Hi, my name is Harper Leigh Warren

But I mostly go by just Harper or Har-Leigh if I really like you.

I'm a girl

I'm 15 years old.

My birthday is May 19

My dream job is being famous enough to have a stylist?

My blood status is Half

This is my 5th year here at Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Hufflepuff

I'm interested in boys, definitely boys. Thank you puberty!

I'm currently with nobody yet and maybe not for a while

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm I'm just a little bit everything. I love having fun and making new friends which means I tend to make myself the center of attention and to be completely honest I love it. I'm definitely not very shy, I just can't stand not being involved in things. I love to talk to everyone and just to talk period. I can make friends with pretty much everyone and I tend to stand by people and it is hard to loose my trust but if you do something to disappoint me it takes a lot to earn that trust back. I am pretty much ridiculously spastic and love to do everything and anything (though keep in mind I have standards so not really everything. I'm also not willing to back down from what I believe in). I also will stand up for everyone and protect people to the best of my abilities and will not anyone bully others around me. I just love people and hate those who make anyone feel like they are less than absolutely perfect, because everyone is! I'm just pretty much awesome and maybe a tiny bit conceited but it probably just makes me even more fun. What can I say people love me as much as I love them. I'm just chipper and like to look on the bright side of life.

My background story is I was born in Coventry England to a pretty normal family. My mother is a witch and while my father is a muggle but by the time I came around he was pretty much use to the whole thing. I am the fifth child in my family and a bit of a surprise. My parents thought they were done with children and they were already in their late thirties but I decided I wanted to join them so here I am. By the time I was born my next oldest sibling was already starting his first year at Hogwarts so a lot of the time I was the only child (and the favorite). When I was four I starting showing signs of magic like the rest of my siblings and when I turned eleven I got my Hogwarts letter. I was sorted into Hufflepuff, not a surprise to anyone. I've been here ever since. I've played on the quidditch team but I decided that wasn't really my scene. Now I'm just trying to graduate when that seventh year rolls around.

I enjoy horseback riding, working in the garden, being with my mum and dad, seeing my siblings, and sunshine!

I despise thunder and lightning, bitter foods, bullies, crying, and seeing other people hurt.

I'm afraid of spiders, like big time!

My strengths are making other people happy and having fun

My flaws are I can be a little bit too hyper and

I look like this

My wand is a 8in, Acacia, with unicorn hair

My pet is a cat named Mr. Bigshot Fluffy Pants Esquire the 3rd.

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! That leg of mine that looks kind of weird? That's because it's a prosthetic. I was born without one so I've had it all my life (Not that one specifically...obviously.)

~ ♥ Cara ɱк
~ Dia