Ameliah was tired. It had been a long day in the mines... the Firestone seam they were chasing has turned below grade which meant it would fetch a lower price unless they could find something to spice it up with later on. Or possible use it as explosive base? She wasn't sure and she wasn't too keen to sell subpar goods to the Weyrs or the Holders... not when Thread was falling again.

Thus, covered in dirt and grime, her bun half falling out, and a pouch full of marks at her waist, Ameliah was making her way back to her current abode. She tended to travel a lot and as a result, moved around a lot - most people left the shack with the big gold dragon sleep around it alone. And, really, if she got tired of this place, they could just Between anywhere else. It was more dangerous now, of course, but Ameliah relished that freedom.

-_Wish of Tevarae_-