Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:08 am
Click here to go to the CI list for 2017!
Thank you, JoyRose, for taking over this list for 2017! Post 1: Welcome to Chance Items Lists for 2016This is a link list to some threads that list the items you can find in various Chance Items released in 2016. Amazing people have compiled these lists for each Chance Item (CI, also known as Random Item Generators or RIGs) as they came out. I just put the lists together in one place to make it easy to find a list for a given CI so if you get one you can have a better idea of what you might find inside. If the CI came out before 2016, see the "Other CI Lists Threads" in Post 6.
Special Thank You to all these wonderful thread list makers heart Adam the Cyborg Albern Puppy Ami Satomora Angels Alibi Arowan AstraSage Bittensweet_Lov3 Braev Dullahan caisu CaptainTapole Chidori Rain Cutesi DatOtterGirl Davidicus Bellefonte Druddigon estupe Fibonacci To Infinity Fanfreluche [10-27] Halcyone ter Avest Hot Caffeinated Cree `Hydro Jisen Meizuki ladykayra Lapinne Menstrual Cramps MerryMinty MingSao Mokumoku Naito Neshira Namea Returns [10-22] Niki-Senpai Poet Anon Princess Kunzite Quinn RandomKate Reginald Orius Seduces Shilshadu Shinji_Fumajime Sir Dark Hat spirit box STlCKY Vannequin Woo Mee XDream3 Zemalia Zombie_Jezus 11-25 The next posts list the Chance Items alphabetically with a link to the thread item list and the date it was made (so you can go to that month to see the item's icon which is linked to the marketplace listing).
Starting in Post 8 the threads of CI Item Lists are listed in the order in which they were posted, one month of threads per post. Next to each date is an image of the CI (linked to its marketplace listing if available). Then the thread listing what can be found inside that CI is linked. If I'm missing one, please let me know by posting here, quoting me, or via PM.Navigation Post 1: Introduction and Navigation Post 2: Alphabetical List of Chance Items for 2016, A - B Post 3: Alphabetical List of Chance Items for 2016, C - E Post 4: Alphabetical List of Chance Items for 2016, F - K Post 5: Alphabetical List of Chance Items for 2016, L - Q Post 6: Alphabetical List of Chance Items for 2016, R - S Post 7: Alphabetical List of Chance Items for 2016, T - Z Post 8: CI Threads listed by date for January 2016 Post 9: CI Threads listed by date for February 2016 Post 10: CI Threads listed by date for March 2016 Post 11: CI Threads listed by date for April 2016 Post 12: CI Threads listed by date for May 2016 Post 13: CI Threads listed by date for June 2016 Post 14: CI Threads listed by date for July 2016 Post 15: CI Threads listed by date for August 2016 Post 16: CI Threads listed by date for September 2016 Post 17: CI Threads listed by date for October 2016 Post 18: CI Threads listed by date for November 2016 Post 19: CI Threads listed by date for December 2016 Post 20: Banners Post 21: Affiliates, Other CI Threads, and Credits
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:14 am
Post 2: Alphabetical List of Chance Items released in 2016, A - B 2016 Summer Lookbook, 10-82016 Summer Lookbook 2, 11-25A Bundle of Colors, 5-16A Carnival Day, 2-5A Day at the Zoo, 7-16A Latte Love, 10-3A Little Angelic, 7-14A Little Devilish, 7-6A Lotl Joy, 6-18A Lotl Love, 4-20A Rainy Day, 3-5A Touch of Color II, 10-10Ab-solutely PURRfect, 8-3ABsuary, 1-31Aekea Theatre Expo, 6-13Afterschool Life, 5-11All Things Gaian Grab Bag, 2-26Angelic Essence, 4-12Angelic Fishing Hole, 6-11Anniversary Favors, 2-18Anti V-Day, 2-22Apple Farm, 8-30Apocalyptic Fallout, 7-13APUNKALYPTIC, 7-13Archaic Revenge, 6-1Art Blocked, 2-25Autumn Fishing Hole V2, 10-1Autumn Harvest, 9-11Autumn Makeover, 11-3Autumn Masquerade, 9-16Autumn Pies, 11-7Autumn Spirits, 8-26Autumn`s Revival, 9-23Back to School, 8-24Banquet of November, 11-26Barton`s Bake Sale, 2-23Beasts and Vampires, 10-4Bedtime Stories, 9-20Bento Box, 5-7 Big ol` BBQ, 5-24Birthday Surprise, 1-11Bitter Spirits, 1-13Black Friday 2k16 Blast! 11-27Blind Date Lotto, 2-9Blind Date Lotto II, 6-28Boo Bash, 10-28Book of Fairytales, 3-19Book of Wizards, 9-1Breakfast Buffet, 1-26Bubble Tea Cafe, 6-10Bubble Tea Paradise, 1-12Bubble Tea Shoppe, 11-11Bundle Bonanza II, 1-19Bundle Bonanza III, 3-17Bundle Bonanza IV, 5-9 Bundle Bonanza V, 7-8Bundlemas Surprise, 12-25Bundlepalooza, 9-26Bundlepalooza II, 11-5Bunnymania, 5-28Bunnypalooza, 3-14By the Fire, 8-23
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:15 am
Post 2: Alphabetical List of Chance Items released in 2016, C - E Cake Pop Paradise, 8-14Candy Apple Days, 10-28Candy Grab Bag, 2-4Carnival Cuisine, 7-10CarniVile, 9-7Carrello del Gelato, 7-11Celestial Essence, 8-9 to 12Celestial Transformation, 9-15Chocolate Bunny, 3-3Chocolate Delights, 3-26Chocolicious Bonbons, 4-18Classic Pumpkin Pie, 9-24Cold Nights, 12-16Collectable Fashion, 5-17Collection Bundles, 4-26Colorful Creators, 9-21Coloring Dye Packet, 3-2Comfy Closet, 1-27Community Creation: an81angel, 10-31Community Creation: Seiji-ojisan, 10-25Community Creation: sterek, 10-9Community Creation: Wrenry, 10-13Community Creation: Zzyli, 10-19Community Creations, 2-26Community Creations II, 6-2Community Picks, 1-14Community Picks: Back to School, 9-14Community Picks: Black Friday, 11-25Community Picks: Celebrate Spring, 4-21Community Picks: Date Night, 2-12Community Picks: PUNKin Patch, 10-12Community Picks: Stellar Nights, 8-9 to 12Community Picks: Summer Fun, 6-15Community Picks: Winter Ball, 11-17Competitive Play, 9-6Concept of Evolution, 2-16Congrad-ulations! 6-14CONnect, 6-8 CONvenient Fashion, 7-28Convention Attendee, 5-26Cookie Delivery, 9-16CORGIMANIA, 4-2CORGIMANIA II, 9-17Cornucopious, 11-20Cosplay Creations, 5-27Cosplaying Chaos, 2-22Cosplaying Mayhem, 7-17Counting Sleepy Sheep, 8-19 Creator KINjinka, 7-27Crepe Station, 9-30Cupcakes of Autumn, 9-25Cursed Coffin, 9-26Cygnus`s Special Sale, 1-29Darling Duos Valentines Bundle, 2-12Dazzling Doll Trunk, 9-13Demonic Essence, 6-6Don`t Go Bacon My Heart, 4-16Donut Run, 2-2Dreams on Ice, 12-10Dueling Academy, 4-10Dungeon Escape, 3-23Dungeon Raid, 3-4Durem Rock Fest, 4-19Easter Basket Surprise, 3-24Easter Pastels, 3-25Easter Treats, 3-24Epic Eras, 3-31Eternal Battle [Kin], 11-28Exclusive Flashback, 5-3
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:18 am
Post 4: Alphabetical List of Chance Items released in 2016, F - K Fairytale Collection, 3-11FALLing in Love, 11-3Familiar Touch, 10-27Fantasia Regalia, 8-9 to 12Fashion Affair, 1-23Feel the Beat, 7-23Festival Ticket, 3-28Field Trip Bundle, 5-25Fingerpainting, 12-30Firework Starter Kit, 7-3Fizzy Butter Drink, 9-1Flashy Doll Trunk, 11-25Food Truck Frenzy, 5-5Freaky Frightday, 10-15Frosted Fields, 12-5Frozen Winter Haunt, 2-1GaiaCon 2k16 Artist Alley, 5-29GaiaCon 2k16 Grab Bag, 5-30Gaian Masterpiece, 7-22Gaian Treasure, 1-28Gaiaversary Surprise, 2-18Gambino Book Fair, Gaian Trunk II, 5-10Garden Parade, 1-4Gardening Party, 1-29Gem Garden, 2-17Genception, 5-19Genception II, 7-19Genception III, 11-7Ghosts of Xmas Past, 12-12Giant Fortune Cookie, 2-16Gijunka, 5-25Happy Gaiaversary Gift, 2-9Have a Dere Autumn! 10-16Have a Dere Date! 2-14Have a Dere Evening! 3-15Have a Dere Summer! 7-24Have a Dere Winter! 12-20Have a Shoujo Day! 3-7Heads or Tails, 1-6Heavenly Holiday: Special Gift, 12-7HiBEARnation, 12-6High Noon, 6-15Holiday Memories 2015, 1-28Homecoming Royalty, 9-18Honeymoon's Retreat, 2-5Hotdog Eating Contest, 1-23Hot Dog Stand, 7-12Hot Dogs and Cats, 9-27Hot Summer, 8-28How`s the Weather? 2-26I Magic Nation, 3-9Ice Creamery, 7-21In Memory of the Queen, 8-27INCORGNITO, 7-18Inkigaia, 8-29Insta-Idol, 4-26Instapic! 4-4It`s Pouring! 12-14It`s Raining Baras, 4-24Jack`s Surprise Bag 2k16, 11-25Japanese Festival, 8-28Jet vs. Cygnus: Indecision!! 1-28Jet vs Food, 8-6Jet`s Pillow Fort, 9-12Jet`s Secret Stash, 12-4Jet`s Special Sale, 1-28Join the Carnival, 3-10Kanoko`s Cutie Cakes, 3-28Kindred Astra, 6-16Kissing at Midnight, 2-25KITTYMANIA, 11-9
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:21 am
Post 4: Alphabetical List of Chance Items released in 2016, L - Q Lapin Lounge, 3-29Leaping Forward, 2-29Lemonade Stand, 5-25Liam`s Fitness Challenge, 6-16Lil` Pumpkin Patch, 10-8 Lollipop Grab Bag, 5-14Looks Can Kill, 10-31 Love is in the Air, 4-27 Love Spell, 2-8Lovely Days, 6-25 Lucid Dreams, 8-10Luck of the Draw, 2-13Lucky Draw, 3-18Lucky Trinkets, 3-17Lucky Year of the Monkey, 1-28Luminous Bounty, 1-18Luminous Galore, 12-9Luminous Luxury, 4-22Luminous Plus, 11-8Luminous Splendors, 9-9Lunch Box, 6-14 Lunch Box, 9-12Magical Winter Session, 1-9Mahou no Purin, 7-15Makeover Madness 4.0, 5-18May`s Prophecy, 5-1Message in a Bottle, 5-16Midnight Snacks, 8-8Monthly Compilation, 11-23Monthly Indulgence, 5-13Monthly Memories, 8-18Monthly Movement, 3-11Morning Cereal, 1-16Morning Cereal 3.0, 9-19Mournful Melody, 3-20Movie Night, 1-10Movie Night II, 6-3Nerf This!, 6-25 New Year Lights, 1-2New Year Lookbook, 12-31New Year, New Wish, 1-20New Year`s Spark, 12-30Night Fright, 10-21Night Sky Fireworks, 7-6NPC Get Together, 4-15NPC Picks, 6-4Pancake Surprise, 9-29Pandarama, 7-9Pet Shop Bundle Sale, 3-16Platinum Box of Bundles, 8-17Presidential Suite, 2-15Prismatic Affair, 3-10Pyrite Ticket, 4-1Quartz Boo, 11-1Quartz Couture, 7-30Quartz Fall, 9-29Quartz Fashion, 6-27Quartz Festive, 12-22Quartz Frost, 12-4Quartz Saturday, 11-26Quartz Styles, 8-30
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:26 am
Post 4: Alphabetical List of Chance Items released in 2016, R - S Ravishing Doll Trunk, 6-9Ready. Set. SUMMER! 5-31Refreshing Cuts, 5-20Renaissance Festival, 6-17Rina`s Autumn Cafe, 9-28Rina`s Cafe, 2-21Rina`s Holiday Cafe, 11-22Rina`s Spring Cafe, 4-30Rina`s Summer Cafe, 6-5School in Session, 9-28School of Wizardry, 7-29Secret Texts, 11-14Seven Deadly Sins, 5-1Sneak Peek, 1-3Snowball Fight, 12-21Snow Globe Surprise, 12-18Snugvember, 11-9Soda Fountain, 8-31Sombra`s Arcana, 9-3Spa Day, 2-13Spectral Surprise, 2-25Spooky Spring, 4-28Spoopy Pumpkins, 10-10Spoopy Sale, 10-31Spring Bakery, 4-8Spring Desserts, 4-14Spring Fling, 3-22Spring Parasol, 4-3Spring`s Awakening, 3-16Springtime Tea, 5-21Squad Goals, 5-23Staff`s Choice: Spring 2016, 5-26Staff`s Choice: Winter 2016, 11-18Star Gazing, 3-21Steamy Winter, 12-27Stocking Stuffers, updated 12-1Stocking Stuffers 2K16, 12-23Strolling Along, 7-31Stub Stax, 4-7Summer Camp, 8-4Summer Cookie Swap, 6-20Summer Desserts, 6-24Summer Elemental Bundle, 7-8Summer Flashback, 11-16Summer March, 6-22, no list (no interest) Summer Nights, 8-20Summer Sale 2k16 Refreshments, 8-9 to 12Summer Smoothies, 8-5Summer Spooks, 7-25Summer Tie Dye Kit, 6-19Summer`s Demise, 8-1Summer`s Farewell, 9-5Summertide Escape, 6-28Sunny Greenhouse, 5-5Sunset Shuffle, 4-26Super Surprise, 3-29Supernatural Portraits, 10-6SuPURR Bowl Crowd Pleasers, SuPURR Bowl Grab Bag, 2-6Sweat-er Weather, 6-27Sweet Summer Cheesecake, 7-30
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:29 am
Post 7: Alphabetical List of Chance Items released in 2016, T - Z Tailored Star: Spring Fling, 4-13Taiyaki Days, 7-11Talkin` Ship, 2-10 Team Up! 8-7That Feeling Chance Bundle, 4-14That Friday Feline, 9-9The Bake Off, 2-17The Big Game, 9-4The Coffee Shop, 1-8The Devil`s Luck, 1-22The Ice Cream Parlor, 4-6The Pun Wars, 4-28The Rainbow Promenade, 2-19The Shadow Land, 2-2Tie Dye Kit, 4-12Toes Up, 8-24Town Glory, 8-21Toy Box, 11-25Trainer`s Choice, 7-15Treasure Hunt, 6-23 Treasure Trove, 3-6Tree Farm, 1-5Trendy Cat Cafe, 2-28Tropical Paradisio, 7-1TV Dinner, 6-21Uchiwa Summers, 8-15Under My Umbrella RIG, 5-12Undersea Affair, 7-20Valentine Box, 1-17Vase of Flowers, 4-9Wade-ing For You, 8-9 to 12Warm Summer Picnic, 7-26Watching the Clock, 4-23Water Balloon Fight, 5-22Watermelon Patch, 8-3Winter Bouquet, 11-27Winter Confections, 12-23Winter Cosplay, 1-25Winter Fishing Hole, 11-2Winter Traditions, 12-24Winter Waltz, 12-28Winter`s Night Sky, 1-13Wizarding World, 6-7Woodlands Witchery, 10-20ZOOpendous, 11-28Zurg Wars, 10-27
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:12 am
Post 8: CI Threads listed by date for January 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 1-02 [01/02 CS Update] Dragon Master +Mine x3 Exclusive Bundle New Year Lights 1-03 [CS Update 01/03] Recolors, Sneak Peek RIG1-04 [1/4 CS Update] - Heart of the Sword ! Garden Parade 1-05 [1/5 CS Update] - LQRs, Bundle, Tree Farm RBG!1-06 January`s Monthly RIG: Heads or Tails!1-08 ☕️ The Coffee Shop ☕️ list & discussion1-09 [01/09 CS Update] Recolours & Magical Winter Session RIG1-10 [01/10 CS Update] Recolors and Bundle Excl. & Movie Night!1-11 [01/11 CS Update] Recolours, Bundle & RIG Birthday Surprise 1-12 [01/12 CS Update] I Scream, Melty Bundle, RIG &BODYPILLOWS!! Bubble Tea Paradise 1-13  [CS Update 1/13] - LQI, Recolors, GF and RIGs Winter's Night Sky, Bitter Spirits 1-14 [1/14 CS Update] King of Cards, Bundle, Community Picks RBG! various colors 1-16 Morning Cereal Item List and Discussion1-17 [01/17 CS Update] LQR IScream Girlfriend RIG ValentineBox1-18 [01/18 CS Update] Kittens in Mittens // ReColour RIG Luminous Bounty 1-19 [1/19 CS Update] - Luminous Bundle, LQRs, Bundle Bonanza II!1-20 [CSU 1/20] Recolors, Mini-CI, and Loyal`s Bazaar LQIs New Year, New Wish 1-22 [01/22 CS Update] - Disaster Twins, Devil, Kindred Bundles! The Devil's Luck 1-23 Hot Dog Eating Contest Item & Discussion Thread1-23 [CS Update 01/23] Recolors and Exclusives, Fashion Affair1-25 [1/25 CS Update] Winter Cosplay RIG and Recolors!1-26 [01/26 CS Update] Breakfast Buffet RBG, Kin & Bundles1-27 [01/27 CS Update] LQR, CMYK Bundle, RR Bundles & Paw RIG~ Comfy Closet 1-28      [1/28 CS Update] Jet vs. Cygnus Sale, LQI`s and Recolors! Lucky Year of the Monkey, Gaian Treasure, Holiday Memories 2015 1-29 [01/29 CS Update] Recolour, Bundle & RBG Gardening Party 1-31 [CS Update 01/31]Recolors and ABsuary
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:12 am
Post 9: CI Threads listed by date for February 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 2-01 [02/01 CS Update] Substitute Soul, User Item, RIG & MORE~ Frozen Winter Haunt 2-02  [02/02 CS Update] Gaia won`t calm down with these updates Donut Run, The Shadow Land 2-04 [02/04 CS Update] Recolours, RBG & Kindred RIG Candy Grab Bag 2-05  [02/05 CS Update] Bionic Daughter & RIGs Honeymoon's Retreat, A Carnival Day 2-06  [CS Update 02/06] Recolors, Bundles and even an Exclusive! SuPURR Bowl Grab Bag, SuPURR Bowl Crowd Pleasers 2-08 [02/08 CS Update] Recolours, Shi Hou Kin & RIG Love Spell 2-09  [02/09 CS Update] Succulove, Sinful Bundle, RBG, RECOLOR RIG Happy Gaiaversary Gift, Blind Date Lotto 2-10 Talkin` Ship Item and Discussion Thread! - Complete!2-12  [2/12 CS Update] - WHY CAN'T I HOLD ALL OF THESE BUNDLES Community Picks: Date Night, Darling Duos Valentines Bundle 2-13 Valentines Day 2016: Unlucky in Love! Discussion and Guide! Luck of the Draw 2-13 [CS Update 02/13] Recolors and Spa Day2-14 [CS Update 02/14] LQI, Recolors and Exclusive! Happy V-Day! Have a Dere Date! 2-15  [2/15 CS Update] - THESE BUNDLES JUST WON'T STOP MAN. Concept of Evolution, Presidential Suite 2-16 [02/16 CS Update] Recolours, Bundle, RIG & User Item Giant Fortune Cookie 2-17  [2/17 CS Update] Recolors, Bundle Generators & Chance Items! Gem Garden, The Bake Off 2-18  [02/18 CS Update] Lykin, LQR and Gaia`s 13thversary Sale! Gaiaversary Surprise, Anniversary Favors 2-19 [02/19 CS Update] Butler Maid For, RIG & New Tickets The Rainbow Promenade 2-21 [02/21 CS Update] Seven Kisses and Rina`s Cafe2-22  [02/22 CS Update] Recolour, Citrus Bundle, RIG & RBG Cosplaying Chaos, Anti V-Day 2-23 [CSU 2/23] New LQI, Bundles and Kindred RIG Barton's Bake Sale 2-25  [CSU 2/25]- Pawversary! Art Blocked & LQR & Tail cutter, Kissing at Midnight 2-25 Spectral Surprise, tier reward2-26   [02/26 CS Update] Recolour, Bundles, RBG & RIGs How's the Weather?, Community Creations, All Things Gaian Grab Bag 2-28 [02/28 CS Update] Trendy Cat Cafe Recolor RIG, Recolor, BE Trendy Cat Cafe 2-29 [02/29 CS Update] Leaping Forward, Fabric Family Values&more
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:17 am
Post 10: CI Threads listed by date for March 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 3-02 [CS Update 3/2] - Headless Rider & Coloring Dye Coloring Dye Packet 3-03 [03/03 CS Update] User Item, Recolour, Bundles + RIG! Chocolate Bunny 3-04 [03/04 CS Update] Catsual No, Recolour & Bundles Dungeon Raid 3-05 [03/05 CS Update] Bubblegum Ember the Fox + Rainy Day Rig A Rainy Day 3-06 [CS Update 03/06] Deadly Dark Moon/RIG Bundle/Rerelease CI Treasure Trove 3-07 [03/07 CS Update] Recolours & Bundles Have a Shoujo Day! 3-09 [Complete] I Magic Nation Item and Discussion Thread3-10 [3/10 CS Update] I Magic Nation Bundle, Prismatic Affair RIG3-11  [03/11 CS Update] Selken Favor, Bundles & RIG Monthly Movement, Fairytale Collection 3-14 [3/14 CS Update] Recolors and BUNNIES Bunnypalooza 3-15 [CSU 3/15] Recolors, Gold Shop, and Dere RBG Have a Dere Evening! 3-16  [CSU 3/16] Recolors + Pet Shop Bundles + Re-release RIG Spring's Awakening, Pet Shop Bundle Sale 3-17  [3/17 CS Update] New LQI, Bundles! Bundle Bonanza III, Lucky Trinkets 3-18 [03/18 CS Update] Paw furs, User-designed bundle & RIG Lucky Draw 3-19 [03/19 CS Update] Mysterious Dream, Bundle, RBG Book of Fairytales 3-20 [03/20 CS Update] Recolors, Bundle, RIG Mournful Melody (check last post, too) 3-21 [3/21 CS Update] Like Daisies/LQI Recolors/RBG. <3 Star Gazing 3-22 [CSU 3/22] Recolor, New User Kin and RIG Spring Fling 3-23 [CSU 3/23] Recolors, Paw RIG, and Re-release Item RIG Dungeon Escape 3-24  [ CSU 3/24 ] Recolors // Easter Baskets & Treats! Easter Basket Surprise, Easter Treats 3-25 [03/25 CS Update] Witch of Fate, Recolours, RIG & Alchemy Easter Pastels 3-26 03/26CSU - Succulent BE, Skelekin, Chocolate Delights RBG3-28  [CS Update 03/28] Crapton of Items! Festival Ticket, Kanoko's Cutie Cakes 3-29  [CSU 3/29] Recolor, Bundles, RIG, and Formulas Super Surprise, Lapin Lounge 3-31 [03/31 CS Update] Bundles & Epic Bras RBG Epic Eras
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:18 am
Post 11: CI Threads listed by date for April 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 4-01 [04/01 CS Update] Business Chic, Bundle, KIN & RIG Pyrite Ticket 4-02 [04/02 CS Update] User Item, Recolors, RIG CORGIMANIA 4-03 [04/03 CS Update] Catsitter & Spring Parasol RIG4-04 [04/04 CS Update] Recolours & RIG Instapic! 4-06 [CSU 4/6] Recolors, User Kin, RBG, and Bundle The Ice Cream Parlor 4-07 [CSU 4/7] User Item, LQI, Recolors~ Stub Stax 4-08 [04/08 CS Update] User Bundle, Recolours & RIG Spring Bakery 4-09 [04/09 CS Update] Vase of Flowers RBG, LQI, Recolors4-10 [CSU 4/10] Recolors and Bundle~ Dueling Academy 4-12  [CSU 04/12] Monochrome 7 Kisses and lots of other goodies. Tie Dye Kit, Angelic Essence 4-13 Tailored Star: Spring Fling Item and Discussion Thread4-14  [4/14 CSU] Recolor, Exclusive bundle and 2 RBGs! That Feeling Chance Bundle, Spring Desserts 4-15 [04/15 CS Update] Recolour, Bundle, RIG & MCs NPC Get Together 4-16 [04/16 CS Update] Mood Bubble RIG, LQI, Recolors & Bundles Don't Go Bacon My Heart (check last page for more details on rig) 4-18 [04/18 CS Update] Elusive Visitor (Mew LQI!) & Recolours Chocolicious Bonbons 4-19 [04/19 CS Update] LQR, Paws, Bundle, & RBG Durem Rock Fest 4-20 [04/20 CS Update] GROMBIE, User Bundle, Festival & Pony RC A Lotl Love 4-21 [CSU 4/21] Good Furiends, Paw RIG~ Yummy Nummies (for Paws), Community Picks: Celebrate Spring 4-22 [04/22 CS Update] User Item, Recolours, RIG & Kin Luminous Luxury 4-23 [04/23 CS Update] - Punch Bunny, LQRs, Watching The Clock ++ Watching the Clock 4-24 [04/24 CS Update] IT'S RAINING BARAS +Recolors & BE It's Raining Baras 4-26 [CSU 4/26] User Item, Purrfect Catnipicky, and Bundles Insta-Idol, Collection Bundles 4-26 Sunset Shuffle, tiers 3-54-27 [04/27 CS Update] - Love is in the Air, LQR, Corvus Bundle 4-28 [04/28 CS Update] Spooky Spring, Pun Wars, UI + More! Spooky Spring, The Pun Wars 4-30 [04/30 CS Update] LQI, Recolors, Bundles Rina's Spring Cafe** **This one was a late night update so the OP hasn't included it yet I'm not sure if they will or not, but a few pulls are posted in the second to last page
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:19 am
Post 12: CI Threads listed by date for May 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 5-01 [5/1 CS Update] LQR, Seven Deadly Sins, Monthly Items Seven Deadly Sins, May's Prophecy 5-03 [05/03 CS Update] - Tabby Catnipicky, Exclusive Flashback ++5-05  [5/5 CSU] RIGs Sunny Greenhouse & Food Truck Food Truck Frenzy 5-07 [05/07 CS Update] Manhandlers, Bento Box, & Bundle 5-09 [05/09 CS Update] Bundle Bonanza IV, LQI, & Labtech Bundle 5-10 [5/10 CSU] Recolors, Gambino Book Fair, and Gaian Trunk II (no word on what Gaian Trunk II gives) 5-11 Afterschool Life Chance Item List and Discussion Thread5-12 [CSU 5/12] Recolors, Under My Umbrella RIG5-13 [05/13 CS Update] User LQI, Lavender Bundle, Recolor RIG! Monthly Indulgence 5-14 [CSU 05/14] Eyes on you, LQR, BEs, Fafnir Splicing Bundle! Lollipop Grab Bag 5-16  [5/16 CSU] Recolors, color bundles and RIGs for days A Bundle of Colors, Message in a Bottle 5-17 [5/17 CS Update] R. Parcel Bundle, LQI, RIG Collectable Fashion 5-18 [05/18 CS Update] - Makeover Madness 4.0, Recolours & Bundle5-19 [5/19 CS Update] - New user item and a bundle, and a RIG! Genception 5-20 [05/20 CS Update] Recolours, User Bundle & RIG Refreshing Cuts 5-21 [5/21 CS Update] THE Bride, BUNS. RBG, RE-RELEASE. Springtime Tea 5-22 [5/22 CS Update] Crimson Rose Carnelion, LQRs, Bundle, RIG Water Balloon Fight 5-23 [05/23 CS Update] New LQI/Bundles/PAW RIG/ReRelease RIG Squad Goals 5-24 [5/24 CS Update] User Items, Recolors, and a RIG! Big ol' BBQ 5-25   [05/25 CS Update] Paws LQI, RBGs, Gijunka ++ Field Trip Bundle, Gijunka, Lemonade Stand 5-26 [5/26 CS Update] Recolors, bundle, new kin! Staff's Choice: Spring 2016 5-26 Convention Attendee, tiers 3-55-27 [5/27 CS Update] Honeyberry! Parcel Bundle! Cosplay Creations5-28 [5/28 CS Update] User LQI & Recolors ! Bunnymania 5-29 Memorial Day Sale Hub ! GaiaCon 2k16 Artist Alley 5-30 [05/30 CS Update] Recolors, Sale RBG, Super Advance Chance GaiaCon 2k16 Grab Bag 5-31 [5/31 CS Update] - This update is SO dead to me. Ready. Set. SUMMER!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:20 am
Post 13: CI Threads listed by date for June 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 6-01 [6/1 CS Update] Dragon, Recolors, RIG, and Monthly Items Archaic Revenge 6-02 [6/2 CS Update] - Bundles, Recolor RIG, and a new LQI Community Creations II 6-03 [ 6/03 CS Update ] User LQI, Kin & Recolors ! Movie Night II 6-04 [6/4 CS Update] Starbabies Prism, orijen scheme recolors NPC Picks 6-05 [06/05 CS Update] - Rina`s Summer Cafe RIG, Recolours6-06 [6/6 CSU] Catch You, Demonic RIG, bundle & 3 recolors Demonic Essence 6-07 [CS update 6/7/16] Dragon skin and recolors! Wizarding World 6-08 CONnect Item and Discussion Thread6-09 [06/09 CSU] Ravishing Doll Trunk, User Items, Recolours6-10  [06/10 CS Update] Time Out!, RBG, BE & Join the Carnival RIG Bubble Tea Cafe, Join the Carnival 6-11 Angelic Fishing Hole Item List and Discussion Thread6-13 [06/13 CS Update] New Recolors, Aekea Theatre Expo Bundles!!6-14  [6/14 CS Update] - User item, Recolors, New LQI! Congrad-ulations! Lunch Box 6-15  [CSU 6/15] User Item, Recolors, Bundles, and IT`S HIGH NOON! Community Picks: Summer Fun, High Noon 6-16  [6/16 CS Update] New LQI, Bundle, and a RIG Kindred Astra, Liam's Fitness Challenge 6-17 [06/17 CS Update] User item, Recolours, BE, RBG & Kin Renaissance Festival 6-18 [06/18 CS Update] RIG, LQI, Mood Bubbles, Bundle, Recolors A Lotl Joy 6-19 [06/19 CS Update] New Recolours & Summer Tie Dye Kit6-20 [06/20 CS Update] NEW LQI // RECOLOURS // RBG Summer Cookie Swap 6-21 [06/21 CS Update] - Super Salt Bros, LQR, TV Dinner RIG6-22  Summer March, 6-22, no list (expensive re-release rig with slim chances at a ticket = no interest) 6-23 [06/23 CS Update] Recolours, Treasure Hunt RIG & Bundle 6-24 [06/24 CS Update] Constellation Columba, Paw Fur, BE, RBG+ Summer Desserts 6-25  [06/25 CS Update] Lovely Days, Nerf This!, Recolors, BE + 6-27  [6/27 CS UPDATE]Recolor, Bundle, and Recolor/Quartz RIGs Sweat-er Weather, Quartz Fashion 6-28  [06/28 CS Update] Bundles Galore & Kin Summertide Escape, Blind Date Lotto II
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:21 am
Post 14: CI Threads listed by date for July 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 7-01 [07/01 CS Update] User Items, Recolours & RIG Tropical Paradisio 7-03 [07/03 CS Update] Recolours, BE & RBG Firework Starter Kit 7-06  [CSU 7/6] Recolor, Bundle, and RIGs Night Sky Fireworks, A Little Devilish 7-08  [7/8 CSU] User bg Handheld, Recolors, Bundle & RBG Summer Elemental Bundle, Bundle Bonanza V 7-09 [7/9 CS Update] Recolors, Gure the Cat, RIG, Towns Bundles! Pandarama 7-10 [7/10 CS Update] Recolors, RBG Carnival Cuisine 7-11  [7/11 CS Update] Recolors, RIG, Bundle & RBG Taiyaki Days, Carrello del Gelato 7-12 Hot Dog Stand Item List and Discussion Thread7-13 APUNKALYPTIC Item List and Discussion Thread7-13 [07/13 CS Update] Recolours & Bundles Apocalyptic Fallout 7-14 [07/14 CS Update] Recolors, Bundle, re-release RIG A Little Angelic 7-15  [7/15 CS Update] - Recolors, Bundle, RIGs, + Trainer's Choice, Mahou no Purin 7-16 [07/16 CS Update] User item, Recolours and Bundles A Day at the Zoo 7-17 [07/17 CS Update] Obsidian Sale, Recolours, BEs & RBG Cosplaying Mayhem 7-18 [7/18 CSU] New LQI, Recolor, RIG, and BLEEP THAT!!!! INCORGNITO 7-19 [7/19 CSU] Recolors, Rococo Update, Genception II RIG7-20 [7/20 CSU] A Little Bit of Everything~ Undersea Affair 7-21 [7/21 CS Update] - User item, recolors, RIGs Ice Creamery 7-22 [07/22 CS Update] Beddy Bye, Bundles & RIG Gaian Masterpiece 7-23 [7/23] CS UPDATE: SO MANY MANY THINGS! @ u @ / Feel the Beat 7-24 [7/24 CS Update] Luminous Days, Paw Bundle, RBG, Recolors Have a Dere Summer! 7-25 [CSU 7/25] Recolor, SourBundle, Appalachian Boy, Spooky Sale Summer Spooks 7-26 [07/26 CS Update] - Kindred GO & Makeover Bundles! Warm Summer Picnic 7-27 [7/27 CSU] Creator KINjinka RBG and Recolors7-28 [7/28 CSU] User Fur + Recolors + Bundles CONvenient Fashion 7-29 [07/29 CS Update] Pizza Me, School of Wizardry RBG7-30  [7/30] CSU Recolors, Bundles, Quartz Couture and Sweet Summer Cheesecake 7-31 [7/31 CS Update] SO MANY RECOLORS O MAI + LQI Strolling Along
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:22 am
Post 15: CI Threads listed by date for August 2016Alphabetical Lists are here. 8-01 [08/01 CS Update] User Items/Recolours/Rerelease RIG Summer's Demise 8-03  [8/3 CS Update] User Recolor RIG, Recolors, + More Ab-solutely PURRfect, Watermelon Patch 8-04 [8/4 CSU] New LQI, LQ Bundle, Summer Camp Bundles!8-05 [8/5 CSU] User LQI and Bundle! Summer Smoothies 8-06 [8/6 CSU] New LQI, 4 Recolors, Jet vs Food8-07 [8/7 CSU] User Items, Team Up Bundle, and Recolors Team Up! 8-08 [CSU 8/8] Instinct Represented, Recolor, User Item~ Midnight Snacks 8-9 through 8-12     Summer Sale 2k16 Hub (OVER) CI's and RIGs post: Fantasia Regalia, Celestial Essence, Wade-ing For You, Community Picks: Stellar Nights, Summer Sale 2k16 Refreshments 8-10 Lucid Dreams Item and Discussion Thread - COMPLETE!8-14 [8/14 CSU] New LQI, Bundles, + More Cake Pop Paradise 8-15 [8/15 CS Update] Recolors, Bundles, RIG Uchiwa Summers 8-17 [8/17 CSU] Al is Alice, + More Platinum Box of Bundles 8-18 [8/18 CSU] New LQRs, User Legs, Monthly Memories RIG!8-19 [8/19 CSU] New LQI, Bundle, Counting Sleepy Sheep RIG! 8-20 [8/20 CSU] IDGAF, Recolors Summer Nights 8-21 [8/21 CSU] Recolors, Rococo Update, RBG Town Glory 8-23 [CSU 8/23] User-made Paw LQI, LQI Recolors and Recolor CI! By the Fire 8-24  [8/24 CSU] Recolors, Toes Up Back to School 8-26 [8/26 CS Update] We Hunger // Autumn Spirits RBG // Recolors8-27 In Memory of the Queen, Tier CI8-28  [CSU 8/28]Bee Nice, Recolor RIG, and Hot Summer Hot Summer, Japanese Festival 8-29 [8/29 CSU] New Recolors, Bundle, Inkigaia CI!8-30  [8/30 CSU] Love Thyself, Quartz Style, + More Quartz Styles, Apple Farm 8-31 [8/31 CSU] Sulber, Sept. LQI Passes & More! Soda Fountain