Character Name: Nicholas R. Hansen
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Weight: 200(Without his weapons on)
Past Occupation: Worked as a Criminal Investigator.
Biography:Nick was always the scared one out of his friends. He was nicknamed "Fear" Because of how much he was afraid of. As he grew and grew he learned to stop being now he fears just about nothing. He went Law school and got a job as A Criminal Investigator. 2 Years later the outbreak happened. Nick always had prepared for this since he wasn't afraid of zombies when he was little. When this happened, Nick went to find his friends, but most had fled. Nick has knowledge of how kills happen and how to kill since he has seen brutal things working at his crime lab.
Personality: Nicks personality is very unique. He can be very calm. Or he can be enraged. Nick has alot of anger built up inside him, waiting to burst. Little things set him off. His temper is very brutal. Will work well with other survivors and has a rule of never leaving a man behind.
Weapons and Ammunition: Dual SMG's ,In his holster is a Desert Eagle SE, and on his back he holds a katana . He has 4 clips of ammunition per gun and one whetstone for his katana.
Other Equipment sad Backpack contains all this) A medical kit including :Gauze, Pain reliever pills, A type of Health Spray,1 Extra Bullet.(That's it for med kit) A Blindfold for when he has to kill a survivor if they are bitten and he can sense better objects when he has it on, plus it helps him sleep at night. Along with a Flashlight and a lock picking kit.
Carrying Capacity: 70 Lbs.
Skills razz ercision Aiming, Free runs very well, Knowledge of First-Aid and Knowledge of survival and zombies.Knows how to lock pick.
Other:Nick loved zombies as a child and will show his knowledge of zombies with the rest of the survivors.
Appearence :Still trying to find one ^^;
Gaia-online Name: Nightmarish Fear