Ah, how long had it been since she'd been able to spend time with her beloved Lusialu? Too long, in Alumet's mind. Her sister was as dear to her as her own heart. and with Zeno's encouragement, she took one of her rare days off to send a message down to the young Candidate along with Heartlight. The little green cheeped excitedly, always happy to join Lusialu wherever she could find her. Zeno had gone up in the sky to stretch her wings, enjoying the feeling of the sunlight on her deep golden hide. The pair often enjoyed days like this, when the air was cool, and the skies were lending themselves to Alumet sitting on the ledge and watching her beloved gold, as she waited for Lusialu to be able to come up to her weyr. Shards, she missed seeing her family, but she was a Rider now....Hopefully Lusi was well after the Hatching....It had been a painful one.
