It seems like every year or so, I check the guild. I dunno why, Gaia just seems to always pop up. I doubt I'll get a response, but you guys were my favourite, so I'll post anyways!

Lucy's 26 now and she's got a bf of 3 years :3 Its been a wonderful 3 years, and Im currently a shift leader at my new job. Sadly, Im making minimum wage atm considering Canada just made Minimum wage 14$. So..Extra work for less. It's stupid.
Silver and I still talk (Dom), but I believe thats about it razz
STD however, will always be my home away from home, if anyone is still on this guild, you're welcome to add my FB, I would love a chance to reconnect with everyone <3 Its Stephii Belliveau.
I hope everyones doing well, and I hope one day we can all chat again, hopefully just not on Gaia xD
I love you all <3