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[PRP] A stroke of luck... Or Not? {Banzai & Zarita} [Fin]

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Magical Cat

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:55 pm
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Zarita basked in the afternoon glow of the sun. It had been many months now since Shenowa's passing and the pain of it had dulled some. However, this was a wound that could not be healed. She tried to be happy for the girl, to know that she was no longer in pain, that the darkness of this world could no longer over come her, but no matter her thoughts, she could only ever feel bitter. Lately, that was all that Zarita had become, bitter.

The stallion grumbled about his bad luck as he trudged along. Today was supposed to be a good day, it was supposed to have been full of fun and perhaps even full of a little adventure. He wasn't supposed to just wander around aimlessly for hours on end. Banzai heaved a little sigh. Where were all of the chicks? With the sun out and shining, he had thought that for sure he would find some hottie today! He was about to give up and head on home, when he caught a bit of luck. Only a few hundred feet away, stood a ravishing beauty.

Well now! He thought to himself. Perhaps his efforts wouldn't be a waste after all. He just hoped that she wouldn't turn him away.

At the sound of a breaking twig, the mare swung her head, instantly watchful and weary. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the new view before her. Not far off, stood a rather peculiar looking stallion. She wasn't very fond of the odd accessories that he seemed to be wearing, but he might make for some interesting conversation at the least. Zarita was about to let her guard down when she thought better of it. After all, he could be there to harm her. Frantically she looked about for any sign of life, unfortunately she appeared to be alone.

The mare tensed, ready to flee at any moment if only the stallion were to make the wrong move.

Banzai moved closer to the mare slowly. He tried to avoid any sudden or fast movements so as to not scare her off. It seemed that he had a rather bad habit of that. He wasn't sure if it was because of the way that he looked, or if he just came off as rather intimidating, but mares never really stayed around long enough to give him a chance it seemed.

Stepping forward, the stallion winced as he heard the snap of a twig under his hoof. It wasn't that he was trying to sneak up on this mare, he just wanted to get as close as he could before he decided to draw attention to himself. He just seemed to have better luck starting a conversation that way. Oh well, it seemed that his cover was blown. She was looking right at him now, and she looked ready to bolt. Damn that twig!

He hurried to think of something to say to keep her from running. "Don't go!" He spat out rather awkwardly. "I don't mean you any harm," He continued on. "I just wanted to talk to you."
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:11 am
Zarita hesitated for a moment. She was torn by her need to run and protect herself and her curious need to stay and hear him out. Perhaps she could just listen to him a few moments, and then bolt if he tried to make a move to harm her. Yes, that definitely seemed like the best solution. She would just stay and ask him a few questions for now.

"If you only wanted to talk, then why did you sneak up on me like that." She demanded of him.

Banzai was slightly shocked by her response. He hadn't really thought of what her reaction might be, though he had secretly hoped that she might immediately begin to fawn over him. Well, it had happened before.

"I was just uh," He began, caught a little unaware. "Well, I don't really have much luck with the ladies, I suppose I thought that if I could get closer to your beauty before I introduced myself, then maybe you would stay." It wasn't his usual answer, but honesty was his best option in this particular situation. He just hoped it gave him the brownie points that he was hoping for.

Zarita frowned at the stallion's response. She supposed he was probably being honest, but by the way it talked, she had a pretty good idea what type of guy this one was. If there was one thing she hated, it was a stallion who thought that all the mares should love him, and she doubted that this one was no exception. That being said, it was also unlikely that he would try to harm her, since he would no doubt have the 'gentleman' act well rehearsed and covered.

She mused to herself for a few moments and formulated a plan. She'd play along with him for a while, and manage to turn his personality to her own advantage. After the ordeal she had been through, she felt that she could use a good bit of entertainment.

"Well that was silly now wasn't it?" She told him with a bit of a bite in her voice. "You almost scared me off instead of winning me over. Now how about you try again?" Even if she was playing along, she wasn't going to make it easy for him.

Banzai studied the mare for a few moments. He couldn't quite tell how she felt about him, she did seem to be a bit snappy but at least she hadn't run off and left him alone just yet. The stallion shook his head trying to rid it of all thought. This mare was a sight for sore eyes and he hadn't had much luck lately, he would take what he could get.

"My apologies for frightening you. It was not my intention." He told her. "I'm Banzai." He said with a grin. "And who might you be?"


Magical Cat

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Magical Cat

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:16 pm
The mare still wasn't sure how she felt about the stallion, but at least he wasn't trying to play up the 'ladies man' part as much as before.

"I'm Zarita." She told him, keeping her tone fairly chipper. It wouldn't do any good to be her usual self and drive him off. Perhaps she could use him to her advantage though?

"It's quite lucky for me that you've come along." She told the poor unsuspecting stallion. "You see, I've been in search of something and perhaps a gentleman like yourself would be willing to help out a poor lady in need.?" The mare almost gagged at the sound of her own voice. Perhaps she was being a bit too nice. Hopefully this Banzai didn't notice.

There! Now that's more like it. He thought to himself. It was amazing how a mare could go from snappy to downright nice in a matter of seconds. Now he just needed to keep her this way. He wondered how he might do that until she gave him the answer.

"Of course." He told her proudly. "I'm always willing to help anyone in need." He continued on, his cocky smile once more upon his face. "Just tell me what you need done."

She chuckled a little at the stallion's response. Oh this was going to be easier then she had anticipated. The mare stood a moment, pondering over her next words.

"Well," She started out slowly. "There's this beautiful rose. Rather abnormal really. You see it's not a red rose like normal, it's this beautiful teal in color. Very rare." She told him. "I've been searching for weeks now and, from talking to a few others, it seems that this rose only grows up on mountain tops. I wouldn't bother with it but I do need it. My companion is a bit ill you see, and legend says that this rose can cure him." The mare pretended to be distraught at the thought of her ill companion.

Banzai felt his heart ache for the poor mare. How could he so no to her? To think! She'd really come all this way just to try and help this friend of hers. No wonder she'd been testy with him, he would have been too.

"Of course I'll help you out. How could I turn down such a lovely lady as yourself? And so caring too! Coming out here in search of this rare rose just for your companion."
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:34 pm
The Buckskin mare allowed her face to show delight. "Oh really?" She asked him enthusiastically. "That would really mean a lot to me. I don't know how I could ever thank you enough! After talking to a few of the locals I've learned it grows around here." She turned to point her nose towards a small mountain not too far off in the distance. "Over there is the best spot."

Zarita was quite pleased with herself. In only a manner of minutes she had been able to turn her rather boring day into a bit of a game. Banzai had surprised her with house easily he fell into her hands. She almost felt bed. Almost.

The stallion looked to see where she directed him. He judged that it wouldn't take him too long to reach the mountain, though the mountain itself did look a bit dangerous. For a moment, and only a moment, he debated on retracting his offer and telling the mare that it was just not safe. However, looking at her, and knowing of her sick companion, he knew that he could not say no. Even if he had wanted to.

"Well now," He said, trying to sound enthusiastic. "That shouldn't take me too long to find. Will you accompany me to the edge of the mountain?" He asked her.

She was relieved when the stallion did not decline her request, but was a little annoyed when he asked her to travel with him. Zarita had planned on leaving immediately after the stallion had left. She knew that there was no rose on the mountain, and even if there had been, she doubted he'd be very happy with her once he reached the bottom. However, she knew that she could not refuse her request. It would seem too suspicious. With an inward sigh, the mare resigned herself to going. She could always sneak off later.

"Of course!" She told him, trying to act as if that had been the general idea all along. "I couldn't let my hero go all alone now could I?"

If Banzai had caught the slight hesitation, he didn't let on. Although his chest did puff out a bit when she called him her Hero. With a beaming smile, the stallion motioned for her to follow him, and began to lead the way to the mountain. What luck he seemed to have today! Not only had he run into a beautiful mare, but he had managed to keep her attention for this long, and was able to help her out in some way.


Magical Cat

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Magical Cat

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:58 pm
Turning to follow the stallion, the mare began to regret her decision. What exactly was going to happen now? Sure it had seemed like a fun idea at the time, but what was the stallion going to do once he reached the top of the mountain and discovered no rose? What if Banzai had a temper? Sure he seemed to be the perfect gentleman, but who knew what he was capable of when he was angry?

Zarita was worried now, she needed to find a way to escape before he could figure out her plan. The further away she could get, the better. The only question was, How?

Banzai pranced along as he lead the way towards the mountain. As they neared the menacing peak, it began to grow larger and the stallion became more wary. Sure it was easy to say that he would do something, but once faced with the task could he do it? No. He wouldn't think like that. The stallion was going to do this and he would succeed. It wasn't in his nature to let a mare down.

As they reached the base of the mountain, the mare began to search for an escape route. Perhaps once Banzai had made it up the mountain a little ways she could sneak around and leave? Perhaps use some trees and bushes as cover? However, the mare's heart sank as she realized there were no trees or bushes around. Actually, it seemed odd, the mountain stood at the base of a plain. Perhaps there were more mountains and some trees behind, but in front she had no cover at all. The mare cursed her foolishness and only hoped that she could think of something before her time ran out.

Here they were. The base of the mountain stood as if challenging the stallion, daring him to climb it's steep slope. However much Banzai wanted to run, this was one challenge that he had to accept. Taking in a deep breath, the stallion step forward to begin his climb.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:02 pm
Banzai had just begun his climb up the mountain, and Zarita could feel her doom like a ticking time bomb, her fuse running shorter by the second. If she had known how much attention the stallion was paying to her, it might have made her life a little easier. However, she knew that if she tried to run now, he'd notice her escape and likely chase her down. If she was going to bolt, she needed to wait for the opportune moment. Banzai would have to be near the top before she dared to make her escape.

By now the stallion had made it about a quarter of the way up the moment. For the first time ever, he had learned that he did not like heights. He wasn't really sure why he hadn't figured that out before, but he supposed there was time and a place for everything. He had only wished he knew sooner.

Every step that Banzai took he was constantly looking for the elusive flower. Zarita had never said if the flower only grew at the top, perhaps it could be found lower to the bottom? He walked on for a little while longer, careful of the edge and careful not to look down. Sure there seemed to be enough space for him, but he didn't know what would happen if he looked down.

After a little while, the stallion came to a gap. One the left, there was a thin ledge no wider then the width of a small wolf. The gap itself was about three feet across. It seemed that the only solution would be to jump to the other side. For Banzai, a three foot gap wasn't much of a challenge, it was the fact that there was nothing below him for miles that bothered him. If he failed here, it'd be a long fall to the bottom. Before he could change his mind, the stallion made the jump.

Far below the stallion, Zarita waited impatiently. Why couldn't he get to the top faster? He wasn't quite halfway yet and she still didn't feel safe enough to escape. She wasn't sure how long or how far she could run and didn't want to find out if the stallion was in better shape.

The mare looked up to see where the stallion was, hoping he had made it further then she had thought. Then she tensed a little as she saw him jump. Sure she hadn't been very nice in sending him on this mission, but she didn't want to see him hurt. Zarita watched anxiously as he jumped the gap, and felt panicked at what she saw.

"Umph." The stallion landed face first into the hard rock face of the mountain. As Banzai had landed, his hoof had come down on a bit of uneven ground, causing him to lose his balance. Standing up, the stallion could feel a bit of pain in his fetlock. It seemed that he had done a bit of damage but nothing too serious. He might even be able to jump back across after he had rested.

The stallion turned to walk away, a little bit frustrated with himself for allowing the accident to happen. He only hoped that Zarita hadn't seen that particular fall. However, as he turned, his eyes spotted a bit of blue. Only a few yards away from him stood a rose bush, with a mixture of blue and teal roses.


Magical Cat

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Magical Cat

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:11 pm
She wasn't sure why she had felt so upset to see the stallion fall, but she supposed that in a way, she had grown to like the stallion just a little bit. At least well enough to care what happened to him. After seeing him stand up, she had felt relaxed enough to begin grazing again. After all she figured she'd have a while longer before he made his way any further up the mountain so she could leave.

Alas! The roses did indeed grow lower on the mountain. Banzai grabbed a few of them in renewed excitement and turned to face the gap again. His hoof ached but he managed to jump back over safely enough and hurried on back down the mountain, still careful of his footing and not to look down. However tired the trip thus far had made him, it couldn't compare to how relieved he was to find the roses.

Zarita nearly jumped out of her fur when she heard the sound of hoof beats coming towards her. Who on earth could that be? Perhaps this was someone far worse then the stallion that she had just sent up the mountain. There were a lot of evil beings out there, and she for one, planned on staying clear of them. Warily, she turned her head to see the new comer and was shocked to see Banzai coming towards her with teal roses in his mouth.

How on earth!? The mare was shocked to see the roses, she had never actually believed that such a flower existed, nor that it might really have any powers. No, they had simply been a bit of her imaginative game. But they were beautiful! And now they were to be hers.

The trip down the mountain seemed to take less time then the trip up the mountain had. Even with the pain in his ankle. As he had reached the grassy plain that lay at the bottom, he could see Zarita grazing not far from where he had left her.

Once more wearing his cocky grin, the stallion pranced on over to the mare. He was proud of his find and knew that she would be excited to see the roses.

"I found them!" He shouted excitedly to her. "They weren't as high up as I had thought." From the shocked expression on her face, he figured that she hadn't been expecting to see him back so soon.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:22 pm
Quickly, Zarita replaced the look of shock, with one of excitement. "Well I'll be." She called back to him. "You found them so quickly! I hope they weren't too much of a pain?" She asked the stallion.

The mare studied the flowers closely. They were definitely beautiful and she knew any mare would be envious to have one. Unfortunately, she knew that she couldn't keep them to herself until she was well out of sight of this stallion.

"No problem at all." Banzai replied to her. The expression on her face made his trip well worth it. He knew now that she could hopefully heal her companion and that if anything, she hadn't had to try to make her way up the mountain instead.

"I bet you're companion will be happy to see those. You should probably get back to him as quickly as you can. I could escort you if you'd like. Make sure you get there safely." He told her as he gave her the roses.

Zarita smiled warmly at the stallion. "That's very kind of you. But I've already been a lot of trouble today, and I certainly don't want to keep you any longer. Besides, my herd doesn't really take well to strangers and they're not too far off at that. I can take care of myself." She winked a little flirtatiously at him. "Thank you Banzai, I really do appreciate this. Perhaps we'll see each other around."

The mare nodded to him and then began to leave. She didn't really know where she was going. She hadn't had a home in months and still needed to find one. She supposed that she could have asked Banzai, but then she would have had to admit to her malicious game. No, she could never do that. She had hurt him, he might not have realized that, but she did. With a sigh, the mare continued on, no backwards glances, no turning around. She was alone and would stay that way.

Banzai nodded to the mare. "It was my pleasure." he told her happily. "I'm just glad that I could help you out. Just let me know if you change your mind ok? And be careful out there. There are a lot of creatures you don't want to run into." He told her as she began to walk off.

Had he thought about it, he would have walked after her to make sure she got where she was going, but the stallion was tired and his fetlock ached, truly feeling hurt for the first time. It was time for him to make his own journey home.


Magical Cat

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