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[PRP] Eat for Two [ Ofelia + Solia ] FINISHED Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:33 pm
Ofelia had just finished cleaning up the blood, or at least the last of it that she could see at the moment, and was taking the time to wash her hands for the third or fourth go around. The smell of blood didn't bother her, she was so used to smelling and tasting her own at horrible times, but if she wanted to make herself a sandwich (and one for this Solia person) then she'd need to be clean.

That also meant pulling off her bloody shirt and tossing it aside. It could have gone in with the rest of the stuff to be bleached clean, meaning that it would have horrible white patches, or she could just toss it in the sink, flood it with cold water and soap, and let it soak. That would save the fabric and save her time, a natural win/win situation.

With her shirt off it was possible now to see the extent of her injuries. They hadn't healed at all like she wanted, in fact they still looked horrible, and at the moment they were stained red with her own blood from effort and with Rep's blood from trying to move him. Her tanned skin looked ashen and, to anyone who walked by, it would appear that a murder victim was trying to make food.

This was a very good thing.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:56 pm
If Solia had seen the blood, she wouldn't have been able to eat likely. Or well, eat much. Blood was a total bummer. Sandwiches however- were delicious and worth suffering. Or a shirt. Equal exchange. Grabbing a button up the less than busty 18 year old was happy to skip on over to the location, clean shirt in tow. Ofelia seemed nice from the twitter! Clearly a person to be trusted, even if the twitter hinted that trouble was in paradise she really had no idea.

A read head like the on on the twitter, shiftless except for bandages- "Oh my god are you okay?" Brown eyes wide she went up, worry on her face. "You don't need to see a doctor do you? I can get one, oh gosh you aren't bleeding are you I have a shirt maybe it can stop the blooding?" Deer in headlights almost, she just wanted to help.




Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:08 pm
Ofelia was still trying to wash her hands still, the entire motion too much for her so that she ended up just standing with her fingers under the water, when someone came up behind her. She didn't remember how long she'd been just standing, her brain thought she was at least washing, but the pruney skin of her fingers and palms begged a different story and the teen faintly groaned as she turned the tap off. It ached to bend her fingers, mostly because they were so soggy, but she managed to yank a grin onto her face anyway and turned to face her company.

"Oh, ya mus' be. . . .Solia? Ah'm Ofelia, s'nice ta see ya face ta face." She would have offered her hand to shake it but seeing as it was starting to hurt to move and she was bloody and wrinkly she decided not to. She also decided not to take into her new companion's sudden panic and concern over her injuries. "Not all the blood s'mine, so no worries, an' Ah'm not bleedin'." Ofelia answered, speaking softly. It could have been a little hard to hear her, she was somewhat whispering since that allowed her to speak without having to gasp or use her phone, but a toothy grin was what the red-head felt would work best to show she was okay.

Solia was here for a reason right, not just to say hi? It was almost sad how quickly Ofelia had forgotten much of their twitter conversation other than how to clean up blood and - oh, that was it. "Yer here fer food, yeah? Gimmie a sec ta get feelin' back in mah shoulders an' Ah'll make ya sommin'." It was just like Ofelia to decide that she could and would totally work through any and all pain without much complaint.

so sos os sorry for delay went out of town with no internet q___q
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:27 pm
It happens!

"Solia yep! And Ofelia! Ohh... like from the movie." With a faun and the faeries that got eaten and okay it was horror but cute horror. Brown eyes went back to the bandages and she pouted a bit. "Well, if you say so. I guess something happened? I just hope everybody is okay you know." Shoulders slumped a bit. "People so violent and depressing here at times. They really need to stay safe and lighten up a bit, no matter what out work may be!" Popping back to the positive, her few curls bounced around her face.

"But shoulder- Oh you really are missing your top!" Solia giggled, offering her spare. "I can give you a back rub if that will help! And then we can have sandwiches!"  



Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:38 pm
"Hm...ya dun need ta worry, no one here did this ta me an' Ah think the student that got'a hold'a me was taken down by the person who rescued me." Ofelia was a little vague on the details even though Melvin had told her before. A lot of the period of time of her first coming out of her coma, without Rue there to protect her and heal her, had been rough and forgetful. A medical haze, if she wanted to call it correctly. "An' while the offer'a a backrub sounds amazin' Ah think fer the safety'a mah shoulders Ah'll pass. Ah. . .might'a popped some stitches movin' him earlier, hmmm." She couldn't really turn her head and check, that hurt a lot too, and just from how she was whispering would be enough to tell anyone that her throat was pretty injured still. "Also yup, mah top's soakin' in the sink. Ah've got really few clothes an' most'a 'em are all bloody."

Ofelia really needed to stop getting everything she owned covered in either her or someone else's blood. It was a bad habit for one thing, a health hazard for another. She shifted from the sink with a small grunt, turning the tap off with more of a hit than a twist, and she stood there letting the feeling slowly return from the screaming pain she certainly was feeling. To take her mind off it, she asked about the movie. "There's a move where someone's got mah name? What's it 'bout?" The redhead didn't really watch a lot of movies.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:25 pm

Solia’s look was still one of concern as Ofelia elaborated, leaving the Death trainee to pout slightly. Popped stitches- plus she sounded a bit worn. All of Solia’s natural want to fret and help was rising. Sandwiches or not. “Okay, but- if they came undone we go right to the infirmary.” Solia actually didn’t look however. Nope. 2Gross4her. She could however- “After we eat we can just head over to be sure. If you feel we need to go sooner we can. Afterall, sandwiches don’t run anywhere and if someone steals em, we can just make another!” Because having your food stolen simply didn’t matter to her.

Still she offered the shirt, hopeful. “It’s about a girl Ofelia in the Spanish Revolution. Its adult fantasy horror but end result is that either there was magic or it was all in her head but- ah, I can’t explain it. It’s… kinda of graphic and violent and sad really. She’s a tragic character.”

Put mildly.  



Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:10 pm
"Oh. Ah'm not'a big fan'a tragedy an' stuff, Ah'll probably pass on watchin' it." She grinned weakly, appreciating the summary, though to maybe make it easier and seem less like she was blowing it off she added a final note. "Though actually Ah'm not'a big fan'a movies in general, didn' really grow up wachin' 'em. Spent a lotta mah time outdoors an' we didn' own a television." Hopefully saying it like that wouldn't make it so snappish-sounding and they could move on from there.

At the offer of the shirt Ofelia looked at it and took it, saying thanks before stressing her arms and pulling it over her head. A silent scream escaped her lips, one she kept even more back by biting down on them, and as everything got on it became very, very apparent that the bust sizes of the two girls were vastly different. It took the teen a few good heaving bosom type wheezes to get everything settled and even then the way the shirt looked on her made it seem like her boobs were going to fall out at any moment. "Ehh...uh..." Aside from the fact it hurt to put it on the situation was kind of funny. For once the usually talkative Ofelia had nothing to say.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:06 pm

Pity, it really was a lovely film to Solia. But then, so was the last unicorn. And the Lion King 2. Solia had a rather… random taste, aside from being selective. “Hrm, well, there are certainly a lot of doors to go out of!” She smiled at her own joke. “But if you play, maybe we can have a volleyball match? Or go running! I am more sporty? Plus I did my exploring at the beach already. Didn’t get super far however.” She gave a shrug. “And they told me to avoid the jungle unless I’m duty. Something about how I am so tiny things in there would eat me.” A tiny pout, and Solia waited for Ofelia to get the shirt on.

Or not.

“Oh. Oh wow um.” She stared a bit and blushed. “Wow okay I probably should have seen that. Um.” Solia smiled. “On the bright side, you’re covered?” She was trying to look on the bright side but wow, cleavage. Poor Ofelia did not look comfortable, and it anything, some passing male, (or female), could at least enjoy it.  



Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:16 pm
"Oh...volleyball sounds like something that could be fun. Ah...haven' really played since high school an' even then it was only durin' the spring." Volleyball was one of those non-optional team sports at her school and Ofelia had joined in because her coach pushed her into it. She liked it well enough though sometimes her depth perception totally made her catch the ball with her face. Still it was something fun to do and she was good at it; being naturally athletic had its ups most of the time. "Ah also like ta run, an' maybe when the weapons come back we can spar? What's yer weapon type? Rue's close combat."

Her breathing in the shirt was getting a bit more tough and Ofelia puffed a bit to try and stretch it out. The only thing that came from it was the sound of a seam splitting and her face turning red in the process.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:52 pm

Solia clapped her hands together. "I love it really. But then I king of just love being active. SItting in one place to long is boring unless you're reading of researching and stuff." Solia, making 0 sense. Normal. "I played all year, but then, the schools were all in areas where it was possible to play in off season. If you want to go running though-" She bounced on her feet, starting to get excited.

"The beach is great for resistance and endurance! Granted I keep getting sand and seaweed on my feet by the end but hey, it washes off. And Yeah! I need to spar. Badly. Israfel, he's a bow! But I need close combat training."

Lots of it given the mission and how some had reacted. "But in meantime.. sandwiches?" She had come for food after all.  



Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:00 pm
"Food, yeah, yeah. What kinda sammich ya wanna eat?" Ofelia could move a little, the top actually was holding onto her enough that it provided really nice pressure and allowed her to move without too much pain, and she started over to the pantry where she kept her loaves of bread hidden. It had taken a serious chunk of her paycheck before the portals failed to get all this food, and she'd been very careful in where she hid it and stored it. "Any particular bread too? ah got wheat, white-wheat, an' a little bit'a rye bread left." Ofelia liked all breads, she wasn't a picky eater in the slightest.

Her next step was to move over and open the fridge. Sadly it looked as though someone had gotten into her meat selection for it was very clearly lacking. She needed to move into a house or something, a place that she could have her own kitchen and fridge or anything, so no one would steal her goddamn salami anymore. "We're outta some'a the meat, looks like our fellow carnivores got ta it."

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:04 pm

Grinning ear to ear, Solia followed Ofie much like a small dog. Food? Treats? Yes please! “Is there prosciutto? I doubt it but, hey never hurts to ask, sometimes people have it and others don’t touch it because it looks ‘funny’. If not regular ham is good. Well, anything really. And um… Rye is good! The more flavor the better usually.” Usually but not always. Solia just liked to experiment but then she’d lived in dorms where experimenting was both saving grace and a curse. High end boarding schools or not, things got boring on rotation. “Ifffff there is eggplant I might try to fry some up. So good.” She sighed wistfully, dreaming of her favorite dish.

Pulling herself from her daydream she realized that it was likely she was being unrealistic. “Er sorry. How about you just make me whatever? I am not super picky and it’s not like you’re going to put nutella on it.” A stare. “Nutella is disgusting. Yet people love it. Really. The most vile- hazelnuts. I can’t. I just cannot. Deal.”  



Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:20 pm
"Picky eaters are hard fer me ta deal wit' - Ah grew up havin' ta make mah own meals so Ah learned that if Ah wanna eat Ah gotta eat everythin' Ah make." It totally made sense in a wonderfully roundabout way. . . sorta. "So it makes me really happy ta hear ya like such'a wide selection'a food." She turned and grinned at Solia, winking...sort of. "An' yer in luck, there is a little bit'a prosciutto left. What kinda cheese ya want, we got everything from pepperjack ta colby, an' then lemme know what kinda dressin'."

The teen pulled out the prosciutto as well as some smoked turkey and ham, and then grabbed a bit of American cheese for herself. Mayonaise was grabbed, not Miracle Whip (because Ofelia liked the more bitter tartness) and she set them out next to the different breads. There was also mustard, the pretty brown spicy kind, and what looked to be banana peppers. Hmm.

"If yer wantin' eggplant, check the veggie hutch over near the pantry - there might be some in there? Ah dunno if the other hunters who go shoppin' like fresh veggies an' fruit as much as Ah do. If there is some, grab it - an' maybe some tomatoes while yer there?" Ofelia was making the sandwiches, sure, but Solia certainly could help grab things seeing as the redhead was semi-crippled for the time being.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:42 pm

There was still some left. Still some left. Those words had her face lighting up with a grin. “Yes! Top score. Got any swiss? Oh my god wait. Wait, no no. No, if this is the last- we need melon.” Melon and prosciutto, she had no had in so long… she had a mighty need.
Rushing to the fridge indeed, a half a melon was there, ready, waiting. God was smiling down upon her this day. “I dunno if you have ever had, but a bit of prosciutto and melon? A wonderful combination. Sandwiches come everyday, I can just have some regular ham or whatever but this-“ she held up the melon, “-soooooo much sweeter. Salty and sweet, a real treat. Oh god I rhymed.” Giggling she began to fetch other sandwich supplies. Spinach, tomato,(just a Ofie had asked), cucumber, cream cheese- Solia liked flavor. It was simple really. Alas, she didn’t find any eggplant though.
“Okay. Just let me grab the cutting board and a knife and then we can get cooking and if I start to drool tell me to stop because oh god I’m so excited these will be the best.” She might have begun to bounce in place, overly excited. Grabbing the last of the materials, she looked to Ofie asking without words- ‘DO I CUT ALL THE THINGS NOW?’  



Trash Husband


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:08 pm
Ofelia was pleased to someone else who was excited about food, someone else who was excited about putting random things together and then eating from there, and she couldn't help but keep a doofy grin on her face even as her shoulders started to protest the movement of something as simple as making a sandwich. It was almost surprising how much she used all those muscles without ever really knowing and when she got back to the labs she'd make sure to sleep on her stomach for a while.

For now though, sandwich.

"There's swiss, yeah, Ah'll get that out fer ya. What kinda condiments ya want on yers? Ah'm gettin' mayo on mine, some mustard an' maybe oil an' vinegar if Ah can find some. . . " She was thinking that far ahead, counting things off on her fingers, when she looked to see Solia with a knife and lots of vegetables. "Uh...jus'. . .cut as much as ya want? Ya got onions too? Do whatever makes ya happy, Ah'll get the base set done an' we'll go from there." It was funny, Ofelia always thought she talked a lot but Solia was taking the entire cake.

With enthusiasm.

THIS IS HALLOWEEN: Deus Ex Machina Training Facilities

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