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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[PRP] Ouch! Denied Hard. (Malphas x Sadhbh)

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:53 am

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He needed a break. Badly.

He wasn't normally a violent person but if someone dared to try and pull him back to work at this moment he was likely going to be leaving them with need of medical assistance. Malphas couldn't help but let out a curt chuckle at the irony of that little image.

Granted he had no ill-will against any of the Dov, not by a long shot, he was happy to provide any assistance that he could. The situation had been dire, and unfortunately in the case of Rahisi, fatal. Weeks had gone by since he had first arrived and he was damn proud of the progress that the small team had made in coming up with an antidote so far. No one else had succumbed to the poison, in fact there was a couple who had pulled out a full recovery!

The mood in the area was lightening and at the very least returning to some form of normalcy, albeit very stranded. Still, it was progress. The pride was learning from their past mistakes and now were much, much more mindful of what the hell they were stuffing in their mouths. Overall why the situation still was a stressful one, it was no where near the full-on crisis it had been before.

Thus, Malphas took these few precious moments of free time to escape. He was determined to go relax come hell or high water. He honestly would have preferred to relieve his stress in a more carnal fashion, but seeing how all the females in the area were either members of the Dov or of the visiting Stormborn he highly doubted that would happen.

But he was a simple man, if he couldn't screw his stress out then a good meal and a nap would do just fine.

Abominable Greenie

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:34 am
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The pressure was becoming less and less, she'd arrived shortly after the search for plant life had become a priority so she hadn't been entirely caught up to speed. Ever the scout she had remained near the borders of the prides lands her deep blue eyes wandering back and forth in her skull as she peered about the horizon for movement of any kind. She'd seen a number of other lions, most likely just ones wandering by or perhaps others from their neighbors the Bahari`mtoto.

It was Zjarri`fol that had set her aside and informed her what was going on - it wasn't just her that needed the news, there had been a couple others as well that had taken a back burner on the search to be eyes and ears for those with their backs turned. "Thank you." She'd just left that meeting to see if there was anything else she could do to help. Sadie wasn't typically the warm lioness that was seen in these moments, but every once in a while the ice queen melted. The words 'Rahisi has passed away.' rang in her mind like a tune that couldn't be forgotten. It turned out that plants were far more deadly than she anticipated and to boot the lioness was leaving a family behind.

Her wandering lead her to some unexpected company though - the Doctor. The lion she spied was grey from top to bottom, including the look upon his face from what she could see. It was her understanding that his paws were placed next to the lioness as she passed, those paws had been trying to help her. The thoughts burned in her mind and made her heart ache. "Hello?" She said, the words coming out as more of a question than a greeting. If he needed a moment to himself now would be the time to get his space.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:56 am

Well tracking himself down a meal had been the plan at least. It would seem that he severely underestimated the lack of decent prey this close to the mountain. It had been a good hour since he had slipped out from the main pride's stomping grounds to branch out on his own and so far he had turned up little more than a few failed attempts at hunting too-quick rodents and one very sore back as a result.

Now he was starting to understand why the Dov turned to munching down on plants in the first place, they were the only sustainable food source here!

So, he had given up on the whole idea all together and moved onto his plan B. Despite the number of guards, vikings, and many others that fit into that general 'Protect and Serve' role roaming around Malphas still felt on edge. Though he was dangerously teetering off into a deep slumber the soft crunch of footsteps in the foliage had caught his attention long before she spoke.

Letting out a wary sigh Malphas' own blue eyes slowly opened, panning over to meet with her matching set. Had he been anywhere else Malphas would have been taken back by her. She was quite attractive with slender, dainty features, and a regal air about her. Dare he say, she strikingly reminded him of a princess sans one pretty matching crown.

But at this moment pretty and slender meant that she couldn't have been one of the battle-hardened Stormborn. Given how remote this location was it was doubtful that she was any old passing rogue either. (Though oh how he wished it) No, she had to have been a member of the Dov.

Which most likely meant he was being requested for. Wonderful.

There was no sense in shooting the messenger however, he might as well let state whatever business she had before fully jumping to assumptions. "Afternoon." He greeted back pleasantly with a mild smile. Cocking an eyebrow he finally turned his full attention to her. "Can I help you with anything, ma'am?"

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:35 am
Sadie watched with little shock as his blue eyes opened and dragged over her entire body which made her smile a little, but also shift a little - in her mind the attention was well deserved, she knew just how pretty she was. It seemed like he was making deductions as to why she was here, Sadie could practically hear the turning of cogs as he figured out what her presence meant to him.

"Help me?" Her brows furrowed, pulling her face into an unattractive question mark type appearance, than she realized he must had deduced that she was here to gather him for something. "No." Was her response and since he hadn't shooed her away upon her arrival she decided to shuffle over and take a seat a little distance away from him, but close enough to be company. "I was here to offer you the same." She tempted a smile again, which she figured was much easier for her to do, but not likely so easy for him.

"Zjarri told me about Rahisi - I'm sorry." Her brow had relaxed and eyes became reasonably sad. "I'm sure you had done all that you could." Sadie realized as she spoke that she hadn't dealt with a situation like this, a lioness going out in this manner? No battle? The odds weren't in her favor to receive much in the way of an after life, heck she nearly took other members with her. "I'm Sadhbh, and you are..? I'm afraid I only know you as the Doctor."


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:35 am

A hint of a smirk threatened to break his professional demeanour as he noticed her little shifts of her person. Ah, so the little princess had noticed his lingering glances - and actually wasn't offended by it! Had this been a much different place and time he would have quickly pounced on the opportunity to continue exploring that path.

But alas, he had enough tact not to disrespect the severity of the situation still at hand. He had to admit it was a damn shame to push aside that notion.

Her words did cause a tired groan to escape from him. Lowering his head he ran a paw through his mane. There was a million and one ways he could think of that she could help him. "Well you could start by not trying to play the act of a coy little minx, princess. That would help me greatly right now." He shot back bluntly. It was better to cut her off at the knees before either one of them got any bright ideas.

The mention of Rahisi visibly sobered the doctor up. Straightening his back out he resumed his stoic stance as before. His brows knitted tightly together, a dark frown replacing his previously relaxed expression. "Thank you for your condolences, though I would recommend directing them towards her loved ones." This might have affected him, as all tough cases like this would have, but at the end of the day she was still a patient. He had to keep his distance least the sheer amount of guilt ate him up the inside out.

After all, she would not be the first one that had unfortantly died in his care, nor did he doubt she would be his last.

Despite all of this she had given him a interesting tidbit of information. Zjarri had briefed her? Wait, hold up. This little dainty thing was a viking? He could hardly believe it, yet, he was also intrigued. "Sadhbh, huh? No offence but that is quite the tongue twister. Do you have a nickname for that or is it just make one up as you go along?"

His brows lifted from their tight position as he regarded her with a mild smile. Lifting a paw he offered it anyways as a friendly greeting. "Well given how everyone is just referring to me as 'The Doctor' I'm highly tempted to just change it to that." It wouldn't have honestly impacted his life all that much if he decided to go through with his jest! "But I'm Malphas, you can call me Mal."

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:41 pm
It seemed she had done her part, but only briefly. The looks he was giving her were absolutely welcomed, she'd have had situations like this go no other way. Her blue eyes watched his movements carefully - heck the groan had done enough to say where this was likely headed - no where. Sadie readily recognized the 'paw through a mane' as part of a struggle and didn't bother to hold back the satisfied grin of someone who had won an unspoken arguement. "Well, consider it done." Her tone was ice, but sweet.

Then, what she saw before her, was the reaction she had anticipated - the good Doctor had steeled himself and spouted off what seemed like a well rehearsed response to a situation like this. If she'd known him personally she'd have encouraged him to 'out with it', but instead she shrugged slightly. "Already done. Do you think I'd have given you the honor of firsts in a time like this? No. That was out of respect for the work you've done." The part of her icey tone disappeared entirely as they entered the darker part of their conversation.

Sadie stood, but only long enough to adjust how she sat. Once her rump was returned to the ground she sighed softly. The grasses here were almost as plush as a pelt.

"Offense taken." She said with a sneer. "My friends call me Sadie." The sneer transitioned smoothly into a half-grin. She liked this lion, despite him being a medical man he looked like he could handle his own - confidence did something to the way a male looked outwardly to females. She wasn't any less a victim to that.

Sadie openly stared at his paw, not entirely sure what to do with this sort of greeting and so she lifted hers as well, looking just a touch awkward. "The Doctor suits you. I may just shorten it to Doc, unless you'd prefer Mal?"


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 1:52 am

Why did he have a sneaking feeling that him asking her to stop her antics had only added fuel to the fire? Gods above help this man, if it wasn't a stress induced heart-attack that was going to do him in it was headstrong women like this one!

Make this brief, Malphas, least you're going to be finding yourself tossed off the nearest cliff to keep your dignity in good standing.

"You wouldn't have been the first, nor the last person to have done so. Sometimes people need to be reminded where the true importance lies." Cocking an eyebrow he regarded her with a wary look. Her tone had lightened up considerably, yet her words had taken a much harsher turn. Did this woman have two default settings of snarky and bitchy? Bitchy was the bad mood, snark for a good mood? "Still, thank you again for the consideration."

With a snort his eyes rolled slightly. "Oh, I deeply apologize for any offence, princess." He rebutted back, tone practically dripping with sarcasm.

Sadie though? She had clearly implied that he was not in that special group that she called her friends. It sounded plain to him, much too plain for this dainty little firecracker. Why he considered testing out using the nickname just to see what a rise he could get out of her, he couldn't be arsed to test that sleeping bear at the moment. Besides, he rather liked his nickname for her.

A short bark of laughter followed her awkward return of his paw shake. Ha! That little disgusted look of hers was right back on her face for a moment. Did she honestly not know that it had quite the opposite affect that she was hoping for? It might have struck fear in the hearts of some, but for him it only proved to amuse him. His paw curled around her wrists, using it to tug her forward he lowered his muzzle to rest next to one of her dark ears. "Most lionesses like you don't learn my name if I'm to be quite honest. Though I have no doubt they come up with some mysteries alias for the stranger that warmed their dens. You should consider yourself to be a part of a privileged few."

Pulling away from her it was all he could do to keep another burst of laughter from spilling out. Ah, payback did feel good. Using his now free paw he casually waved like his previous improper behavior didn't just happen. "Frankly I don't give a damn what you call me, pick and choose one you prefer."

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 11:33 pm
An unladylike snort followed his statement and she raised a brow in return to his look. "Well good thing I'm not just people." She stated sharply. "No problem, none at all." Sadie rolled her shoulders in a shrug and glanced away briefly, not to hold a staring contest benefited her.

"You had better be sorry, Doc." She clucked her tongue at him, his sarcasm noted, but certainly not acknowledged. "I don't take being offended lightly."

Then things began to happen quickly for the lioness that was typically in control. She lost control. Her body was moving without her consent and she closed her eyes for fear of growing dizzy. Sadie felt the warmth of his paw wrapped around her wrists. Then the warmth of his breath in the ear closest to him, his lips clearly near it - the action alone made her shudder, then he began to speak to her. Sadie made a small sound that gave away how pleased she was before she could even save herself from becoming so vulnerable and when the jig was up she chose to melt in his grasp. "Oh?" She said, finally finding a semblance of a voice.

Then her brow began to furrow as he started waving off his actions. "How dare you, Doc." Sadie grumbled at his actions with a rage that was purely filled by her sudden uncontrollable desire to just have him - in any way shape or form.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:21 am

"Oh yes, how could I ever forget how high and mighty you are? Excuse this peasant's uneducated actions." He snorted once more at her, though his wide grin at her antics only seemed to grow by the second.

With a heavy sigh he rested a paw against his forehead, shaking his head gently as he tutted to him self. "Oh I'm sure whatever fate you have in store for me if I'm not 100% honest and sincere with my apologizes is just torturous." Honestly at this point he'd like to see the deliagate looking Stomborn try to follow through with her threat, if anything just to see what she could actually do in a real fight or if it was all talk.

Clearly his curiosity was overriding his better judgement since he just kept pushing her more and more.

Ohhh that little shudder, that pleasurable little purr that coo'd from her, the flushed look on her face that gave away just how much she was truly enjoying this. Now that was something he wouldn't forget for a long, long time! Something about taking this clearly very arrogant and vain woman and finding all the right buttons to push to bring her walls down delighted him greatly. He dearly wished they were in another time and place so he could explore what lay hidden under that hard exterior that she had.

Alas he might not be able to explore that side of her, but he did have another priceless way to break through that shell to get a genuine reaction out of her - he unceremoniously dropped her.

Lifting himself swiftly back to his full height he brought a paw up to lightly dust off his shoulder. "Mmm, it has been a pleasure, but I'm afraid our time has come to an end." Peering down at her he couldn't help but smile at the image. "I'll be expecting those deadly consequence you implied earlier I'm sure."

Stepping around her he gave a teasing flick on her nose with the tip of his tail. "Well you do know where to find me. Toddles, Princess~" He cheerfully chirped over his shoulder as he strutted away back to the Dov's territory.

He had to say that was one of the must unusual and entertaining breaks he had in years.
Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:59 am
"At least you know." She stated plainly for the judge and jury to hear - both being her single person company. "Peasant." She purred the title softly. Perhaps she would change his name? Peasant had a please ring to it, she smirked to herself slightly in the moment, then was quickly reminded of her current situation.

"It's best just to always be honest." Her stern voice was weakened severely by their close proximity and eventually faded all together as she chose to forgive and forget for the sake of remembering the feeling she was engulfed in as he basically took over her. Truth was they weren't even intimate, just close and talking in such whispers, deep hushed tones that she felt like she'd collapse if it weren't for his strong, muscley self. If Sadie had it her way she'd have sat here many more moments, many many more. Instead it seemed there were other plans afoot.

"Oof." Sadie felt her weakened body drop easily, crumpling to the ground following his actions. "How DARE YOU peasant." She hissed, regaining her strength and momentum. "A pleasure!?" She growled, but the moment was growing fleeting and she knew if she didn't make promises now their splitting would end on a note where he won - though she wasn't sure she could come back from her collapse. Lifting herself up from the ground she brushed herself off as best she could and whipped around to stare in his direction.

"I had planned to go easy on you.. but it seems the Peasant Doc will be in need of a Doc. You messed with the wrong Princess." Did she just call herself that? Lions be damned. In her fit of rage she didn't wait to see how he would react, instead she stood and parted ways immediately after calling herself by his pet name.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:29 pm

He expected a outburst from her, hell he wouldn't have even put it past her to jump up and attack him! Even so her threat did give him reason to pause. Craning his head around it was all he could do not to break his deadpan stare with a fit of laughter at the sight of her scrambling to right herself back up.

Ah, he might die at this woman's paws but at least it was well worth it.

"I'm just trembling where I stand. I'll make sure to go pay the next medic I see in advance for treatment of the absolute beatdown my poor kneecaps are going to receive from you." He teased with mock horror before dismissively shaking his head.

With a flick of the tail he started back on his course back to the Dov. As crazy as it would have sounded to any other but Malphas was looking forward to seeing if the delicate looking Stormborn was all talk or if she actually had some real bite behind her sharp tongue. He made a quick mental note to make up an excuse to pop in to see Zjarri later on. Perhaps if luck was on his side it would give him another opportunity to speak with the amusing lioness.

Either way he had a sneaking feeling that he had poked a sleeping giant today, if that was a mistake or not would remain to be seen.

Abominable Greenie
Annnd fin~
[IC] Rogue Lands

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