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There was nothing out of the ordinary in the Water Tribe. Just the lake, shimmering blue and lovely. Then, the next moment, there were two, from opposite sides of one another. They would both wake soon and the first that happened to wake was the Tahtil. Nearly as blue as the lake he woke beside, the only discoloration from him was in his eyes, which were a striking red.

He woke laying down on his side, his tail and legs spread out to the side. Blinking his eyes open against blinding light, he looked up through squinting eyes, first at the sky and its blueness and then across the lake. His muzzle twitched and with it the bushy, oblong, white mustache upon his muzzle moved too.

He heaved himself to unsteady paws, his vibrant eyes still searching everywhere. There was something pulling him to another nearby, he could feel it, but he had yet to lay eyes upon what he was supposed to be looking for. Then, he gazed across the lake, swaying as he gained his bearings and narrowed his gaze. There was something...
pink across the lake. He couldn't quite make it out, but it intrigued him and he took a few steps closer. What in the name of... well, himself, could it be?

WC: 216
