Full Name: Irena (no last name)

Race: Claims to be a Kokiri but is 18 years old, though she does have a Fairy

Age: 18

Class: Theif

Area: The Lost Woods, also travels around.

Weapon: Bow and Arrows, Dager, Very Little Forest Magic

Bio: Irena was born in the Lost Woods, she never met her mother or father but was found by the Kokiri. She was raised as a Kokiri and even got a Fairy, Maria, as a young girl. But oddly enough she grew up to become an adult, though the other Kokiri still welcomed her she felt as though she didn't belong and left the woods. She trained herself to become a master theif and learned to live of the land and off of thouse foolish enough to travel the woods unguarded. But something told her she was more importent then just a commen theif.

Pic: User Image

Weapons: Bow made of Duku Tree Branches, Arrows, Dagger, Throwing Knifes

Armor: Nothing but a tuinic

Items: She carries enough suplies to live alone in the woods for a week. She also has an ebony pendint that is the only thing she has left from her life before becomeing a Kokiri.