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[PRP] Not The Help I Want (Kreyate & Zangar) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:14 am
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Kreyate was feeling a bit miserable. No, not quite miserable, but lost and completely lacking purpose. How long had he been out here? Honestly he wasn't sure, each day had melted into the other and now the past days, weeks, perhaps even months, had been blurred into an unknown time frame. He barely remembered the beginning, how he ran - after being ordered to by his sister - to safety. There was a big problem though, he didn't know where was safe, he didn't know anything beyond that life and now...now he was more lost than every, physically and mentally. He had ran, and it had taken him a long time to stop since no one was there to tell him to stop. In fact had he not encountered an obstacle that was too steep to climb and too large to simply walk around he might have run forever. The mountain had stopped him, then he had realized he was lost from his life.

He had waited in that spot for - well he wasn't entirely sure how long - but he had waited and waited. Finally he had given up on waiting, no not given up, but decided to seek out his superiors so that they could tell him what to do next. It wasn't an easy task given how far he had ran, and he had not paid attention while running, but also because without being told to look for them he seemed to wander around aimlessly, more often walking in circles than anything else. This whole independent thing confused him greatly, he just wanted to get home and return to life of a servant.

Standing in the middle of a meadow Kreyate was trying to decide what to do now. He had started across the wide open land not long ago, and he had been doing quite well, but then he had looked up realized that there were so many directions he could go in. How was he supposed to know which way to go? He looked around him expectantly, as if doing so would make one of the Sisters appear and tell him what to do next. When that didn't happen he lowered his head a bit, long grass touching his nose. Had he eaten recently? He couldn't say. Not being on a strict schedule anyone with others being given constantly had really messed with his mind and body.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:32 am
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Zangar was meandering slowly across the meadow, he didn't really have much of a destination in mind and so his path was a bit on the unpredictable side, but that was alright with him - such a path had led him to many interesting and unique discoveries over the years. In fact he was far more at home with his aimless wandering then he ever had been staying in one place.

It wasn't long before he spotted the colorful stallion ahead - his bright coat stood out like a sore hoof in the meadows large expanse. Well there was nothing all that unusual about finding a Soquilli in a meadow such as this - it was some good grazing...and yet Zangar couldn't help but think that there might be something wrong...perhaps it was the way the other Soquili was standing, he looked kind of dejected..actually downright miserable and Zangar - thought he preferred the ladies - wasn't the type of stallion to just walk on past someone who was obviously having some sort of bad day and so with a slight snort he turned and angled his way towards the other stallion. "Hello there! You looks like your having a bit of a bad day there chap." He called out in a friendly greeting when he got close enough.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:45 am
Kreyate was deep in thought - though for Kreyate any type of thought was deep and confusing to him. He hadn't been raised to think, outside of a few minor things, so actually standing there and truly thinking made him even more miserable than he already was. Why did it need to be this hard to choose which way to go? He hadn't given any thought to it when he had first ventured out into the meadow. Honestly he hadn't really noticed that the trees had given way to grass, he had been on a task and everything around him had disappeared - until he looked up. Why had he looked up? He could have made it all the way across had he just been staring at the ground before him, concentrating on nothing but putting one hoof forward and then another.

A voice snapped Kreyate out of his thoughts, and he was pretty darn thankful for that, until he realized the voice had not been from a female but a male. He didn't like males, they scared him. Well...they didn't actually scare him, he just had no idea how to be around them, he had been one of only a small number of male slaves in the herd and they didn't exactly talk among themselves since there was work to do and their chatter would offend the Sisters. So he had never really spoken to another male. Looking up Kreyate's eyes fell upon the other, ears flicked this way and that, trying to decide what he should do. Should he run? Well that could work, but it could lead to a beating as well. Should he talk? Maybe, but Kreyate wasn't big on words either. Perhaps he should just ignore him. Yes, that might work. So Kreyate did the most logical thing to him, he closed his eyes. If he couldn't see the other stallion then he wouldn't need to talk to him.

Problem was the wind blew the others scent towards him. Darn. With a sigh Kreyate opened his eyes again and was saddened to see the other was still there. How did the Sisters talk to one another? It as sort of fuzzy to him. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it. What were the words he wanted to say? "Kreyate...lost."
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:53 am
Zangar blinked as the other stallion stood there staring blankly at him for what seemed like a great deal of time - it wasn't really but having someone stare at you blankly sort of had a way of dragging out the seconds until each one felt like a minute. Perhaps he was blind and that blank stare was merely the stallion trying to figure out where he was..but no then the beast closed his eyes and Zangar began to think the stallion had more problems then being blind.

Perhaps he was a bit touched in the head...great, while Zangar was a nice stallion and all being stuck dealing with a dullard was not the way he wanted to spend his day. When the stallion decided to speak at long last his words did little to reassure Zangar that the other stallion had some brains. "Your...lost..okay, well..where are you trying to go?" He replied. Perhaps he would be lucky and the stallion would only need to be taken somewhere close by. Perhaps he had family or something that he could be pawned off on in the area.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:13 am
Why couldn't this stallion just leave? Wander off and ignore the fact that Kreyate was standing here horribly lost? No, it seemed fate was against him as the stallion remained where he was and to make matters worse he was asking another question. Kreyate didn't get asked questions back home, so they were difficult for him to understand. Where was he trying to go? Well the answer to him was simple, he was to go back to his duties, to do whatever the Sisters asked of him. The issue was, that he wasn't sure where the Sisters were. In fact he wasn't entirely sure where he was, so saying where he wanted to go was difficult. He wanted...to go home. He craved to be told what to do by the Sisters. It was his life and doing anything but that was extremely hard on the large stallion. Maybe, just maybe, he could explain what he did and then the stallion would leave him alone or better yet point him in the right direction. It was worth a shot considering the other didn't look ready to leave anytime soon.

"Kreyate...go to Sisters." He started with a nod of his head, yes that sounded right. "Kreyate live with Sisters. Sisters tell Kreyate what to do. Kreyate do what Sisters say." That is exactly it, he lived to serve the Sisters, without them he was lost in a number of ways. Kreyate looked almost expectantly at the stallion, as if saying these simple things would be the needed clue to tell him where he was going and what he needed to do. If that happened then Kreyate would be one happy stallion, relatively speaking of course, since he wasn't entirely sure what happiness truly entailed. All he knew was the sooner he got home the sooner he could return to his duties as a slave.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:33 am
It seemed to take an awful long time for the stallion to formulate and answer to his question and when he finally did it was in the same broken language as before and did very little to reverse Zangar's original opinion of the beast before him. Clearly the stallion was a dullard...which left him in a bit of a quandary...it just wouldn't be right to walk off and leave the obviously needy and confused stallion standing here until some predator did away with him (blessing to the genepool though that might be), but he really wanted sure what to do either. He didn't know these sisters but he assumed they must be the stallions family, perhaps his siblings took care of him and he'd somehow gotten separated. Or they had dumped him off after growing weary of dealing with him - that was always an option too.

"So your looking for your sister's..okay, I don't suppose you can tell me the area they live in so I can show you which way to go do you?" He'd wandered a great deal of the area and with a decent description he was hopeful that he would recognize something, but the stallions previous answers did not inspire much confidence in this chance.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:27 am
He didn't like this. It was too hard. Why couldn't this stallion just leave? Of course the greater question was why didn't he just walk away fromt he stallion? But that really required too much thinking and he was already thinking hard on these answers. He supposed that if this stallion could just say go that way, then chances were he would find the Sisters. He had been wandering aimlessly for some time now, he wasn't exactly sure, but he was fairly certain it had been a while. There seemed to be at least one season change since he started. He should have been able to find home by now but considering this was the first time he had ever spent more than a few moments away from the herd he was perpetually lost.

It was just one more question to answer and then he would know where to go, right? Of course, this stallion would somehow know where he had to go, point hi in that direction and then Kreyate would be on his merry way. Now came the tricky part - answering the stallions questions. "Kreyate..." He started but then realized that was the wrong word this time. "...Sisters...live North?" He said, not one hundred per cent sure, but he thought he had heard one of the say that the herd was North of the majority of others. "Kreyate see lots of trees...and hard ground. Rocks, big rocks. Kreyate move big rocks when Sisters tell him to." That was hard work but he never complained, didn't really know what it meant to complain. As long as he was given his daily instructions Kreyate was content with life and saw no reason to change how things happened or why. And most importantly he never questioned the Sisters or any of his tasks. Why would he? It was the only life he knew so it made perfect sense to never stray from it.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:38 am
North. With rocks. Well it wasn't much of an answer but at least it was something to work with. Zangar knew there were mountains in the north and below them some foothills with rocks and that seemed like it might fit this stallions description - but that was a quite a distance from here. Zangar had rather hoped that the stallion would tell him he lived by the nearby river..or in the little meadow to the south that was only about a days walk away. Somewhere close...not somewhere that would take weeks of traveling to get too.

How did he always get himself into these messes? He could of course just point the stallion towards the north and tell him to go that way...but this fellow did not seem very smart and Zangar worried that he'd wander off track almost as soon as he was out of sight. Sighing heavily he glanced to the North..well he was a wanderer, there wasn't anything keeping him here at the moment really..he might as well try and see the fellow home..right?

"North is this way." He told the stallion before setting off to the north. "Come on, We'll see if we can find these sisters of yours."


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:22 am
There was that awkward silence again, as the stallions stood there. He wasn't sure what the other was thinking of but Kreyate just wanted home and for this stallion to go away. It felt like an eternity waiting for the other to say or do something. Oh how he missed being told what to do by the Sisters! Why he would give anything to be back in the herd. He didn't care that he was a slave, or that the Sisters really didn't care for him in the slightest. In that herd he had everything he could ever want. Was it a tough life? Yes, but he liked it. He liked feeling his muscled worked hard as he preformed mundane if not often impossible tasks simply for the amusement of the Sisters. The best part, in his opinion, was never having to think. He was given instructions and he would do it. If he came upon a situation that required thinking...well that was what the Sisters were for. Sure they would yell at him for not figuring it out himself but hey he wasn't a thinker, he was a doer.

When the other stallion finally spoke Kreyate hesitated. Wait! This stallion was going to take him to the Sisters. Something in the back of his mind nagged Kreyate, telling him this was a very very bad idea. But since he couldn't figure out exactly why that was he had no reason to argue against this new development. Of course the idea of traveling with another stallion was extremely off putting. He didn't understand those of his own gender having had almost no contact with them his entire life. As the stallion began to walk off Kreyate shifted from hoof to hoof. He wanted to go home but he didn't want to spend more time with this stallion. This was so hard! What should he do? Eventually his desire to return to the Sisters, to home, to everything he ever knew won over. With a snort Kreyate began to follow the other stallion, though he kept a bit of distance between himself and the other so he felt a bit more comfortable. I'm going home, I'm going home, he kept mentally telling himself as they walked, hoping that would allow him to remain with this stallion long enough to get to his destination.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:42 am
Zangar listened carefully as he started off, waiting to see if the statue like stallion would follow or if he would need to offer more encouragement. He was on the verge of turning back to try and convince the stallion that he was only trying to help, pausing to look over his shoulder when the beast finally decided to move on his own. Good..that would save him a great deal of trouble.

"How did you manage to travel so very far away?" He asked the stallion behind him - not that he really expected an answer, it was really enough that the other stallion was following him at all. "Were you on a trip? Did you get lost while traveling?" The questions were mostly his own thoughts spoken out loud as he tried to puzzle out the stallions situation. It seemed strange that these sisters would simply abandon on of their family members..but perhaps there were extenuating circumstances, an attack that had scattered them..perhaps he had wandered off and they had looked but then given up. Until he found them everything was truly speculation on his part.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:55 am
His steps faltered a bit as the other glanced back at him. Why did he have to keep looking at him? If it wasn't for the fact that this stallion knew which was North was then Kreyate might have simply stood there all day, or at least until the other stallion left for good, or possibly just run in the other direction. But Kreyate wasn't entirely smart, he knew he would need help in getting back to the Sisters and if that meant following this stallion for a while then he would just have to suffer through it. All would be well again once he was home and under those commanding Sisters once more. Maybe he would clear a trail or move a tree or anything else they could think up for him to do. He let out a wistful sigh thinking about all the hard labor he would get to do once he got home. And perhaps he would see his sister as well, not to have her confused with the Sister, he real flesh and blood sister. That would be nice.

Those questions made him bring his hooves to a stop for a moment so he could think. Thinking while walking was out of the question. He stood there for a few moments. How did he travel so far? Well how far was he from home anyways? He didn't know and he didn't want to ask the stallion how long it would take for fear of being stuck with him for a long time. Slowly he began to walk again. "Kreyate doesn't know." He finally said in response to all the questions. He couldn't remember exactly how he had gotten into this situation. The memory was there, buried deep in his mind but whether he chose to not dig it up or simply didn't feel like it was unknown. To him it didn't matter how or why he got here and ended up alone, what mattered was getting back. What happened before this day that led to his being lost and what happened between now and when he got home was of little consequence to him. Perhaps it should be, perhaps if something significant enough happened then he might pay more attention but at the moment there was only home as a destination and an undetermined amount of walking to get there. One hoof in front of the other would get him there if he just kep tit up.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:10 am
When the stallion stopped to think Zangar mentally told himself that this was going to take forever if he kept trying to get answers out of the other stallion - clearly doing more then one thing at once was beyond the beasts abilities. Zangar didn't want answers enough to stop every five steps while the stallion thought them up - and anyways his answers were hardly helpful. 'I don't know' hardly seemed worth the time it had taken for the beast to come up with it.

Sighing to himself Zangar merely nodded and continued on his way - he'd keep his mouth shut from now on and as long as the other stallion kept on moving they would make some decent time. Of course not matter how fast they traveled it was going to be a long trip - made even longer by the lack of conversation to pass the time. Although honestly..Zangar wasn't even sure the stallion was capable of holding a conversation. Oh well keeping his thoughts to himself the brown stallion trudged on, keeping an ear flicked back to make sure the other was still following as he went.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:29 pm
Kreayte didn't pay much attention to anything as they walked, his eyes remained glued to the ground directly in front of him. On occasion e would look up and seeing Zangar in front of him he would take a few quick steps back before realizing that the stallion had offered to bring him home. It was only that thought that kept him with the other stallion, otherwise Kreyate would have either ran off or made up some silly reason as to why he needed to travel alone. The journey was a quiet one after that initial question and in that time Kreyate was absorbed in his thoughts. He thought about home mostly, how he couldn't wait to get back and serve the Sister. He also thought about his own blood sister, he hadn't seen her since...well he couldn't recall exactly but he was fairly certain that he had been alone since the herd fell apart with the fighting. What his sister was doing now and where she was to be found were just more unanswered questions for him.

Slowly he lifted his eyes. Kreyate wasn't sure how long they had been walking, it could have been mere moments or hours as far as his mind was concerned. Everything looked pretty much the same as it had been when he met Zangar and yet the faintest flicker of familiarity flickered his senses. He couldn't put a hoof on it and it might have just been his longing for home messing with his mind but none the less the large stallion stopped and stared towards the trees off in the distance. He didn't call out to his travel companion, he wouldn't know what to say to him anyways considering he himself wasn't sure why he had stopped, not was he sure why the trees begged him to look at them. Was that home? He remembered lots of trees where he had lived. Yet he had been to many forests since losing his old home and none of them had been the right one. How would he know when he had found it? Kreyate wouldn't know for certain until he saw the faces of the Sisters welcoming him back.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:13 am
Zangar let the silence between himself and the other stallion drag on, it was awkward but to be honest the brown stallion found conversation with the rainbow marked one even more so...and every time he attempted it it just slowed them down. Zangar just wanted to deliver the beast to his home and take off. It was really a pity he wasn't a meaner stallion..then he wouldn't be marching around wasting his time doing the 'good' thing..he could be off trying to find a nice little mare to flirt with.

Oh well..they had to be getting..wait a minute..Zangar paused and spun around, only now realizing that the steady sound of the other stallions hoof beats were no longer following him. What now? Sighing he trudged back towards the other "Something wrong?"


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:23 am
He had almost forgotten about the other stallion as he searched his memories of what home looked like to compare them to the scene around them. Ears flattened to his skull as Zangar marched over to where he stood. Kreyate took a single step back but otherwise managed to keep his unease hidden. "Kreyate..." He began and let his gaze sweep over the trees in the distance once more. Could this be where he had lived and worked? It was so hard to tell and yet it felt almost right. Was it possible that he was this close to home the entire time that he actually didn't even notice? It wouldn't be the first time that he had missed something blatantly obvious before his eyes. Unless he was told by the Sisters what was in front of him he would often miss it. "...feel something." He finally finished his sentence never taking his eyes off of the tress.

Part of him was fearful that if he shifted his gaze away from the familiar looking forest that it would vanish and he would once more be horrendously lost. Plus the longer he stared at them the better chance he had of deciding whether this was home or not. There was a pause, a very, very long pause as the dark colored stallion just stared off into the distance, his eyes were a bit blank but definitely focused on the trees. After what likely felt like forever to his travel partner Kreyate let out a haggard sigh and tore his eyes away from the trees. "Kreyate....trees look like home. Kreyate not think they are now." But he had had that hope for a few moments that he was finally home, it was just the thing he needed to keep himself going though, especially with the other stallion being his guide now. Without another word Kreyate before the slow trudging walk again, heading in the direction they had been moving in before the trees had distracted him. He would get home and this stallion, as uncomfortable as he made Kreyate feel, would lead him there. He didn't bother to ask if the other stallion was coming, it was too hard to talk to him unless absolutely necessary. Instead he just assumed that he would since that's what had happened earlier, before his distraction.
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