A new day a new people, he was very curious about their island and had already put the creeper people down to a rumor, it was probably something to ensure that the kids behaved, like the stories his parents used to tell him, his mother had been absolutely full of wonderous tales about evil peoples and magical peoples which made sense as she was a shaman herself. She used to make her stories come to life and it was almost as if one had. Tales of the yaeli had spread far and wide and he was desperate to learn more. Investigating the “new” and “different” had always worked out rather well for him. Ime, the kids, excetera, all things considered he felt new was good! Fresh adventure to be had by all, and he wondered if they would require any special treatment that Ime might have to learn he would be there to help her all the way. He was eager to enjoy learning all the new things. These new people kind of reminded him of purplish leaflings after all with long ears that drooped and darker brown skin but not like Obans at all, no he was positive they were at one time a group of leaf people who had wandered out of Tale for new adventure much like he had done and had simply been away so long that they were just not that leafy anymore. He couldn’t explain why their eyes were grey or their crystals were black..maybe it was the food they ate at that island of theirs. Hmm that was something to ponder. Maybe they were malnutrious or something, no pigments in their food? Huh, he still thought that purple hair would be awesome bad food or not. As for what weird thing it would take to turn crystals black, well maybe it was genetic after all and he was just wildly imagining ridiculous things.
He hoped with all their travels that they would meet a whole pack of yaelians and their critters, he wondered what else besides monsters and yaeli lived on that island. Would they be bigger then janarim? Could they fly perhaps, read your mind, suck your blood? Who knew when it was completely new and never before seen. He scratched some beasties in the dirt and smirked at his results, then he tried to draw what he interpreted a yaeli to be like. Yep kinda leaflike but not exactly right. Maybe he and Ime would go there one day, he would protect her from the monsters seeing as she was a little bigger then child sized and just as cute, he was sure if he said that to her even in the jest as it was meant that she would poke him ruthlessly in the ribs. But what good was a big goofy boyfriend if he couldn’t protect you once in a while when you were doing your job as a healer he might ask. He bet they had a whole assortment of wonderous new things there too, perhaps new wood that would be exotic here and go for a really good price..of course if he wanted to actually steal it he would have to find some bad people among the yaeli as per his deal with Ime. Only stealing from mean rich people rather limited him in this economy but Ime did have some very valid points on the subject which he had to give merit to. He would also have to figure out if he trusted boats enough to actually get in one, being rather large meant you could quite easily sink floaty things if you had a mind too, he had tried and succeeded before. It would also do him good to flatten some bad beasties while he was there, he was sure there was no Ime clause protecting soul sucking child snatchers he could have a blast that way especially if they made weapons and what not that would sell really well with a good story attached, no one loved the bad guys but they had no qualms about buying bad guy stuff, or at least he hoped they wouldn’t he had to make a living somehow and he was technically a theif but there were no rules that the theivees had to be alk or earthling were there? This just made him all the more excited to go. And consequently in order to go he had to learn more, maybe he would leave a note at the in to alert him if any Yaeli stopped in, having no place to live an Inn was an excellent start for an exotic family and for leaflings curious about them.