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66. CHARGE = Con. type Smart = Boost 2x dmg for Electric attacks

Charge boost power to the electric move used next. This is a move that makes the most out of an electric type attack, and can be quite devestating if used correctly.

67. SHOCKWAVE = Con. type Cool = [Sp attack - Sp defense =dmg]

Shockwave is a fast and unavoidable electric attack. This attack never misses no matter what happen.

68. SPARK = Con. type Cool = Attack formula + Paralyze

It's an electrified tackle that may paralyze the foe. A powerful move that throws a new spin to an everyday tackle attack.

69. THUNDER = Con. type Cool= Sp Att. formula + Paralyze + 4dmg

Thunder is a lightning attack that can cause paralysis, and is the most powerful of the electric attack when it comes electric attacks. This move also does double damge on a pokemon if they they are using fly, during this attack

70. THUNDER WAVE = Con. type Cool = Paralyze

A weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the foe

71.THUNDERBOLT = Con. type Cool = Sp att. formula + Paralyze + 2 dmg

A strong electrical attack that may paralyzes the foe.

72. THUNDERPUNCH = Con. type Cool = Sp att. formula + Paralyze

An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe

73. THUNDERSHOCK = Con. type Cool = Sp att. formula + Paralyze

An electric attac that may paralyze the foe

74. VOLT TACKLE = Con. type Cool = Att formula =dmg/ 4 = recoil dmg

Volt tackle is a life-risking tackle that slightly hurts the user. It's a move that show the heart and determination of the electric type.

75. ZAP CANNON = Con. type Cool = -2 accuarcy + Sp attack formula + 4dmg + Paralysis

Powerful and sure to cause paralysis, but inaccurate.

76. CHARGE BEAM = Con. type Beauty = Sp att + 2 accuarcy raises Sp. Att by 1

An electric attack that is fired like a beam to hit one's opponent. This attack has a very high chance of raising the user's SP. att.

77. [b[DISCHARGE = Con. type Cool = Sp att + paralyze

This attack discharges electricity recklessly into the air as it risk hitting everyone in the area, and that includes friend and foe

78. MAGNET RISE = Con. type Cute = Levitate the user

This is on of the best defensive a electric type pokemon can have towards ground attacks the pokemon starts to float off the ground to avoid all ground Sp. Attacks

79. THUNDERFANG = Con. type Smart = Attack Formula +Paralyze + Flinch

By charging electricity into one's fangs a pokemon can inflict two types of injuries in one as it shocks & bite deeply into it's opponent at the same time.

80. Crossthunder = attack formula + 2 dmg

It strikes with a huge thunder bolt. Its power will increase if struck by a huge flame[x2]

81. Electra net =attack formula [+5 = -1 to speed]

It attacks by catching the opponent in an electric net.

82. Electro ball = User's speed - Opponent's speed = dmg

It slams it's opponent with an electric cluster. The faster it is than the opponent, the greater the damage

83. Lightning Strike = attack formula + 5 dmg [+5 =paralysis]

It covers itself in an extensive amount of electricity and charges it's opponent. It may cause paralysis

84. Volt Change =Sp attack formula

After it has attacked the opponent, it switches places with a waiting pokemon

85. Wild Charge =Attack formula + 2 dmg [/5 = recoil damage]

It covers itself in electricity and charges into it's opponents. It also takes a little damage.