Jenny remained quiet; she knew that she would keep fighting till she died but she didn’t want to waste her energy on these pathetic creatures, she didn’t think they were worth her time. Alex’s sister came as a shock though as she systematically cut down anything in her path, she thought that there wouldn’t be many of the Faithful left by now. She actually felt sorry for Alex, he must not have recognised the Goddess in his heart but lived by her creed through either common sense or sheer co-incidence, to see a friend die must have been rather traumatising, she wouldn’t know, all those she saw die deserved it and their deaths were mainly by her own hand.

A small shudder of pleasure ran through her as she thought of what she had done to some of them; the blood had been amazing and their screams, exquisite she did as Gabriel had mentioned and imagined that every one of this mass of vile zombies was someone she knew and loathed. With a manic laugh and burst of speed, Jenny sent heads and limbs flying everywhere. Her eyes flashed bright ,shining like emeralds exposed to the beautiful light of day for the first time, as the rotten blood filled her vision and her mind. Her laugher echoed like a scream through the once pristine halls of the supermarket.

The Goddess’s voice was strong in her mind -You are invincible, you can kill them all. KILL THEM ALL! They were the faithless ones, your time is now.-

She cut them down, one after the other and began to clear a path to the world outside, into the true light of the day and away from the hoards of the Faithless.