Guild Rules and Guidelines
1. Follow GaiaOnline's Tos (Terms of Service).

2. Be Polite and Kind to guild members, captains, and mods.

3. If you have a problem with another guild member don't take it upon
yourself to tell them off, contact a guild official and we'll take care of it.

4. Nothing too inappropriate. If you're doing anything beyond ToS then take it elsewhere.

5. No fighting. This sort of goes along with number '3'. Don't fight within the guild, but if something does occur just contact a guild official.

6. Keep your foul language to a minimal. It is allowed, but don't curse in every one of your posts.

7. Respect. Respect your fellow guild members with the same respect you expect from them.

8. Guild Subforums::: Some subforums will have threads with their own rules, so please, before posting check the first page of the threads to ensure you're following all the rules.

9. ROLEPLAYS::: Try to use proper grammar. Don't use text talk. And at least post one full line when posting. (Role Plays will have their own specific rules, be sure to check them out.)

10. Have Fun. >D

Note: Rules can be added by the Captains.

Guild Officials
When you have a problem that you can't move around contact a crew member(s). If you can not reach them contact the Vice captain, and if that's not possible come to the Captain. <3