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PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:15 pm
The door shut quietly, leaving the room empty once more except for one addition. When Celestia returned to her quarters in Laisidhiel, she'd find a letter addressed to her lying atop a small bundle on her table. The letter read as follows:

Dearest Celestia,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been some time since we last talked and must admit that having tea alone is not nearly as pleasant. However, I write to you today of a matter most important. I have a favor to ask, as a friend, if I may have your discretion.

The Chieftain is proud, but I have noticed that he is troubled as of late. He worries that those of our brethren that traveled here with you have not yet fully understood this new land, and especially those outside the Tree. Despite warnings against the non-Faun Pae'il outside, especially those of the angelic or demonic nature commonly referred to as 'Blood Pae', there have been increasing numbers of reports of those taking relations too lightly with these outsiders. Interactions with these Pae'il are being taken all too freely, and privately, the Chief is worried that he's not getting through to them on the gravity of the situation.

(Don't tell him I said any of this, of course.)

I'm coming to you as a friend, Celestia. Could you possibly have a word with the Faunies of the Tree? You still hold much sway with them and they respect you so. Could you just stress that they should be careful with taking matters lightly with the outsiders? There have been ominous signs on the horizon, and we are all worried for their safety. And it is not just the Faunies we worry about. I'm not sure if you may have heard of our Pathfinder? Would you believe she actually accepted a marriage proposal...from an angel? Dismissal from the Council for such a thing may seem severe, but...it is actually far better than she could have received.

I understand that our concerns may seem strange to you. History between the Faun and the Blood Pae, well...it is more than troubled. Please understand that we have reasons for the things we say and do. I would like you to understand that, so...I'd like to offer you something.

I'd call it a gift, but you may not think it such afterwards. This is not a decision to be made lightly, as it may change forever how you view, not only our people, but those outside the Tree. I offer you...our history. Yours and mine and all of us, all Faun. As well as a little insight on the Blood Pae'il. Please consider carefully before you make a decision, as there will be no going back.

I know you miss the power you once held, the honor of leading your people, protecting them from harm, and sharing in their joy. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with wanting a simple life. It's easier, yes, and may be happier without all the stress and responsibility of leadership. Knowledge can lead to power. But neither can come without sacrifice. If you wish to continue your simple life as it is now, you may ignore the following instructions. But, if you wish to understand our history and our concerns for the present, I offer you truth in the parcel I left for you. Please, open the bundle and follow the instructions within. Afterwards, I will be available to speak with you, to discuss what follows. On a similar note, I also have some more information on matters we have discussed before.

With the Earth's blessings,

~ Vanya

The bundle lay beneath the letter, the shape of several items could be made out within the cloth, but no definite forms could be recognized. It was a simple, rough cloth, tied with braided twine, a bow on top, and ready to be untied and opened if the Fauny so chose.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:51 pm
Having returned from visiting her sister, nieces, and nephew, Celestia was all too ready for a nice glass of tea. While she sincerely loved all three of them to death, their energy could be simply overwhelming, not unlike her own adopted teenager of a daughter. Ah... How strange life works at times? It was so nice, this life of peasantry. Just her, her kind husband, and her little teenager. Only yesterday, it felt, was Skyla but an admittingly vicious child, and now she could join both of them in the skies.

This complete feeling of pride... It was something only a parent could know. Aquos, her husband, and the ball that brought them together was all she had to thank for this wonderful feeling. Long ago had she stopped concerning herself with a solution for this 'problem;' it appeared a futile use of her energy. Rather, instead, she had begun to enjoy the little time she did spend outside of the tree with them.

Sure... They could not meet her family, as she had also never met his, but... Perhaps... one day...

Was it only a friendly affection that she felt for this man, or had it begun to grow into something a little... more...? The princess loved her adopted daughter from the bottom of her heart, but what about this man who's mere presence filled her chest with warmth? Was it the marriage, the literal binding of their souls, that made her feel this way, or was it his being?

Opening the door to her alcove and walking in, the princess was quick to notice a letter sitting on her table neatly beside her prized tea set. How strange... Whoever would need to contact her in such a way? Surely a personal discussion was better than ink on a parcel?

As it did not appear anything particularly urgent, else she would have been contacted directly, Celestia first prepared herself a cup of chai tea and a slice of honey cake to accompany it. She set each down in the proper spots on the table before sitting herself down, lifting the cup to her lips with one hand as she held the letter to read in another.

She almost spit up her tea as she read, blushing lightly and setting her cup down for fear of dropping the cup. So many things here... The entire letter seemed to be dripping with warnings, reminding her just how serious her situation with Aquos, and now Skyla, actually was. One of the council was to be wed to an angel? Of her own will?

And she was dismissed because of it... It was a generous punishment for such an act...

Sweat began to form on the princess's neck, and a chill raised the hair. She really was deep in this one, and if she could be punished like that, the seer and the chief's wife faced far crueler results. How stupid she felt to have involved them in her personal problems! But... Had she a choice?

...I know you miss the power you once held...

...you may be happier without all the stress and responsibility of leadership...

...neither knowledge nor power can come without sacrifice...

...the truth lays in the parcel left for you...

These words echoed in Celestia's mind. Of course she had been yearning for her power again; she likely always would. Previously, if an opportunity remained for her to regain her position, she would not have hesitated. Yet... the princess was frightened. If she did this, what would become of her other family? ...her husband? ...her dearest daughter? Likely, they would become nothing but a memory of a simpler time. Could she really take that step?

"Why do you hesitate so, my princess...?" A familiar ball of light faded into existence on a chair beside the princess. "This is but the moment you have imagined within your fantasies. Can you not understand this opportunity... this single moment... is likely the only you shall ever receive to return to your former glory?"

Turning to look at her mellon, Celestia placed her hands quietly on her lap, looking down to them rather than making eye contact. "Clairvoyance..."

"LADY Clairvoyance. A lady must always respect those about you, particularly those with titles who wish to be of service to you," the mellon politely, yet firmly, interrupted.

Pausing to be sure that she was done speaking, the princess continued. "Lady Clairvoyance... So many put their trust in me, yet... Am I worthy of such trust after all that has been done? I have a husband, an angel, a severe crime in itself... but... I also have a daughter. She means the world to me... I do not wish to lose her, even if it is a choice required of me..."

"You refer to this mention of further information regarding the severing of the soul-binding, do you not?"

The princess nodded, making no further sound.

A laugh echoed within the room. "Those in power must sacrifice themselves for their people. As you ruled, you placed the happiness of your people before yourself, and they prospered. Kingdoms fail when their leaders become selfish, just as normalcy has made of you." Not allowing the princess to speak, the light took a firmer note. "Such actions are not fitting for respect, nor for power. All must sacrifice. The seer selflessly gave her vision for power so she could help those troubled; the pathfinder lost hers in her selfish desire for another."

"But, will not everything change if I learn of these people?"

A pause, and a vibrating sigh. "These people? Your people. They are one in the same, this I know you understand. I would not be present to chide your childish behaviors if any doubts of this fact were present. Why, then, should you think yourself better than the others when you act as they do? How can you possibly hope to guide them in this state? ...with so many attachments and weaknesses...?"

The tone softened, and the ball came closer to Celestia. "It will change, everything will, but you needn't be frightened of such things. Had you acted on fear in Esquaria, rather than in your people's best interest, they likely would have all perished..." A pause to let that thought sink in. "Now, perhaps this situation is far less dire... perhaps not... But, if you thought this single action were all that is needed to save a life, directly or indirectly, hesitation would not come."

"Now, my princess Celestia, you know which choice you must make... Do not shame me..." were the final words that echoed in the room as the light faded.

Silence. Clairvoyance was right... It was foolish to think that she might be able to continue on like this, no matter how comforting it all felt. Taking a bite of her cake, followed by a sip of her now-lukewarm tea, the princess breathed deeply to clear her mind.

Yes... She felt it... She understood it... After this moment, everything would change... It was a mixed feeling, of both the euphoria and sorrow to come, yet it urged her to follow the mellon's advice.

Reaching forward, the princess delicately picked up the package and, before her resolve could fade, opened the contents and began to read...


Aged Genius


PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:31 pm
The bundle unwrapped to expose a small jar containing two sticks of incense, and a wooden box with a blend of dried, mixed herbs. Tea. There was also a second letter.


If you are reading this, then you have selected 'truth' over 'blissful ignorance'. I am proud to call you 'my friend' and will be available at any time for questions. First, however, I have a task for you. It will not be an easy one, but I feel that the truth may be too hard to accept as words only, as proven by how our Pathfinder lost her way.

This truth is not a secret, persay, as all the Council has been told of our history and what happened, as well as any other Faun who were present for their induction ceremony. However, it is not common knowledge either, something we go shouting from the top of Laisidhiel to all in hearing, simply because we hoped to preserve peace and not provoke panic. We hope for peace, but prepare for war.

For this is not the first time. Long ago, there was a war. The Blood Pae nearly wiped us out. It was their intention; however, thanks to the efforts made by the heroes of the past, the Faun survived to thrive once more. They betrayed our trust and turned on us then. It is not so hard to think that they might do so again, having failed at their mission so long ago. I can fill in the details when we talk, but I simply wanted you to be prepared for what you might see.

I wish to give you a vision of the past. A memory. To do so, I have prepared the materials required. The process is simple enough. Brew a cup of tea, using the dried herbs given, then before drinking, light the incense. Do this in the privacy and comfort of your room, as you will soon grow tired and drift off to sleep. The vision will come as a dream, if the most vivid dream you've ever had. I cannot tell you exactly what you will see. Only that it will be a memory of the past. It is much like creating a window into our history. You cannot know exactly what lies beyond the curtains, though you may have a general idea. You may only know for sure by pushing them aside and looking for yourself.

I will stress that there is no turning back. This is your last chance to set this aside and let what I have told you wash away like a bad dream, or a fairy tale. Or you can proceed and we will move on from there together. I have discovered there may be a solution to the problem that concerns you, however, it will not be an easy one. And I would rather you made a decision with all the information available to you, so that you understand the weight of your choice, one way or the other.

Laisidhiel's love, my friend.

~ Vanya

When lit, the incense will produce a heavy, pungent, yet sweet scent, and the tea, a lighter, still sweet taste, not unlike that of honeyed tea, but with the aftertaste of cloves.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:57 am
Having read the letter, the princess set it down on the table upon the first before moving to better look over the materials that had been wrapped with it. She picked up the jar, turning it over to watch the sticks move within the glass exterior. Setting it back down on the table, she then lifted open the lid of the box, the fresh scent of tea leaves spreading from it immediately. They were a different type than she could recognize, and she quickly closed the box.

...there is no turning back...

...this is the last chance to set this aside...

...like a bad dream...

The words floated about the princess's mind as she looked to items sitting on her table, the silence in the room deafening. A smile smile formed on her lips as she sighed, shaking her head in defeat. There had been no turning back the moment Clairvoyance had appeared, long before she would make this brew and sleep.

Yes... She would sleep and dream the seer's dream, her friend's dream, the dream of this war between those of magic and those of blood. It was the first time Celestia had heard of such a thing, and just the thought was enough to frighten her. Her dreams had been almost, if not solely, of her dearest Esquaria. The courts, the rolling hills, the singing birds and cloud-speckled skies. Happy memories, warm memories, comforting memories, but... memories were all they were and would remain. There was nothing to change that, yet, she could change this future of hers.

She would change this future of hers. For better or for worse.

Removing from the table her nearly full glass of cold tea, she moved to dump it in her kitchen's sink before running some water to wash it. The princess then set it on the counter to dry and did the same with her cake, returning it to it's original storage place before cleaning the plate.

Slowly, delicately, she brought the leaves to her counter top and set them beside her burners, upon which she set a pot to boil water. The incense was then allowed to flow outside of its jar. The minutes seemed to pass as molasses, each tick of the moment longer than the one previous, before the water finally reached a soft boil.

It was time.

Bringing the incense closer to the burner, the leaves softly caught fire and began to slowly fill the room with a deeply sweet scent. Rather than leave it on the counter, she moved it to her sleeping quarters and set it on a stand in the room to continue its burning, before returning to puff out the fire under the pot. Preparing the tea came naturally; she had done so on countless occasions, and this was no different... right? There was only enough for one glass. That was all that would be needed, to the princess's understanding.

Taking the warm liquid in her hand, she moved to sip on it. It was sweet, as the incense, yet it had traces of spice. Moving to sit on her bed, she slowly, delicately, finished her glass and set it beside the smoking jar.

Soon, her eyes... They were so... heavy... Her arms and legs refused to move properly... Her head was light and unfocused... Her thoughts non-existent...

The sleep was coming for her, and, without resistance, Celestia let it take her away.


Aged Genius


PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:21 pm
Celestia would find herself standing in the open meadows that surrounded Laisidhiel. The Great Tree towered over the surrounding area as it always did; but certain details would seem different than what she was used to seeing. Like, the giant, solid doors that were halfway closed over the main archway that allowed one to enter the Tree. Numerous Faun, hundreds...possibly even thousands were camped out in groups out in the open. Some were inspecting various types of weapons. All were wearing armor.

There wasn't a sound from a bird or insect anywhere in the area.

Nearby, a small group of armored male Faun crouches, speaking in quiet voices. Their armor looked old, but heavy and solid, as did the massive shields laying nearby. Most had helmets sitting on the ground beside them, with swept back sections on the sides that seemed designed to protect their antlers. Their tones were serious and they kept looking off in the distance before speaking again. Their words were still muffled, however, and Celestia would have to be closer to hear what they were saying clearly.

In another group a little further away, an adult female, ordained with beads and feathers looked on sadly as several Faun children clung to armored males. Some of the children cried; some were quiet. The adults seemed to be faring only slightly better. The Fauness kept shooting anxious looks at the horizon in the distance, then back over her shoulder at the half-closed entrance to the Tree. On the horizon, easily several miles away at the least from the Great Tree, smoke billowed from the distant treelines, covering the land beyond that with a murky haze.

(Celestia is free to move about and investigate anyone or anything in the area more closely. If she tries to look at herself in the dream state, she will see nothing. Otherwise, it is as if she herself is traversing the ancient battlefield. She is here as an observer, to see what she can see in this memory of the past.)  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:16 am
A rush of air filled the princess's lungs as she came to, her hooves resting upon cold, hard ground, despite the grass covering it. Except for the noise of all the other faun nearby, the world was deathly silent, tensions clearly hanging in the air. All was so... different... It was as if she had been placed in a new, strange world. Was it real? Lifting her hands to her face, momentary panic filled her as she was unable to see them. Certainly she was not a spirit, left to silently watch the future.

No, she recollected the letter, the tea, the incense... she was meant to observe the past within a dream. That was why everything was so familiar, yet so foreign, why she was not visible.

This was meant as a means to learn of their history, and Celestia could not simply stand where she was and wait for it to come to her naturally. No. She would be proactive, as she always encouraged others to be, in this learning. Moving forward to the group of men, she stood within earshot to listen in on their conversation. Surely they were speaking of something important to be doing so in such a hushed, secretive manner.

As she listened carefully, her eyes wandered across the scene again, coming to fixate themselves on the decorated female. There was something... hypnotizing... about her, and the princess had difficulty drawing her eyes away.


Aged Genius


PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:08 pm
The soldiers' voices became clearer as Celestia neared, and the tension was palpable in their tones. Two seemed to be having a conversation, one looking into the distance with a saddened expression. "I just don't understand. How did they get so strong? How did it all come to this?"

The other wore an expression of contained fury, busying himself with looking over a great hammer for signs of damage perhaps. "I don't know. They used to be so few, so weak. And to think that we welcomed them with open arms to the Isle, helping them learn to survive and make a living for themselves..." He snarled, then spat into the dirt. "The Blood Pae have betrayed our trust, shunning our kindness for their own damnable greed. This is what we get for being kind."

The sad Faun turned towards his companion. "That can't be true. I mean...surely there was another way. The Isle should be big enough for all of us. Why couldn't we have just found a way to live peacefully?"

A rough scoffing noise was his answer. "Because the Blood Pae are greedy savages, or weren't you listening? Didn't you hear what happened to the hunting party they crossed only a few days ago? Slaughtered; not a single survivor. They're trying to cut off our food supplies. They don't want anything from us at this point except our deaths."

"But, even so, is this our only hope? Maybe there's another way--"

"You're an idealistic fool if you believe that," he snapped, causing the other to visibly wince. "They're coming to exterminate us," he said quietly now, shifting from his war hammer to his shield. "I don't know about you, but if there's no hope for me at least, I plan to take as many of those back-stabbing bastards with me as I can."

The Faun with the kind eyes had nothing more to say to that, only nodding slightly after a moment's hesitation and turning away.

A fit of sobbing interrupted the scene, as nearby the adorned female was trying to pull young children from soldiers' arms with an apologetic look torn by anxiety. Soft words spoken and looks of understanding from the soldiers as they tried to assist, gently pushing the children to follow her. "To me, little ones," she called, the hint of tears in her voice. Most of the children followed, gathering around her, with a few needing further encouragement from the soldiers before doing so.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:37 pm
Listening to the conversation, the princess found herself siding with the one male's doubts. Surely, no matter how cruel or heartless a leader was, their people would not follow them unprovoked. There had to be a reason, a sort of manipulation or misunderstanding or something. She just could not believe that violence was the only answer; her perspective never condoned such a thing except for the most dramatic of circumstances.

It was a downward spiral; pain breeding more pain to breed more pain.

Her heart tugged at the crying of children, and the moved over to them, wishing to pull them into her bosom and comfort them. She reached out to stroke one's cheek, aware that it probably would have no effect on it.


Aged Genius


PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:05 am
Whether there was some effect, or simply the child had cried all the tears she had to cry, she sniffled some, wiping her eyes, and quieted before joining the others surrounding the female wearing feathers. "Come, little ones," she called again, shuffling them back towards the Tree. "Your daddies have work to do. We'll see them later...now, let's all go back to the Tree..." She looked back with a final sad smile, nodding to the soldiers.

A reddish Faun turned away, eyes on the ground. A friend, obviously, caught the movement and moved towards him, clapping a hand over his shoulder. "We make a stand here, for their sakes."

"I know. It's just...I would have liked to have seen her all grown up."

"Yeah...yeah, I know," the other sighed, then he added quietly, "Maybe if we can hold them here today, they'll all get the chance to grow up."

The reddish Faun didn't answer at first, but his expression hardened, then he set his helmet on his head firmly before replying, "And that's why we make our stand here."

In the distance, the feathered female was seen shuffling the children in through the entrance to Laisidhiel. Once they were through, a score of Faun soldiers moved forward towards each door. They seemed to be waiting for some signal or sign. Then, six figures emerged from within Laisidhiel, five of them in various states of armament. The final seemed to be a female. After their exit, a shout went up from one score of soldiers and they set their shoulders to one of the massive doors and began slowly pushing it closed. An answering shout from one of the figures stopped them. The tallest of the armored figures stepped up, seeming to exchange some words with the two groups. Then, he waved the first group towards the field. They left their post at the door, obediently, bowing with fists at their chests and heading for the field as the lone figure took their place at the door. He set his shoulder against the solid door and began to push, slowly closing the portal until the door thudded solidly into the frame.

The lone Faun stepped back, rolling his shoulders, then gestured towards the second score of soldiers at the other door, still open by a few feet at best. Wide enough for someone to still get through. Then he said a few words, gesturing towards the female of the group, and was rewarded with an answering shout and salute. Seeming satisfied, he nodded to the five remaining Faun and started towards the field with them following in his stead.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:47 am
The princess stood awkwardly, alone, as the groups started to move in each and every direction. Who was she supposed to be watching? The first, the second, the final? As the tried to figure it out, the choice vanished with each advancement. taking a deep breath, she followed after the five, terrified. Surely the dream would end now... Her friend would not have her see any real violence. Celestia wasn't even sure what real violence appeared as.

The conflict was evident, obvious from the scene, but how far did she have to go before the dream would be satisfied?


Aged Genius


PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:17 pm
As Celestia neared the group, she'd notice that the tall tawny male stood out from the rest. The hair was kept differently, and he was wearing heavy battle armor, but he gave the same impression of power and leadership as the Chieftain to come hundreds of years later. At his side, a young female of the same color fur and hair, bearing similar markings. She looked even more familiar...though, she seemed younger here, less confident, and without the vine and blossom vestments of power that Celestia might be used to seeing adorn her frame. The pair seemed to survey the smoke rising over the treeline in the distance with quiet contemplation before the female broke the silence between them. "You are sure this is what must be done?"

The male turned to her with a frown, compassion in his gaze. "Yes. We have to buy Templa and Vilya some time. If, by making our stand here, we hold off the Blood Pae long enough for them to complete their mission, then it will all have been worth it. All the death and the sacrifice will not be for naught." He paused, watching her for a moment before turning her gently away from the battlefield with a hand on her shoulder to face him. He leaned over, touching his forehead to hers. "Fear not, Mother. We do what must be done for the greater good. Laisidhiel be with us all."

They each closed their eyes in silent prayer before she answered, "Laisidhiel be with us all. Take care, my dear Arda." The Faun Chieftain pulled away, straightening his shoulders and giving his Circle a brief nod to follow as he stepped towards the battlefield to cover last-minute instructions. Earthmother's eyes were sad as she watched him go.

Arda's Circle, the four males who had stood back while he and his mother conversed, moved to follow the Chieftain, but one held back from the rest. The dark-hued male carried a staff of white wood, one that might strike Celestia as familiar if she looked at it closely. He moved with a smooth gait, though his sight seemed fixed on something beyond that others could not see. With a frown, he moved towards the Earthmother, halting at her side. After a moment, he asked, "You know what you must do?"

"I do." She turned her eyes on him, questioningly. "But why me? Why not you?"

He chuckled at this. "You have always been one of my most skilled students. I have other duties that must be tended to on the field of battle today. My place is at Arda's side, as it has always been. But, that aside, this spell is one of powerful, potent, protection magic. For all my power, you've always had more natural talent with this type of magic. Which makes sense, of course. Who better at casting a protection spell over our home and our children than a mother?" He smiled at her warmly, then after a moment of hesitation, lifted her hand in his and gave it a chaste kiss. "You can do this, Em. I have faith in you."

He pulled away, beginning to follow Arda when the female grabbed his hand in hers holding him back. He paused, ear twitching in a curious manner. She clung to his hand tightly to keep him from leaving, waiting until he turned back towards her to ask, "Please, Seer...tell me what you have Seen of this night."

He frowned in reply, seeming to ponder his response before answering. He then wrapped his arms around her tightly. Though he whispered in her ear, Celestia would hear his message clearly as if it was whispered in her own. "Fear not, love. All will be well. Though we may fall, our efforts will not be in vain. Those who come after will rise again, and our people will stand tall once more."

The two embraced tightly before finally the Seer pulled away. He gently brushed a stray tear from the Earthmother's cheek with a silent, comforting smile. As he turned to break the tender scene, his sightless eyes seemed pointedly locked with Celestia's, if only for a moment, as if trying to convey a silent message. Then, he was gone, following after Arda and the rest of his Circle. Earthmother hesitated, watching them go...then whirled suddenly back towards the Tree with a determined air, her hooves carrying her swiftly over the uneven terrain back towards the door that waited to seal the rest inside Laisidhiel.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:09 pm
At this point, everything appeared even more strange, more familiar. These people, it was as if they had physically met, actually shared stories and wisdom. That man... He appeared the same as the chief had when Celestia first made acquaintance with him. And that woman... was she...? Yes! Who could forget that look and that aura; it was Earthmother! She had almost taken it in jest that the matron was really as old as she had heard, but for her to be present in a miscellaneous vision of the past, it had to be true.

Were these the original circle? The ones reborn into the present? Surely so.

The one speaking to Earthmother held a very familiar staff... Was that Vanya's? Had her friend at one point been a male? Moving closer, she felt her feet stop as they embraced in a manner not unfamiliar to the princess. Those words, it was strange how clearly she understood them despite their distance apart.

A chill ran up her back and her legs nearly gave way when the seer, a figment of the dream as anyone else, seemed to look straight at Celestia. It was as if he knew that someone was watching, a trait unique only to him. Was it because he and Vanya were one in the same? Was that how he could understand the visions given to and by her? She had a choice: to follow Earthmother and learn of her mission, or to follow this seer and understand the horror of the battle that was likely to occur.

The true purpose of this was not to learn of Earthmother's role, however; it was to learn of the conflict, of the strife between the blood and elemental pae. Even if it ran against her nature to willingly confront such a situation, the princess willed her hooves to follow after the seer, nausea forming in the pit of her stomach from the fear of what she thought would follow.


Aged Genius


PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:50 pm
The Seer halted on a low-rise in the landscape. Though his silver eyes were marked by the same distant focus of one without earthly sight, they were turned towards the sky as if searching for something. A few minutes later, a piercing screech of a falcon split the air and he turned towards the waiting soldiers. "To arms, Brothers!" His voice carried over the plains, soldiers taking up the cry and beating weapons against shields. "The enemy comes on dark wings!"

The soldiers were raising a clamor, but subtly, shields were being raised and linked, forming a wall of protection over those below. Overhead, tiny figures could be seen coming from the direction of the burning forest. They passed from the light into the shade beneath Laisidhiel's branches. Though they soared well above the battlefield, making them seem tiny in comparison, they still flew beneath the highest branches of the Great Tree. Some seemed to glow with a warm light. Warm and comforting, like the light of the sun.

Or the fiery glow from a pot of burning oil.

Carried in harnesses below the flying Blood Pae, the burning containers were hauled into the scene, then the transporters took a swift dive towards Laisidhiel before releasing their cargo. The pots smashed into the Great Tree, sending splatters of burning oil in all directions; though most of it clung to and ran down the Tree's bark, some fell towards the soldiers on the ground below.

Not all of these fiery weapons reached their destination. As the angels and demons neared the tree, a shout went up from the canopy, and arrows rained down swift death to the Blood Pae caught below the archers' ambush. Wings and bodies pierced by arrows tumbled down from great height; if the initial wounds had not been fatal, the sudden impact with the ground was. Bodies and flaming oil littered the landscape from the inital attack, but it was far from over yet.

The Blood Pae had archers of their own.

A second wave of airborne soldiers followed the first, swift strike team, this one armed with bows and flaming arrows that they aimed into Laisidhiel's branches. Some of the branches caught flame, some of the arrows found their homes in Faun archers. As the stricken Faun fell from the branches, the rest of the archers scattered, seeking new perches from which to strike once more.

Back on the ground, the soldiers had prepared their wall of shields to hold their ground, and Arda and his Circle had begun to change. Growing in size, rapidly, while putting on bulk, the Circle members seemed to draw the very earth towards them. It gathered around them, merging with their bodies to form massive creatures of earth and stone...and yet, still very much alive and mobile.

One of them paused to direct a group of Geomancers in an effort to douse some of the flames licking up the side of the Tree. Earth and soil rose up as a wave, crashing against the side of the Great Tree and smothering the fire that threatened their home and those sheltered within. Meanwhile, the greatest of these Earth Golems that had replaced the Faun Circle roared a deafening challenge to the enemy in the sky. Arda, presumably, then stomped forwards, the field shaking from his steps, as he took a position at the front of the defensive line.

His great strength seemed amplified exponentially in this form. As arrows rained down ineffectually hitting the upraised shields of the soldiers below, the great golem began raising massive boulders from beneath the earth and hurling them to great heights in the sky. Blood Pae archers fell, struck by the projectiles, and soon it was clear that they could continue dodging these attacks, only to rain down more ineffectual arrows onto shields, or they could change tactics. At a call from above, bows were shouldered, swords and short-spears were drawn, and the enemy dove to close with the Faun on the ground in close quarters.

Both sides surged and waned, the battle shifting back and forth. Though the Faun tended to hold their ground, still they lost soldiers, falling to rise no more. The Blood Pae'il attacked swiftly, seeking out some weakness in the Earth Ancients' solid defense. From time to time, they succeeded. Slowly, the Faun were being driven back as their numbers fell, but they were making the winged ones pay for each foot with their blood.

Before long, the battle had reached Celestia's position. All around her, Faun and Blood Pae'il alike fought and died. Cries of anger and agony filled the air, and the eerie silence from before the battle would have had a welcome return. Instead, another roar, followed by a lightly-armored angel flying through the air overhead, not of his own wings' power. A nearby golem was raging, tossing Blood Pae about like straw dolls, though his own movements were growing more sluggish.

There was a sudden cry from behind the fauny princess, and before she could see any more, there was a flash of intense pain...and then darkness and nothing.

(Celestia will wake from her sleep with no injuries or other physical signs of what she was endured; she returns with only the memories. Unlike a normal dream, her memory of this vision will not begin to fade immediately upon waking. It will remain fresh and clear, at least for now, though the edge of what she has seen may dull in time.

When she is ready to move once more, the letter has noted that Vanya will be waiting to speak with her about what she has seen, as well as other personal matters. She should seek out the Seer in her quarters.)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:59 pm
Gasping, Celestia started straight up, her eyes wide open and her body covered with sweat. Soft pain still seemed to linger on her backside from the memory, the vivid, lifelike memory of her dream. She couldn't move... The scenes were physically sickening and continued to etch themselves in each thought. The blood, the entrails, the curdling screams and howls as faun and angel were struck dead.

The princess felt numbed to the world; were her hands even touching the bed anymore?

Help... Someone to understand... The seer, that's right, she should go seek out her friend, find out why she had wanted her to see something so horrible. Her limbs seemed to move mechanically to the room, limply lifting to knock on the door before falling again to her side as she waited to be called in. The princess appeared to have been ill or needing immediate rest, but in reality all she needed were answers.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:50 pm
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Vanya had stayed up, waiting, 'expecting a visitor' she'd told her mate when he'd gone off to bed long ago. The Seer had remained at her seat, meditating, praying for the right words to--

The knock at her door was soft, but sharp to her enhanced hearing. She jolted out of her trance, shaking her head slightly then hurrying to the door. She was expecting the Fauny on the other side, but not the state she was in. "Celestia?!?" alarm obvious in her voice, she rushed to support her friend and help her inside. Luckily, no one else seemed to be around and she'd arrived unseen. "Come in, there we go, lean on me, it's okay," she murmured, trying to help her to a seat before she collapsed. "What in Laisidhiel happened?" she asked. She knew that she'd asked much of her, but...could a mere vision do this? What in the Great Tree could she have seen to cause this? Or had something else unrelated happened?

Guilt started to tug at her heart...had she had something to do with this? As soon as the princess was seated, she began stroking her hair soothingly. The Seer could sense a virtual storm of emotions coming from the fauny, and yet, a bone-deep weariness as well, one that weighed on the spirit as much as the body. She'd felt it before herself and recognized it. There was also fear, confusion, disbelief, so many emotions she dare not try to read them all. She'd hoped she'd not need such a thing, but apparently the spirits had had other plans. "Wait right here, I'll get you something to help." With that, she rushed away, pulling out a small satchel that she sometimes carried with her on journeys outside the Tree. Her own sort of 'first aid' kid of potions, salves, and antidotes, normally. She had something in here that she'd put together earlier, hoping not to need it. Her fingers deftly traced the stoppers and bottles, finding a small vial she sought, put the rest away and returned to Celestia. "Here, drink this, keep taking slow, deep breaths, and just try to relax. Everything will be okay," she continued speaking in a soothing tone of voice. The vial contained a mild sedative, not enough to knock her out, but enough to take the edge off any panic-inducing stresses she might be under at the moment.

She sat next to the fauny, willing to offer comfort, but at the same time unsure if she would be welcomed at the moment. "No rush, speak only when you're ready, okay?" she urged, taking the risk of resting a comforting hand on her back, just below where her wings joined her shoulders.
:[ Notices & Metaplot ]: ~ Metaplot related character advancement

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