RP Achievements

Achievement Title: Ro Ro Fight the Power!
Description: You were one of the brave and dedicated souls to transfer over from PHL2!
Rewards: A New Guild and a New Beginning!
Notes: Make note of the day you joined PHL2 for this achievement instead of the date you earned it so that it can be counted in with future loyalty rewards
-Achieved: 27/02/2013

Achievement Title: Viva La Revolution!
Description: Joined Pokemon Eternal Revolution
Rewards: N/A
Notes: While this Achievement earns no rewards, it's in you're best interest to make note of it for future loyalty rewards!
-Achieved: 10/02/2015

Achievement Title: Loyal Member
Description: You've Been a Member for a Year!
Rewards: x5 Star Shards
Notes: If you're a transfer from PHL2, this achievement includes the time you spent in PHL2 as well.
-Achieved: 27/02/2014

Character Achievements


Achievement Title: DC: Aquaman
Description: "Nothing quite as invigorating as a saltwater dip."
Rewards: Splash Plate
Notes: Own 15 different water type pokemon


Achievement Title: The Journey Begins!
Description: Earn your very first badge!
Notes: N/A
Rewards: 10 exp to each active party pokemon, 5 berries of choice
-Achieved: By Alex 24/07/2013

Achievement Title: One Small Step...
Description: Earn a total of five badges from any combination of regions
Notes: N/A
Rewards: 15 exp to each active party pokemon, 1 TM of choice, 3 Heart Scales
-Achieved: By Alex 05/03/2016
Contest Achievements

Ranger Achievements

Breeding Achievements

Misc. Achievements

Achievement Title: It's Evolutionary Dear Watson!
Description: Evolve a Pokemon for the first time.
Rewards: One Evolutionary Hold Item of Choice
Notes: N/A
-Achieved: By Alex A long time ago in the old guild.