Halloween Costume Contest

How it works: Well, I don't really need to explain it. It's a COSTUME CONTEST!

What to dress up as: Entirely up to you. You can be funny, scary, original. Whatever floats your boat.

What's the point: Not only will your avatar be featured on the front page, but the winner gets a Jack's Grab Bag 2k4 No. 4 [Currently Valued at 57k gold]

Dates and Deadlines: Entries will be accepted from Now through the 24th. Voting runs from the 25th to the 30th. No late entries will be accepted.

To enter, just send me a PM with the avatar you want to use.


1. X Bone Daddy X - Ravaged Fallen Angel
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2. Hensons - Dr. Frank-N-Furter
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3. Myxtery
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4. A Purple Cat
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5. Fancy This Vexxie
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