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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

Reply The Graveyard (Trash)
The Hastings Family ~ Accepted

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Essy ze Ninja
Vice Captain

Partying Phantom

10,275 Points
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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 4:58 pm
The Hastings Family

Hastings Fox Hollow, Hampshire, England UK

                      Clayton Hastings __ __ Sierra Hastings
                      __ Halfblood, (npc) ____________ Halfblood, (npc)

                            ↳ Tristan Hastings

                            ↳ Savannah Hastings

                      Jamie Hastings __ __ Darla Hastings
                      __ Halfblood, (npc) ____________ Muggle, (npc)

                            ↳ Ralph Hastings
                            (Played by Vampire Toy; agreed on 10/6/15 9:31 PM CST)
                            (Marked MPC as of 1/16/17)

Last Update: Ages;; added to Savannah's backstory 10/8/18

Accepted by: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/3/2017]
Updates Accepted by: ~ Dia [1/20/18]
Characters Accepted:
Tristan [03/3/2017] Savannah [03/3/2017]
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 4:59 pm
xxxxT R I S T A NxxxA S H E RxxxH A S T I N G S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Trist

              AGE twenty-five

              BIRTHDAY 25 March 2018

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WEREWOLF, BITTEN BY Unknown

              PACK AFFILIATION none

              WAND 10" Cedar, Hippogriff Talon, sturdy and smooth

              GENDER male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Cody Christian [x] *Old* Chris Pratt [x] *Now*

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2037

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures
                  Wandless Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ A
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ T
                  Wandlore Studies ~ A

              (FIRST) NEWT SCORES
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ T
                  Herbology ~ D
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ D
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ T
                  Healing ~ T
                  Wandlore Studies ~ D

              (SECOND) NEWT SCORES
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ P
                  Healing ~ A
                  Wandlore Studies ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Employee and Apprentice at Ollivanders, Hogsmeade Branch

              DREAM JOB Wandmaker

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ BOLD Tristan is a headstrong, fearless boy, he lacks discipline and acts impulsively. He has the drive for ambition, but it's usually misplaced in sordid adventures. It often leads to impatience and an easily distracted mind.
              ■ BOORISH Tristan's vocabulary is riddled with curse words and slang; he can be wildly inappropriate and grotesque and inhibits a morbid fascination for making other people squeamish or uncomfortable. He's generally ill-mannered and destructive, if given the choice to break or follow the rules, he'll always choose the former.
              ■ SELF-DESTRUCTIVE He has a hard time saying no to bad ideas, even if he knows he might get in trouble. Whether it was his first stolen cigarette, sneaking out of the house, or trying to eavesdrop on an all girl slumber party; he can't seem to resist on his strong nights, it's even worse on his weak nights, when he knows just how dangerous it could be.
              ■ PASSIONATE Diving head first, Tristan throws all of himself into any idea or project he's interested in. He's dedicated and hardworking, and he's been known to get a little too heated or intense, but it only ever lasts as long as his interest does--which isn't long.
              ■ LOYAL Steadfast and determined, Tristan will stand by his friends and loved ones until the very end. If they've earned his loyalty, he'll suffer right alongside his mates and do everything in his power to help. He's defensive and protective, always ready to take up arms if necessary.
              ■ RESOURCEFUL Tristan can adapt to his surroundings, if he can't find a way, he'll force one. He can separate himself from his problem, tackle it from different angles to find the best solution. He's crafty, and can create makeshift tools or toys with what's provided. He's willing to play a few hands at once, bet on different people to try and maximize his chances.

                  Amusement Parks
                  Video Games
                  Bird Watching
                  Starry Skies

                  Formal Events
                  Posh Wankers


                  Eye-Hand Coordination
                  Love of Learning


                  Infecting Innocent's

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Born to Clayton Hastings, a Gryffindor Herbologist specializing in the cultivation of wand woods for wandmakers, and Sierra Hastings, a Hufflepuff radio host on the Wizarding Wireless Network, Tristan was born and raised in the Puckham Woods of Cheltenham, bordering the edge of the Cotswold Hills. He lived an ordinary life; he learned to walk, to talk, to read and write like any other growing boy. His baby sister, Savannah, was born when he was only a year old. He hardly remembers a life without her, but on the other hand, she's still rather unmemorable. During all of their camping trips, vacations, or family "game nights", she always sort of dwindled in to the background, or stayed hidden behind closed doors. Tristan didn't mind, it left more opportunities for him and his father to spend countless hours hiking through the woods, identifying wildlife, and waiting for nightfall to track the stars and constellations on their charts. His mother would read to him every night; she nurtured his thirst for learning by reading poetry and classics, including Poe, Shakespeare, Wilde, Hemingway, and Steinbeck. And when neither his mother, father, or sister had time for him, he'd venture with the Lost Boys of the village and entertained themselves with childhood games and adventures. But soon, everything was going to change.

              Shortly before Tristan's eighth birthday, he and his family went on a camping trip to Kielder Forest. A meteor shower was set to pass beneath a full moon, Tristan was as excited as his father. While his father was roasting sausage on the fire, Tristan had wandered deep into the forest. Before long, he could hear his father hollering through the trees, but the echo had disoriented his sense of direction and panicking, he began to run. What happened next is still only a blur to him, but there was a rustle of wind through leaves and twigs snapping, a black, formless blur, then blood and pain and tears and then, nothing.

              The next morning, Tristan awoke to bed sheets and blankets piled high on his tremoring body and drenched in a hot sweat. The fever didn't last past the day, but his skin was waxy and pale and every muscle felt sore. His father had a horrible suspicion that that creature, that wolf, was far from ordinary. But with no way to confirm this theory without giving away too many details to the family, Clayton kept the details of that night a secret, even to his wife. Next month, Clayton noticed the ailing signs, the restlessness and irritability. Maybe it was because he didn't want to believe, or maybe because he refused. He kept the information to himself and insisted on taking Tristan for another camping trip on the weekend of the full moon. Without a supply of wolfsbane potion, Tristan quickly lost control. Clayton's attempts at restraining the wolf were in vain, and he very nearly almost fell victim himself, if he hadn't apparated away just in time. The next morning, Tristan was found in the putrid stench of blood, guts, and vomit; his human stomach refused to digest what the wolf had eaten.

              The second, the third, and the fourth moon had all transpired similarly, and with no secure source to buy the potion, Tristan's father had been forced to attempt the brew at home. After several failed batches, it wasn't until Tristan's fifth moon that the boy was finally able to imbibe the potion. By then, his father had already set up a system to help ease the transformations, tying raw meat to lure the wolf away from civilization and farther into the woodlands. But the wolf in him had caught on quickly, and didn't appreciate being baited into docility. Nearly a year later, Tristan was almost caught. One of the neighbors around Cheltenham had discovered his raw, unconscious form on the forest floor. The family was forced to pick up and move that same week.

              Tristan could see his father was disappointed in him, and every time his mother wrapped him up in her arms, he couldn't help but sense that she was afraid of him. His parents argued for weeks at a time, growing distant for a while and then right back to arguing daily. The family had moved to Burley, a quaint little village near New Forest in Hampshire. There, Tristan had a much better chance of being kept hidden from the world. His father fears the day that his son is discovered, and fears what the ministry might do with the information, especially during these dark times. Because of this, Tristan has been isolated from the rest of the world until his school letter arrives. His father hopes to have the boy better under control by then, but it's doubtful. Tristan's main goal in life is to earn his freedom, whether it means destroying the part of him that's a monster, or turning the rest of the world into a monster with him.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Tristan met his fellow Slytherin's: Lori, Gia, Carver, and Sera; and became friends with several Ravecnlaws, Sybil, and Sophie. He struggled at potions, but excelled in flying. He joined the qudditch team and earned the position of first string beater. Embarking on the train to depart Hogwarts, however, there was an attack; he missed the train and managed to band together with Lori, Gia, and Carver and holed up in the Magic Neep until it was safe.
                  SECOND YEAR Boring in comparison, Tristan practiced his potions with Sybil and hunted down new secret passageways with Lori. And asides from getting caught roaming in the Forbidden Forest and winning the house and quidditch cup, it was a slow year.
                  THIRD YEAR Other than the Valentine's Masquerade Ball, the year went by uneventfully. He kept to himself during the week leading up to full moon's, kept his head down, and worked out any issues he had on the field with a beaters bat in hand. They won the quidditch and house cup again.
                  FOURTH YEAR Things got a bit awkward; Sybil had been avoiding him and his confrontation with her didn't seem to help. Lori seemed to be getting closer to Zeph. He discovered a new wolf in the school, his teammate, Devonte. Hufflepuff won the quidditch and house cup. And if it wasn't bad enough, he was starting to look forward to the one night each month where he can let loose and just run free.
                  FIFTH YEAR For every time he tried to seek out Sybil, he also tried to avoid her. He tried not to think about it. Instead, he focused on his vice-captainship in quidditch and for his upcoming OWLs. He hung out with Lori when she wasn't with Zeph. While in the dueling club, he met and befriended Zeph's little sister, Michelynn--she's pretty cute, too.The rest of the year was dull up until summer; he got his scores, with its two failing grades, and was punished accordingly. It relaxed with Lori around though, she stayed with him for several weeks trying to avoid her family. (Oh, and they totally got drunk and had a heart-to-heart; Tristan blabbed his feelings for her, but also pointed out how Lori was infatuated with Zeph, instead.)
                  SIXTH YEAR Either Sybil was avoiding him, or she dropped out of school. Tristan wasn't sure, but it hurt too much to ask around and see. Zeph and Lori started dating at the start of the year, unofficially; it's a secret for now. He's started snogging a few girls around school, Lacy the Ravenclaw, and Lucy, the Slytherin (NPC's.) Other than being captain of the quidditch team, not much else had changed. Slytherin won the Quidditch and House cup. He received his seventeenth birthday gift in the mail; his da's watch. Then on the train ride home, Savannah exploded. They fought until she snapped and said something she shouldn't have. He tried to ignore it, to forget. But as soon as he saw their father, he unraveled. Apparating away, he was in such emotional distress he forgot to take his potion until the last minute, realized there was none left, and was forced to change without. In his wolf form, he mauled a young boy. The next day, he woke up in a panic and stayed hidden for weeks struggling to come to terms with what he'd done.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Tristan avoided everyone and everything. He isolated himself from friends and family and skipped every single one of his classes. He played a single game of quidditch, then quit the team. Slytherin lost miserably. But he did have a secret meeting with Lori at Hogsmeade to talk about the previous summer, to try and sort it all out and make sense of it. She advised him to make an anonymous call to the local authorities, to start the healing process. It it helped, a little. Somehow, after winter vacation, Lynn had hunted him down, cornered him, and demanded an explanation. So he broke down and told her everything; she was harsh, blunt, and to the point, but most of all, she was right. After bombing his tests, he decided to repeat his seventh year hoping for better luck.
                  (REPEATED) SEVENTH YEAR Embarrassing as it was to be held back, he was thankful for it. He hit the books, sometimes literally, and studied hard for his NEWTs. Otherwise spending time at the Dueling Club and with Lynn.

              POST GRADUATION Living at home again, Tristan sent in a proper application to move from part-time worker at Hogsmeade Ollivanders branch to full-time. With enough money saved, he was able to move into a flat with Lynn and Jazzy, engaging in a relationship of sorts with Lynn... Which eventually included Jazzy, too.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Clayton, Father ■ Sierra, Mother ■ Savannah, Sister ■ Ralph, Cousin
              FRIENDS Lori ■ Gia ■ Carver ■ Lynn ■ Zeph
              BEST FRIEND Lorelei
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Lynn and Jazz
              ENEMIES - - -
              PETS - - -


■ Updated age [10/8/18]

Essy ze Ninja
Vice Captain

Partying Phantom

10,275 Points
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  • Tipsy 100

Essy ze Ninja
Vice Captain

Partying Phantom

10,275 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Tipsy 100
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 5:02 pm
Savannah Hastings


xxxxS A V A N N A HxxxE F F YxxxH A S T I N G S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Vanna, or Effy,

              AGE twenty-four

              BIRTHDAY 3 June, 2019

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 8" Pine, Demiguise Hair, rigid and slightly bent

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Kaya Scodelario (old) [x] Lana Del Rey (now) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2037

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Study of Ancient Runes
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Divination ~ E
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  Healing ~ A
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ P
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Divination ~ EE
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Potioneer

              DREAM JOB Naming Seer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SECRETIVE Introvert by nature, she's reserved, patient, and observing. She blends into the background like a wallflower, and has a penchant for mysteriously eavesdropping on the worst conversations. Savannah never shows her cards; she's inclined to her own vices, such as misleading others perceptions, talking in riddles, or playing her sordid little "games."
              ■ INTUITIVE Gut instinct is what drives her, it doesn't have to make sense for her to know it's right. A dropping pit deep in her belly warns her when something bad is about to happen, and the surreal sensation of déjà vu strikes her more often than not. She's empathetic, and has a high understanding of self-identifying her own emotions, and the emotions of others.
              ■ DETACHED Savannah is a spectator first, and a catalyst second. She lulls into the background to observe, but only thinks to act when given the perfect opportunity. She can disconnect herself from politics and opinions to judge fairly. But because of all this, she can appear cold, aloof, and uncaring to those who don't know her.
              ■ SENSITIVE Savannah has a delicate self esteem, she doesn't know how to respond well to criticism or bullying, and usually shuts herself in. She sympathizes well with others, and has frequent bouts of guilt when manipulating anyone she perceives as 'innocent.' She'll help others, but only after she's sure that no one else is going to.
              ■ NURTURING Savannah has a soft spot for plants and creatures, and will often stop to smell the roses. When she loves, she loves unconditionally. She has always offered her brother a shoulder to cry on, to comfort him as best she can every month, when he's just too weak to play.
              ■ THRILL SEEKER Happiness and excitement are two fickle emotions that Savannah can never hold for long. She stimulates herself with manipulative games and dangerous endeavors. She actively pursues risks; she thrives in a life of variety, intensity, and adventure.

                  Crystal Gazing
                  Rainy Days





                  Losing Things

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Savannah was born seventeen months after Tristan; the pregnancy had been difficult, since their mother hardly had the chance to recuperate after her firstborn. But complications were minimal, and Savannah was born three weeks early at a healthy weight of eight pounds and three ounces; the nurses explained just how lucky the mother was, if Savannah had stayed another few weeks as planned, she would have been a nine or ten pound baby. Much of her life had followed that same pattern of "she was lucky," and "it could have been worse." Whether it meant nearly breaking her arm on the jungle gym or almost thinking she was lost in the wilderness; it seemed her luck only ever arose to keep her life as utterly boring as possible.

              While her brother spent his time with their father, she spent most of her time trying to shirk away from her mother. She didn't want to help her mum cook, or clean, or paint, or anything! All Savannah ever wanted was to be alone, to have her own life, her own adventures separate from her brother. She was never allowed to go anywhere without him, as though somehow, this boy barely a year older than her would protect her, or make all the right decisions. Tristan was reckless, but loyal; he did his best, but usually, Savannah was the one who had to get them out of trouble, who had to lie or cheat or stall for time.

              Until, of course, the day her brother died. No, he didn't actually die, but a part of him did. Savannah was there to witness it everyday. He was losing himself, and he was changing. She didn't like it. She did, however, flourish in the fact that all of their parents unbridled attention was now suddenly placed on him. As a seven year old, she was free to do absolutely whatever she wanted to. She would race out the backdoor without even asking and walk herself to the neighbors, hike through the woods, or go to the candy store. She raided her mum's purse (in front of her even,) but was never punished. And while her mum and da' fought over whose fault it was that their little boy was a monster, Savannah crawled out her window to sit on the roof and play with mothers deck of tarot cards, then eventually learning to climb her way down the gutter and vines to sneak out at night and visit her cousin, Ralph, sometimes even going so far as to stay the night without her parents ever even wondering, meanwhile, having her brother sneak her back into the house unnoticed. She has no rules, no chores, and no expectations, She thought she should be jealous or angry for always being forgotten, but she never was, she always understood it was for the best.

              But when they were forced to move from Cheltenham to Burley, Savannah didn't understand. She couldn't fathom why she had to leave her home, or her friends behind just because of her brother. But at least she was comforted in knowing she'd be closer to her best friend and cousin, Ralph. She couldn't blame Tristan; she'd spent too much time wiping his tears to ever blame him. She blames her mother for forcing them out on that camping trip, and her father, for not defending Tristan like he should have. In the end, Savannah's main goal in life is to find happiness; whether it means caving into her every temptation, or stealing it all away from someone else.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Savannah met and made several acquaintances, Rhys, Liam, Mordred, Mambo, and Esmee. It was a slow year, all in all. Slytherin won the quidditch and house cup too.
                  SECOND YEAR Rhys had a troubling summer, and a troubling school year. The pair got into quite a bit of trouble, and even snuck out to the forbidden forest after hours. They got caught, but oh well. She met Liam on the lake and read his palm. Slytherin won the quidditch and house cup too.
                  THIRD YEAR Uneventful as a whole, with sprinkles of excitement. She broke curfew with Liam and flew from the Astronomy tower to Hogsmeade Park, then took a dip in the lake. Classes were routine, and Rhys settled into silence again, for the most part. Hufflepuff won the quidditch and house cup. Then during the summer, she passed owls between Rhys and Liam, and also caught her da' cheating on her mum.
                  FOURTH YEAR Balancing her time between fencing practice and her divination studies, she spent much of her time with Rhys. Especially since they had officially become "boyfriend and girlfriend" and spent most of their time cuddling and handholding. Then, during the summer, Tristan's friend stayed with them for a few weeks, and she visited Ralphie. When their owl came with their list of school supplies, she was surprised to find a prefects badge inside.
                  FIFTH YEAR Elected as a Prefect, though she doesn't know why, she had an odd year. It started hard with her and Rhys breaking up, though if anything, she was more put off by losing her best friend than a boyfriend. Rhys fought and made up with Gideon, sort of, maybe. The only bright side was Slytherin winning the House and Quidditch cup. But that didn't last. She got in a fight with her brother on the train ride home, then watched as he exploded on their father and disapparated away. Mum kicked da' out of the house when he finally told the truth. And Savannah can't help but feel that this is all her fault.
                  SIXTH YEAR No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find Tristan, but she knew he couldn't hide forever. She led the Fencing club this year and managed to score a few goals in quidditch, but they lost every single game thanks to Tristan quitting (little bugger.) Otherwise, she didn't much during the year. Had lunch with Rhys a few times when he wasn't with Gideon. She did snog a few boys' and dated an older (npc) Hufflepuff for almost two months, until he got too clingy, anyway. She had to break things off with him. All in all, a dull year, except the quidditch up was a three way tie between Huff/Rav/Gryff and the house cup was tied between Huff/Rav. So weird.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Busy with quidditch, leading the fencing club (which she passed down to Raymond) and studying for her NEWTS, Savannah didn't have much time to socialize or do much else. Especially since her best friend was spending all of his time with his boyfriend now.

              POST GRADUATION Savannah stayed living at home with her mother and began her career as a Potioneer. She spends much of her free time collaborating with other potioneers to trade techniques and to catch up on the latest brews and concoctions.

              During the summer of 2042, Savannah's beloved pet, Houdini, passed away in his sleep at the old age of twelve years old. She mourned the dog for months afterwards and got a tattoo of a small paw print on her ankle in remembrance.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Clayton, Father ■ Sierra, Mother ■ Tristan, Brother ■ Ralph, Cousin
              FRIENDS Rhys ■ Liam ■ Mordred ■ Esmée ■ Ray
              BEST FRIEND Ralphy
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Eugene Windsor
              ENEMIES - - -
              PETS Houdini, a French Bulldog mix (†)


■ Updated age, added to backstory [10/8/18]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:36 pm
Ralph Hastings - MPC

as of 1/16/17

User Image

Ralph » Thomas » Hastings
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

                        Basics 。。。»

                      xxxxxnickname: Ralphy, depending on who is talking to me.
                      xxxxxgender: Male
                      xxxxxage: Twelve
                      xxxxxbirthday: 9/27/2019
                      xxxxxsign: Libra
                      xxxxxblood: Half-blood
                      xxxxxheight: 4' 7"
                      xxxxxweight: 82 lbs
                      xxxxxorientation: Straight

                        Personality 。。。»

                              » All types of birds
                              » Appreciating art
                              » Laughing and making jokes
                              » Hanging out with Savannah
                              » Debating
                              » Being yelled at or singled out
                              » Peanuts and peanut butter
                              » Going out into the woods
                              » Rushing through things
                              » Big changes
                              » Being called on in class
                              » Anything that goes bump in the night
                              » Permanent separation from Savannah
                              » A debater by heart, Ralph is very good at convincing people to see his way of thinking.
                              » Ralph is also a never-ending fountain of energy, something that most people wish they could have.
                              » Because of his energetic nature, when the lights turn off, Ralph is as good as out. It takes two alarm clocks to wake him and, sometimes, it's not enough.
                              » Ralph has a tendency to buy things on impulse. Artwork, books, birds, you name it.
                              [DIPLOMATIC] Ralph is someone who will patiently listen to two conversing sides and try to find a middle ground. He believes in fairness and justice, taking in all the facts before him. Often, Ralph will step into the middle of arguments to act as a mediator.
                              [TACTFUL] Some things are better said at particular times. Ralph understands this and acts accordingly, holding his tongue when he knows he should but unleashing his thoughts when the moment is right. Usually, he acts based on where his needs currently are.
                              [ARGUMENTATIVE] On the flip side, Ralph is a fantastic debater. When trying to get his point across, the combined use of his knowledge and charm can win him almost any ally, and he is fairly capable of ending an argument with a single sentence.
                              [ROMANTIC] Try as he might to avoid the truth, Ralph is a fool for love. Most of the music and art he collects depicts romance. Eventually, he wants to find someone to be with and call his own. Love means something very serious to Ralph, and he intends to show whomever he's with that he cares and loves them very much.
                              [SUPERFICIAL] To an extent, Ralph is more concerned with his possessions and the way people look than the things that matter. This causes him to be blind to the true nature of people, often finding himself in bad company. This is also why Ralph buys objects impulsively.

                      xxxxxhistory: After the "accident", Savannah and Tristan moved from Cheltenham to Burley to be closer to Ralph and his family. It was decided that the combined efforts of the Hastings would help Tristan in his current condition. With more eyes, hands, and minds, together they could help ease his transformations and protect the family from the outbursts.

                      This, of course, was pleasant news for Ralph, who had no siblings to speak of. At first, he tried to get close to Tristan, but found that his male cousin was not in any mood to bond with him. Besides, the boy was far older than Ralph, and never really seemed interested in the boy tagging along.

                      Savannah, on the other hand, was far more accepting of Ralph's company. She was closer to his age than Tristan, and she seemed to appreciate Ralph's strange love for muggle paintings and birds. Whenever Savannah would sneak out of her house late at night, it would be at Ralph's house she would most likely be found. For years, the two grew up fairly close. With only two years between them, they acted more like siblings than cousins, playing together and watching movies in front of the telly until the sun came up the next day.

                      Every time Savannah would come over, Ralph was actually happy. She made him feel like his interests were actually important and not something to be ridiculed. Ralph liked that, and he never wanted to be separated from Effy, if he could help it.

                      One morning, while the whole Hastings family was over at Ralph's uncle's house for breakfast, an owl arrived. A letter for Tristan from a school. Ralph didn't understand very well what was going on, but all the adults seemed very thrilled with the letter and its arrival. Ralph later found out that the school was Hogwarts, a magical school for magical people and that Effy and he, too, would one day be going, just like Tristan.

                      Tristan left and returned a different person. Ralph wasn't sure why or how, but it was a small, yet noticeable change. Even the adults noticed. Ralph had even overheard them worrying about Tristan "being sorted into Slytherin" and how that would effect his "condition". Ralph didn't really understand what that meant, but he knew it wasn't good.

                      But when another letter arrived one morning addressed to Savannah, Ralph's stomach dropped through the floor. She was now going to be attending Hogwarts, too, just like Tristan. The whole family was happy except for Ralph. His one friend was leaving him to go to this magical school far away. What if Effy changed like Tristan? What if she made a new friend and replaced him? Ralph was inconsolable for a week leading up to Savannah's and Tristan's departures.

                      On the Platform, Ralph cried and clung to Effy like his life depended on it and, even though Effy promised to write Ralph, all he could think about was how he was even going to survive without the one person that made him feel accepted. She was his anchor. And his anchor was stepping onto the train for Hogwarts.

                      The weeks that followed were torturous, but eventually Ralph found a way to cope. His parents purchased him an owl so that he could write his cousin and write he did! The letters between the two arrived weekly, sometimes every couple of days. He was glad to see her doing so well, even though she was sorted into Slytherin, just like Tristan.

                      When Ralph eventually received his own letter, he was thrilled that he would have the opportunity to go to the same school as Effy. Maybe he would even get into Slytherin, too.

                        Occupation 。。。»

                      xxxxxschool: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                      xxxxxhouse: Slytherin
                      xxxxxyear: Second year
                      xxxxxdream job: Politician

                        Relationships 。。。»

                      xxxxxsignificant other: tbd

                        Belongings 。。。»

                      xxxxxwand: Beech, Unicorn Tail hair, 10", springy and slightly flexible
                      xxxxxpet: Ghosty, female barn owl
                      xxxxxother/misc.: Ralph has a huge collection of artwork at home, but has brought two paintings with him: and . He has also left all his other birds at home, despite his wishes.

- Marked Pending by Weasley 10/8/15
~ Accepted by Dia 11/15/15


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