here is where we'll keep our D&D Characters. I'll start by recording Sakura's Druid rough draft here.

as a note, in my D&D game I'll be using several non-standard rules variants. these are called the Weapon Group Proficiencies Variant, the Spell Points Variant and the Vitalizing Subvariant for Spell Points. these will be assumed normal for my campaign, and taught to players as such.


Str 12
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 15
Cha 13

Survival +12/r:8
Knowledge (Nature) +10/r:8
Spellcraft +10/r:8
Concentration +9/r:8
Handle Animal +9/r:8
Climb +5/r:4
Swim +5/r:4

Light Blades
Basic Weapons
Druid Weapons
Low-Light Vision
Immune to Sleep
+2 Saves vs Enchantment
Nature Sense
Animal Companion
Woodland Stride
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape 1/day
Natural Spell

Spells Prepared:

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Purify Food and Drink

1st Level
Charm Animal
Endure Element
Speak with Animals

2nd Level
Animal Messenger
Fog Cloud
Heat Metal

3rd Level
Cure Moderate Wounds

Wand of Goodberry(1st)

Wand of Cure Mod (2nd)

Wand of Purify Food/Drink (Orison)

Wand of Create Water (Orison)

Wand of Lesser Restoration (2nd)