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Zahi sighed. Really, what the hell was going on in his life? He felt that on one paw, everything was going good. Their house was growing strong in numbers, and he felt that it gave him more power. Zahi always loved power. But on the other paw, there was the fact that his relationship with Mio had nearly shattered after Rhy had rushed in, throwing everything into chaos. Now he didn't know where they stood...and the only hint he got was a little pale green bird.

Bento popped out of her master's mane, feeling quite proud of herself for always doing what she was told. Simple enough: Stay with Zahi. She made herself quite at home in his big, fluffy mane, and because of this she was never apart from him.

"What are you doing?" he grumbled. Oh how he wished he could just eat the little bird and go on with his grumpy self. Mio would never, ever forgive him. And he didn't want that to happen. He wasn't one to destroy everything over one small annoyance. A long time ago he would have, but not anymore.

"I'm cheering you up!" the little bird chirped, preening her chest as she felt so proud to partake of this job. Mio was so sweet and kind, the little bird just couldn't say no when she asked to help her. Bento was going to be the glue that put them back together, and she knew it. Still, the little bird couldn't help but be disgustingly adorable around Zahi. It was amusing, how much he hated it.

"You're not," he grumbled as he walked away, the little bird clinging to his mane with her feet. It wasn't a smooth ride for the bird, but the lion didn't care very much. He wanted to find a much more secluded spot, where he knew he wouldn't be interrupted. At least Mio's servants knew better than to interrupt him unless it was a matter of death or war. He had them trained well enough to know what that was.

"But when I'm with you, you think of Lady Rén, right? And like that, I should be cheering you up!" Bento was so proud, but really, the Lord should stop being such a grumpy butt. Mio loved him, and he knew that. So why were the both of them being so stubborn?

Zahi grumbled. "That's not necessarily a good thing." All he could think of was that...that male. Wanting to take his female from him! But not just any female. No, Zahi knew that he loved her, even if he was terrible at showing it. He may never rid himself of the ugly parts, but Mio still loved him regardless. He growled, frustration seeping at his soul. Thankfully the male was gone, but rumors that he was lingering in another house infuriated the Lord. He should be dead, and not being harbored in a different house. That was enough to tip Zahi over to confrontation, but Mio had kept him in check. No need for Central's eye to turn on him, and their misgivings. The heir should have come from his b*****d children, but instead they were hidden, and Ria was chosen from their litter together. Even though the goddess' litter pointed straight to him.

"What're you thinking about?" Bento asked quietly, since her Lord had grown so quiet. Even alone, he always grumbled, growled, and grunted, but he was strangely quiet.

"Everything," the male exhaled. What the hell was he supposed to do?

"Stop thinking so much," Bento teased, preening a wing. "You're going to turn into an ugly grumpy frog if you keep it up." Zahi was a little befuddled by what she had said,, it didn't make sense. This bird really didn't make sense. "I won't be a frog," he grumbled. Though...after thinking about it more, it seemed like he understood her point. Worrying so much wasn't going to get him anywhere. He had to do something.

Bento snickered, but didn't say anything more.

The silence passed between them for a while, and Bento wondered if he had fallen asleep. Zahi wasn't old, but he wasn't quite in his prime anymore. Training with his guards kept him fit, and assured that they would be the asset they needed in case of any problems, but still, Bento worried if that was something hanging over his head. She hadn't been with him long, but it was obvious that he was stubborn, and worried about Ria and getting a mate for her. Ideally him and Mio should step down, but Bento doubted it. Only when he became more weak would he let the thought pass. Ria's best bet was to train a child of her's to be the heir....only time would tell.

Zahi grunted. "Well...maybe I should go talk to Mio." Bento could hardly believe her...well, ears! "Good, good," she chirped, trying to not sound too excited. The lion didn't seem most comfortable with the idea, but it seemed that he finally understood that they weren't going to get anywhere if they weren't talking. The West needed to be united, and at the moment most of the House was on Mio's side. It probably always would be, even with Zahi at the head. She was the strength behind him, and he knew that. He just...didn't really want to admit it. Ugh, females.

"Do you know where she is?" he asked hesitantly. He wasn't going to rush, but he also didn't want to wander around looking for her. The bird nodded, telling him that she'd probably be with her ladies-in-waiting, relaxing and planning how to handle the chance that Ria may come home with a mate. One day. He nodded, and walked off, even with Bento still in his mane. It was strange, having something with you all the time. And though, it was also comforting. He'd never be completely alone anymore. Bento was just happy to help, and the two of them lumbered off, excited and anxious to see just how this meeting would be. Bento was probably more excited than Zahi, but then, Bento was almost always excited and upbeat. The opposite of Zahi, but also able to get away with different things than the Lady Mio.

(1,042 words)