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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:02 pm
Ogod, what was that sou-... oh, it was just the white thing again. Silently, Yamir took a moment to eye the 'white thing', also known as his father, pondering if it was watching him or not, before he wandered away to romp about in the grass, pausing to look back behind him to check for any foreign little bodies, food-like or parent-like or sibling-like it didn't matter, before he let out a little squeal of joy and went running off to enjoy himself.

Only to promptly trip over a rather large and obvious rock and go rolling away, his harmless little blue limbs flailing about pathetically for a bit, before Yamir's white-furred head popped up, several pieces of grass and a stick poking out of what would be his mane, at least in the future, before using one paw to brush it all out.

Oh the humanity!

"Why is there a..." Yamir paused for a moment to squint at the stick that now hung over his eyes in an identifiable manner, before letting out a squeak of fright. "SNAAAKKKE!" he yelped, flinging it away from him before running to hide under/behind a nearby rock, peeking his eyes up over it to watch the 'snake' just lay in a rigid post on the ground, not doing a thing.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:16 pm
After much urging from his father, Genge had finally ventured outside unaccompanied. It was a scary thing, at least for him, and his entire body was quaking with fear, but he couldn't let his father down. He was already weak and, in his mind at least, useless, and he wasn't about to become the only lion in history to never leave the den alone.

Flinching at anything that moved, any passerby would think that he was paranoid. And they would be right. He soon found something interesting, however, and the bright blue signaled that it was a family member. It must be, for there were few blue lions that he was not related to. Soon, the pale mane and white marks revealed a more specific identity: His brother Yamir.

... Yay?

Genge loved his brother of course, but being even more jumpy than usual, he wasn't sure if he wanted to seek his... "Special" Brother's attention. Still, it was better than being alone, right?

"Yamir, it's me." He said shyly, "What are you doing?" He poked the stick with his paw, "It's just a stick, it won't hurt you." He knew that Yamir would have some explanation, and he was eager to see what his brother would say about the 'snake'.



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:26 pm
Yamir nearly lept over the rock and onto the 'snake' when his brother spoke, his blue fur puffing a little before he turned his head to look at Genge, connecting the voice to the fur-markings and then in turn to an identity. A few deep breaths and the blue cub had calmed himself to an extent. Good thing it hadn't been a ROGUE RABBIT OR SOMETHING. Then he mighta had to pounce it.

"A stick? A STICK? STICK'S DON'T LATCH TO FACES AND ATTACK YOU!" he suddenly wailed at Genge's correction to poor Yamir about the 'snake' being a stick, leaping up onto the rock he'd been hiding behind just to tumble right back off of it in the most ungraceful manner he'd managed yet.

Which was saying something, considering that Yamir in general was clumsy.

As if in effect, Yamir lept upon the stick, waiting for it to slither away, then looking extremely confused when the 'snake' just sat there, leaning in close to poke his nose to the branch, before suddenly letting out a squeak of protest and rolling it away from him with a sort of 'ho hum' motion. "Hey! It's only a stick!" he announced, looking to Genge with a really puzzled look. "Where'd the snake go?"
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:36 pm
Genge jumped at the sudden outburst, though he ought to have expected it by now. "Did the... Snake latch onto your face and attack you?" He inquired, glaring at the stick as if it had caused all of this.

He proceeded to roll his eyes very dramatically, "YES, Yamir, it is only a stick. There was no snake. At all. Ever." He huffed. Genge would normally be much more patient and understanding, but he was already in a foul mood from being just about forced out of the only 'safe place' he knew about, and Yamir wasn't helping, even if he didn't mean it.

Still, the thought of a snake frightened Genge. He glanced around nervously, checking the ground for any movement, just in case his brother had been right about a small-and-skinny reptile that may be lurking nearby.



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:47 pm
It was all well, however, since Yamir's ability to understand vocal-emotion was severely lacking, so the stress and frustration being vented on him was missed altogether and the blue cub merely smiled his best little smile, which wasn't all that great. "Are you sure there wasn't a snake?" he asked, leaning in to look at Genge at as uncomfortable a closeness as possible, before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"'cause I sure saw a snake! It was big and red and made funny noises!" he explained, wiggling his bum a bit, before prancing ahead into the grass again, the snake being left behind and out of his mind rather quickly as he romped about in singular play, pausing after a minute to turn and look to Genge again.

"Are you gonna come and play with me?" he asked, chest puffing in full pride of how far he could roam from his father before he'd be brought back into the 'circle of safe' again. Though, from what Yamir knew, the Mteo -was- a safe place.

Except the occasional snake here and there, but they were rare...ish.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:07 pm
"I..." Genge faltered, "I don't know, I only saw a stick..." He mumbled, withdrawing backwards slightly as Yamir came uncomfortably close, "But-" He was cut off by the fit of laughter, still irritated at his brother's behavior.

"Are you sure?" He asked, "I've never seen one of those before." Genge conveniently left out the fact that he never left the den.

"Oh fine." He sighed, "Anything to leave this snake business behind." He followed his brother, though with less of a bounce in his step and more of a frightened twitch. "What are we going to... Er... Play?"



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:19 pm
The body language seemed to speak to Yamir a bit as he made a sort of a frowning face, watching the effects of his behavior reflect upon Genge's actions, the blue cub's ears drooping a bit before he tossed it all off over one shoulder (once again), instead vouching to go and pounce upon his brother instead.

However, he changed his mind mid-pounce, causing him to not only miss, but go tumbling off through the grass with a happy bout of laughter to accompany it. Games were so much fun!

Popping up to peer as best he could over the grass, Yamir seemed rather puzzled when Genge asked the nature of game they'd be playing, causing him to pause for a bit and think, wondring what they actually -would- play. "Ummmm... I dunno. King of the Mountain, Tag, Hide'n'Seek? What sounds like fun?" he asked, ducking into the grass only to sneak through it and pop up next to Genge again.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:54 am
"Wah!" Genge wailed as his brother began to pounce at him, ducking for cover in the long grass. Seconds later, however, he realized that Yamir had either missed, or decided against "attacking" him. Grumbling at himself for being so skittish, he stood back up and brushed some of the dirt off of his white pelt with a paw.

"Um, we could play King of The Mountain, I guess." He honestly didn't know what any of those were, having never had the space to run around and play them. Being King of something did sound fun though.

"How do we play?" He asked, finally managing not to flinch as his brother appeared beside him, the irritation slowly fading from his voice.



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:39 pm
Yamir beamed in joy as the game 'king of the mountain' was offered as a good idea, a piece of his white mane sticking up awkwardly from his most recent tumble through the grass, a few blade of the grass poking out of it boldly, before he looked at Genge with the best 'shock' he could manage, before suddenly announcing how 'King of the Mountain' was played.

"Well, first we gotta find a mountain or a rock or something. It needs to be big enough to hold us both, though. Then we gotta try and take the rock from each other and stand on the top until the other gives up. Then the one who didn't give up is the King of the Mountain and... then um.."

Yamir paused for a bit to think of what the point of the game was after that, furrowing his brows together to think as hard as he possibly could, before coming to the conclusion that:

"Then after that I guess you gotta do it again or pick up another game."
PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:17 pm
It would seem that Genge had picked probably the worst game for someone like himself to play. Wonderful. Still, it would not do to let his brother down, so he nodded and started looking around for a rock to play on.

"I see one!" He tried his best to sound excited, "Come on, let's go." He really just wanted to get the game over with so they could move on to something else, but he was doing quite the job of seeming enthusiastic.

The 'mountain' was quite large, big enough to hold them both easily and allow at least a bit of maneuvering room, and it wasn't too high up. Only a few feet, but it still looked scary to Genge.

"Shall we go up then?" He asked, jumping at it without waiting for an answer, only to smack into the side of the rock, unable to make the jump fully. His front paws clung to the top, while most of his body dangled off of it about six inches from the ground. Grunting slightly, he managed to pull himself up with much difficulty, and ending up with much dirt on his fur.

"No problem!" He beamed, "Up you get!"



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:17 pm
Yamir let out the most gleeful sound he could manage, seeing as emotions in general were a muddled and confusing thing to anybody, especially boys, as he bounded over to this 'rock' of choice, looking at his brother with a sort of shock as he climbed up onto the rock, looking at the rock suspiciously, pawing at it once, before climbing up the rock as well, muttering something about shelled reptiles and the possibility of getting attacked by sharp teeth.

The little blue cub had to half-dig his claws into the rock to pull himself up, but once up, made another happy little noise and started to 'romp' on top of it as much as possible, happily coated with his own fine layer of dirty. Literally 'fine' in his mind, since the dirt showed just how 'manly' he was in his own eyes.

"Wooow. You're good at climbing!" he chimed, before leaning over to add to his brother in a whisper, "You do realize we're sitting on a turtle, right?" he asked obliviously, his 'face blindness' kicking in to again not allow him to recognize a rather normal object.

Despite the fact that this 'turtle' didn't move in the least.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:25 am
"You think so?" He asked, blushing slightly for some reason, "I dunno, maybe..." His ears perked with curiosity as he mentioned a turtle, however and he peered over the edge of the rock, looking for one of the many holes that the turtle's head or legs would stick out of.

"I don't... Oh never mind." He shrugged, quite sure that the rock was indeed inanimate. This time he didn't feel the need to worry, because turtles were one of the very few things that didn't frighten him in the least.

"Well, let's get started then, shall we?" He asked, pacing the top of the rock and watching Yamir closely. He wasn't afraid of playing with a sibling, but the possibility of dropping off the edge caused him to jump every time that edge came a bit too close.



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:59 pm
Yamir pranced about the rock as if it were the most flat and wide of surfaces, gleeing at the opportunity to be playing on the shell of a 'turtle'. Indeed, he had no ability to 'sense' the skepticism on his brother's voice at his notion of such, and thus was happy enough to engulf himself fully in play when he was given the opportunity.

He watched Genge as he carefully scooted about the edges of the rock, looking as confused as his poor little face could muster, before attempting to claim the highest peak of the rock, sitting up on it and waiting for a challenge, trying to look as 'kingly' as possible, despite the little fluff of hair atop his head.

After a moment or two of that, he again bounced right back up to his feet, his butt wiggling up in the air in a happy 'PLAY TIME!' manner.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:34 pm
Genge paused, watching Yamir as he sat proudly upon the highest part of the rock. Did that mean the game was over? Did he lose already? Disappointed, Genge sighed and stopped pacing, only to see his brother crouch in a pouncing position. It wasn't over yet! Quickly, Genge sprung upwards out of surprise and joy, ready to start the tussle with Yamir.

Deciding to try to be brave for once, Genge charged forward toward his brother, his eyes pressed shut with determination. He could almost taste the victory!

But... Wasn't victory supposed to be on top of the rock?

In his mad dash, Genge had managed to get off course and run straight off the edge, opening his eyes just in time to see that the ground was fast approaching. Squeaking pathetically, he hit the ground with a thud.

"I guess you win." He sounded winded, from falling on his front as he lay on the ground, unmoving. He made a mental note to always keep his eyes open when he was on top of things, and tried feebly to stand back up, eventually managing to get himself into a sitting position to catch his breath.



Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:17 am
He waited with anticipation for his sibling to actually come and 'battle' for the top peak of the rock, until he realized that... his brother was... gone? Yamir paced about the top of the rock, peering over the edges to try and find where the boy had gone, making a sort of a puzzled face repeatedly, before clambering to the edge of the turtle to look down and see his poor brother, having made a 'graceful' landing in the dirt.

"Did the turtle move? Are you okay?" he asked, ignoring the declaration of his victory and doing the more 'natural' thing, as he'd observed from Nzigu's mom, and asking to see if his brother was alright. Afterall, the turtle could have stepped on him!

Hopping down(or rather, tumbling down..) from the rock, he made the most ungraceful landing ever next to his brother, causing dust to fly up everywhere and him to sneeze. Once he'd recovered from that, however, he stuck his face -right- up into Genge's personal bubble and made a sort of a '8D' face, making his eyes as wide as possible and bursting out into a giggling fit.

"Weeeeee! What do you wanna play neeexxxxtt Geeennnnggggeeeeee?" he drew out the inquiry as long as possible, before collapsing into a fit of almost creepy laughter.

Strange little boy, that one.
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