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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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Reply The Graveyard (Trash)
Belbybrook/Collins Family ~ Pending

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:51 pm
Belbybrook Family

Cornelius Francis Gaius Belbybrook ~ 75

Collins Family

Lena Serafina Collins ~ 51
Kyla Hayley Collins ~ 25
Addision Carver Collins ~ 18
Matilda Raine Collins ~ 16

Sorry! Just one last thing, I should have mentioned this last time, but I forgot. Could you please edit Matilda's color scheme. It's so bright, it's almost illegible. Everything else is fine though! Thank you!
[Cornelius, Kyla, Addison accepted. Lena pending per application. (See more on that here) Matilda needs editing.] Essy! 10.20.14.
Addison Pending Job Approval; Matilda Accepted~❝Yukitty❞ 7/4/16
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:42 pm
Hi, my name is Cornelius Francis Gaius Belbybrook.

But I mostly go by Gaius, Neil, or Frank.

I'm a male.

I'm seventy-five years old.

My birthday is June 10, 1959.

I used to work as Herbologist/Potioneer.

My dream job is Head of Potioneer Board.

My blood status is Pureblood.

The house I was in was Hufflepuff.

I was in the class of 1976.

I'm interested in women.

I'm currently with no one anymore.

People tell me I'm crazy, but I'm really friendly, all knowing, and playful. I may be a bit of a looney, but that's only to elicit laughter from my grandchildren. I'm still self-dependent despite my increasing age. I'm always willing to tell a story or share a droplet of knowledge. I stayed true to my personal code throughout my life, helping anyone in need of my help.

My background story is I was born to Isladora and Wembley Belbybrook, a pureblood family. Both of my parents were healers, which fostered a love of healing in my youth. When I went to Hogwarts, I joined my parents' House of Hufflepuff. Throughout schooling, I became infatuated with a girl named Raine. She shared my love of Healing magic. After graduating, we married and became Healers at St. Mungo's. During the rise of the Dark Lord, I opted to join the Order of the Phoenix. I provided them with Healing whenever necessary. After his disappearance, my marriage with Raine became strained, until our daughter Lena was born. We stayed together for her, though we didn't have anymore children. I left St. Mungo's, instead becoming a Potioneer and a Herbologist.

Shortly after Lena went off to Hogwarts, Raine became sickly and a Muggle doctor said she was afflicted with terminal liver cancer. She survived until Lena's third year, and passed during the summer. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't cure her. Over her grave, I apologized for running off to fight with the Order. That was what had driven a stake between us. I mourned her loss for many years after. When Lena moved out to move in with her fiancee, I decided to leave the house and travel for a few years. I travelled the world, learning more about healing arts in Egypt, studying exotic plants in China and brewing potions with the witches in Salem. I returned to England for the birth of my granddaughter Kyla.

It was a bright morning when I received a call from Lena. Her husband, a Muggle named Andrew, had been killed in an accident at work. Since they lived in a Muggle community and Lena worked in the wizarding community, she wasn't sure how she was going to pay for their house. Her children were ten, four and barely one. So I told her to move in with me. I had the room after all. I converted my office and laboratory into bedrooms, moved myself out of my room and offered it to my daughter. And baby Matilda took Lena's old room, which was currently serving as a library. I helped put Kyla through Hogwarts, serving as a guidance counselor for her through her teenage years.

I enjoy Healing, Herbology, Potions, a good book, my daughter and grandchildren, tea, warm days and sunlight.

I despise Dark magic (in all its facets), rain, cold days, snow, loud noises and Flying.

I'm afraid of anything happening to my grandchildren and Flying.

My strengths are Healing and Potions.

My flaws are Cooking and irrational decisions.

I look like this crazy old man

My wand is a twelve inch birch with unicorn hair core.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Alchemy: E
Astronomy: P
Charms: A
Defense Against the Dark Arts: A
Healing: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: D
Potions: O
Transfiguration: T

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Alchemy: A
Defense Against the Dark Arts: A
Healing: O
Herbology: O
Potions: E



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:25 pm
Hi, my name is Lena Serafina Collins (nee Belbybrook).

I'm a female.

I'm fifty-one years old.

My birthday is September 29, 1983.

I work in Muggle Liaison Office.

My dream job is Muggle Studies teacher (maybe?).

My blood status is Pureblood.

The house I was in was Hufflepuff.

I was in the class of 2000.

I'm interested in men.

I'm currently with no one anymore.

I may seem focused on my work and somewhat terse but I'm really caring and motherly. Outside of work, I'm always an ear to listen and I'm quick with advice. I can still be somewhat terse and I inherited my father's quickness to act. Overall, I'm friendly, nice and kind. I have a big heart and I try my hardest to connect mentally with my co-workers, friends and family.

My background story is I was born to Cornelius and Raine. Despite my parents being there, their relations were frosty and it affected me in my formative years. I was distant with my parents and made few friends. When I went to Hogwarts, I was grateful to be away from them. In the new environment, I was able to make friends better. But it didn't last because I learned that my mother was dying. Despite our distant relations, her passing still greatly affected. I withdrew from my friendship for a couple years. I even considered things like suicide or self-harming. In my fifth year, a girl I had been friends with reached out to me and over the next year, brought me back to sanity. I reformed the old friendships and even reconnected with my father, who was almost going through his own grieving.

After graduating, I enrolled in the Muggle Liaison Office, because of my fascination with Muggles. In my work, I met a Muggle police officer named Andrew Collins. He was very charming and I started to see him outside of work. Our relationship developed quickly. Before I knew it, I was pregnant. Andrew asked me to marry him and the difficult conversation came up. Even after finding out I was a witch, he still wanted to marry me. He was very accepting of the fact. We had our first daughter Kyla, then our son Addison, then our second daughter Matilda. Weeks before her first birthday, I was informed that Andrew had been shot three times and killed in the line of duty. Broken, I contacted my father and pleaded with him to take in my family. We moved in with him and I grieved. The loss of Andrew greatly effected Kyla and I think, in part, she blamed me.

I enjoy quiet reading, Charms, Potions, flowers, small animals and cuddling my baby.

I despise loud noises, Muggle guns, rain, big animals, and most meat.

I'm afraid of my daughter hating me.

My strengths are cooking.

My flaws are irrational actions.

I look like this pretty lady

My wand is a ten inch hazel with a dragon heartstring core.

My pet is a tabby cat named Lincoln.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy: D
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: P
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Charms: A
Herbology: E
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: A
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:54 pm
xxxxkylaxxxhayley xxxcollinsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              AGE Twenty-five

              BIRTHDAY May 10, 2009

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND Ten inch willow with a fairy wing core, surprisingly springy

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bisexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Emily Kinney x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2026

              BEST LESSONS
                  Muggle Studies

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ D
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ T
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ T
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ E
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

              DREAM JOB Herbologist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ BUBBLY Cheerful as always, Kyla has a personality that is hard to bring down. She can find happiness in just about everything. She's extremely high spirited, even though her life is basically in the pits.
              ■ TALKATIVE Kyla is incredibly talkative to boot. She can talk for hours about anything. Her talkativeness usually begets her lack of attention to her academics.
              ■ LOYAL A secret keeper, a shoulder to cry on, a friend in need, Kyla is all of these. She puts her friends before anything else. Though she tries her best to avoid violence, if it requires that, she'll go to that level.
              ■ FLIRTY Although it's not usually on purpose, Kyla is incredibly flirty. Her perception of boundaries is practically non-existent. And when she finds someone interested, she openly flirts with them. She's not a horrible person though, so if they rebuff her or if they're taken, she'll stop.
              ■ EMOTIONAL Whether it's happiness, sadness or excitement, Kyla is overly emotional. Sometimes, she gets depressed, however, no one would know because of her bubbliness.
              ■ IMMATURE Despite growing into adulthood, Kyla is still mentally in her teens. The fact that most of the people from her grade have gone on to real jobs doesn't reflect on her. She is content to work in a minor retail job. She still listens to music and throws temper tantrums at times and constantly earns her mother's ire.

                  Rainy Days

                  Cold, Snowy Days


                  Animal Care



          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Kyla is the first child of Lena And Andrew Collins. Lena is a witch who works at the Muggle Liaison Office and Andrew was a Muggle police officer. She grew up, for the first portion of her life, in a Muggle community and attended a Muggle school. When she was ten years old, however, her father was murdered in the line of duty. His death rocked their family. Lena could no longer afford to keep their home and moved the family in with her father, Kyla's grandfather Cornelius. He lived in an entirely magical community. It was then that Kyla was informed of her magical powers and that her mother was a witch. On her eleventh birthday, Kyla received a letter to Hogwarts.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR When she attended Hogwarts, she was Sorted into Hufflepuff, like her mother and grandfather before her. She made many friends quickly, but her grades quickly began to suffer.
                  SECOND YEAR With her grades abysmal in most subjects, Kyla instead focused on the ones she was good at, being Charms and Herbology. She spent more time with her friends, ignoring her homework from her bad classes. She started to notice boys more as she grew into her body.
                  THIRD YEAR In third year, she added Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. She did surprisingly well in both classes and continued to excel in only Charms and Herbology.
                  FOURTH YEAR During her fourth year, Kyla noticed that she was attracted to both boys and girls. That seemed normal to her and, doing some research, found out that was called bisexual. She started trying to study, but still found it hard to focus on her education.
                  FIFTH YEAR Kyla started dating in her fifth year, but she found it hard to stay with one partner. She dated two boys and one girl throughout the course of the year, though she always made sure to break up with one before starting with another. Due, in part, to her dating methods, she spent little time focusing on her studies, which led to her doing poorly on most of her O.W.L.s at the end of the year.
                  SIXTH YEAR Having failed most of her O.W.L.s the previous year, Kyla only continued on with four of her classes: Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology and Muggle Studies. Knowing that she'd probably be disowned if she failed any more classes, Kyla tried her best to study and focus on her remaining classes. Thusly, she gave up dating until she graduated.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Managing to keep her grades up, Kyla entered seventh year with high expectations for herself. She kept her nose in a book, practically driving herself insane with her studying. But her hard work paid off and she passed all her N.E.W.T.s, leaving her in a position to actually do something with herself after Hogwarts.

              POST GRADUATION When she graduated, Kyla looked into getting a job as a Herbologist, but never actually pursued it. Instead, she loafed around the house for a couple years, focusing on her singing and hanging out with her friends. Finally, her mother put her foot down. She was demanded to get a job or face being exiled from the house. So Kyla sought out help from her friends and was given a job at Florean's by her friend Rose. Nell, Rose's partner, was supposed to help her get a job as a Herbologist, but Kyla never reminded her, instead allowing herself to stagnate once again.

              After her friend Lyre's wedding, Kyla began to fall into a slump. All of her friends were getting married, with Rose and Nell's wedding on the way. That left her, the only one of her friends left unmarried. However, a new potential love interest entered her life in the form of Mirzam Owens, a seamster working down the road at Madam Malkin's.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Cornelius Belbybrook (Grandfather); Lena Collins (Mother); Andrew Collins (Father); Addison Collins (Brother); Matilda Collins (Sister)
              FRIENDS Rose Hall; Nell Ellis; Adalaide Whitethorne; Lyre Masters
              BEST FRIEND Rose Hall; Lyre Masters
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Mirzam Owens
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Rhett (Cat)



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:39 pm
xxxxค ๔ ๔ เ ร ๏ ภxxxc ค ภ v є ภxxxc ๏ l l เ ภ ร xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Addy

              AGE Eighteen

              BIRTHDAY 03 November 2016

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND Eleven inch redwood with a hippogriff feather core

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Danny Jones x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2034

              BEST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ EE

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Auror (pending)

              DREAM JOB Auror

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ DEPENDABLE Addison is there for his friends and family through thick and thin. He can always be counted on to help, whatever the cost may be. This makes Addison a strong friend and an exception partner in the relationship.
              ■ BRAVE Ready to take on any challenge, Addison is brave, but not too the foolhardy extreme. He is willing to put himself in harm's way to defend those he cares about. Almost no challenge is too daunting for him. Whether it comes to fending off nightmares, squishing bugs or facing boggarts, Addison is counted on to stand up and never give in.
              ■ LAID BACK Addison doesn't always need to be the center of attention and often times likes to hang back. That doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy the lime light from time to time, but usually when he occupies it, he isn't overwhelmingly so engrossed.
              ■ ROMANTIC More of a lover than a fighter, Addison has a romantic side like no other. He loves deeper than most and can be counted one to be the first to buy presents on any special occasion. He almost never misses a factoid about his loved ones and retains favorite foods, flowers, etc very well.
              ■ FUNNY Whether it's a crack joke or a cheap pun, Addison is comedic gold. It doesn't matter the audience, no matter what, Addison can get a laugh or two. One liners, funny anecdotes or cheap puns... Addison knows them all.
              ■ ADVENTUROUS Hiking through the hills, exploring deep dungeons, traversing dangerous forests... all these appeal to the adventurous side of Addison. Anything he can explore or climb or swim to... he does. He dreams of finding an undiscovered ruin or temple and exploring it himself.

                  Climbing trees

                  Spicy foods
                  Rainy days

                  Tree climbing



                  Spectre of my father's killer

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD The second child born to Lena, a witch, and Andrew, a Muggle. When he was real young, his father Andrew was murdered in a routine traffic stop. Addison was too young to have formed decent memories of his father and everything he learned about the man was provided to him by his older sister Kyla. After his father's death, the family moved out of their Muggle neighborhood and into the house of his grandfather, Cornelius. He was schooled in magic by his grandfather, alongside his younger sister Matilda, and thusly grew up with a greater understanding of the environment.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Coming to Hogwarts was a great reliever for Addison, as he was able to get out of the herbology household he grew up in. Addison quickly made lots of friends and discovered the subjects he liked and didn't like. Chief among the hated subjects was Herbology.
                  SECOND YEAR Further studies into Herbology got Addison disciplined after "accidentally" pruning a tree to death alongside Tori Rae. He formed stronger bonds with his friends, primarily with Tori who shared his strong distaste for Herbology. Addison performed very well in other classes though, excelling in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions.
                  THIRD YEAR Matilda began attending Hogwarts in Addison's third year. All of his friends fawned over her and she clung to him incessantly. He responded by pushing her away repeatedly. During third year, in Defense Against the Dark Arts, they faced their boggarts. Addison's reaction was not the best and it left him disturbed for a long time. During this time though, his close friendship with Prudence Lowery began more than that, at least to him.
                  FOURTH YEAR In the summer between third and fourth year, Addison invited Pru over to his house, and after a long day of hanging out, Addy asked her to be his girlfriend. They started the school year together as boyfriend and girlfriend. At first, it was hand holding and blushes, but it quickly grew into kisses and intense stares. Academically, Addison did better in all classes but Herbology and Astronomy.
                  FIFTH YEAR Studying for O.W.L.s at the end of the year became foremost in Addison's mind. He knew there was practically no way he was passing Herbology, despite Pru's tutelage. At the Valentine's Masquerade, Addison finally said those three words. Despite her initial shock, Pru responded in kind.
                  SIXTH YEAR Addy was intently focused on his studies during his sixth year, studying especially hard with his girlfriend on the subjects he was weak in. In between studying and spending time with his girlfriend, Addy struggled to do he Prefect duties, yet still managed it. Over the summer, Pru and Addy took their relationship to the next level, proclaiming their love both verbally and physically.
                  SEVENTH YEAR His seventh year was spent studying heavily, with focus on Herbology, which he spent studying with Pru. His hard work showed in his grades as they took a drastic ascent. When it came time for the N.E.W.T.s, Addy excelled in his tests, even managing the highest grade in Herbology. As soon as his grades came in, he went immediately to apply for a position as Auror.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Cornelius Belbybrook (Grandfather); Lena Collins (Mother); Andrew Collins (Father); Kyla Collins (Sister); Matilda Collins (Sister)
              FRIENDS Rider Wilson; Lyall Thompson; Feather Snow; Dakota Vann
              BEST FRIEND Victoria McClellan
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Prudence Lowery
              ENEMIES Professor Jason Hill
              PETS Russet (Owl)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:02 am
xxxx๓ ค t เ l ๔ คxxxг ค เ ภ єxxxς ๏ l l เ ภ ร xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Mattie

              AGE Sixteen

              BIRTHDAY 31 March 2018

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND Eight inch rosewood with a fairy wing core, spiraled shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Saxon Sharbino x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR Sixth

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures
                  Cooking With Magic

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ D
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Art ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Divination ~ D

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Florist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ FRIENDLY Always the people person, Matilda is incredibly friendly and can make friends with just about anyone. She fits in with all cliques and always has something to contribute.
              ■ ENERGETIC Whether it's in the conversation, outside or in class, Matilda is the energetic type. Mattie is enthusiastic about just about everything and always expresses it. Her mother often worries about her hyperactivity.
              ■ MATURE Matilda has grown a lot in her mannerisms, mentality and overall maturity levels. She's a lot more reliable now and invested in getting her life ready. She's seen how her older sister ended up and doesn't want to wind up like her. Her appointment as Prefect has also helped Matilda learn how to behave.
              ■ COMPASSIONATE She cares a lot about her friends, her family (though secretly) and animals, especially if they're small and fluffy. She'll go anywhere and do just about anything in order to make people happy.
              ■ EASILY AMUSED There is almost always a smile on Matilda's face. She enjoys all kinds of jokes, from cheap one liners to knock knock jokes. If you tell a joke, you can count on getting a laugh from Mattie.
              ■ DOWN TO EARTH While still scared of some things, Matilda has become much more down to Earth. She's a lot more relaxed and less clingy or needy. Her neediness mellowed out into a more passive want for attention.

                  Fluffy animals
                  Making friends

                  Scary animals
                  Rain and snow
                  Spooky stories

                  Floral arranging


                  Following orders

                  Scary animals

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD The last child of Lena and Andrew Collins, Matilda was born only a few months before Andrew's death on the job. She grew up entirely in the magical world, living at her Grandfather's house. The only things she knows about her father, she learned from her elder sister. When Kyla went off to school, Mattie began having nightmares, to which she turned to Addison for help. And after Addy went to school, Mattie turned to her mother, often sleeping in her bed. After receiving her letter, Mattie began trying to deal with her nightmares herself.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Matilda expected her first year to be lots of fun times with her brother, but he pushed her away to spend time with his friends. His rejection of her hurt her mentally. Instead, she latched onto her friends whom she had befriended on her first trip to the school. Matilda easily did well in Herbology, considering her background in the subject. The others, though, she didn't do so well in.
                  SECOND YEAR As the second school year started, Matilda had fully stopped relying on her brother for support. She had made her own friends and was becoming her own person. She continued to do exceptionally well in Herbology, but began falling behind in subjects like Potions and Defense.
                  THIRD YEAR On the cart ride to school, Matilda met and befriended Joel Powell, a fourth year boy from Gryffindor. She also started her electives, taking Care of Magical Creatures, Cooking with Magic and World Studies. She quickly grew to love Magical Creatures and Cooking. At the Valentine's Masquerade, she met up with Joel again and had fun, despite them not being on a date.
                  FOURTH YEAR Mattie spent most of fourth year dancing around her feelings for Joel and not focusing too much on her grades. That being said, they slipped a little bit. As the year ending, she came to terms with her feelings, deciding that she couldn't hide from them anymore. She needed to face them and so, over the summer, she and Joel began dating in earnest. She also found out she'd been selected as Prefect, meaning that she would need to act more mature now.
                  FIFTH YEAR Matilda took her appointment as Prefect seriously, reflecting on how her sister was still living at home and working part time. She got most of her grades together, focusing more on her studies. She also started attending more Gryffindor Quidditch games in support of her boyfriend, Joel.
                  SIXTH YEAR Information
                  SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Cornelius Belbybrook (Grandfather); Lena Collins (Mother); Andrew Collins (Father); Kyla Collins (Sister); Addison Collins (Brother)
              FRIENDS Levi Gamble; William Radcliffe; Zephryos Whitethorne; Rider Wilson; Victoria Macclellan; Lyall Thompson
              BEST FRIEND Joel Powell
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Joel Powell
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Mr Bunbun (Rabbit)


The Graveyard (Trash)

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