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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:58 am
The white form of Bai Bo was draped across a tussocky mound, bathed with a hundred shades of yellow, orange and reds. The sun set was beautiful today. He'd only just started to realise the beauty of the world, the way it ebbed and flowed and continued no matter how hard things sometimes appeared. His scientific brain tried to come up with reasons, tried to theorise why it did things just so...

And yet sometimes, like today, it just couldn't come up with anything.

Why was the sky so beautiful?

Lying, forgotten, across his forepaws was the long, scaly body of a dead fish. It's scales caught glints of red in their vibrant, crisp edges, but the shine form them was gone. A shine that had dried up as the water had. It was supposed to have been lunch but, faced with this difficult stream of thoughts, Bai Bo had neglected his stomach for the whims of his mind.

Sometimes he wished the world would give him its secrets so that his curiosity would be satisfied. But then, where would be the fun in having answers you hadn't worked for?
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:09 am
Ah, it was days such as these she loved, and hated, at the same time. Being given a day off in her duties by the Lord himself, to allow her to socialize and enjoy her time, was a welcome treat to the striped lionness. However, she was an extremely dedicated Historian - even now, laying by the stream, paws dangling over the edge and in the water, she couldn't help but feel that she should be doing something. Checking records, making sure there were no errors...what if a birth was going on right now? There were no lionness' she knew of being pregnant, but you never knew...

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Kumbuka allowed her eyelids to flutter closed, relying on her other senses to tell her about the world around her. It was an exercise she'd discovered long ago, that had taught her not to just rely on her sight. Sound, scent and taste could be just as valuable senses as sight.

A rustle to her left caught her attention, and a quick wriggle from her nose gave her the clear scent of a rabbit. A strangely loud splash from the stream in front of her produced no scents, but it was clear in her mind that it must've been created by a fish leaping from the crystalline water and flopping back in, producing said splash.

She did enjoy the fresh air. It was moments like this that she truly enjoyed life - oh, of course she enjoyed her work. But at times like these, it actually occured to her that there could be more to life than the records. Although, of course, they were a very important part of it.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:16 am
The splash drew his eyes from that majestic sprawl of colour.

What was that, then, disturbing the peace? His eyes looked accusingly down the slope towards the stream that snaked its way across the land. A fish? A lion's paws disturbing the surface? Some tree dropping its branch into the currents?

He stood and the fish across his paws fell with a flop to the ground. He started, his head turning to see it sprawled amongst the grass. Oh yes. Lunch. How long ago had that been, now? His nose wrinkled as he wondered how good it was going to taste now that it had dried out and gone a little...crispy in the sun.

With a sort of mental shrug he lifted the fish into his jaws and carried it down to the stream. If he ate there, then at least he could drink if the food made his throat parched.

With a rumble deep in his chest, he made for the stream, stopping short to lay gingerly at its bank, setting the fish down and pinning it down with a paw. After a moment, he raked his claws into its scales and flesh and drew off strips of the white, blood-less meat.
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:49 am
A bird cawed above. By the tone of it's caw, it sounded distraught - perhaps it was searching for someone? A lost family, or a lost friend. Silently within herself, Kumbuka found herself hoping that the poor bird found what it was searching for. Compassion was something she preferred to avoid - it would get in the way of doing her job to the best of her ability. But occasionally she allowed herself the luxury, and it seemed today was one of those occasions.

Wait, more footsteps. These sounded large than a hares, and Kumbuka found her forehead furrowing in mild confusion. A lion - definitely a male, the footsteps were too heavy to be female. Unless it was a rather large female. Kumbuka raised her head, eyes remaining closed as she gently scented the air once more, hoping to distinguish by smell. She knew most of the lions in the East House, so unless it was a visiting member she should recognise them...

Ah, it was familiar. But not as familiar as she'd expected. Forehead creased in a small frown as she took the scent once more, attempting to distinguish the more uncommon smells from the common ones that all lions bore.

"Bai Bo?" she spoke after a few moments, eyes snapping open as she turned her frame to gaze behind her, in the direction the footsteps had come from. It was the new member, she'd met less than a week earlier. The one who'd been genuinely interested in ehr teachings - she'd enjoying his company, actually.

Finding it uncomfortable to twist her body as she was, Kumbuka stood, removing her wet paws from the stream and turning, padding softly in the male's direction. She soon spotted her, allowing a smile to grace her lips as she inclined her head in a polite greeting.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:54 am
He was just swallowing his first bite when the sound of his name filtered through on the breeze. He didn't need to look up to know who it was. Yes, it was the lady he had met a few days back, the striped historian who had agreed to help him out. For, though he hated to admit it, he was not as wise as she on the ways of the pride.

He dipped his head as she approached. "Qī Wàng."

Then, feeling as if he should stand, he got back onto his paws and waited for her to come closer. "So what was it I heard? The splashing of a fish or the splashing of a lioness?" Well...it was poor humour, but at least he'd made an attempt. Generally he was nothing more than a serious study type who barely took the time to smile, let alone joke!

"I was hoping to see you again, actually." He continued, his mannerisms slipping back into his usual matter-of-fact way. "I'm making some good progress with learning how to read."
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:02 am
He spotted her and stood to his feet - it seemed he'd been learning pride etiquette quickly. Either that, or just manners in general. When she'd first met him, she hadn't thought he'd had any at all. He'd been rather rude, actually, if she did say so herself.

His poor humor wasn't met with much more than a twitch of the smile, although she was mildly amused on the inside. She twisted her head back around to glance at the stream, before back to Bai Bo with a neutral expression. "Simply a fish - I don't enjoy getting wet."

She'd bathe when it was necessary, but no more. Whilst she liked to keep herself looking respectable and clean, the time it took her fur to dry was too long to be away from the records for - after all, she couldn't risk getting them wet, and having the ink run. Realizing she may have offended him, Kumbuka forcefully flashed another small smile, to satisfy what she expected to be a need to know he hadn't displeased her. A lot of lions seemed to get that around her.

Her ears twitched a little, eyes clouding with interest as she turned her steely gaze back to the male. Hoping to see her? Whatever for? They were aqquaintances, at the most, in Kumbuka's mind, and although it was a pleasant surprise to meet him again, as it was with most, she never hoped to run into anyone. It was a distraction.

"Ahh - excellent. Who is teaching you?" she inquired, a genuinely warm smile creeping up her maw. Seeing someone so eager to learn was always a nice experience.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:07 am
He nodded, his eyes drifting to the frothing currents of the stream, currents coming down from the mountains and filling the veins of the world to bring life and to sustain it. Water was for drinking. Not bathing. Not unless it was necessary.

His teal eyes flicked back to her and he managed a sort of half-smile in response.

"My teacher?" He paused. So many names filtered through his heads now, not helped by the fact that every lion here had two names. No, it was no good. It didn't come to him. "I'm sorry, Qī Wàng. I cannot remember. I have had only two lessons since our first meeting. Most of my time has been spent alone, copying the characters again and again." And he had. Almost obsessively, actually. Now he was seeing them in his sleep, even in the landscape as he walked about in the day.
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:17 am
She watched him inquisitively, eager to know the answer. Depending on his teacher, she could estimate about where he was. There were several esteemed teachers whom she knew personally, and would always recommend. And then there were some she...wouldn't.

She couldn't stop the irritated smile hissing from her throat - it was a name! A simple name, and he couldn't recall it? Drawing the breath back in again, Kumbuka composed herself - she had to remind herself that not everyone had as good a memory as she. It was why she was a Historian, and they weren't. Also, learning to read was an intensive process. It was forgiveable that he didn't remember name, as long as it was because he was too busy learning to read.

"You haven't progressed to writing yet, then?" she questioned, having composed herself fully with a neutral stance and expression once again, although her eyes revealed the curious intent within her. She doubted he had - most wouldn't write until at least their third week. You had to be truly exceptional to learn to write so early.

"Copying the characters cements them into your mind, and gives you a good foundation for learning to read."


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:02 am
He sensed her irritation and took the smallest of steps backwards. He'd got this impression from her since their first meeting that suggested she was scary when angered. He certainly didn't want to be on the edge of her claws if he put her in a bad mood. No way!

Then she seemed to rethink her action and he felt the muscles in his shoulders and neck relax. He'd have to make sure he remembered the finer details next time, else he might not be so lucky the next time he slipped up.

"Not yet, though soon, I hope." He nodded. "The characters are meaningless to me now, but hopefully soon I'll be able to connect words to them." It was very exciting, all of this learning.

"You learned all of this when you were a cub, I guess?"
PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:03 am
Kumbuka noticed the backwards step, and couldn't help the feeling of smugness that rose in her body, although she was controlled enough to make sure the feeling wasn't shown on the outside. But to know that Bai Bo didn't necessarily feared her, but respected her enough to feel frightened when she was angry, was a feeling she enjoyed. She liked feeling that all of her work had a purpose, that gave her some authority in the East House.

She nodded in an understanding manner - just as she'd thought. But it was completely forgiveable, since most lions were still just piecing the different characters together, let alone learning to form words and write with them. Her nose twitched, the rare sight of a warm smile curving her maw as she detected something in the male - and excitement of sorts. It pleased her, that another found the prospect of learning as exciting as she did. His question soon reached her ears, however, Kumbuka blinking as if a little taken back, but soon composing herself again to shield the surprise.

"No - not as a cub. I joined the pride as a juvenile." she spoke, feeling a little uncomfortable talking about her past. Her role in the pride was as a Historian - the past was all she cared about. But talking about her own was something she didn't enjoyed. "I was a quick-learner, and the Lord refers to my memory as photographic."


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:06 am
"So you were not born in these lands? It is promising then, for me, to see one who joined these lands from the outside rise to a high position and prove herself worthy." He didn't seem to notice her discomfort at relaying such information. The past didn't bother Yen Ha much. In fact, he was rather proud of the fact that he had left his home and come all this way on a journey both long and tiring. Being physically weak had made it an incredible task, but here he was now, alive and well to tell the tale.

"I left my home as a juvenile." He explained. "And by the time I arrived here I was an adult. I journeyed long and hard to find a place to call home. Finding this land was...was better than I could ever have imagined possible. Surrounded by intelligent minds, lions and lionesses who rose to become better than rogues and other pride cats. This is where I belong. I've always known it."
PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:07 am
Kumbuka shuffled a little awkwardly - no, she hadn't been born in these lands. And it troubled her. She'd fought hard to secure herself a place, but she still wasn't of pure Tianxia blood. And at times, that was enough to make her feel inferior. She managed to force a somewhat fake smile towards the male, though. She had to stay strong - if she gave him hope, that was a gift. A gift she gladly accepted - if only she'd had a figure like that, when she'd joined. Although the Lord - and, of course, Cadenza - had always encouraged her to seek her full potential. And now here she was, having achieved it to the fullest.

She listened to him, slowly seeming to become more interested. Her forehead furrowed a little as he finished, Kumbuka staring at him. Not fiercely, just...staring, as if trying to figure out his intent. He was being truthful, she was sure of that. But surely it wasn't possible, for anyone to feel the same way she had? "That's..."

She began, before pausing, tearing her gaze from his and turning around with a somewhat irritated growl, slashing at a rock with her paw and sending it flying into the river. "...My mother left me. I was wondering, looking for a home. I found the Tianxia - they took me in. They were the home I'd been searching for. They cared for me, gave me the love my mother never did."

Why was she telling him this? Kumbuka's mouth and voice seemed to be acting of it's own accord, her mind screaming out to her to stop. But...she couldn't.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:08 am
This bothered her more than he'd first realised. She felt lesser than others because she was not born in these lands? Well that was nonsense. She was raised in their beliefs and she had a sharp intelligence that made her a valuable asset to this pride, this house.

He stepped closer, feeling somehow that he must make things alright. Else, what was he? Was he an outsider who could never become as good as those here because they had had the good fortune of being born on the earth of this land?

His brow furrowed slightly. "That's nonsense, Qī Wàng." He replied, his voice stern. "You belong here and you deserve to belong here more than anyone. You overcame hardship to become something great. You weren't born into the luxury of respect like a stuffy prince or princess. You had to work for what you have now and that gives you more right than any cub born into these lands."

He twitched an ear. "I am from the outside, too. A place called the Pridelands. A place I could not bear, a place that finally had me leave for a new home. And here, though I have a lot to learn, when I have learned it and earned my keep, I will no longer consider myself an outsider because I left my old life behind." He shook his head. "It doesn't matter where we were born. All that matters is that we strive to overcome it and not let anyone get in the way of our dreams and ambitions. You have done more than most. Much more."
PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:30 am
Her ears twitched, nostrils flaring as she heard him take a step closer, her own legs ready to take a step of their own should he come uncomfortably close. However, he stopped there, allowing Kumbuka to relax her tensed body a little as she listened to him once more. She felt pathetic - it was almost like she was fishing, searching for comfort. But...she needed it. She just needed someone to tell her that she was in the right place, doing the right thing.

The use of her true name surprised her into looking around, the female's blue eyes watching the male's closely, unable to look away now she was watching him. His words made her chest swell as she watched him with an emotionless expression, just...listening. His words were full of wisdom, and he sounded sincere and truthful. Her heart fluttered a little, an expereince she hadn't felt before, causing her breathing to become uneven for a few moments. "I..."

Oh, but he wasn't done. As if to comfort her further, he went on to give an account of his own experiences and thoughts. She listened intently to these too, only diverting her gaze downwards at his last few words, feeling almost...embarrassed? He seemed to know so much, yet she'd only met him once before. She was embarrassed an ashamed at herself, for such an outburst. It wasn't typical of her in the slightest, and she should've been more controlled.

"I...apologize, Bai Bo." she finall spoke, after a few moments of silence, "I shouldn't be troubling you with my thoughts."

She paused again, as if thinking to add anything else, before speaking once again, "But I thank you for your kind words. They were much appreciated. However...I would be grateful if this conversation could be kept private." To show her appreciation further, she moved forwards and past Bai Bo, rubbing her side against his in a sign of affection - something that certainly wasn't typical of the usually reserved lionness.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:35 am
"It's no trouble." He replied firmly. He never would have guessed that she could be so troubled by things like this. Yes, he'd only met her once before, but he had considered her a creature in complete control. It was a surprise to see her like this.

"Of course." He agreed. "I'd never dream of telling anyone." Not to mention the fact that he really did have no one to tell. Even if he did have other friends, he'd never spread gossip, especially not such private words. He opened his mouth to continue when she stepped past him.

Was she leaving?

And then she brushed alongside him and he felt his body go rigid with shock. Had he really spoken so well? He hadn't thought so but... His ears fell flat against his head, sheepishly and he cleared his throat. He turned slightly to look for her.

"Glad I could be of assistance." He replied after a moment. "Are you going now?"
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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