up every so often. The mountain tops visible in the distance were still covered in snow, her mother had explained that it took much longer for the snow to melt in higher elevations, and it never would at the very tops. Cerridwen liked snow well enough, she had been born in the midst of winter, but the season had been long and gray and cold. She was more than willing to give up snow for a while to get to enjoy some nicer weather.

Cerridwen and her family lived in the mountains, she had never been this far away from home, and didn't plan on informing her parents that she had ventured this far today. She was rather lost, in that she had no idea where she was or where she was going, but she would have no problem finding her way home, the mountains were visible for miles in any direction. Cerridwen wished she had been able to bring one of her sisters along for company, but she didn't want to risk them tattling on her. She wasn't normally this rebellious, in fact, she was a model daughter most of the time, but today she had been bitten by the spark of adventure.

The filly smiled as she rounded a bend in the bath and beheld the lovely meadow scattered before her. She sniffed and closed her eyes to savor the heady scent of flowers in the air, she had never smelled this many flowers in the same place before. She was beginning to love spring! A large boulder nestled in the fragrant blossoms and long swaying grasses was just calling her name. She dove into the meadow, giggling as the long blades of grass tickled her belly as they parted before her, the farther in she moved, the taller they grew, until she felt as though she was swimming through an ocean of green when they became so tall they began tickling her nose as well. She came to the boulder abruptly and with a light step and a stroke of her wings she nimbly climbed its' jagged face and gazed across the meadow at her new kingdom, or at least thats what she intended to pretend for the day. A rustling disturbance in the distance caught her eye, a tuft of bright hair and a tan colored body, was there a monster in the grass? Cerridwen froze, every inch of her body rigid with fear as her young mind invented all sorts of horrible things that could be out hiding in the grass. She should run right now, but she would have to go back through the grass, and what if there were more of them? The filly hadn't fully mastered her wings yet, and while she could glide quite aptly, she couldn't fly out of the meadow and avoid the danger. She thought through her options and decided the best course would be to find out what it was she was facing. "You there," she called out imperiously, her sweet voice carrying across the field, "Hello? Are you a monster?" Her eyes were wide as dinner plates and her wings were spread to their full expanse to make herself seem bigger as she waited fearfully for the response.

Aw! Awesome! Thanks for starting, I closed last night and my brain was just done by the time I got home xD
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:15 pm

He was very pleased with the fresh sweet grass that was growing and his short tail flicked happily as he continued to chow down on some of the tender stems. However, the sound of wings stole his attention and he froze and listened. He was in the taller parts of the grass, and with his head bent down not much of him was visible. He listened still as he heard hooves on stone and then a melodic voice called out and he realized it was a filly. But he had heard wings? He raised his head then and looked around and his gaze finally settled upon the peach colored filly with wings the color of the sky. He was struck speechless for a moment. She was like him, but her wings were different. He'd met another filly not to long ago but her wings didn't look like that. And she didn't have wings on her feet either. This sparked his curiosity and then it dawned on him the words that she had said. Had she been asking him if he were a monster? 'Who else do you think she's talking to? Do you see anyone else here?' The dark voice said rather rudely to him and he made a slight furl of his brow as he looked around. "I guess you're right... But why would she think I was a monster?" He asked in retort. 'I don't know, I couldn't imagine why....' The voice The voice said rather sarcastically.

He turned his gaze back towards her and cleared his throat. "I don't think I'm a monster?" He said cocking his head slightly trying to figure out if she was thinking he was some sort of scary beast or just because he didn't have wings? "My name is DarkHeart, what is your name?" He asked her, his little tail flicking happily. Perhaps she would be his friend? Though he didn't have many, for some reason he never could keep a friend for very long and he wasn't exactly sure why. He frowned at the thought but shook it aside. There was no need to worry about it. "You're wings are interesting. What are you?" He asked, and then realized it sounded kinda rude. "I didn't mean that to sound rude, it's just... I've never seen wings like that before." He said to her rather embarrassed he had made a bit of an a** of himself by basically asking her what she was. He knew she was a Unicorn with wings, and a filly. But the wings threw him off.
'And this is why no one wants to be friends with you.... "That's not nice of you to say..." He said in a grumble to the voice as he finally moved so he was facing the winged filly.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:16 pm

Cerridwen hovered anxiously on the edge of flight as she waited for the answer to her question. When the other foal popped his head up, she visibly relaxed. Her vivid imagination had been conjuring up all sorts of horrors that could be creeping up on her, she pushed aside the unwanted images of ripping claws, dripping teeth, and oozing skin, glad to be rid of them. The foal stared at her for a few moments in silence, Cerridwen shifted awkwardly from hoof to hoof as she waited for him to say something. Finally, his mouth moved, but his words were so quiet she couldn't make out more than a low buzz. One brow cocked rather haughtily, she tilted her head and pursed her mouth. She was about to demand that he speak louder when he finally raised his voice. Her frustration ebbed away again, although not her confusion. "Wouldn't you know?" she asked pointedly. "-If you were a monster, I mean." She watched him warily, he certainly didn't look like a monster, but he was a little odd. Her daddy had warned her to be careful of strangers, he said sometimes bad people didn't look so bad, but the filly didn't really comprehend what that meant. As far as she was concerned, as long as the other foal didn't look scary, he probably wasn't. She suddenly smiled radiantly at him, if he wasn't a monster, than he could be a play mate! "My name is Cerridwen." She sounded it out carefully, "Care-ih-dwen." Her sisters and parents often just called her Ceri, but she was rather proper despite her young age and felt that nicknames were too familiar to give to strangers. His name sounded a little scary at first, but she reasoned that a name was simply a name.

Her wings twitched a little in response to his question, she turned her head to gaze at them, and then back to him. She realized she had never seen a soquili without wings like hers, her family all had them, although her papa had told his children that soquili came in all different shapes and sizes, it was one thing to hear, and another to see. "I'm an Angeni," she responded, "Or, I guess, a Uniangeni technically because of the horn" She shrugged a little self consciously, Cerridwen and her sisters were gifts from the wishing star, they had never actually been carried within their mother's body, her father had found them already in their baskets outside of his home one day. It wasn't something she talked about much, because she didn't really understand it. Neither of her parents had any Unicorn blood, but the star had seen fit to grace each of their daughters with one.

"What do you mean that isn't nice to say?" She asked, thoroughly confused and a little irritated at being reprimanded for no reason.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:27 am

Of course he would know if he was a monster, but she had asked him so quizzically he had to question if he was or not. Though he was more of a monster than he really knew, not that having a voice only he could hear would be classified as monster. But he didn't know that the voice was in his head yet so therefore he was going to seem really odd. 'I swear you are such a lost cause sometimes...' The voice said with a sigh as DarkHeart attempted to look for the voice in the grass. It seemed so close! He didn't understand. With a sigh he looked over at the filly and listened as she pronounced her name. "It's nice to meet you Care-ih-dwen," taking careful time to pronounce it as she had, "and I've never seen an Angeni before. They're really pretty wings." He said to her as he listened to her talk about how she'd be a UniAngeni since she had a horn like him. He wasn't full unicorn either, but he looked enough like one.

He cocked his head slightly when she commented about his earlier reply to the voice. "Oh, I wasn't talking to you when I said that... Someone said something that wasn't nice is all." He said with a smile and a nod of his head in reassurance to her.
'....You truly are making this all to easy.' The voice said rather wickedly to him and darkheart furled his brow slightly. What was he making easy? He didn't understand. "Did you come here to eat some of the sweet grass? There's a bunch around here in the taller areas." He asked her curiously, his little tail flicking happily as he spoke to her. He was pleased he was making a new friend. However long it lasted for.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:14 am

Cerridwen's eyes widened and a blush mantled her cheeks, "Oh! thank you!" Having four wings didn't seem different to her. In fact, in her opinion, soquili looked a little... Incomplete without wings, she tried to imagine for a moment how it would feel to be stuck on the ground all the time and shuddered silently at the thought. She wasn't particularly good at flying yet, but she could glide and hover short distances. Now that it was warming up, her father had informed the three girls that they would need to start building up their wind and strength for flying. He promised a treat once they mastered the skill. She couldn't help but preen a little at the complement though, she'd never had a compliment before, and found that she liked the warm glow it brought. She wanted to return the favor, "I like your markings," she offered shyly, it was true, the face on his chest was kind of scary looking but it seemed to glow with a lovely inner warmth that was really quite lovely.

Cerridwen's brow furrowed in worry, she peered around surreptitiously, was there someone else lurking in the grass? She shifted back a little. "You mean someone said something mean before you came out here?" She ventured hesitantly. She wasn't really sure how to respond to this odd development, her mother was training her to be a healer and she had a strong instinctual grasp for the art, but they hadn't talked much about things that could go wrong in your head, so the thought that Darkheart might be hearing things didn't really occur to her. She didn't see anyone else close enough for him to hear though, which to her seemed to indicate he was having a delayed reaction, that was certainly not normal. She drew in a deep breath, if this foal was sick, she felt it was her duty to help him. Cerridwen eyes him, checking for signs of fever, which could cause hallucination; sweating, shivering, exhaustion.

"I haven't tried any, I was just exploring to be honest, I'm not from this area and it was just too nice of a day to stay cooped up at home with my sisters."
Deciding she could examine him better if she was closer, she hopped off the rock, fluttering her wings a bit just before she hit the ground to ease her landing. She walked around him in a circle, her gaze scrutinizing. "I don't see anyone else nearby," she ventured cautiously, "So who else are you talking to?" She peered into his eyes, checking for dilation, "What did they say that wasn't nice?" She inquired, feeling curious despite her nerves, there was something odd going on here, and she was going to get to the bottom of it!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:41 am
DarkHeart 'The Voice'

Dark was rather clueless when it came to females so the fact that Cerridwen blushed when he complimented her struck him as odd? He wasn't used to someone blushing at his words and it almost made him uncomfortable. Was that the word he was looking for? No that wasn't it. 'I believe the word you are looking for dumbfounded.. Like you. In all honesty it's me stuck with you, not the other way around.' The voice taunted as Dark did his best to not scold the voice in front of her. He was finally making a friend and didn't want the voice to ruin it. Not today! At least he hoped not. 'In your dreams young one.' This was frustrating. He tried not to show it.

His face lit up when she complimented his markings. "Thank you!" He said cheerfully. "My brother and I were spirit touched. Though he looks a little more normal than me." He said looking down at the glowing face upon his chest. Some were off put by his appearance but he was glad she wasn't. His smile faded slowly with her next statement. He didn't know how to answer her. He didn't want to lie to her. That was wrong. But he didn't want to tell her there wasn't a solid form to the voice he was hearing, since it was painfully clear that no one else heard it.
'Go on. Just tell her you talk to someone you cannot see. I'm sure that is going to go over so well.' The voice taunted. He grumbled to himself slightly and folded his ears and then looked over towards her. Under normal circumstances her correction would have been just, however this wasn't a normal situation. At least he wasn't normal by everyone elses standards. He figured he'd leave the comment alone for now.

"You should try some. It's good!" She was missing out. And exploring was always a fun thing to do. He had to agree with her, it was a nice day out. Watching as she jumped down and came closer she brought up the earlier subject again. "Well.... he says a lot of mean things about me mostly. Sometimes others..." He looked down at the ground for a moment. "I don't think anyone else can hear him." He said rather bashfully in that moment, his voice slightly lowered. He didn't want to scare her away. But he didn't want to lie to her.
'Let us see how long your new friend stays around now. You should have just lied to her.' He did his best to just ignore his comments. He knew she meant well by her questions but the answers she were going to get probably weren't something she was equipped to handle just yet. Even he wasn't understanding enough to handle everything. He had just been living with him for as long as he could remember so it was something he was already used to.


Sorry took so long!




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:52 am

Cerridwen's eyes widened, "Spirit touched? How does that happen??" she leaned in in interest. She watched as his distress grew, her smooth brow furrowing in worry. She didn't want to make Darkheart feel bad, but truth be told she was a little afraid when she heard that there was a disembodied voice talking to him. She'd never heard of something like that before and part of her really wanted to jump back up on the rock. Her heart softened at the worry in his face though, she could tell he was expecting that response and she could understand how it felt to be lonely. She couldn't stop herself from scooting back a little bit reflexively but she stayed with him, feeling ashamed of her reaction and the distress it might cause him. Her eyes were wary, "I'm sorry." She said sadly, "I've just... Never heard of something like that before." Steeling herself she stepped back closer, her wings puffing out a little as she gazed at his marking. "It must be kind of scary hearing something you can't explain. Have you talked to your mama or papa about it?" Cerridwen was still at the age where she shared most everything with her parents, this trip was really the first tiny rebellion she had ever attempted. Her dad was her giant protector and her mom was comforting and easy to talk to. She thought about how she would feel in Darkheart's hooves and stepped even closer until she was once again right next to him, "Maybe... Maybe if you ignore it, it will get bored and go away?" She offered hesitantly.

Ack, I took longer, I'm sorry! I think I looked at the notification while I was doing something else and totally forgot you were waiting for a response. Then I started a new job, we moved, and we got a new puppy and I kind of poofed x-x.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:33 pm
DarkHeart 'The Voice'

He wasn't entirely sure how to explain spirit touched to her. He hadn't really asked too much about it, all he knew is that when he had asked why the mark on his chest glowed or why his brothers horn glowed they had said the spirits had touched them. "I'm not really sure? My Dad never really explained it... I guess it happened when I was placed in my basket." He said looking at her trying to figure out if that was the best way to explain it. He figured he had done a pretty decent job of it anyway. 'You were just unlucky.' The voice was taunting him again and he flicked his tail in agitation. "You didn't hear anything just now did you?" He figured since she hadn't run away in fear yet he could at least finally find out if someone else was able to hear what he was. It was finally his moment of truth to find out if it was all in his head or if it really was something everyone could hear but was making him feel like some weirdo.

'How do you know she's not going to lie to you, perhaps she can hear me but doesn't want you to know she can.' It chuckled with a mechanical sort of laugh and he let out a small sigh. Glancing over at her he shook his head. "No worries, you don't need to apologize." He was just glad she had stuck around this long so far. It was quite endearing to him. His father was well aware of his 'condition' but he had tried everything he could to 'fix' his son but nothing worked so Dark was to remain as he was. "I have, but my Dad doesn't know what else to do to fix it....." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Our mother isn't around. She left." 'She left because of how weird you are. She didn't love you, no one will ever love you..' Why did the voice have to be so mean! He didn't want to acknowledge it right now, he was trying to make a friend. "I've tried ignoring it... It just kind of keeps picking at me until I snap. The only way I can talk to it is by talking out loud. I've tried thinking to it." 'I'm the only one who truly understands who and what you are Darky..' He let out a sigh and looked at her with hope in his eyes. "Do you want to play tag or something? Or even explore a little?" He asked her, his tail flicking behind him as he danced around a bit. He was hoping she'd say yes, this would be his first play date of sorts.






Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:15 am

"Ooooh," she sighed, musing about that for a bit. Cerridwen's tail flicked back and forth, "My papa told me my sisters and I were gifts from a star," she revealed in a hushed conspiratorial voice, her eyebrows wiggling up and down. She leaned away and shrugged, her voice returning to normal. "I thought he was just being silly for a long time, but my mom said it was true as well when we asked her, and she wouldn't lie about something like that... I suppose if we could come from a star, you could be spirit touched!"

Her brow creased in concern, "I'm afraid not," she said in a small voice, wishing she could hear Dearkheart's companion. "Whats it saying?" She wasn't a big fan of secrets and she didn't really like the idea of someone talking around her that she couldn't hear. A small part of her wondered if Darkheart could truly be hearing another voice or if he was just brain sick. She wondered if her healing would work on him if he was, she wasn't fully trained yet and thus not allowed to use her powers unless she had someone there with her, but what her family didn't know wouldn't hurt them. Cerridwen's heart did a big flop when she heard about Dark's mother, she just couldn't imagine life without her mom, her eyes immediately filled with tears, "I'm so sorry about your mom," she said in a wobbly voice, "Thats awful!" Cerridwen wanted to be as serene and calm as her mother was, but she was a sensitive creature with very big emotions. When those around her were hurting, she felt it, and wanted to make them better. "Maybe its just not something that can be fixed, if its always been there, maybe its one of those things you just have to learn to live with... If you want, when I get bigger, I can try to heal it out of you though. I've never done anything like that before, but I will try to learn... If you want me to." She shifted from hoof to hoof a little awkwardly, embarrassed at her declaration, and then suddenly darted foreword to touch him with her nose. "YOU'RE IT!" she crowed jubilantly and darted off before waiting for his answer. "

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:48 pm
DarkHeart 'The Voice'

Gifts from a star? That sounded really exciting to him! "Oh wow! That's really cool." He said to her excited to hear something like that was possible. When he listened to her explain a little more he cocked his head to the side and gave a nod, it must be very true then. "I never thought of it like that." He said after taking her words into consideration. It does seem almost unreal to think someone could come from a star or be touched by spirits. But yet here they both were. Though chances were if neither of them had never heard of such things before it would seem unbelievable. Giving a small frown when she said she hadn't heard anything it only confirmed that he was the only one who could hear what was being said inside his head, or was it outside? It was so hard to tell. 'I'm definitely all in your mind little dark one. Or perhaps you're the one who's not real and this is all just a dream.' He furled his brow and shook his head slightly, the voice didn't make sense sometimes and it confused him. He just decided to ignore it this time and focused his attention on Cerri.

He flicked his ears slightly as she asked what it was saying and he really wasn't sure how to answer that. "Well, it's not saying anything bad about you." He said pawing at the ground for a moment. "Though it does like to pick on me a lot." He said looking at her and giving her a smile to try and turn the talk away from his voice, for at least a little bit at least. As her eyes started to swell with tears he couldn't help but give a concerned look and then shake his head at her words. "It's okay, you don't have to cry for me." He said trying to comfort her. "I miss her, I just wish she was here." He said looking at the ground. He really had no idea why she had left and it would forever bother him.

'Like I told you, she didn't love you and your brother because you're both abominations. She could never love someone as odd and twisted as you..' It said coldly to him and he winced. But it could have been taken as him flinching towards the mention of his mother. He let out a deep sigh and then glanced towards her and cocked his head. He hadn't ever thought about that, maybe he would just have to learn how to deal with him and just accept him as part of who he was. When she offered to try and heal him when she got older he gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to try! It never hurts you know?" He said with a smile. 'There will never be a way for you to be rid of me. You'll just have to accept me forever." It laughed and Dark just shook his head. He was suddenly distracted when she bopped him with her nose and took off. With a small laugh he furled his brow and shouted, "Hey! That's cheating." Of course he was joking with her and it was all fun and games and he darted after her. "I'm going to catch you!" He shouted chasing her.






Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:48 am

Cerridwen ran to escape the heavy emotions that had settled on the foals as much as she ran to avoid being caught by Darkheart. She thrilled at the feel of her muscles tensing and releasing, the exertion making her have to suck in a breath in between hysterical giggles. They traded tags a few times as the cavorted about the field and finally she collapsed in a heap of wings and legs and hair her legs felt like limp noodles but she was beaming from ear to ear.

"When I'm running, or flying, its easy to get distracted from the things that are bothering me." She confided to Darkheart with a warm smile, "I always feel happy as well as worn out. Maybe if you play and run and keep active enough you can make the voice be quiet while you do it? Or at least make yourself happy enough that it doesn't make you so sad with what it says. My mama says exercise keeps your brain healthy" She puffed herself up a little, her bright eyes filling with a fierce light. "You should try to never let bullies make you unhappy Darkheart, they only say mean things to you to make you sad, because they don't know how to feel good about themselves unless they suck it out of someone else! My daddy says bullies are cowards, and if the voice is mean to you, thats what it is!"

"You hear me voice, you're a big-mean-bullying-icky head and you need to leave Darkheart ALONE!" Her voice boomed and her horn flashed a little at this last bit and something delicate and unformed whooshed out of her, leaving her as exhausted as if she had ran around the field with Darkheart a second time. Her eyes fluttered closed for a second before she could peel back her eyelids again to gaze over at her friend. "Well that's never happened before." It was as if Dark's need had pulled the healing out of her without her guidance. It had been weak without structure or intent to guide it, she doubted it had done much of anything useful, but it had tired her the way normal healing spells never would have. She hoped she would be able to get home before dark or her parents would come looking for her and she would be in BIG trouble. "Are you okay Darkheart?" she worried she had hurt him somehow in her ignorance.

Cerridwen took a deep cleansing breath and rolled to get her feet back under her body. With some effort she managed to push herself up although her legs were visibly wobbly. She would be sore tomorrow from this exertion. She suddenly felt very young and helpless, she was far from home, exhausted, and scared of what had just happened. Her little rebellion no longer felt as fun as it had when she'd first wandered off on her own, especially since she wasn't completely certain which way home was. Tears welled in her eyes and she sniffled and hiccuped trying to hold back her sobs. Her lower lip trembled as she watched Darkheart, her eyes daring him to say something about her sudden change in demeanor. She was too proud to cry in front of anybody but her family.

React to Cerri's little magic puff however you want, it was basically just a little surge of uncontrolled healing magic because she's not trained yet for fun and plots. It might not work against Dark's particular problem at all, but if you decide it does, it shouldn't have much of an effect, and whatever effect it did have wouldn't last very long at all n_n;
PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:01 pm
DarkHeart 'The Voice'

Darkheart couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun. While he got to play with his brother every now and again this was different. He very much liked this. She seemed to accept him also and that just made him beyond excited. He had a new friend, one who actually liked to be around him despite things. He kept chasing after her and finally after some time he came into a collapsing pile not too far away from her. "I think you won." He laughed as she rubbed his face against some of the soft grass. This was truly nice and relaxing. 'You're acting like an idiot.' The voice said to him rather rudely and he chose to ignore it more than anything.

When she spoke to him he lifted his head and looked at her. "Maybe that'll work. I'll have to try that sometime." He said with a hopeful nod and he just felt crappy about the whole thing but she seemed determined to stand up for him against the nasty voice in his head. This just made his heart swell because he'd never had anyone be as nice as she was about the whole thing and she really wanted him to be rid of the meanie that only he could hear.
'It's like I said Darky, you will never be rid of me. Not now, not ever. We are bonded forever by the twisted fates. You'll grow to love me in time....' The voice hissed and suddenly the filly did something with her horn and he suddenly just felt alone. Hallow and empty like a part of him was gone but the voice was quiet.

Giving a small shake of his head he looked at Cerri. "I... I think so. Are you okay?" He asked her as he finally got to his feet. He felt fine and nothing really seemed different about him. "That was neat." He was a unicorn as well and hadn't ever realized he could do stuff like that until she had just done whatever she had done. "Do you feel any different?" He asked her as he looked himself over to make sure he hadn't sprouted an extra limb or anything anywhere.

Suddenly she looked sad and he had no idea what to do. "Oh no, please don't cry Cerri. I'm okay. Perhaps I can walk you home? It's getting late and I know my papa will be wondering where I am." he offered her hoping that might cheer her up.

seeing if you're still interested




Winter Wolf

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