Welcome Gamers,

You are now entering the sleeping zone of the game of In Another Life: Fourth Installment. Your character is being socially designed by the pattern of questions asked across your virtual reality screen. This game was created three years ago, according to the records I have on hand, I am the systems A.I. which was created to monitor the game. This game is a open world fantasy world, where elves rule and humans struggling to survive. After you create your account you will awaken in a furnished bed in the middle of the woods, as every player does after logging in. This world is a free realm player vs player or PVP as some refer to it. In order to survive outside of towns you must fight. Fight to survive the levels to clear the Raids and become legend.



A year ago, a small group of five players created a guild to attack the raids. They were known as the Sleeping Kings, the small group has had its name placed on the Wall of Heroes several times for clearing the raids with only five members. Normal guilds are at a maximum of 50 members to help clear raids. So they were a abnormal group and after several months of a strong group, they vanished without any advance notice.

A year later, we find ourselves with the new DLC for the game, a whole new area with several new raids and promise of a growing world upon the already world.