I Sinistro I
Hellooooo, fellow Black Ops members!! Some of you always have questions for us, and that's alright with us because we like hearing what you guys think and what not! SO!! Any questions that you got for us, just ask us and we'll answer them here! biggrin

-{Or so the old FAQ began, it was a necessity when the organization had more members coming in and out. Written by... the most enthusiastic of the vice captains. I want to include his words as I update these terms, I am afraid I do not have that level of energy}-

Q: So, this is my first time posting here. What do I do?

A: -{The first thing that should be done is you should introduce yourself in the "Welcome Home" thread. Once that is done, continue reading these questions...}-

Q: :O! SWEET!! So what do I do AFTER that?

A: -{Oh yes, this is where it was suggested that you go make a character profile. There is nowhere... currently that you can do it. I will be sure to set something up for that.}-

Q: I noticed that a lot of the users post some really AWESOME topics all over this AWESOME Guild, can I post a topic, too?!

A:-{ I suppose... there are many rooms in this place to make posts, most are completely empty. Please consider them a... blank canvas, if you will.}-

Q: There are so many Sub-Forums that it's not even funny! Where should I post my topic??

A: -{ I am sure you are clever enough to figure it out, dear}-

Q: Can I invite someone into this Guild?

A: -{ But of course, it will be up to me to approve or deny regardless, feel free. These old walls can use the company}-