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Jessi and Kale Have Lost Their Minds

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In which Booger and Wookie shake it up and break it down. 

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:18 am
Early on the morning of the 15th of August, a whole three weeks before Morrington's classes begin, the staff was required to begin extensive training centered around their jobs, not as teachers, but as resident assistants within the halls housing the population of gifted students.

This is their story...
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:37 pm
Savannah stared from person to person in the room. She could hardly believe some of the other teachers looks were real. One of them standing next to her had a set of horns! Taking the job at this school was starting to look like a bad idea. Especially when some of the teachers found it funny to dress in Halloween costumes.

Bengali took an empty seat. The new headmaster had requested everyone be present and ready for some sort of training. Even tough she wasn't a teacher she guessed even she should show up.
Spotting one of her friends she waved two of her four hands at the man "Alvin!" She grinned happy when he saw her and began to head his way.

"Bennie." Alvin said pulling up a seat to be next to her. "So do you know why exactly we are expected to show up here? I mean some of us have alot of work to do. I was in the middle."

She quickly interrupted before he could really get into a ranting mood. "Al, didn't you read the e-mail? We are going to learn how to be better RAs." She said patting the clearly agitated man on the knee. She was sure being this quick to anger was a fairy trait. They were a lot known for short tempers.

"Oh, well it's not like we don't know how to be RAs, just keep the boys and girls away from one another, and don't let them all get drunk." He said leaning back into the chair and crossing his arms.

"Well the headmaster clearly thinks there is more to it then that." Bangali said in a soothing voice. "All this can do is wast a little of our time, or maybe, this could be good for the school."

Alvin still didn't look particularly pleased but at least he wasn't raving mad.



PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:39 pm
"Good morning everyone." Kasey peered around a corner with a wide grin across his face. He knew that they all hated him, and they would hate him ten times as much by the end of the training sessions. "I've a surprise for everyone." He opened a folder and handed the stack of papers to a person on the edge of the first row, "Everyone grab a packet it's a schedule of the next two weeks and events. It has everything from the times that you'll have to be here every morning to the time we'll have to meet at night. Just a reminder however, when we're done here, we finish around," he took a small moment to contemplate it before continuing, "say seven every night, when you return to your individual floors you'll be decorating. I know it's so exciting! But really, we want all of the students to feel welcomed. After all they have to live here just like you do." He walked to the center of the open area at the front of the meeting room and proceeded, "As for your expectations, you're all adults, I expect you to act like it. No one's allowed to complain about being up in the early morning because, well, take a look at the man to whom you're complaining." He gestured to himself and shrugged, "You should be prepared every day, ready to take notes, always participating, etcetera, blah blah blah. I think you guys can handle it. And I'm going to warn you in advance you'll be tired, exhausted by the end of the two weeks, I've done this before. But I still expect everyone to act professionally, take responsibility for everything and, in spite of sounding like a broken record, I'll reiterate, act like adults. Thank you."

Jesse had found himself sitting in a seat across from Gabby, who was a returning staff member with him. He leaned forward, "Try not to spend too much time on your hair and make-up every morning there, Gabs. That way you'll have enough time to sleep, and, you know, figure out which bathroom to use."

Instead of a retort, Gabby, who was sitting indoors with a pair of large shades on with his arms folded, chewing his gum loudly waved a hand dismissively, "I'll just sleep with you every night, and you can manage my time for me. Don't you want me there, baby? I thought what we had was special." Being Gabby, when he made comments of that nature, they were generally monotone and said with a straight face.

"I don't mean to wound you, really, it's nothing personal." He leaned toward the other side of him where there was an empty seat and another staff member who was not a new hire, Tarrik, with a new hire between the two. You could always spot Tarrik by the horns. And there was a rather curious-looking new hire beside him who was staring at all of the things that would be considered odd in the normal world. She must be a super human. They all acted like that at one time or another. He was rather shocked the first time he saw a mermaid. He leaned over the empty chair and tapped the young woman, "Hey, you doing alright there, new girl?"

"Jesse, stop picking on the new kids." Kitty approached, with alabaster skin versus her natural shade, as she had taken the time to go to Starbucks that morning. Not to mention she heard some of the new hires were super humans, they always needed a grace period to adjust. She put her coffee on the table before her and pulled out the seat between Jesse and the girl he was harassing and sat down between them, "You can ignore him, he sucks."
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:08 pm
"A little of our time, hum?" Alvin asked still in a pissy mood leaning back in his seat.

"Oh stop it Al. You're being ridiculous." Bengali said Leaning forward to talk to a the time jumper, alien, an new girl. They would probably make better conversation the the piss off fairy still sulking next to her. "Oh be nice to her, she looks so scared."

Savannah had been staring at the Englishman as he appeared. To be honest she was looking. Okay, maybe gaping. He was gorgeous, in an older, more mature way. So he was unprepared and almost jumped out of her seat when the first man asked how she was doing, then the lady, then the lady with, was that another set of arms? Oh god it was. This school was just weird. "Um, well I um guess." Savannah said still sneaking glances at the lady with four arms. Savannah took one of the packets handed to her and passed it down to the lady next to her. "This is just not at all what I expected."

"You'll get used to everyone. No one here is exceptionally mean. Just a little on the bitchy side." Bengali reached an arm to her side to jerk Alvin in so he could lean in and talk to. "And well everyone here presently, are very nice people." She said smiling at Jesse and Kitty.

Savannah looked at the women to the people next to her. "Um yeah thanks. I'm Savannah Hunter." She said putting her unease aside and extending a hand to shake.

"Bengali, call me Bennie if it's easier to remember." She said shaking her hand with one of hers. Bengali giggled at the girl's astonished look.
When Alvin made no move to make friends she gave him a quick pinch.

"Ouch!" Alvin yelped and jumped back almost falling out of his seat. "Why would you do that!?" He asked catching himself and sitting back on the seat.

"Make nice!" Bengali said with a smile. The man needed a handler. He was an air head, and he always tested potions and charms that didn't mix and ended up in her office, normally with pretty bad wounds. He came in often enough she knew the man well.

Sitting forward again Alvin held out his hand "Just call me Alvin Foster." He shook the girl's hand and even managed a warm smile.

"How do you stand your hair that long, or even not get massive tangles every day?" Savannah asked looking at the length of his hair. She could see some of it was pinned to the back of his head, so that only meant his hair was even longer then she thought.

Alvin smiled, a real smile. "That is a fairy's trick an as such, I am sworn to secrecy." Witch wasn't true, he used massive amounts of detangler, conditioner, and even a little bit of magic.

Savannah looked at the other two people next to her for an explanation.



PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:41 pm
From down the table, Gabby threw a pen at the talking fairy, "Shut up, bitches I can't hear teacher. And if you want to be a fairy, go march down major streets in DC, right now, stop drawing attention to the table."

"Jesus, Crabby Gabby need some caffeine?" Kitty reached over and placed her own coffee cup before him.

"You know it, b***h." Gabby lifted the drink without so much as asking what it was and took a huge gulp before passing it back, "So," he turned to Savannah, "New girl. How're you faring within the confines of your 'hell on earth'?"

"She doesn't know hell on earth until she's spent forty minutes at least with you, Gabs." Jesse interjected.

"Excuse me was that supposed to be sexual?" Gabby, once again lacked any one particular emotion, "Because to that I say: you wish. And if you do, I'm free at eight."

"I hope you mean an hour from now, because I can't wait all day for all that." Jesse winked and returned his attention to Savannah, "If you'll excuse Gabby. Such a little harlot."

"Big harlot." Gabby himself added, mouthing the word 'big' again after the fact.

Kitty laughed, "Stop it you two, you're going to scare her away, and she hasn't even probably heard the rumors about the slave driver up front."

"Oh those rumors are true." The headmaster was standing behind Kitty suddenly, leaning on the back of her chair, he had sneaked up so silently that it appeared he had come out of nowhere. "And I hate to be the bad guy, but, well that's a lie actually, but, if you're quite through, may I proceed? Unless, of course, you'd like to share your discussion with the class?"

"I like sex." Gabby added with a quick nod.

"Yes, thank you Andronicus, we know. Anyone besides this fool have anything relevant to say? No. Good. Moving on then." From there, Kasey proceeded to introduce their first speaker and begin the first long day of many to come.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:19 pm
Alvin, by nature, was a bit jumpy. He hated to admit it, so when the pen was thrown, making him jump in his seat. His already bad mood roared to life. "Just who the hell throws a pen? I mean, really only a child would do some thing so childish. You're supposed to set examples for the children we teach. Not act like them!" he snapped.

Bengali snagged the man's attention before he could blow up and scare the poor new girl. "So Al, Gabby, Kitty, Savannah. What do you guys think of the new headmaster, cute isn't he? Would he be your type?"

Alvin snorted softly. "I like hickeys but not that much." Leaning back into his seat he crossed his arms over his chest.

Just as Savannah was about to answer. The man in question was behind them. And the lectures began. Half way through the first guest speaker, Savannah was bored. Her eyes began to wonder, and magically, they found the Englishman. No matter how hard she would try her eyes would always find him again. Desperate to keep from staring to leaned forward to ask the people around her "Is anyone else bored out of their minds already?"



PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:13 pm
"Clearly you're not bored with mister big man on campus." Kitty winked. She had been much too bored with the speaker, and her eyes wandered until she found Savannah with her eyes locked on Kasey, leaning against a nearby couch with his arms folded and his head high. He was probably pretentious, whatever. But ooh did the new girl have a thing for him. Understandable, he was rather good looking. Not so much her type, because he wasn't human, and really, humans were the ones that were fascinating to her. She sighed, she could always go pick one up if she had the time, "Speaking of big men, we should go out tomorrow night. Hm? What say you, ladies?"

"I'm game." Gabby responded first as Kitty addressed the ladies at the table. No surprise there. After Gabby spoke, they were shushed by a person at a nearby table. "Really? What are we, twelve?" Gabby returned to not paying attention and playing on his cell phone throughout the lecture. "Someone let me know when someone gets naked up there. Thanks."

"It'll be me." Jesse replied, "No doubt."

Once again, Kasey was at the table, "Really, you lot, do I have to separate you?" Something about what he was saying didn't seem like it fit. Maybe because he was looking at Savannah when he said it.

Kitty stifled a laugh and Jesse scolded her with a light slap with the back of his hand. She swallowed another chuckle and apologized before Kasey walked away again. "Oh he wants you, baby."

Arriving late to the punchline, Gabby laughed, "Oh s**t he wants to split you like a ******** log."

"Jesus, Gabby. A little subtlety if you will." Jesse gave him a look.

However, Gabby just shrugged and replied, "She's not being subtle checking him out." He turned to Savannah, "No one blames you, pun'kin, I'm just saying."
PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:24 pm
With each passing comment. Savannah was becoming a brighter shade of red. They were all blowing this whole thing out of proportion. "I wasn't checking him out!" She said her voice coming out louder then she had expected.
Once again some one a table away hushed her. "Sorry." She said softly. "I need to go to the bathroom." Savannah quickly stood and made a break for the bathroom. Of course not before she stole one more look at Kasey.

Bengali watched as the girl practically ran out of the room. "Well I could go for a drink or two tomorrow." She said keeping her voice low as not to draw more attention to their table.

"I think I'll pass." Alvin said not looking up from his Ipod touch. As strange as the technology was, he was addicted to the games on it.

Savannah stood staring at her still red face in the bathroom mirror. Turning on the sink she ran it cold and splashed some of the water onto her face. She had to get a grip. So what if she had been looking at him alot? They were both adults, and they both, probably, had had sex. She could be attracted to him, and it seemed he was slightly attracted to her. She sat up letting the cool water drip off her face. Her hair was puled into a curly ball on the back of her head.
Maybe if she had it down she could use it to shield her eyes from staring at him. And maybe, he would notice her more. Not that she was trying to get his attention, or anything.
Taking a few deep breaths, and checking her complexion in the mirror one more time, Savannah headed back to the meeting room to take her seat again.



PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:48 pm
Kitty tried not to die of laughter as Savannah escaped the room with the bathroom excuse. Puh-lease. She looked at Kasey, he was watching the door, but probably more because of the spectacle, rather than just to stare. She then turned on Alvin, "Oh come on, Alvie, why not?"

"Don't count on my attendance either." Gabby started with a sigh, "I'll be getting my beauty rest which I can't get in the morning due to this stupid thing." He smiled in Kasey's direction, despite the fact that he was being ignored.

"Jesse?" Kitty turned to the clockstopper with a smile.

"Sorry." He sighed, clearly not actually with any remorse, "I have plans tomorrow night with my lady. As much as I'd love to have coworkers dry humping me to shitty pop music, I'll be having dinner with someone I enjoy the company of."

"Boo, you whore." Kitty folded her arms and watched as Savannah reentered, "It looks like we're going alone, princess, so if I meet a guy, you're s**t out of luck." She wink to signify that she was joking, "I kid, I kid. We'll have fun."

Kasey turned to look at the table once more to give them what appeared to be a final warning glare to shut up.

In return Gabby gave him a big enthusiastic smile and wave.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:15 pm
Savannah sighed. The day was over, finally, all the teachers were having a little gathering. Alcoholic drinks were being served to anyone and everyone. She stood at the bar, alone, ordering her drink. The rest of her little trouble making group already had their drinks an were sitting down. Her drink was still being made, she loved Screaming Orgasms it was so hard to find some one that did them right to. But the man making the drinks seemed to know what he was doing.
~ ~ ~ ~

Alvin smiled and sipped on his glass of wine. To him it was the best thing humans had ever made. "And then he ran out naked." He finished up his story.

Bengali didn't seem so amused. "Your a horrible, heartless man. I hope you know that." She said picking up her Mojito and taking a sip.

"It runs in my blood. No fairy is nice." Alvin already had his glass empty and was pouring himself a second. He had ordered a whole bottle.

"Oh how would you know!?" Bengali gave him a skeptical look. "You hardly remember your past. Let alone hanging out with any other fairies." She scoffed and leaned back into her seat. "I just think your a horrible person. Not even Gabby is that mean, are you?" she turned to stare at the androgynous person.



PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:59 pm
Stepping up beside the, unbeknownst to him, human teacher, Kasey addressed the temporary bartender, "Hey Ben, can you get me, like a Really Bloody Mary?" The bartender nodded as he placed the woman's drink in front of her, and turned to start on the classic, vampire's favorite."So, enjoying your first day of lectures? If not, I can promise it only gets worse from here." He caught the drink as the bartender slid it to him, "Thanks Ben," He took a long drink from it before he turned back to the woman beside him, "Have you seen the whole school yet?"

"Shameless flirty little b***h." Kitty was leaning against a nearby pillar, arms folded, head shaking slowly in disappointment, "I can't believe her. First day and she's already after the principle. You think she wants to be promoted already or what?" She was smiling, however, to contradict the words. She had to admit she was proud of Savannah, she certainly didn't take her for that kind of girl.

"Why, did you want to jump his bones too?" Gabby was enjoying some sort of fruity drink beside her.

But it was Jesse who replied first, "Yes I do. Oh look, you weren't talking to me." he shrugged, "life."

"So, ladies." Kitty chose to ignore Jesse this time, "Bets on about whether or not they ******** tonight?"

"Well, we're all gonna say yes, so how about by what time?" Jesse swirled the scotch in his glass around a few times.

Gabby's hand shot up. "Dibs on her coming back tomorrow in today's clothes! Or his clothes." He turned to the Indian woman saying something, "I'm sorry, were you saying something? I can't hear you over the music to my ears of masses of innocent dying as we speak."
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:25 am
Savannah jumped slightly. She hadn't even heard the man walk up. The lectures were going to get worse, well that's just great. Taking a sip pf her drink Savannah watched as he took a sip of his drink. "The school?" She asked "No I only managed to get my stuff to my room. So all I really saw was the way to my room, and well to here." She said with a smile.
~ ~ ~ ~

"I say give them just enough time to get out of this room and find an empty one. Then they'll be all over one another." Alvin chimed in pouring himself a fourth cup of red wine.

"Never mind Gabby. I think I may have been wrong." Bengali sighed lightly before jumping into the conversation. "I say Jesse can't join in the bet, he is a time controller. "I say the vampire gives her a tour of the school that ends in his room. So give them an hour."



PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:16 pm
Kasey chuckled lightly and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." But he nodded as she explained that she had yet to see the school, "Is that so? Well you should see the place, after all you have to live here." He nodded toward the doorway, "Shall we?"


"Of course I can bet! I can't change the future!" He whined, "The only changes I could make is to freeze time and make them both unexplainable naked, which, in all of my experience, never works." He folded his arms and shook his head, "Nope, nope, never works." His head shot back up, "Well guys, I'm out for the night. Nice seeing you."

"I need to get out of here too." Gabby downed the last of his drink and laced down the glass, "I'm off to have a long night, or possibly sleep. Whatever. Bye you guys."

Kitty sighed, "Well, remaining ladies, what should we do in the meantime? Movie night?"
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:23 pm
Savannah felt a slight flutter in her stomach. She hoped that her imagination wasn't making her think this was more then it was. "Sure." Savannah picked up her drink from the bar and smiled. "I would like to see the place. Making the decision to move here and actually getting the job, well it all happened to quick I haven't really had time to explore. I would love a guide."
~ ~ ~ ~

Alvin had given up on the wine glass and was now drinking out of the bottle. With no signs of slowing down. "Eh no thanks. I should really get back to work."

Bengali smiled. "I'm totally up for a movie night! I haven't had one of those in a long time. The rest of you lamies can go to bed." She said with a friendly smile.



PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:16 pm
As they were holding staff training in the Gym, Kasey thought the best, and nearest, place to start would be the 300 building, which housed the electives classes, or anything else that was more art-focused than scholastic. As all of the buildings were locked for the summer still, Kasey broke out the master key to let the two of them in as they arrived. He allowed her to step into the empty hallways before him and walked in close behind. "Well, right now it looks empty. But do you know your class number yet?"


Kitty grabbed one of her hands and smiled, "Come on. This way, love!"
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