Cert Rules ||

• All the foals from a litter MUST be posted for a cert at the same time
• If a correction must be made, post the cert update/correction form. Do not whine in the thread.
• Ponies will only be certed as their biological gender, not what they choose to identify as.
• Certs must be saved to the owner's own server.
• Only Ponies obtained via breeding can be certed past Gen 1.
• If you find a name you feel suits your Pony better after it's already certed, you'll need to wait 1 month to get a new cert. This gives you time to decide if you really like that new name or not, if you actually find you like the old one BETTER, or if you still don't like it and find you don't like the new one, you can find another new one.
The only exception to that is if you gift your Pony to somebody else after you've already changed the name, and then THEY get one name change of their own.

Certing Request Form Formats ||

If requesting a new cert ||

[align=center][size=16][b]_____[u]New Cert Request[/u]_____[/b][/size][/align]
► [b]Pony Name ||[/b]
► [b]Owner ||[/b] (Must be you!)
► [b]Uncerted Image ||[/b] [URL=Full Size][img]Thumbnail[/img][/URL]
► [b]Gender ||[/b] ♀ or ♂
► [b]Herd ||[/b]
► [b]Generation ||[/b]