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Maylee Liszt

"I destroyed it all…
…To get what I wanted.
We are all fools and saints."

xxxAxxxxx█ MayMay
xxxxixxxx █ 27
xxxxxxxxi █ Female
xxxnxxxxx█ Maylee is 5'7, and she weights around 130lb
xxxxxxxxx█ Bi-sexual
xxxxxxxxx█ Psychologist

xxxxxxxxx█ One could describe Maylee as a sweet and caring woman who is willing to treat her patients to the best of her abilities, however that is far from the truth. Having psychopathic tendencies, Maylee lacks empathy and remorse for others around her, and enjoys seeing her targets suffer. As a child, Maylee learned quickly how to keep her true self hidden; there were certain ways you acted in certain situations, how to pretend to care, and how to put on a mask. There are very few who know the true nature of this woman.
xxxxxxxxx█ Silence filled the office on a bright sunny day. The rays of light that broke through the curtains illuminated the dust that came from the old books sitting on Maylee's shelf. It wasn't that she didn't clean her office, for most knew that the woman preferred her work space to be clean and well kept. The old books had been through the ringer more then once, possibly more then a few decades. Sure they had no real purpose of being in her office, but their mounds of knowledge... The slender woman sat back in her chair as she looked over one of her patient's charts. Her soft pink lips curled into a sadistic like smile, her mind began to fill with different forms of treatments that could be administered. Needles huh? Maylee's heart raced as different treatments presented themselves to her in the most brutal and gruesome ways, until one treatment presented itself like a gift from hell. It was the perfect way to completely ruin the life of the patient, yet it was so subtle that no one would ever know. I think acupuncture would be the perfect treatment~
xxxxxxxxx█ Alcohol or Coffee
xxxxxxxxx█ Silence
xxxxxxxxx█ Chocolate
xxxxxxxxx█ Reading
xxxxxxxxx█ Seeing Others in Pain
xxxxxxxxx█ Hospital Food
xxxxxxxxx█ Anything Mint
xxxxxxxxx█ Board Games
xxxxxxxxx█ Group Therapy Sit-ins
xxxxxxxxx█ Cats

xxxxxxxxx█ You know how usually the start of a psychopath's life begins with that person killing animals? If this is the story you wish to read, you are in the wrong place. This is the story of Maylee. As a child, Maylee knew that she wasn't like the other kids. Part of her...seemed to be missing, and no matter what she did nothing would fill the void. Yes, this child did try everything, even killing the small family house cat to see if that would make her feel "happy". However, she felt nothing, no enjoyment, no happiness, no sadness, nothing. Was there something that would fill this child up with glee?

One day, Maylee found a great big tarantula on her way to school. Why not bring it with her to show all the other kids? Perhaps then there would be something she would have in common with someone? In class, Maylee brought out the creepy crawly, and what came from the situation...well....was awesome! A girl screamed, and fell back in her chair hitting her head on the desk behind her. In that moment, Maylee...laughed. She giggled and smiled, and it made her feel joy for the first time in her life. Was this the key to Maylee's true happiness?

Now in the real world, you cant just toss people's fears in their face and laugh at them; you need to be sneaky. The best way to watch people break under the thought of their fears? Become a psychologist, and that is just what Maylee did. Her favorite choice of treatment for helping her patients? Immersion therapy. What better way for a sadistic psychopath with no emotions to find her purpose in life? Besides, immersion therapy can work wonders as long as nothing goes wrong....

xxxxxxxxx█ Maylee has multiple scars on her back due to self mutilation as a child.
xxxxxxxxx█ Maylee has a sadistic personality disorder, meaning she enjoys watching others suffer. Maylee herself doesn't inflict pain onto others, instead she uses other methods to her disposal. Using ones fears against them is her preferred method of torture.
xxxxxxxxx█ Any theme songs?
