In thread RP Log - Pg 88265 - pg88269

Dusk sneaks into the thread once out of the watchful eye of his mother in an attempt to explore some more.

[+Katch+] :: *crash lands in* XD

Aika: i'm not takin flyin lessons from youuuu~~~ hehe *chirps*

Dusk Jumped a little at the crash of the two-legger and quickly turned from his sister to investigate it. He drew closer to the twolegger, whispering to the winged filly as he did so. "Did it hurt itself?"

[+Katch+] :: *rolls over* oof x___o that's the last time i literally reach for the stars...

Aika: *giggles and pipes a few notes, turning to Dusk and smiling* no, i don't think so~ she's very resilient for only having two legs you know~ *flutters her little wings*

Dusk raised an eyebrow as he poked the twol egger with his hoof. "You sure? They seem like very fragile creatures."

Aika: *shrugs* she's pretty tough, this one~ *chirps* oh, by the way~ i'm Aika~ what's your name? *smiles*

Dusk nodded, the thought of the twolegger being tough enough for the fall enough to sate his curiosity and worries. "M'names Dusk! A pleasure to meet you Aika!" He said with a smile. "You know much about this place?"

Aika: *chirps* Dusk huh~! nice name *wiggles her nose a bit* the area? i know it well enough i guess~*fluffs her feathers and holds her wings tightly to her* why?

"Why not?!" Dusk exclaimed with excitement. "I've only been here for brief moments before. Everything is new and interesting to me, and I want to know everything about it all." He rambled, looking off at his surroundings, his eyes wide with wonder. "There anything bad in this area? Dangerous?"

Aika: *trilled happily and smiled* oh indeed, i know what that's like~ welcome to the world~ *stretches out her wings* it is a wondrous place~ and i dunno *tilts her head* lemmie thing...*wiggles one ear* wellll~ stay clear of the ones with the teeth * bares her teeth at him comically* and the batty wings and funny tails~ you'll know the ones~ they're meanies~

Aer: *sticks her tongue out as Hoshi leaves her and makes her way towards the talking foals. The little wings on her back fluttering every so often

Hoshi: *relishes being free from his momma and frolics a short distance away

"Thanks!" Dusk beemed. "It's wonderful to be out of the basket at last. Dont get me wrong, it was okay, but it's so much better being able to see where I'm going." It was all he could think of in reply to her welcome to the world. He furrowed his brow as she described the things to stay away from, absorbing every word and forcing it into memory. "Mom sais stay away from anything with sharp teeth until I am bigger and can defend myself, but I'll keep those characteristics in mind when I'm on adventures." Dusk notices movement out of the corner of his eye and turns to see another soquili. "Hey, Aika... You know her? If not, wanna go meet her?" He, at this point, was wanting to talk to everyone and everything to learn as much as he could.

Aika: *smirks* i had the same feelin when i got outta my basket~ it's like, WOAH, there's a world out there~!! *cheeps happily* ya, wait till ya get bigger to deal with the teefy people~*chuckles and wiggles her nose* ehhh? *looks over in the direction he's talking about* sure ^^