
    St-St-Stuttering Sarcel is a Sarcel no more! Sarcel has worked through most of her confidence issues, realizing the thing that was holding her back the most was actually herself. This realization brought a specific fact to light: Sarcel can take control of her own destiny, and mold it how she wants it! Her new optimism is blossoming, being fed by her new found idealism. It's an incredibly liberating feeling for Sarcel, and one she doesn't want to let go of any time soon.

    Of course, her anxieties are still present, but Sarcel attempts to combat them with both healthy and unhealthy mechanisms. Running remains a constant passion in her life, but she's also recognized the need to build herself up physically, finding new hobbies in freerunning and kickboxing. Working out makes her feel good, and it helps her manage a lot of that build up stress. Being cooped up and caged down tends to let her anxiety fester, but Sarcel's immense need to appear strong keeps it boiling beneath the surface. Her resilience is admirable, but at times damaging. She hasn't figured out how to find a happy medium just yet.

    Speaking of, Sarcel is a little cagey. While she wants to put her full trust in her fellow troll, she finds it difficult after the death of her idol, Schrad. It's a complicated paradox, as Sarcel genuinely wants to believe in the good of others, as well as put her all in them, but she finds herself unable to so long as they pose even a minor threat to her realistically fragile ego. Sarcel protects her emotions with a tough front, not letting others get especially close except for select few. Her standards of others are high, but it's only because she now holds herself to incredible heights! Her pity for others is tough love at best, and it takes a lot of work to see that raw, softer side. Once you've found yourself close to Sarcel's heart, it's unwise to do anything to slight her, because it's considerably easier to lose her trust than it is to gain it.

    Which, on that note, Sarcel has a terrible time with grudges. While she won't go out of her way to ******** with you, it's unlikely that she'll ever forget whatever it was you did to slight her, even if it didn't affect her personally. She takes it personally. Deceit is completely unacceptable, and insubordination will land you a spot on her s**t list as well. Any sort of disrespect towards her morals makes her especially wary. In the same breath, Sarcel is incredibly grateful when supported. Though she's careful not to let anything unnecessary trickle out of her well woven facade, her emotions are still very real beneath them, and her gratitude can be profound, though surface level subtle. Sarcel never forgets an action, and she does well to double back on her appreciation.

    The hemospectrum is a construct that Sarcel was raised on, and though she lives by it she'll also be one of the first to (privately) criticize its flaws. While it's good for keeping order on a domestic level, blood on the ground is blood on the ground when you're on the battlefield. Sarce has little patience for intolerance. An a*****e is an a*****e no matter what's flowing in their veins. Though she would definitely be more subtle with purplebloods, Sarcel has no problem telling anyone else to get the ******** back in their lane. Sarcel values others on their hard work, determination, and prowess, refusing to let herself be one of the corrupt, unruly highbloods that she knows run rampant. She believes she needs to be setting an example, and that example doesn't need to be a fear model. She wants to be considered an equal with her comrades, not just highblood. She isn't about breaking down trolls, it's building them up that matters, and she's more than willing to reward a lowblood if they show the aptitude.

-----> Strengths

User Image Cautious
    Being able to quickly assess a situation and approach it carefully is a moral that Sarcel lives by. She definitely doesn't believe in charging in head first; there are a lot of variables that make up a situation, and it's important to know as many of those facts as possible before charging in! Being blind sighted is not only a danger to herself, but to others that she might be responsible for, and allowing harm to befall any of them is unacceptable. Sarcel's prudence helps her avoid many sticky situations, or at least give her the insight to turn it around to her advantage.

User Image Athletic
    SARCEL NEVER SKIPS LEG DAY! No, seriously. Sarcel is incredibly active, and it shows! She small, but her muscles are lean, and she's very limber as a result. She believes it's important to keep herself in peak physical condition; long gone are the days of miserable self care! Exercise is Sarcel's go-to method for relieving stress (something she builds up a lot of), and it keeps her fit and agile to boot.

User Image Dedicated
    Sarcel believes in hard work. Even if you don't succeed, trolls are going to respect your tenacity. Sarcel is wholeheartedly committed to the things that she holds close, whether it be the military, her hobbies, or her friends. Once Sarcel decides to put her time and effort into it, she goes all out. The things she cares about are, in her opinion, demanding of only the best, and Sarcel aims to please. Nothing she produces is going to be second best, not anymore.

User Image Idealistic
    There have been a lot of moments in Sarcel's life leading up to this. Her ideals have been challenged and shaken, but Sarcel still remains resolved. She really believes that someday, she can really change and impact lives for the better. Her rekindled aspirations within the military push her hard, and Sarcel makes damn sure to try and live up to it. Her sense of camaraderie actually makes her want to stand up and be a leader. There's going to be a day where she strikes glory, and it's not just going to be her own; it's going to be her and her loyal, unshaken squadron. What better satisfaction is there than that?

-----> Flaws

User Image Repressive
    Sarcel is very... dedicated to her work. She doesn't believe in letting things get in the way, let alone her own emotions. While she's still fairly expressive, a lot of her outward emotions are skin deep. Her anxiety is still a very real thing, and she deals with it by forcing it back, along with any other things that might compromise a situation. This can lead to nasty meltdowns, but it's okay so long as no one's around to see her in a moment of weakness, right? Sarcel is tired of appearing vulnerable. She's going to start acting like the blueblood she needs to, no matter the cost.

User Image Dreamer
    Sarce is idealistic, and her ambition is a healthy one, but there's definitely such a thing as getting carried away. Sarcel can sometimes let her head get stuck in the clouds, and doesn't like to listen to trolls that tell her to come out of it. She's trying to be cool! Let her have this! Her tendency to get too ahead of herself usually overworks her, as her passions are relentless and she refuses anything less than 200%.

User Image Unforgiving
    Sarcel isn't vindictive, no. Revenge takes too much energy. Do something to slight her or the things she cares about however, and you'll definitely get the cold shoulder. Sarcel doesn't forget, and she definitely doesn't forgive, not without a whole lot of hard work and determination from the offending party. While her trust isn't so easily offended, hit anything close to home and you'll be on her s**t list for a long, long time.

User Image Aloof
    Sarcel doesn't have time for deception, and the best way to counteract any attacks on her trust is to keep everyone at an arms length. Sarcel will laugh, joke, forge friendships with trolls, but only a handful will actually become anything deeper than the surface. It takes a whole lot of commitment from someone for Sarcel to let them in, and jutting them back out takes only a fraction of that effort. Sarcel still recognizes her emotions as one of her biggest weaknesses, and thinks loneliness is an acceptable sacrifice. Of course, she's still used to being the loner type, but her inability to confide into others leaves much to be desired for the blueblood.


    Chinchillamom is a very aloof creature, something that has passed onto her charge in turn. Sarcel's resentment towards the creature is still vaguely present, but it's become much more of a taut acceptance. Her lusus originally prioritized having a very docile charge, one that would bend easily to her and thus benefit her own stability. There was never an immediate need to raise a valuable member of society, but Sarcel's growth has made her realize that there really isn't much she can do to oppress and control her. There is a small, mutual willingness to try and repair their bond, even if Sarcel is a little wary of any ulterior motives from the small parent. However she cannot deny that the finicky creature at least seems to respect her somewhat now, and is more than willing to build that back up.


    While Sarcel still lives in the midst of NHC, she decided her small, cramped hive was in dire need of an overhaul. While less space meant less things and thusly more of an accumulation of stored wealth, Sarcel has decided to spoil herself a little bit, moving into a spacious flat at the top of one of NHC's downtown hivestems rather than smashed in the middle of one somewhere. While it's still not huge, there's definitely more than just a respite block and a nutrition block now, including a multitude of siderooms where she can store odds and ends she's gathered up over the sweeps, as well as personal trophies. Her favorite room is full of all her exercise equipment; one wall faces the city and is made entirely of windows, which is the perfect view while she's working out! Other than that, it's got everything every other normal hive has, just with kickass balconies and five times the price tag.