User ImageShia'lu had noticed something a bit different about her sister's scent, of late. There was a faint lingering other that was not Artemis at all. She was bound and determined to search out whatever, or whoever it belonged to and needle out just what they wanted with her sister's company. Finding a scent trail however was quite the daunting task. There wasn't much to really go on, the scent didn't hang in the air, or cling to any grass that she could find. Just Artemis. But that was fine, she had no problems with blindly searching, not really. She'd find the source eventually, patience might be boring but she certainly had her fair share of it.

Today's venture had taken her out beyond the familiar comfort of shaded trees and deep woods, and very near to an open meadowland. It was still familiar territory -she had distinct memories of following the small stream further north and running into that strange little blue kit that made talking bubbles- and she didn't expect to find anything today, not with the sunlight shining so brightly. But well, one never would know unless they tried. The "hunt" was interesting, at least. And that alone made it worth it really. Even if she took forever to find the source for that extra scent.