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[PRP] So the tale begins (Asali, Acacius, Levigis) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:17 pm
Levigis looked around. Her mother was off watching the other siblings. She didn't particularity spend much time with them. She much preferred spending time with her twin brother Asali-Luak. This morning Levigis decided she was tired of staying so close to their mother. Today would be the first day of her great adventure. Quietly she made her way to Asali and tapped him on the shoulder with her paw. “Hey Asali, we gotta get outta here.” She whispered, not wanting her mother or her siblings to hear. If they tagged along with them, it would be so irritating. “I bet there is so much to see out there and I wanna see it all! But you gotta come with me okay?”

She gave her brother big eyes, in hopes to persuade him. It wouldn't take much persuading, she knew that. They always stuck together. She couldn't imagine being separated from her brother, even for a moment. “We don't have ta see the whole world today though. We can take our time. We still have our whole lives! But I wanna see something today. Not just the same think, ya know? I am tired of this place, I wanna see more.”

She knew she was bossy and a bit controlling, but she was sure these were the traits about her that would make her a great leader. Her dream was to become a great leader and travel around the lands searching for adventures. She would drag Asali with her of course! It would be even better if she ran into their father during her travels. She smiled at the thought. All she knew about her father was that he liked to travel. She was sure that that was the trait she picked up from him. “So ya wanna come?
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:44 pm
Asali-Luak lounged out in a sun lit patch of ground. The warmth was just starting to lull him into a nap when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He knew for a fact that it would be Levigis. Levi was special to him, she was his twin and he would do anything for her. He opened his eyes to see that, sure enough, it was his sister. Her smile brought a small smile to his own. Asali, as his family had come to find out, was fairly quite. He did not speak much and his general expressions tended to be a bit muted. Almost a perfect opposite to his twin. But he liked the way they completed each other.

He listened to her excitedly talk about adventure and exploring everywhere. Before she even asked him to join her, before she used the eyes that she knew were pointless, he was getting to his feet. He nudged her gently his his head and gave her an expectant look.
I'll always follow you.


Fashionable Explorer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:08 am
Acacius was on the outskirts of his pride. He knew his mother wouldn't like him being so far away, but he honestly didn't care much about that. He was thinking more about training. His father was constantly telling him that he didn't need to train to be a great pirate, that it would naturally arise in him. 'Right now is the time you should spend having fun. Training can come later.' However Acacius wanted to be great. He wanted those in the pride to remember him once he left and he wanted his enemies to shudder at the mention of his name. No matter what he had to do he would be great, he reminded himself as he went deeper into the forested area.

Today though wasn't going to be all about training. It occurred to him that to be a great pirate he would need a strong crew. He wanted to get outsiders preferably because they would have a different background then the in born pirates, which meant that they might also have a different fighting style. Different styles meshing together to create a powerful force, he thought. They would be the talk of the pride. Today he wanted to see if he could get some lions to join his crew. It shouldn't be hard, he thought. He was going to become the greatest pirate of all time after all. Who wouldn't want to be on his crew? He however would be picky about who he let join. He only wanted the best for his crew.

He reached a small pond. His mother had taken the cubs there a couple days prior. He had remembered the spot because he thought it would be a great training spot. His training began with him swimming in the lake. He was decent at swimming, though he had never been able to swim by himself. This was a good chance to see what he could do. With a lack of grace, he dove into the water and started to swim around. He enjoyed swimming more than any of his other training exercises. When he was in the water he felt more at home than on land.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:27 am
Levigis eyes lite up. She guided her brother toward the forested area. “We need ta make sure we head back before mother notices. So no goof'n around,” she said as they went deeper into the forest. She kept her senses sharp, watching for any predictor to attack. If something happened her and Asali could take it down. Together they were unstoppable, at least she thought so.

She had no real idea of where they were going. Nor did she have any idea of how they would get back. Her plan was just to turn around and start walking till they found their family. Getting back wasn't top priority though. They had yet to see something seriously exciting. As she walked she heard a splash. She stopped and looked around. “Asali, did ya hear that?” She asked.

She paused for a moment, than smiled. “I think that was the sound of something exciting! Lets go!” She hurried off in the direction of the splash, running through bushes and plants, while at the same time darting out of the way of trees. Her legs slowed down when she saw the lake and the lion cub that was in it. “Watcha think he's doing?” She asked Asali as she sat down near the lake.

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:11 am
Following Levi, he kept pace by her side as they entered the forest. He nodded in agreement about returning before too long. Levi maybe adventurous, but they both didn't want to worry their mother. As they went deeper, he kept on alert in case anything attacked them. He could feel his sister do the same at his side.

As they explored, Asali kept track of where they had come from. He knew Levi would be excited about exploring and would forget, so he always did. He had stopped to look at a pretty looking flower when his ears swiveled to hear a splashing noise. He looked in the direction it came from, and then back at his twin, giving a nod in acknowledgement.

When she took off after it, he was only a step behind her. The underbrush flashing by until they were in front of a lake. Asali had always liked the water, and made a move to approach the shoreline when he noticed the other cub. His eyes narrowed at the stranger and moved closer to his sister. If he was a threat, they could take him down together.

At her question, he gave a slight shrug. Besides swimming, he had no clue what the other cub was doing. Taking a quick glance around, he saw no adults. Maybe he was exploring like them?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:51 pm
Acacius took in a deep breath of air and dove down. This was his favorite part of swimming, seeing the bottom of the lake. Fish darted away from him as he went deeper down. It was peaceful down here, away from the surface world. Sometimes he wished he could have been born a fish, though he guessed that if that happened he would probably wish to be a land dweller.

Last time his family went to the lake he wasn't able to get too deep. His mother came in and 'saved him'. It pissed him off that she thought he needed saving. How was he ever going to become a great pirate if he kept needing saving all the time. This time though he would reach the bottom. He glanced up to see how far he had gone. From where he was it was hard to see the distance. He decided to finish going to the bottom and than hurry and swim to the surface.

He only had a little ways to go when he felt something wrap around his hind leg. When he looked he saw his leg tangled up in seaweed. He shifted his body in the water, trying to get out of it, however he just made it worst. The seaweed tangled around his leg even tighter. He tried to keep his mind calm, trying to stay away from panicking. It was proving rather difficult when he realized he couldn't hold his breath much longer.

This could not be the way he died, he thought as he continue to squirm in the water. He was supposed to die honorably. Not like this.

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:07 pm
Levigis saw the cub dive underwater. “Asali, he looks like he likes ta swim too! Betcha you can swim bettah though.” She walked a little ways into the water, though only getting her paws wet. While she waited for the cub to come back up she swatted at some fry that swam past her. She didn't like waiting. It irritated her that the cub was taking his time to come up. If she was a better swimmer she would dive down and bring him back up herself. She wanted to ask him if he knew any good adventure areas around there.

She glanced at Asali. 'He could always bring him back up...' she thought. It would only take him a moment. “I am tired of this waiting!” she said in her loud voice. “Asali time ta bring that cub to us. We are goin ta dive after him.”

She back out of the water a couple feet. Than with a running start, she dove into the water. She headed toward where the cub had been. Far below her was the cub. He seemed to be tangled up or something, she thought as she saw him try to get himself out. She looked at Asali and motioned at the cub. In a silly game of charades she tried to tell him that he needed to bring the cub up for air. She knew her brother would understand what she meant.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:00 am
While he and his sister waited for the other cub to surface, Asali floated lazily in the shallow waters. As he bobbed, he thought of how comfortable he was in the water. He had taken to it quickly once his mother had actually allowed him near it. It was like he was made to be in it.

He was getting dozy so he was startled when Levi shouted and dived into the lake. He knew she wasn't the greatest of swimmers so he kept close to her as she paddled out to where the other cub had dived.

Something seemed off and sure enough, Levi was right. He could swim better then this cub. Taking his sister's cue, he took a deep breath and dived down. As he got closer to the other cub, he was wary of his thrashing limbs. He clawed at the seaweed holding him fast and it gave away after the third pass.


Fashionable Explorer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:51 am
Acacius' vision was blurring. No this was not happening, he thought to himself. For a moment he thought he saw a giant black and yellow fish swimming toward him. His last moment of life would be of a giant fish eating him. He struggled even more, pushing away from the fish. However he realized that the 'fish' looked more like a lion cub. A bright yellow and black lion cub. He was able to get his leg out of the seaweed thanks to the other cub and he quickly swam up to the surface, as quickly as he could.

For some reason, after his near death situation, he thought the air would smell so pure and amazing. However when he broke the surface and took his first intake of air, he was surprised to find it smelt the same way it always had. He swam to the shore and laid himself on the sand. For a moment he just laid there, letting his mind think about what just happened.

'I was saved. I was so weak that I had to have someone else rescue me,' he thought. He glanced at his saviors, a black and pink lioness and a black and yellow lion. They looked to be about the same age he was. As much as he hated to admit it they both could make a good addition to his crew. The lioness would probably not make the cut though. If he wanted a girl on his crew he would just as one of his sisters to join it. (lolz she is your sister!)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:50 pm
Levigis made her way to the shore. She sat next to the lion cub. “Ya know, you would be a crappy fish.” She said to him with a huge grin on her maw. “Ya lucky we came around or you would be still down there. You shouldn't swim alone if you're a bad swimmer. You'll die if you aren't careful.” She warned.

She surveyed him. His fur wasn't clean, that was obvious. He had a couple scars. She couldn't decide if she was an adventurer or just plain clumsy. Hopefully he was an adventurer and new where some cool sites were, she thought. “So brotha (note she is actually referring to Acacius) if you wanna repay us, you should show us some sites. We are look'n for some adventure areas. If ya can't help us we'll find some ourselves.”

She glanced at Asali. “You did good swimming Asali. We will need those skills on our adventures.”

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Fashionable Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:21 pm
Asali followed the boy to make sure he surfaced and got safely to dry land. He trusted his sister's ability to swim enough that he only kept a side eye on her. But he would admit that when she was in the shallows some tension left his body. Now though, NOW they deal with the cub.

He stood close to his sister. Far enough to give her the space she deserves and needs to work her words, but close enough to leap in to assist her. Its how it always had been and always will be.

Levi was also right, someone who knows they do not swim well has nothing short of a death wish pulling a stunt like he did. He gave the other boy a cold look, even as Levi tried to use their rescue to drag good exploring places from him.

The subtle twitch of his lips was the only sign he gave that her praise on his swimming filled him with pride.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:03 pm
Acacius glared at the young lioness when she said he would make a crappy fish. “I can out swim you any day,” he said angrily. “I just had a mishap. It won't happen again. In my litter I am one of the best swimmers.” He said with slight arrogance.

He sorta flinched when she called him 'brotha'. “My name is Acacius, please call me that. I am not your brotha,” he said trying to mimic her accent when he said the last word. He had enough sister, he didn't need to add this lioness to the bunch. He did think on her question. “Well yea, there is the ocean a ways away. There are some small islands near the main land. You could swim there if you want to.”

When she mentioned adventures he looked at the two of them with a bit more interested. “What kind of adventures do you go on? Are they real adventures or just silly little cub ones that you made up?” He asked. “I am going to be going on real adventures with my father. When I am older I am joining a crew and going to travel. Than when I am a bit older I am going to become a captain and than become the greatest pirate captain ever.”

“I could even let you two join my crew. He could get in no problem, as he has already shown his worth. You however, you're going to have to prove that you have some sort of talent before I let you join my crew. If you truly are an adventurer it shouldn't be a problem though.” He said with a grin. Even if she wasn't up to joining his crew, the male cub was. He would be a perfect start to his crew and maybe even be first mate material.

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:07 am
Levigis grinned at the other cub. He was rather entertaining! She was glad that Asali saved him. "Ya might be able to out swim me, but I take to the water like a rock. My brotha on the other had, now he sa fish if I fish if I ever see one. No cub could out swim him." She said with a wink. "Ain't that right Asali?"

She laughed when he commented about not calling him brotha. "Ah you're joshing right? There ain't any harm in call'n you brotha. Better than calling you fish crap am I right?" Her grin was even bigger. She would have to ask Asali if it was okay to let Acacius tag along on one of their adventures. It would be interesting to see how he would handle it. Mostly she just wanted to watch him fail.

"An ocean huh? I think you're bluffin'. If there was an ocean I think I would have seen it by now. Asali have you seen any oceans?" she asked her brother looking at him. They were staying in a forested area, but they had traveled around. She was sure that if there was an ocean near by she would have seen it by now. (I am going to assume there family lives inland if that's okay).

"We go on all sorts of adventures. Climbin' mountains, exploring caves and climbin' trees! Asali and I get around." She said. Those adventures were the best adventures in her book. "So you go on adventures with your dad? Wouldn't ya want to go with one of your siblings? Or do you have none? And what is a pirate?"

She frowned when he said that they could join his crew after she proved herself worthy. "Why would I wanna join ya crew? What if I wanted to have a crew of my own? Asali would join mine over yours any day, even if ya were the greatest pirate evah."
PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:03 am
The more this other cub, this Acacius, spoke, the more Asali wished he had left him to his self-inflicted fate at the bottom of the lake. A mishap? Any good swimmer knew better then to push limitations. And if he was the best swimmer i his litter, Asali would hate to see the rest on his siblings in water. His arrogance was going to get him killed. Either by the waters or something else. He smirked when Levi talked about his natural affinity towards water. She was right, yet again. He could out swim his lion any day. He nodded in confirmation.

He did perk up when Acacius said there was an ocean nearby. His mother had spoken of them before. She had promised to show him it one day, saying that she knew he'd love the waves, the same ones that called to their father. If he knew of one near here, and could show them the way, he may actually be of some use.

Though his annoyance flared again when he called their adventures 'silly.' He knew Levi would defend their exploits though. Even for how young they were, the two of them have had some pretty exciting adventures. But he became confused at the talk of crews, captains, and pirates. He knew his twin was as well, and she asked the questions they both wanted to know.

Annoyance was joined by anger when his cub dared even suggest his sister wouldn't be good enough to join his 'crew.' That she would 'have to prove her worth.' His twin was smarter then his cub ever would be. He glared at Acacius and took a threatening step forward, daring him to mess with either of them. Daring him to insult his twin once more.

Levi was once again right. He'd join her 'crew' over anyone else's, especially this cub's, any day.


Fashionable Explorer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:03 pm
Acacius didn't like to be thought of a liar. He wasn't joking. The ocean was near by. "I will show it to you then. It is only a little ways away. I could show you and we would be back before nightfall. Maybe I could even show you my pride. Then you can see real pirates."

Females weren't usually crew and it was even rarer for them to be captains. However he thought it would be interesting seeing if this cub could become a captain. They could be rival captains. "Alright, I want to see you become a captain. I'll be a captain and you will be a captain. We will see who is the best captain when that happens."

Having a rival, even if she was a female, would be good for him, he decided. It would only make him stronger. If these two joined the pirates he would watch them. They would make an interesting addition to the pride, that's for sure.
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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