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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[ EXAM ORP ] CAREER APTITUDE TEST (HAND IT IN P.18!) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 18 19 20 21 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Blessed Member

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:15 pm
Part 2:

"All students!" the Ickycom boomed, out of nowhere, rather loudly on the fine Frightday morning, "ALL STUDENTS. YES. YOU. AND YOU. AND ESPECIALLY YOU." The speakers started to screech from the noise, static, before whomever was on the Ickycom continued, "All students will need to submit a CAREER APTITUDE TEST in order to graduate! It doesn't matter what year, if you want to graduate eventually, you need to fill one in!"

A pause. "This exam will determine your future. If you do poorly, you will be ruined RUINED FOR LIFE. Noone will want you. You will be worthless! But if you do well, then great jobs lie ahead for you. DON'T FAIL because you ONLY GET ONE CHANCE. I'll see you in the school auditorium."


Students, hundreds of them, were already filing into the large school auditorium, where desks were pretty much crammed into an almost unreasonable space, row by row. A few professors, and even some gnomes were moving the students, kicking, biting, and occasionally gently escorting them to their seats.

A seat with a sealed envelope that said in bright red THIS DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE. IF YOU FAIL THIS YOU HAVE NO FUTURE.

"All right everyone," Arel, the school secretary, idly folding a paper crane monster with his spare exam sheets, pointed to the giant clock in the very front of the auditorium, "quiet time now. Exam starts now. You have one hour. Anyone caught cheating will have detention." He seemed a little too excited about that word, staring at the students with beady eyes through his scarf.



gaia_crown ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED REGARDLESS OF YEAR AS LONG AS THEY ARE ENROLLED. Even if you did not participate in this RP it is assumed you were *THERE* gaia_crown
- You may do an exam for as many students as you want
- You CANNOT TALK TO OTHER STUDENTS. You can't even telepathically signal to other students because Professor QB is telepathic and he is watching you. This is a singular exam. However, you can peek at students, just kind of see from the corner of your eye what they are up to. Just quote them. You can't peek at their exam or you will immediately get kicked out.

gaia_crown THE EXAM:
Opening the envelope reveals two pencils and the exam sheet:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

OOC: You can either fill out your answers directly on the sheet as IC to your student, or write them as an rp post.

- Completing questions and answers require TIME. Whenever your student pauses to think, it is time to check the TIME.
- The TIME WILL BE MARKED BY A NEW GM POST, where I will announce with the NPC that you have X minutes left and a new prompt.

gaia_crown Questions to the NPC:
- If your student has a question that involves a life or death situation of failing their aptitude test, they may raise their hand. Quote Zoobey and put in BOLD RED your student's question or comment. Sometimes, don't be too disappointed if the npc ignores you, just keep on trudging...

- Before you start writing, as you open the exam, roll a 6-sided dice and match your dice roll to the results below. You only need to do this ONCE. Incorporate this element in your RP as you start.

Rolling a 1: One of your pencils (Haunted Pencils) immediately tries to attack you, biting you on your main writing hand. Ouch! Now you have to write it with your non dominant hand (or limb)
Rolling a 2: You notice that one of the pieces of paper is printed backwards. Or maybe you don't. Maybe it's a test...
Rolling a 3: One of your Haunted Pencils becomes intangible and half-sinks into your desk. You spend a good deal of time trying to get it out
Rolling a 4: Whomever is seated directly behind you keeps on making weird sniffly noises that are really distracting. You can barely concentrate
Rolling a 5: Your Haunted Pen jumps out and starts scribbling random doodles all over your desk, and anything it comes in contact with. You have to wrangle it to submission.
Rolling a 6: Another note slips out from your envelope. It just reads "THE ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING IS MINIPET POOP"
Enoh Love rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:25 pm

Amrita was freaking out. The very studious Patchwork always preferred to be prepared for such things, and this sudden aptitude test was a complete surprise. She kept her head down and eyes locked on her exam paper, and wondered if what she was having was one of those fabled heart attacks.

She opened her package to look through the questions, but that second page...it was all backwards. Oh Jack. Oh Jack Oh Jack Oh Jack! Was this a part of the test? Was it meant to be backwards? She was too scared to look up to check!

User Image


Enoh Love

Bittiface rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


Sarcastic Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:25 pm
OH GOODY! AN EXAM! An exam that would determine is whole future! If he failed, he'd be ruined for life. Yes, everything was riding on---

Mot started to hyperventilate once he reached the auditorium, breathing rapidly into a paper bag his beef jerky had recently been in. A staff member dragged him by his poncho into a vacant seat while Mot continued to panic.


Rolling a 6: Another note slips out from your envelope. It just reads "THE ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING IS MINIPET POOP"

Mot opened the envelope, sweat already beading down his temples, causing his wispy hair to cling to his face. He hadn't a chance to look the test over before a sheet fell out with it. What was written baffled him.

Was this a test too? Was he supposed to believe it? Maybe if he ignored it he'd pass, or maybe he was supposed to do as this test note said or he'd FAIL! The goody goody reaper bit at his nails, dark eyes darting between the two sheets.

What was he supposed to do!? What t believe! What was the real truth of everything? This note must have been sent to screw him up. But he couldn't just let it go. He had to think about this in the most logical way.

Maybe.. maybe the second note was actually a code for the rest of the answers! An anagram that was to be solved! Yes, now he was thinking like a REAL Boogeyman!

A wavering smile spread on the Grim's lips, nervous sweat still continuing to dampen his raven hair.

He filled out his exam nervously, shaking the entire time.  
Ice Queen rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:27 pm
Roch dropped down in a chair and stared at the test blankly for a long, long moment. This was important? But he already HAD a jackin' mentor and everything, so how--

Someone sniffled behind him.

How in the hell did this impact anything?


Jackdammit, he thought as he dug through his pockets and popped a hard candy into his mouth before starting to write.

Name... Roch Scythe, date, sixth October, seventh day... he thought. Where does FEAR come from? Humans. A healthy FEAR comes from a healthy...

What in the jack? He stared at that one for a moment, then dug through his pockets again, pulling out a pick. He promptly flipped it in the air, watching as it landed heart side down. Then jotted down the words, "getaway" and "Alibi" (after flipping again.)

To become a boogeyman--Roch stared at this one for a very, very long moment, then thought about the boogeymen he knew. After a long moment of debating (because beautiful hair SHOULD be a requirement, but he was pretty sure it wasn't) he decided to circle "NONE OF THE ABOVE." Because seriously, if they knew the legal system, why were there judges and lawyers and stuff? Then he jotted "ABILITY TO BE AN a*****e IS GOOD, THO" under the question. He was being helpful!

To become a trick or treater--now this one was more familiar, he thought. He was flipflopping back and forth between being a trickster and understanding the human world--but seriously, he thought, if you just knew about the human world and didn't know how to trick, well, then you were just DETH. So he circled "SKILLS OF A TRICKSTER" and moved on.

And the guy behind him sounded like they were trying to drink through their nose... so jackin' irritating...

He circled the "ABILITY TO BATTLE AN ARMY" line without even reading it for the professors--simply because he figured THEY would think it was the right answer. And moved on.

To... what the key elements of a human were. What? He stared at that one blankly for a very long moment. Then jotted down the first things that came to mind, "EARTH AND AIR." Because he didn't see many humans being on fire or water... he guessed.

2DA... what? He had no jackin' CLUE what the next question was, he thought, wincing as the guy behind him literally honked into a tissue. Okay... how would he deal with it? Whatever it was. "USE MY GUITAR." Yeah. That sounded good. Definitely a cover his own a** sort of answer.

Which classes were important... uh... He leaned back, tapping his pencil on the table for a second before leaning forward to write, "WHATEVER CLASSES KILL YOU THE MOST"

And his level of FEAR mastery... "PRETTY DECENT."

Then it was simple again. "THIRD YEAR," then "TRICK OR TREATER" and finally, with a shrug, "STUDENTS THAT CARE ABOUT ME." Because he was faithful to his bros and ghouls. Even if the answer was sort of lame. Then he leaned back again--only to move forward just as quickly as the kid behind him sniffled loudly. Greeeaaaat.  

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

mare rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)


Precious Cutie-Pie

14,675 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:28 pm
Efflo trudged in, looking gloomy. He hated written exams. Stuck at an uncomfy desk, indoors on a lovely Frightday, he was thoroughly unimpressed. But he supposed he didn't want to totally fail at his unlife and besides, just because they had sixty minutes, didn't mean they had to use all of them right? He could totally get by with ten, maybe five if he scribbled fast...  
Seussi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:28 pm
A mildly concerned looking zomboil trudged his way into the auditoreum along with the multitude of others that had been called in for an exam. He wanted to think of it more like a surprise exam, as he had no previous knowledge of its existence until today, but chances were it might have been mentioned before, and in his current wore down state, he just hadn't been paying attention.

Well, either way it didn't really change the fact that the exam was a surprise to him, and the ickycom announcement made it sound like a fairly important one. Nerves had him running fingers through his already disheveled hair the moment he clunked down in his seat, long legs stretching out in front of him as he stared with mismatched eyes down at the envelope, then visibly winced when the school secretary began to speak about cheating and detention.

No detention. Never again, please, for the love of everything unholy and gruesome, no detention.

Letting his hands drop to the desktop, he let out a barely audible sigh and drummed his fingers along the wooden surface. Then, when it seemed as though they were allowed to begin, he lifted up his envelope and tore it open, spilling its contents out for examination.

Two haunted pencils clattered as they landed on the desktop, followed by much quieter sheets of exam paper. He studied these first, flipping through them briefly while skimming the pages, until he came across one in particular....

.....It was printed backwards?? Surely that was...some kind of mistake? He glanced up from said paper, frowning, eyes searching for any teacher that might be able to assist. Except...was it supposed to be backwards? He had to fight the urge to look around at the students around him to see if they were experiencing a similar problem.

He did not want to be accused of cheating

And so he did what anybody in his position would do.

He wrote his answers backwards as well.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
(just flip the image to see his answers I can't even)


Ice-Cold Hunter

Blade Kuroda rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:30 pm
Career aptitude test? Shun didn't really feel any particular need to do this, since he already had post-graduation plans, but he found himself being ushered to the location of the exam anyway. He was in the auditorium, looking rather unamused with this situation as a whole.

Great. It was a jacking written exam as well. The Reaper closed his good eye and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was going to be a waste of an hour. He could tell that much already. And then, the clock began. Letting out a sigh, he went to reach for one of the pencils, only to have it phase out some and sink into the desk.

"Jacking hell..." he muttered under his breath as he went on to try and pry the thing on out. It took him awhile to be able to do just that. But, eventually, he managed it. Shaking his head to himself, he looked at the actual exam papers. As expected, the letters were kind of mashed up for him, and he was having difficulty in properly reading what was printed down.

Why the hell was a written exam made to be so 'important'? They should be tested based on their actual skill if anything! Practicality bested this sort of thing.  
iStoleYurVamps rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:30 pm
Frost was determined to not fail. Sadly, he was nervous, not to mention far too hyper sensitive for this sort of thing. Ears pinned back, determination in his eyes, the ghost only had to minorly struggle with his pen snake briefly before filling out the generals. Name, date.

Frost in the Storm, Frightday the 7th of the 6th October.
The first answer was easy he thought. Humans. Second answer, FEAR CORE and mind.

Boogies... like he cared, still, they were the ones he'd have to deal with one day. He circled legal system since well...
That was what he'd have to deal with, his tribe often facing conflict with them over humans and hunting and augh- going back it would be a political and cultural nightmare. The laws were laws and he couldn't claim ignorance. Not to mention, his people wouldn't enjoy their traditions being taking from them. Yet he'd need to face the music someday, that times had changed, that his people would need to change with, or be left behind.
Such a thing Frost wasn't feeling up to allow.

Human world, all of the above, the ability to generate FEAR, limited lifespan, meat, (those were the human things), With cunning, All, One is never a master, for we always learn, I would however call myself an adept, 3rd, none of the above, none of the above.
Frost was not very good at words.

He felt the answers were arbitrary,. subjective. If so many students took this test.. was their a right answer? A wrong one? It was all a mystery, one that annoyed him. His fate had been chosen long ago, what use did he have for this exam? For another, a test, tell him what he already knew? He would be the alpha one day. This test was pointless.

He was going to be the alpha.




Trash Husband

chirigami rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)


Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:31 pm
Maple was, probably as expected, a ball of nerves when she was ushered in like all the other students to take an exam. One she was not ready for. One she had not prepared for. One that was a complete surprise. All the color seemed to drain from her face as she was seated, her breathing just growing at a more rapid pace. She wasn't ready for this. Not when it was all about her possible future as a responsible member of society.

Nervously, she reached for her haunted pen. Only to realize, it wasn't where it had been before. Instantly her eyes went wide with panic as she looked as carefully as she could around her, as to not raise suspicions from the ever watchful teacher. Where was it?!

It was then she noticed the thing had phased itself into the desk, causing her to let out a silent cry. Didn't it know this was important?!

Why was the pen doing this to her and threatening all that could be of her life. Maple was so ready to cry right then and there, combined with her near hyperventilating issue. So much was going on already and she hadn't even started the test itself. Panic! Panic everywhere, and her thin fingers nearly clawing at the desk for the pen to come back.

Somehow. In some way. Maple Ziege finished the test, agonizing over every answer she gave, flipped it over and then rested her head as best she could on the desk. Even that she couldn't do properly because of her horns. She wanted to sink into the ground.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Pixie Krysta Ordreg rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:32 pm
Rosy wasn't one for written exams, but this had to be the worse. An exam that would determine her life choices? At the very moment, she wanted to run and hide at the very thought, but she knew that wouldn't do her much good either. With a small sigh, she slips into the auditorium, and just takes a random sit in the middle. Leaning back a little in her desk, she crossed her arms for a moment as she listens to the babbling around her.

When it was called out that they could begin, she pulls the envelope open only to squeak as one of the two pencils come to life and start drawing all of her desk and exam. Glaring, she grabs the pencil and gives it a firm squeeze then bend the eraser forward as if she was going to break it.

Once it settles down, she sighs as she looks over her paper, glaring at the hearts and a certain name in them. This was a joke right?

Shaking her head, she ignore the drawings for now and just looks over her exam.

When she was done, she drops the pencil before looking her test over. The drawings, she didn't even bother erasing them. No point, and she wasn't in her normal happy mood to do so.

Flipping her papers over, she lays her head down on top of them and waits for the rest of the test to be over.

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Pixie Krysta Ordreg

Fashionable Spirit

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Cheekiebirdiee rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:33 pm
Rolling a 4: Whomever is seated directly behind you keeps on making weird sniffly noises that are really distracting. You can barely concentrate

Spinar wasn't at all prepared for a test today, in fact he was still rather annoyed so when the creature behind him kept sniffling or whatever it was doing his nerves stretched even thinner. With a deep exhale the frost demon opened the envelope, pulling out two pencils and the exam sheet. There weren't to many questions which was a good thing, the only problem was, as he tried to read the questions on the exam there came another really distracting sniffly noise.

Did this jacking idiot have a cold? Cause they were about to if not.

Growing further irritated Spinar's body temperature fell, chilling the area around him. Gritting his teeth he picked up a pencil and attempted to focus beyond wondering what was wrong with the creature behind him.

Pencil to paper he started to work on his exam, filling it out as best he could with the current distraction behind him. Thanks to the sniffling behind him he had successfully forgotten the date and so looking to his first answer he scribbled that out and tried one more guess.

User Image User Image
Bloodlust Dante rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:33 pm
There was a reason why Damien was not allowed to drink Bul before taking an exam.

If it was one thing that Damien was not ready for, it was a test. Normally the written exams he received from classes weren't so difficult. More often than not, it was just hazardous to his health, but not difficult and definitely not one that predicted his future endeavors in amity life. This time it was for something serious.

And the hellhound boil was too busy shaking in his seat to even think clearly.  

Bloodlust Dante

Fortunate Hellraiser

chiickadee rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)


Princess Hoarder

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:34 pm
Danny didn't get nervous. She was very carefree, most of the time because she couldn't comprehend what those cares might be. Ignorance was bliss in the case of the fire demon, and Danny had a whole lot of bliss.

Fidgeting wasn't unusual either. The leg tapping, claw scraping, wing flapping- she had always been an energetic sort, and being contained to a desk was far too difficult for the sprouting ghoul. Yet today it seemed amplified as her orange eyes darted around the room, looking for a friendly face to wave to, or a window to stare out of. It was almost ...

Anxious. Danny was nervous.

A screech was suppressed beneath a hand- as they couldn't make noise at the moment- because the pen had transformed into a tiny snake, biting down hard on her hand and causing red blood to well at the surface. She reflexively smacked the pen away from herself, hitting the person next to her. Which just so happened to be Shun. The snake landed flat near his feet, reverting once more to its pen form, as though trying to make Danny into its own personal scapegoat.

Silently, she gave him an awkward smile and pointed to it with the non-injured hand. She did need it for the exam.

Rolling a 1: One of your pencils (Haunted Pencils) immediately tries to attack you, biting you on your main writing hand. Ouch! Now you have to write it with your non dominant hand (or limb)

blade kuroda
Carhop Cavalier rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:34 pm
Gene was nervous, yes, but not nearly as nervous as her poor boilfriend. Trying to calm him by stroking the cowboil's arm, she whispered a few "I love you's" and "you'll be fine's" before the staff dragged him away. She pouted as she took a seat, huffily turning her eyephone onto silent mode.

Silver eyes went to the envelope, and she nervous inched a finger along the seal. A hiss ushered out from the paper, and a rather mangy looking, wild mess of a Haunted Pen leaped out to assault whoever dared disturb its chambers. The Doppelganger retracted her hand, but it was too late - the creature had locked on to its prey. A small whimper could be heard from the ghoul, and a small thud as the pen hit the floor.

Jack dammit, she thought, looking at her hand. The bite was pretty bad, and had left her hand too sore to write with. A frustrated sigh blustered through her lips, and she picked up the other haunted pen with her left hand. Okay Gene, don't suck...


Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

Torvil rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)


Noble Explorer

11,875 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:35 pm
Zel was ready for this, he had it all down and good to go, focusing on his test, he grit his teeth and went to pick up one of his pencils.

He was not expecting it to bite him however, so he hissed as softly as he could and smashed the pencil into the desk until it let him go, cradling his hand in lap now.

Great - now he was gonna have to write left handed.

Rolling a 1: One of your pencils (Haunted Pencils) immediately tries to attack you, biting you on your main writing hand. Ouch! Now you have to write it with your non dominant hand (or limb)
Rolling a 2: You notice that one of the pieces of paper is printed backwards. Or maybe you don't. Maybe it's a test...
Rolling a 3: One of your Haunted Pencils becomes intangible and half-sinks into your desk. You spend a good deal of time trying to get it out
Rolling a 4: Whomever is seated directly behind you keeps on making weird sniffly noises that are really distracting. You can barely concentrate
Rolling a 5: Your Haunted Pen jumps out and starts scribbling random doodles all over your desk, and anything it comes in contact with. You have to wrangle it to submission.
Rolling a 6: Another note slips out from your envelope. It just reads "THE ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING IS MINIPET POOP"

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