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[PRP] Heha Nimsup, Zeda, Nukpana, Chu'mana Pauwau

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Elissa Cousland

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:52 am
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The sun was beating down from the sky, it was the perfect time for the family to be out and about. The youngest son was off with some friends playing around the field in the sights of the parents. Zeda wondered to the top of a hill were a tall tree stood. She loved to be by the lake, it was so cool and open. This was where she had given birth to her babies. A smile crept on her face and laid down. The gentle wind blowing her black and purple mane. It was strange having foals running around but her and Heha seemed to have the hang of it, it was a challenge at times however they had matured a lot in the years it took for her finally to fall with foal. She was proud of her family and would not change any of them for the world. Who knew she would ever have all this?

Her crimson eyes scanned the field, to make sure to keep a eye on all her babies. Her eldest son seemed to be heading towards his father. She then spotted her daughter on her own once more. Tilting her head she smiled, always such a loner.

"Nukpana, come and lay with me for a while."

She called over whilst the boys were being men her and her daughter could have a grown up women conversation.

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Chu'mana wondered over to his father on the lake side. Looking up at him, his tail flicking, he had promised and there was not a chance in hell he was going to let him forget.

"Dad-dude. You said you would train with me today, you said, you know you did."

He stated with a small smirk on his face, Heha was not getting out of it. He looked up to his dad in so many ways. He always had, how strong he was, the stories he told them about his adventures. He was his idol and he wanted to grow up to be just like him. If only he knew of what he children got up to, then again he guessed his dad would not want to. He stood a little closer to him, nudging his leg with his nose.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:43 am
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Nukpana was out with the family on a disgusting bright summer day. She hated the sun and the fastest thing she found in a time like this was shade. Her brother was going to ‘train’ with her father and she needed to speak with her mom. One thing she dreaded more then being stuck in a room with 1 million happy people. She sneered at her mothers words. Oh great girl talk. She really didn’t want to go through with this, but she also wanted answers. She was the odd ball. The weird one. The ugly brown dot. She gave a huff and plopped her butt down right beside her mother. “Hmph I can’t believe I have a rainbow brother. –w- I’m wondering if he is a floater if you know what I mean..” She said to her mother before yawning and flopping on her side. She could be rather lazy at times. This was one of those times where it showed. “I want to be strong like you mama. Do you think I will be?” She asked her with a slightly raised brow.

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Heha walked away from his mate and his daughter right away to give them privacy. It was hot and because of his black fur the sun wouldn’t give him a break this time. “I know I did son..we will train. I want you to be strong. Afterall, you’re the oldest.” He nudged him lightly as he walked out to a nice open area in the field. “Alright so what do you want to learn? Let me know and I will teach you. I mean you can go from learning how to block attacks to how to put on a great offense.” He told his son with a firm nod before yawning. “Also how has your sister been? I know she can be a bit rough..” He said with a slight laugh as he stood there proudly. He finally had a family of his own.


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Elissa Cousland

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:05 pm
Zeda looked down at her daughter, the way she poke of her brother made her laugh she could not help herself.

"Hey, he gets that from me."

She smiled and nodded, looking out into the field admiring her mate. Before her attention turned back to her daughter, call it mothers intermission, she had a feeling something was up. Like Nukpana wanted to talk to her. She had felt like this for a while. A smile came onto her face as she leaned down so her head was on the level of her little girl.

"I think you already are. You are strong willed and determined, you do things your own way and stick to what you believe in, your heart and mind are in the right place, the rest comes in time. I have no doubt you will grow up to be a strong and beautiful mare."

She smiled, her crimson eyes meeting the deep purple that was her daughters. She loved her boys but as the only girl and the youngest at that she held a special place in Zeda's heart. She could see a lot of herself in her.

"Shes got a stick up her bum as usual but shes been making a few friends. There is this one boy who clings to her like a lost puppy, one of those horses with horns and a little critters tail. However if you ask me hes a wuss. He seems like the kind of guy to get spooked at his own shadow."

He stated flicking his mane. He was going to hold back news on Viper and the gang, telling him about his sisters little stalker was not giving him the whole picture but just enough to divert him from thinking he was lying or holding something back. His eyes met his father gaze as he thought for a moment, what did he want to learn? he wanted to learn how to protect his little sister that's what he wanted to learn, he was not going to tell him that though.

"Show me how to defend, how to avoid blows. I think that's a starting point."

He nodded firmly and stepped back from him a little, looking up at his mom-dude and sister for a moment.

"How did you and mom get together? did you sweep her off her feet or did she doing the sweeping?"
PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:22 am
Nukpana watched her brother a bit as she thought about what she wanted to talk about first. Occasionally she would glance over to her mother, but it only made her feel more...unwelcome. Everyone else was black..not her. She was like the ugly duckling. The shoe that didn't fit.

"I want to be strong like you mama. Though I'm actually a little afraid that I will let you down. I also get in trouble a lot, but...heh I like it. I want to be the outlaw of the lands. It would be so cool to have stupid stallions hunting me down to take me into custody. I mean...come on now? You don't think that is cool? But yeah...I will be strong...and.....beautiful...I just want to make you and papa proud of me. You know being your only daughter right now and all." She shrugged it off as if she didn't really care about it.

"So mama....why am I all weird looking compared to my brothers..? Am I adopted or something? I heard someone when I was in a basket. I think one was a stallion and the other was a mare. They said something about me looking like a..Morg..Ummmm Morgana. That was the name. I wanted to talk to you about it. Is that like your sister or something? Can I meet her?" She asked curiously with her head raised from the ground a bit.

"Well at least she is making new friends. I was worried about that because she can be so difficult. Oh really? A boy?" She paused for a moment and because she was his only daughter he was a little bit protective over her already. "Well as long as they are friends there is nothing to worry about, but I want you to keep an eye on that alright? Can I count on you?" He said and would always ask Chu to look after Nukpana because she was the youngest.

"Alright that sounds fair enough." He nodded before showing him a defensive stance. "When someone is about to hit you lightly you keep your posture straight and hide your face. That is pretty much your weakest point next to your knees. Then if they are charging.." He stopped and did a swift motion off to the side really fast for his size. "You just move out of the way as fast as you can. You can even duck and once they are over you..topple them right to the ground."

Snorting at his words, he didn't know how he could put it really. "Well she was really difficult at first. Bit of a hard head too. So was I. We were young and weren't too experienced with the whole thing. I wasn't really around too much either so it's mostly my fault for that." He stopped and looked around some at the open land. "I use to travel everywhere. Heh well I guess it was me that swept her off her feet. She was loyal and stuck by me even when I wasn't around. I admire that about your mom." He said before laughing.


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Elissa Cousland

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:56 am
Zeda raised a eyebrow and look down at her. Did she really feel that insure about things? how she looked? she never realized. She never even thought, but now it was made obvious to her she understood. She put a soft smile on her face and nodded.

"You are not adopted, I can promise you that. I should know I gave birth to you. Believe it or not you are the one that fits into the family more than us. I have many realities, more than even I can imagine, all of them tones of brown and gold. When I was young I was the only black horse. My mother and sister were brown, you get it from my side of the family. Morgana was my sister, however I do not really get along with her or my mother so I can not even begin to tell you where they might be now, last time I saw them was years ago. You see, my mother abandoned me and my sister blamed me for her leaving, my family broke apart when i was your age. You are part of this family Nukpana, you always will be."

She nodded and nuzzled her daughter on the cheek. Trying in some way to comfort her. Zeda was surprised about how much she looked up to her. She could not have began to realize how much her daughter wanted to walk in her footsteps. It made her happy, she never had that with her mother. She was happy, ever so happy.

"I will always be proud of you. Wherever your path in life takes you I will always support it, you have your own life and you must find your own way and do what you want to. I am sure you will grow up to be everything you dream of. Just make sure in all that adventure and excitement to not leave your poor mother behind. It does sound very fun... very you."

She added with a small chuckle.

Chu did think looking after his sister sounded too much like work however if he dad was asking then he would see no problem with trying, however he could not promise he would do a good job, taking care of Nukpana was like trying to cage a tiger - just more dangerous!

"Yea yea, sure I will."

He said with a small shrug, he would do what he could, he was not going to make a big deal over it, or even for that matter show that he meant it. He was not going to let people know he cared about her, even though he did. If he was not around how did he know his mother was loyal to him? like she never lied? then again thinking about it... he knew she would not. As a little kid you can never imagine your parents doing any wrong. They were your parents after all.

"Ahh I see, well that's cool. So I guess we where no one night fling then. Did you ever fear she would get bored with you not around?"

He asked, he liked the idea of traveling, however at the same time he could never imagine leaving home, he loved everyone too much. He would have to grow up one day though, you can not stay with your parents forever. Although coming back for visits would not be all that bad. That was thought for the future though, for now, he had training, and his time was all filled up with just being a foal. He nodded and listened to his father's instruction. His little tail wagging like a dogs happily.

"wow that sounds cool! have you got into many fights dad-dude?"

He asked, jumping from side to side.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:44 pm
Nukpana dug her hoof into the ground a bit as she listened to her mother. She shifted a bit wondering why her brothers didn’t suffer the same complex she did. It was really annoying to her most of the time. Someone as great as her with such a weakness.

“Really? I fit in that much? Oh so you were kind of like me then? At least now I can relate to you more. I didn’t like feeling like I was adopted. Oh so that mare that talked to me when I was in a basket? Morgana? Hmmm I will remember that name. She is an enemy to my mama and I don’t like her. No one treats my mama bad and gets away with it. Is your mama at least nice? I mean everyone can’t be all bad. I want to meet someone from your family. As long as they like you. If they like you then I will talk to them.” She told her mom with a contented huff.

She laughed a bit at her mom and felt the nuzzle making her smile just a little bit. “I would never leave you..are you kidding? You’re my mama..how could I just leave you? My mama and dada will always be there for me. I’m not going to be like your family mama. Your probably the only one who I can talk to about being the oddball since you know how it feels.” She said to her mom before yawning and watching her brother.

Heha watched his son closely studying his body language and how he moved. “I feel you will be a quick fighter.” He told him and he was one himself, but more of a strong offensive fighter. He yawned and shook his head a bit.

“Why would I have to fear that? I trusted her with every bone in my body. She wasn’t going to just leave me. I know how she acts and I wasn’t about to just date anyone without knowing them. I knew she was the one from the start. Strong willed, beautiful, elegant, etc. It’s hard to explain, but you will know one day when you meet her.” He nodded to his son with a smile.

He kept bolting towards him seeing his dodging skills making him more impressed with how this was turning out so far. “No actually, but I know how to defend myself. I wanted to train to get really strong to defend my family and your mother.” He said to him before stopping and snorting a bit. “Take a break for a moment son. I don’t want to wear you out.”


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Elissa Cousland

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:29 am
"Hmm. My mother? I do not know much about her, all I know is she left when I was very young. However I am related to a soquili named King. He is my grandfather and its where the brown started, he had many children, in double figures. They had children so they are many people you can meet, they are scattered but I think if you look you will be able to find someone. Maybe someone who can answer your questions. If it means so much to you, I can help you find someone."

She nodded. She would do anything to make her daughter happy. She did not like her feeling like the odd ball. She was Nukpana and she meant the world to Zeda. Deep down in her heart, she knew her daughter knew, that she was one of the family. She just did. She smiled and looked down at her mate and eldest son.

"Hes going this for you. Chu has the same complex your father has. He is training to protect the women. Even though you might not agree, even though you might never need him, just know that your brother does love you, he would give his life for you. Hes just too much of a man to admit it. I have a feeling as you two get older. As your bones grow and the years pass, you will grow closer."

She chuckled. She was happy. Nuka said things that hit something inside Zeda. She wanted her foals to be close to her, she was so scared they would hate her. Hearing her say these things completed her. She had done right. Her life was perfect... now and always.

"I will never leave you. At the end of the day if you have nothing else, you will have the family. However I see Nuka, your future is going to be full of adventure and prosperity."

Chu slowed down a little. He did not want to stop but if his father said so then he was okay with it. He was getting into this training stuff. He ran around the lake every morning. Maybe a few more laps would be good for him.

"Females are trouble. I am sorry dad-dude, Mum-dude and Nuka are okay to be around, but to have my own Mum-dude and Nuka ontop of them. I don't think I could deal with it."

He stated, the very last thing on his mind at the moment was females, he was yet to reach those troublesome teenage years. Then he would probably be chasing everything on four legs. Until then though, his parents got to enjoy his innocence. His childhood dreams and naive attitude to everything. He snorted and began his run around the lake.

"catch me if you can dad-dude."

At this age energy sprouted from him like ants did out of a ant hill. Never ending. He was glad his father was pleased. He was glad he could see his son being a strong fighter. He did not mean his dad did not have any war stories. Chu hoped he would never have to use what he was taught. Not after how beat up mum was with her knee and nose. Just knowing how to fight in case he ever needed it was good enough for him.
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