
The digits changed, Seth glancing at the digital clock situated on his motorbike through the black tint of his helmet. His hands pulled back the handle and increased the motobike's speed further. In a matter of moments, and a few ignored redlights, the college student skidded to a stop in front of his apartment building.

Vibrate. Vibrate. Seth pulled his phone out of the back pocket, when it suddenly began to sing, 'I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world~'

He gripped the delicate piece of technology in his hand, until it threatened to crush beneath the pressure of his grip. "..." He definitely didn't appreciate this. His aura was distinctly menacing, his expression about to commit murder, as he uttered one word. "That man." There was no other man in the entire world who messed with Seth like that. When did he get a chance to do it? That was another thing that infuriated the younger male - His uncle's ability to do things, despite Seth's avoidance of the idiotic man.

He flipped his phone open, his supicions confirmed when the caller ID read "Uncle Eintetta ♥." That incessant symbol was his doing as well. His finger wandered over to the End Call buttom, and didn't hesitate to press it. Seth looked around afterwards, his gray eyes pretending that nothing had happened. "I have some grocery shopping to do, don't I?" Seth asked in particular to nobody, parking his motorbike in the designated parking garage. He was walking to his door, when the phone rung again.

Ignore it, Seth repeated to himself. Ignore it. Ignore it. 'You can dress my hair, undress me everywhere~'

"I will murder you." His cold voice was entirely serious, shoving the key into the lock. "C'mon, c'mon! Don't treat your beloved Uncle this way~" Seth shoved his door open.

"Get to the point."

"Oh, you're so boring." The uncle sighed, "You'll never get a girlfriend at this rate. A shame and all with your looks, and background."

"That isn't your problem."

"Oh, there was this babe-"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Seth had hung up on the idiotic man.

He entered his kitchen, no longer hearing the annoying voice. Well, first things first - Seth picked up the grounded coffee beans, dumping a generous amount into the coffee maker. Next was the water, Seth fetching a cup from the dishrack. He turned on the sink, he didn't mind tap water. He pressed a few digits, the coffee maker would take several minutes. Seth took the time to clear his coffee table of all the paper and mail that had piled up over the week.

What assignments did he have due soon? He shouldn't have any problems with the bills, considering that he now had them take the money out of a a different bank account.

'Beep. Beep.' The coffee light switched from red to green, indicating its finished status. Seth stood up, and poured a mug for himself. He lifted the cup to his lips to take a drink of the bitter brew,

"I should probabl—" The sentence was never finished, when a sudden wave of power overcame the male. Seth, he couldn't stand, as he suddenly dropped to his knees. His hands held onto the counter for support, but even that couldn't last as his body fell down to the kitchen floor. The last thing he saw was black, even as he struggled against it. But he was falling deeper, and deeper. The sudden unconsciousness struck Seth, hitting the ground with a deafening thud.

Crash! The mug of coffee had broken into pieces, as the dark brown liquid pooled next to the unconscious body.

A few moments later, a car pulled up in front of the male's apartment. Here was the aforementioned Uncle, and walked right into the apartment (Where had he gotten the key? Seth would've like to known that). He held up a cake box from an expensive bakery in town, "Hey Seth. I brought some cake for you."

He was greeted to the sight of Seth's limp body. He sauntered over to the counter, observing Seth for a few seconds. "Hey. You dead?"