Join Digimon Tamer Island usher in the Holidays with Digi-Christmas! A magical event where the giving begins, leading up to a great Event that will make many Tamers joyous this year.
This year, we're bringing the Twelve Days of Digi-Christmas back from 2010, and giving amazing things along with it. Don't worry, I realize that we only have 6 days til Christmas Eve, that's why it's going to be a 6x2 = 12 Days! 2 special momentous occasions each day, ranging from Contests, Tournaments, (discounts and special deals in shops?!) and so much more! Don't worry as well, we'll have some things going on even after Christmas, well if certain things aren't finished already, so that you'll be able to leisurely spend time with family and friends, and fellow Tamers during this very festive time of year.
List of Digi-Christmas Events:
Join Digimon Tamer Island usher in the Holidays with Digi-Christmas! A magical event where the giving begins, leading up to a great Event that will make many Tamers joyous this year.
This year, we're bringing the Twelve Days of Digi-Christmas back from 2010, and giving amazing things along with it. Don't worry, I realize that we only have 6 days til Christmas Eve, that's why it's going to be a 6x2 = 12 Days! 2 special momentous occasions each day, ranging from Contests, Tournaments, (discounts and special deals in shops?!) and so much more! Don't worry as well, we'll have some things going on even after Christmas, well if certain things aren't finished already, so that you'll be able to leisurely spend time with family and friends, and fellow Tamers during this very festive time of year.
List of Digi-Christmas Events:
1st: Twelve Days of Digi-Christmas Contest
7th: Digi-Christmas Carol Contest
2nd: Fall Registration For Winter RP Event
8th: Digimon Paradise Quarterly Contest
3rd: Digi-Christmas Tournament
9th: Extra De-Digivolve! Special You can De-Digivolve ANY Digimon today only!
*The 1st special deal ever in the TP Shop! (Will be held on the following day for a major double special offer in one day!)
4th: Digi-Christmas Tamer Island BINGO! Coming Soon!? Hohoho!
10th: Extra Armor Clash Special You can Armor Clash ANY [A] Digimon to their normal [R] level Digimon today only!
*The 2nd special deal ever in the TP Shop!
5th: Digi-Christmas Auctions! 1 and 2!
11th: The 1st sale ever in the DNA Shop, 50% off everything!
6th: The Death Generals & The Seven Kingdoms
12th: Some special presents for those who follow @TamerIsland? Hohoho!
Finally, be sure to keep on track with Digimon: Tamer Island on Twitter! We'll be having digital goodies for our followers! If you're not already following, take a ride to the Digital World with us right now!
Be sure to Follow:
@TamerIsland, for this year, the new year, and the many great years ahead! Be sure to Follow: