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[PRP] The Truth Hurts ( Janja / Rokopelli ) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:51 am
Rokopelli, young and naive as always, would probably forever keep her childish innocence. She was still a juvenile, still growing and learning - despite being extremely old - and was determined to never let anything get her down.

Except for this morning.

This morning she couldn't find Nyoka anywhere and though he was never kind towards her, she loved him dearly. As far as Roko was concerned, Nyoka was her best friend in the whole wide world and she wasn't going to let anyone tell her otherwise.

She was perhaps even a little jealous that he seemed to have someone else to replace her. A snake. A pretty snake too. Roko was fond of green and this Janja was certainly a beautiful shade. Yes, they'd be lovey dovey, have babies and then Nyoka would forget all about her.

She was in full view, not far from the den, so her disguise was in place, though it occasionally flickered when her attention was pulled too far into her thoughts. But today, not even the sun could warm her damp spirits.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:41 am
Janja'nyoka had awoken from her rather pleasant sleep and let out a yawn. Her yellow gaze traveled to the still sleeping male a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips turning them upwards. It was amusing and satisfying to the female that she had snagged such a catch. A clever, cunning male all to her own. Well mostly there was still that goddess.

Letting her eyes linger on Nyoka for a moment longer she turned her head and slithered out of the den. Just as she reached the entrance Rokopelli caught her attention. Maybe she would have a chat with her. Yes, a nice chat sounded like a pleasant idea.

Making her way through the sands and grassed toward the winged lion. "Rokopelli," she cooed.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:04 am
It didn't take much to brighten Roko's spirits, especially when there was company around. There was something about serpents that attracted her. She adored their shiny scales, beautiful under the sun. She adored their glassy eyes, their odd way of talking. She even felt comfortable around them when many did not. Besides that, Nyoka had saved her life and he remained with her now - though she didn't realise he stayed only for his own benefit.

Now, with Janja here, Roko believed herself extremely lucky. She had another snake to befriend, and possible little snakes too. There was so much to loo forward to.

"Janja!" She would have fluttered her wings if they had been in sight, so she made herself content with a twitch of her ears.

"Do yous know where Nyoka is?" She asked, glancing around. "We're bored and want to play. Maybe yous would play?"
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:38 am
"Nyoka is sssleeping." Janja hissed calmly in reply stopping not too far from her to be completely safe from any roaming paws. Four-legged creatures were clumsy after all and she couldn't be stepped on. No. "Let him sssleep though. He needsss his ressst." She told the goddess.

She curled her tail around her before speaking again. "Play? What sssort of game?" She inquired without any interest in complying with the other's request. Janja was not interested in playing any little games, but it couldn't hurt to toy with Rokopelli for a short period of time now would it?



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:53 am
"Why?" Rokopelli asked. She knew that Nyoka slept a lot but wasn't aware that he did it because he needed to do it. She just assumed he was lazy. "He should be awake. This is wakey time." She sighed and cast a small glance up towards the den. So was he in there?

She was just starting to think that she might go wake him, when Janja enquired into a game and she realised she'd made a new playmate!

"Dunno, do snakes play games? You could teach us a new game! So long as it doesn't involve choky-choke. Nyoka likes that." She put a paw to her throat, remembering the last time he had almost squeezed her to death. "Snakes hug too tightly!" She complained.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:05 am
A sigh escaped the snake's lips as she shook her head. "Leave him be. He had a...." Her voice trailed as a smirk curled upon her features as she coughed slightly. "He had a long night," she explained also glancing towards the den before focusing her gaze back on winged feline. Janja didn't feel the need nor want to dive deeper into the subject of her mate so she changed subjects focusing on the idea of a game.

"Sssome sssnakes do play gamesss." She replied with a nod of her fur-free head. "Why don't you tell me of gamesss you enjoy inssstead?" Janja asked personally not knowing any games to play in all reality. "Perhapsss we do, it'sss in our nature to hug tightly."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:07 pm
(( your new litter all look like they are wearing little slippers <3 ))

Rokopelli, not noticing that the snake had trailed off, simply nodded and kept nodding until it looked as if her head might rock off her shoulders. There was a blissful, naive smile on her face that refused to budge.

"Welllll~ We like to play all sorts of things! Like cloud hopping and cloud watching and pouncing and loop the hoop and tag and..." She trailed off. "Do yous know how to play any of those?" She blinked.

She wriggled. "We could take you flying? Nyoka likes flying." She wriggled her toes in the sand.

"Snakes are built for hugs. It's why you're all so friendly." She laughed joyfully.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:02 pm
[I never noticed that until now!]

"How doesss one hop on cloudsss?" Inquired the green snake who tilted her head back to see if any clouds were up in the sky. Clouds were things that often confused Janja, they were white puffs of something that was suspended on the air. Occasionally they held rain which would fall to the ground, how they could do so and remain in the sky baffled her. "Cloud hopping no, cloud watching yesss, the others not entirely."

Had Janja had visible ears that protruded from her head like it would on a feline they would have perked up at the mention of flying. It sounded so very intriguing to her. "Flying sssoundss interesssting. Letss do that."




Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:39 am
(( do you think almost dropping Janja in the sky might anger her enough to snap at Roko? xD;; ))

"Well, not really hopping. More like...wheee! Through, like that." She made a funny little action which really didn't imitate what she was trying to get across. Then she did a check over both shoulders and shook herself all over. Her wings slowly came into view. The braids fell into place around her ears and over her eyes. She looked, once again, like the Goddess she was and not the little cub she almost constantly pretended to be.

"Okay, okay, let's goooo~" She bounced, suddenly excited, like a livewire. "Curl up around our neck, that's what Nyoka does, see!?" She moved towards the snake, eagerly, glad to have another flying companion. "Just don't get tangled in our wings! Otherwise, nyyaaaaw, dead!" She smiled, eyes glittering.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:19 pm
[Most definitely it would. Apologies for taking ages to reply, had/have majors writers block]

Janja's brow lifted at the goddess's...silliness. Her actions did nothing to explain her words. Honestly she couldn't understand just how Nyoka had put up with the pest for so long. She was having difficulties already and she had only been around the female for a few minutes, now was the most she dared to spend with the feline.

"Fine. Asss you sssay." The green snake replied slithering forward stopping to listen to the last sentence. Don't get caught in her wingsss She made a mental note to herself before climbing upon the other's back making her way to the other's neck curling around it tightly while still leaving a good amount of space as to not choke Rokopelli while they were flying. "Don't drop me."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:05 am
(( not a problem hon, it happens and I'm always here to RP so no rush. ))

Giggling, unaware of how irritating she was becoming, Roko stooped her shoulders to give the snake easy access to her neck. Then, waiting patiently for Janja to find her place, the little Goddess gave a small bounce, flapping her wings experimentally.

As with all deities, her wings for purely for show, but she couldn't fly and keep up the illusion at the same time. She was still young and her concentration had never been wonderful. Multi-tasking certainly wasn't her thing.

"Let's gooooo." And without another word she swept herself up high, skimming the clouds as she twisted and turned. She wasn't a great or sound flyer. In fact she moved as if she were constantly battlign not to fall. She was not graceful either, but it was clear that flying gaveher incredible joy. She swept low for a moment, rainbow wings slightly arched as she caught a warm current and was swirled upwards.

"Whee! Janja having fun?" She squeaked above the wail of the wind.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:52 am
It wasn't surprising that the green snake was having second thoughts about flying with Rokopelli. After all it seemed as though the young goddess had such a short attention span that taking up her offer to play, via flying, was clearly not a good choice. Unfortunately for the now nervous snake just as she opened her mouth to voice her change of mind they were off. Up soaring into the air.

Although that was rather optimistic since the winged feline was not soaring, rather stumbling along in the sky with mild success. At least that's how it seemed to Janja. Swallowing she clamped her eyes shut trying only to think that she was on the nice, safe ground and not hundreds of feet in the air, if even that or more. "I think I have changed my mind..." She shakily voice peeking one eye open casting her glance down below. Instantly regretting the action.

"Take me back!" She hissed her grip tightening upon the other's neck. "Take me back to the nicce ssssafe ground!" Janja practically screamed, fear getting the better of her for once.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:05 am
Roko, unaware that her flying abilities were not up to the standard they probably should be, swung this way and that. She moved higher, tilted her wings and arched up through a cloud. Moisture beaded on her fur and hung on her whiskers as she curved sideways and dipped back down again.

Flying made her feel so alive, so happy, so content! Her problems were all left behind on the ground when she was up in the sky.

And then Janja's voice brought her back from her dreamy state and she turned her head to glance at Janja, her wings stooping a little, sending her downwards.

"Aw, reallys?" She chirped, altering her wings as she realised the direction she was going. "Okie~ Hang on!" And with a last attempt at showing off the wonders of flight, Roko tipped herself over, barrel-rolling through the sky, rainbow wings shimmering.

(( poor Janja ;o; ))  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:14 pm
Fear rattled through the small frame of the reptile and only escalated as they flipped over in mid-air. Janja was so struck with fear that without thinking she released her tight grip on the goddess's neck. A scream erupted from her mouth, a loud ear piercing scream, that rang out echoing.

"Rokopelliiiiiiiiii!" She cried as she continued her fall downward. Her mind and heart were racing, eyes shut tightly. That bloody feline was definitely going to get ripped a new one if, and when, Janja reached the ground safely. Beside the fact that fear was completely dominating her mind, the snake's other thoughts were how she was going to scold and/or yell at the other.

She had given Rokopelli specific instructions not to drop her. Before they had ever taken off and yet the goddess had done just that. She had dropped her. She was going to pay. Janja was going to make sure of that.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:57 am
It had been an accident yes, but an accident brought on by her own idiocy. Any ‘normal’ God would have sensed Janja’s fear of flying and come to land as softly as possible. But not Roko. Maybe in her own way she had been trying to help, trying to break Janja of the fear that she held towards flight. Because if Janja was going to be Nyoka’s girlfriend then Roko wanted to impress her. She wanted to make friends with her. Nyoka meant everything to her – despite the fact that he was merely using her – and she wanted to get involved in his life as much as possible.

Apparently she had gone too far this time.

She felt Janja’s coils come loose and turned her head to find the snake slipping from her place around Rokopelli’s neck. Her cry of fear sent a cold rush of terror through her body. The little Goddess opened her mouth to exclaim her horror at losing her passenger and then the snake was falling away.

Everything happened so quickly.

Fear gripped the little Goddess with such intensity that her other personality crept in. Fear was her ‘darker’ side’s source. By pushing fear away – by becoming a blathering idiot – Roko had kept Pelli at bay. Now, however, the realisation that her actions could lead to someone being seriously hurt or worse, brought panic into her blood.

“After her fool or she’ll die.”

Half terrified of what Nyoka would do if Janja fell to her death and half terrified that Pelli would overtake her mind; Roko tucked in her wings and stooped like a peregrine catching its prey. The ground span sickeningly close, growing and growing till it swallowed up the sky. And then suddenly she was gaining and her paws hooked neatly underneath the snake’s body, pressing Janja close to her chest, applying pressure to the thunder of her heart.

And then she hit the ground.

She landed on her stomach, fore paws holding Janja held out so that the snake wouldn’t be squished. She was winded, shaking from the terror of what had just happened and feeling giddy from the battle going on in her own mind.

She opened an eye to see if Janja was okay.
[IC] Abandoned Temple [IC]

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