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[LOG] Hot Stuff (Nadja & Rama)

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Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:30 pm
There had been a lot of cubs born to the pride lately, and all of the priestesses and lawspeakers were kept busy blessing cubs and adding their names and lineage to the pride's records. Nadja knew hers was the easier job: she didn't have to remember the cubs' entire family line, and she only had to remember their names and the names of their parents. Then off she would go, after blessing the cubs in the names of the gods, to ask the gods' blessings.

Okay. Technically she was supposed to ask for the blessing before granting it, but priestesses really were being overworked lately and it took a bit of time to set things up properly for the ritual. Even with her thrall to help. What he thought of her performing the steps out of order, Nadja had no idea, because he was characteristically silent. Probably he didn't much care. She doubted that he believed in the gods at all, so why should he care?

She checked her preparations one more time, reviewed the names, and settled down into a sphinx-like pose to begin.

There were too few things in the world that didn't bother him. In a world made perfect according to Rama, every pride and every crawling creature would pay tribute to him. He was powerless, true. He was unable to shoot lightning like some of his relations or summon forth the elements, he was unable to manipulate the hearts of the mortals or grant them blessings- but he was perfection itself. Why would anyone worship something as silly as wind, water, mist, or lightning anyway? They were all horribly destructive things, both to the land and to those who were forced to wander in it.

During the course of any given day, prayers and requests for blessings flooded the god's haven, each directed towards a specific god, feeding them and giving them strength. While Rama's domain thrived in silence, he still craved to hear someone call on him specifically, thanking him, requesting his personal observation over their lives-

Not that he woudl bother. But it would be nice.

This pride in particular had special meaning to his family. He didn't see why. The lions were large, rough....extremely hairy... and they wore braids in the strangest places. They didn't bother with symetry either! Augh...still, curiosity got the best of him.

The lioness would feel the rush of wind as a pair of massive wings swept downward, bearing something far too large for their wingspan- Mkodi bless magic - and folded along an ebony back. HIs eyes adjusted to the cave and he stepped forward.

"Augh... you don't even decorate."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:11 pm
Nadja's eyelids fluttered and suddenly a pair of brilliant ice-blue eyes focused on whatever idiot had interrupted her. She was already on her feet and demanding an explanation before she took note of who she was speaking to.

"This had better be about something significantly more important than your opinions on how I set up my ritual space. For that matter, what are you doing here? If Creiddylad's cubs grow up to be flower-blooded weaklings it will absolutely be your fault." At last she noticed the wings and mouthed a silent, Oh.

"I didn't expect an actual visitation." In fact, receiving a visitation after going about things a**-backward brought several things into question about the way the pride handled the blessing of litters. She would not think about that now. She was a priestess of the Stormborn, and she would acquit herself with honor. "Shall I just give you the list of newborn cubs, or was there something else?"

Rama's face flooded with insult and his jawline set sharply. How dare she! He was a god! A master weaver of fate and lord of- well nothing. But that was beyond the point! He was a god! How dare she speak to him like that.

"It is rather tackey in here." He pointed out with a raised brow. "Really, it could use some pelts to break up the dull stone floor- which could use a good cleaning. Augh," He raised a paw to inspect it. "And it's damp... try burning some sage- that always smells nice. And get some sea glass to help dress it up. I'm already depressed and I just got here."

He lowered his paw and looked her way. "... list? Cubs? Neither have much to do with me I'm afraid. I heard you making some noise up in the god's haven and I got curious. I thought you were looking for a patron god for something."


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:37 pm
Nadja was too proud to cringe in the face of the god's displeasure, but it made her nervous. He didn't seem to be one of the stormlords, but reports on their appearances tended to vary. One of the other priestesses claimed that she had borne a litter by the god of thunder, but they had been a pretty nondescript bunch in Nadja's estimation.

"Pelts and sea glass can be arranged, my lord, if you plan to stay long enough to require them. Burning sage, too. But...I did not mean to disturb you." She couldn't help it. The emphasis slipped in.

"Shall I summon my thrall and have him bring what things you require?"

"I just try to serve you poor mortals by giving much needed godly advice. We can't all live in symetrical, well-furnished dens." He shrugged and sighed. The poor mortals. Maybe he should pity them. These conditions were so sad. And the humidity of living so close to the sea! Salty water, salty wind, sea winds, rainy seasons that lasted far longer than they needed to- oh the poor mortals. THey must spend all day and night grooming their salty hides.

"Oh-" he waved his hand dismissively. "I don't need anything. But if you want a litter to be represented by a god, there are none better. What sort of... blessings were you hoping for? I'm afraid I cannot make them look as charming as I do but I can say a few cute words if that'll make everyone feel better."
PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:50 pm
Nadja inclined her head, tucking her chin to her chest as she did her best to hide her confused expression. This god acted like he had flowers in his blood, worrying so much about things like symmetry and pelts.

"Ah, the usual blessings I suppose. Good health, strong bodies, sound minds, fearless hearts." Cute words? What kind of a god was he anyway? "Typically, though, we leave those blessings to our gods. The gods of the storm and sea, that is to say."

She looked up at him once she mastered her expression. A thought had occurred to her as she'd momentarily considered Susu's litter, supposedly sired by the god of lightning. This god was no stormlord, but he was winged, and undeniably a god by that token. "I wonder if I might ask you for something a little more strenuous."

Who on heaven or earth would ask for blessings from the sea and storm!? "Horrible ideas, really. My brother is static- related to lightning. His fur and mane couldn't lay flat if an elephant sat on him. No one finds him very attractive. Cubs blessed by the storm? Windy, wet, loud, and filled with lightning. How... well I suppose population control has to happen sometime. And the sea? Tempermental one that one. She's not about much either but I suppose she has those... fish. And...currents....and being wet to attend to. Being wet isn't something I'd wish on anyone. Horrible feeling. The water seeps right into your bones and sits there, making you look all the world like a drowned rat."

He stepped closer. "As for the others, that's not for us to choose. But I can hope for that. Okay, Mkodi- cubs need to be kept from stupidity, becoming horrible nerds, and have something that resembles brains."

He waved a paw through the air, opened his wings, and flapped once. "There. Blessings and good wishes from a god. You may thank me in any way you feel fitting, please, I deserve it."

He looked back to her and raised a brow at ther strange change of tone. "Oh? Do you want me to put my pawprint on something to make it official? I refuse. That ink you mortals use is a nightmare to remove."


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:13 pm
"I thank you for your blessings, my lord, but the gods of sea and storm are our ancestors, and we honor them. I'm afraid your opinions won't change that." It was entertaining to hear her ancestors described as if they were regular people though. Sometimes she got too caught up in ritual and forgot that the gods could be like mortals.

"No, no. I wouldn't mark you with ink." It crossed her mind that she might mark him in other ways if he were a mortal, but she decided it would be best not to say that.

"That would be poor thanks. I do not know what sort of thanks I should offer a god though. Is there anything here you think would please you?" She did her best to look alluring, but she could tell she was off her game. It was unsettling to converse with a god. Let alone try to seduce one.

"Well the storm is mine but you don't hear me getting all kinds of bloated about it." He bobbed his shoulders. "You mortals are so odd about these things. Someone pops a few babies and they're instantly revered. I suppose we all have our own little quirks though. Most of us anyway."

Oh good. No ink. He hated the stuff, and at least the lioness had the good sense not to force that on him. He took a moment to buff out his claws against his chest, then held them up to the light to give them a short inspection. He'd spent hours getting them sanded down just right, then shining them up so they didn't have that horrible dullness around the tips. He wouldn't dream of getting blood on himself- but if he had to, he might as well have a nice set of claws to do it.

He glanced over to her. What would please him? The fact that she was trying to look...seductive sadly rolled off his head. Nothing really phased him outside of flattery. Towards himself of course.

"Well. You could make observation about my own magnificance. Mortals often bow at my paws and grace me with honied words," Not really, "And that seems to suit me just fine."
PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:27 pm
She could flatter him, if that was really what he wanted, but it wouldn't exactly further her ends to just to that, other than the possibility of keeping him in a good mood. Stormlords, she didn't even know his name or what kind of a god he was.

"Don't you get tired of mortals remarking on your magnificence, lord? Our languages only contain so many words to describe regality like yours, and I imagine it would grow tiresome to hear the same words repeated in a largely unvaried refrain." She paused to consider how she could turn this into something more useful to her.

"I truly am honored that you have taken notice of me and my prayers. Please do not be offended, but I have a question for you, as I have never met a god before: are other gods as good-looking as you are?"

Rama was never good at faking modesty. As a cub, his parents told him he should at least make an effort but eventually he found that making the effort was just too much work- and it bordered on dishonesty. He couldn't be perfect and a liar, now could he? No of course not. Besides, his sister's job was to be all modest and humble. His job was to shine like the gem of the heavens he was.

His demeanor shifted dramatically. The aloof, almost dismissive god became putty in the lioness' paws. He turned to her, a charming smile on his maw and a soft warmth growing in his eyes.

" It's my burden to bear I suppose. But little complements keep us going, don't they?" He laughed and shook his head. "None are as handsome as I am. They don't take the time to groom their fur into silky perfection! They spend their time getting their paws dirty, claws chipped, and manes all messy. It's a burden, but if I don't do it, who else can?"


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:07 pm
As awkward as her flattery felt, the god seemed immune to the fact that she was not perfectly sincere in her delivery. Watching him succumb was actually kind of amazing. Could someone so powerful really be so gullible? Apparently. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and carried on.

"You bear it nobly," she assured him. "I would give anything to have even a fraction of that ineffable trait that makes you so flawless."

She glanced down, feigning shyness. Seeing how easily manipulated the god was emboldened her somewhat, and made her think better of her chances at coming out of this unexpected encounter with something she truly wanted. If she could stand him that long. He would probably be all about himself the whole time, which was no great pleasure.

"Probably you find mortals like me fairly repulsive." Mentally she cringed. That was so painfully, awfully obvious.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:24 am
Sorry to break up the format! I posted this but you bounced offline. I thought I'd safe it here! :3

"Sometimes it's a curse." He sighed. It was work maintaining himself, it was a lot of work. Mortals could afford to let themselves go once in a while. He couldn't. He had a standard to uphold, one that would bring mortals to perhaps strive for perfection. To better themselves. Yeah, that was it. He was essential! He made them want more!

"Repulsive? No. Silly- yes." He stepped a little closer. "You do have a very nice coat, I'll admit. Complementing colors, subtlety. You could use a little bit of.... something else, but maybe that's just me. A necklace to bring out your eyes? Do something with your hair, for sure, and maybe something shiny for your paw there."  


Conservative Seeker


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:51 pm
I'm not married to the format. It's just simpler for logging things.

Fortunately Nadja was too busy kicking herself for being so horribly awkward to really take note of the god agreeing that it was a curse to have to take care of himself. Had she heard that, she probably would not have been able to stop herself from laughing at him. Not that she had ever known hardship, really, but if his idea of hardship was looking his very best all the time, she knew more about it than he did.

"Silly," she repeated sotto voce, making almost no noise. Her expression was one of barely concealed irritation. She was a priestess with a reputation as a maker of salves, potions, powders, and poisons. People in the pride found her disturbing. She was not silly.

"It's nice to know that I'm not repulsive," she said at a more normal volume. She managed not to say this sarcastically, and she was reasonably proud of that. Employing deliberately obfuscating circumlocution in her phrasing she continued, "Though you're definitely more not-repulsive. So much so, that it is difficult for me to find the words to ask you something."
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:13 pm
"If there was anything or anyone repulsive that was remotely repulsive in here-" He made a motion around himself with his paws. "I would not be here. At all. Not even within sight or scent of it."

He raised a brow and took a few steps closer. "Oh? Tell me how glorious I am again and you can ask me anything. With exception to cutting my hair, catching you something to eat, or...anything else that might diminish that glory." He wouldn't get his claws on anything that moved. Ew. Gazelles stunk. Zebras stunk. Mice crawled about in the dirt and- ew prey was gross. He could totally just live off of praise and the acknowledgement of mortals for the rest of his life.

Fade to black?


Conservative Seeker


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:53 am
Fade to black
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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