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[SUMMER LOVIN'] Island Cruise on the High Seas of Adventure Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 8 9 10 11

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:02 pm
A sleek shadow passed over the area again, followed quickly by a second in the opposite direction.

Neither of these shadows belonged to the demon, Cadassi.

A long, low tone, so deep that it seemed to resonate through one's chest, sounded through the water. Everyone in the area would hear it, and looking, would see that the Aquatl fairies had spurred into frenzied action. One had a spiral-shaped horn, blowing it with all his might as the tour guide that had spoken to them earlier swam out and shouted, "Everyone back to shore, NOW!"

The other Aquatls were swarming, drawing upon their magic and their connection with their natural element, then combining their efforts. The water ahead of them began moving against the natural current, swirling in place and creating a shield. Beyond? A pair of sharks had begun circling, attempting to close in on the source of the blood scent.


The Aquatl guide was rushing Pae'il back to dry land, taking count as he did so to leave no one behind. The sharks were closing in. The shield that Aquatl had created together shifted and moved, the waters flowing rapidly around the two predators, enclosing them in an orb of rushing water.


Only when the guide was sure that all of the Pae'il were safely on the beach, or at least into the shallows where the large predators could not go without risking beaching themselves, he signaled to the rest of the Aquatls that they were clear. The water fairies let the containing orb dissolve, darting in en masse to distract the predators and lead them safely away from the Pae'il.


The Aquatl guide keep a wary eye on the sea from the shallows, allowing the winded, dripping Pae'il time to recover. Shaking his head, he spoke up, "Apologies, folks. We had no signs of sharks in these waters. No idea where those two could have come from, but the others will take care of leading them out of the area. I think this is a good time to wrap up our adventure today." Awkwardly, he swam through the shallows to look over the things that the Pae'il had picked up. Nothing too out of the ordinary. "Speartips, nets, even a crab trap. Typical tools used by Aernyn hunters for gathering food," he noted. "Even some of the jewelry may have been adornments for gifted hunters, particularly the armbands. The others were likely worn by the ladies who helped watch over matters of society, high-born ladies especially took pride in decorating themselves with fine pieces."


He paused, looking at the gauntlet that Hjortur had picked up. "A fine piece, this," he acknowledged with a solemn nod. "Solid and durable, yet decorated. It likely belonged to a very skilled hunter who received it as a token of his achievements. Other than that, I have no information on this particular piece."

Wolfs Heart

He turned then to the Nai--wait, Angel? He had no time to think on this, however, as his eyes had locked on the delicate piece hanging from Dysmas' arm. The Aquatl with the horn had surfaced nearby, and when the guide fell quiet, he had come to see what was the matter. The guide's eyes widened slightly, and he gave the horn-blower a quick, subtle look. Then, back to the Pae'il, he said quickly, "This is...an astounding piece. Fine craftsmanship, and the clarity of the stones is amazing! You have found a true treasure indeed!" He started to reach for the tiara, then hesitated and dropped his hand. "Best to treasure this find, young sir, and take care with it." Only when he swam away from the boy did he dare shoot the other Aquatl silent question with only a raised eyebrow.

The commotion had been noticed down the beach by the Avalon fairies, who seemed somewhat wary of what to do at first. Then...

"Okay, folks!" one of the flying guides shouted out over the beach. "Everyone back to the ship! We'll be setting sail soon, so don't linger too long! Hey, plenty of food left, so feel free to take some back with you!" The fairies then began shuffling the Pae'il back to the smaller boats to ferry them back tot he cruise ship.


Later that evening, the ship set out with all its passengers aboard again. The atmosphere was as relaxed as it had been the night before. The only difference one might notice was that tonight, there didn't seem to be a fairy hovering around each corner, eagerly asking each passerby Pae'il what they could help with. They seemed a bit more scarce tonight.

Perhaps they were just busy getting ready for dinner. It should be soon, if the previous night's timing were any indication.

The ship's intercom crackled to life just as the sun was disappearing below the horizon. The Pae'il should not have been surprised by this, as it was not the first time, and likely another announcement from the ship's fairy staff.

"...-ripes, woman! Would you stop throwing things?"

Or not.

"You don't understand! You get to hide up here and steer the ship, but the rest of us have to be out there, putting up with those crazy Pae'il!"

"Oh, they can't be that bad..."

"That crazy demon alone would be reason enough to quit! After she shook poor Eliza last time, the dizzy thing couldn't fly straight for the rest of the night! Nevermind the rest of these selfish, greedy Pae and their illogical demands at all hours! My people need sleep too!"

"Alright, alright, calm down...I'm sure we can work something out..."

"Oh, we'll work something out alright. We want better work conditions! Until then, you get no work out of us! We're on strike! Good luck taking care of these spoiled brats with no staff!"


"Too late for that. The kitchen staff already left earlier. And I'm pretty sure half the stewards took off on their own before any of this. The rest are with me."
The sound of a door slamming loudly echoed through the speakers, followed by momentary silence, then some grumbling. Then...

"...oh cripes, as this been on the whole ti--" *CLICK*

Any Pae'il looking outside or out on the deck would have seen a flurry of activity, little Avalon fairies, some alone, some in small groups, pouring out of the windows and buzzing off into the sky. Within a half hour, it would be impossible to find any sort of steward or assistant to take an order or request.

After an hour, the intercom crackled to life for a short, clipped announcement.

"Apologies on behalf of the staff, but due to some technical difficulties, there will be be no formal, hot meal for dinner tonight. Some cold meat and cheese platters, as well as fresh fruit plates have been set out instead. Please forgive the interruption to your normal meal services which will resume at a later time. Thank you."

((Players may post their Pae'il's reactions and responses to the above events. All Pae'il are now back on the ship, which is now sailing out to sea again.))  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:36 pm
Kobalt and the orange pae played roulette, but neither won anything. Before long, the casino was closing and the two pae parted ways. Kobalt hoped that wouldn't be the only time he saw her on this trip though. She seemed really cool, and he'd like to get to know her better.

The next morning gave him the option of scuba diving or relaxing on the beach. He thought about that for a few moments before choosing the boat that went to the beach. The warmth was nice and he dozed in the shade until it was time to go back onto the ship.

His stomach was rumbling by the time he thought dinner should be, but a sudden....announcement? distracted him. Well that didn't sound good, he thought. Still....there was food being offered so he made his way to the dining area to get some food.

It was there that he saw that orange pae from the day before. He smiled and waved in her direction as he came closer. "Hey there! What'd you think of that announcement?" he asked her. If he were honest, the whole thing made him a little nervous. Had some of the Pae on the ship been so rude and crazy? Or were the fairies over reacting?

((had permission from Ozi to move Edana <3))  

Dragon Berri

Shameless Tipper

21,000 Points
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Sweet Diss, Sis 200
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25


Aged Genius

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:40 am
Turning to look at Vash at the sound of orders to leave, he motioned him to follow him through the wreckage, the beaded armbands and gauntlet in his arms the entire time. He paused as he snaked through the points only to make sure that he hadn't lost his companion again and to keep on the lookout for whatever it was they needed to fear. As he exited the ruins entirely, his head tilted to look to the shield as he felt the water moving unnaturally, blocking two creatures he had never before seen. So... These were some of the animals of the sea his parents had often told him about, mostly as a warning to stay from it? They certainly looked menacingly enough, and once Vash was back to the open water, he left him to follow his return to land.

Pulling himself onto the shore, he leaned onto his back and kicked up his fin, shaking it off until it split into two, separately kicking feet. Man, would he ever get used to this? There surely had to be a less-embarrassing way to go about it... Maybe? Leaning forward again to use his free hand to steady himself as he stood up, she shook the water from his shaggy hair and looked around. Man, there was some great looking food around here! He'd have to go get some...

But first, he was interrupted by one of the guides, explaining to him about the pieced he'd grabbed. Oh great. Just great. What he needed was some more things for hunters. As if his parents hadn't already been trying to get him to follow that path enough to get that point across, now he was subconsciously grabbing for it!

Before he could be forced back to the ship, he grabbed an abandoned net on the shoreline, shook off the sand, and used it as a sling to stuff full of grilled fruit and meat, as well as some coconuts, mango, and other various tropical fruits to snack on later. Might as well not allow it to go to waste...


He was in his room back on the ship, finishing packing his treasures beside his bottle of wine, the taken food on a shelf when he heard the intercom come one. Dinner time...? He certainly presumed as such, until he heard the tone from the speaker. That didn't sound good. Wait. Had they really been left? How could the trip continue without any workers?

Leaving his stuff (after hiding his beach food in a different drawer, for safe keeping) in the room, he started wandering down the hall towards the dining hall. If his expression said anything, he was confused about what that was about and was looking to find someone else to ask about it.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:29 am
In the dark blackness of the the crevice, Niday saw nothing. Sadly, she had nothing to create any light, and soon had to abandon the turtle to float back up to the surface. It seemed no sooner than that had everything exploded into noise and panic. She swam to the shore with the fairies urging, albeit confused as to why the sudden commotion. Only when everyone was ashore did they get an explanation. Sharks? She shook her head disappointingly. It was hardly something they could have prevented, but it still cut their adventure short. She hadn't even found anything. Perhaps this trip was a waste of time after all...


Back on the ship, Niday stood on the side of the deck to look out over the water. The trip had pockets of fun, but nothing life-changing. Rather disappointing all in all. That was when the speaker flared to life, perking her head up for the next announcement of dinner or the like. But this was quite different. Very different. Her eyebrows raised in surprise with the insults that flew over the loudspeaker at the pae'il. If the fairies couldn't handle the stress of being 'anytime wait staff' they shouldn't have signed up for the position. She herself had not requested a single thing from any of them, and generally had kept to herself. But other pae had every right to claim the offer they themselves had extended. Then all at once, fairies began fleeing from the boat in all haste, making record time to escape the 'horrible' work conditions. Silence. She turned back to the water, wondering if this meant they would be docking early. Certainly this trip had quite suddenly taken a turn for the worse. The intercom cracked back on, and she smiled lightly. Good thing she liked fruit.

She had quite the enjoyable experience laying in the sun, relaxing, then jumping out of her fur as screams pierced the air. Malloren sat upright as her fingers began to tingle. Her power was unused and thus way underdeveloped, but that wouldn't stop her from trying to use it on what ever threat was on the way. Pae came scrambling up to the beach, fleeing from some sort of threat in the water. That was exactly why she didn't trust water! Bit them all in the behind. Fur bristling, she stood to try and get a better look, but it was quite a ways down the beach. The fairies around them began moving towards the small boats, obviously cutting the day short. With one last look down the beach, she followed.


After so much excitement, Malloren could be found in her room, snoozing. The entire trip had been working on her nerves, hardly the 'relaxing cruise' she had been promised. Then again with it being on WATER she hadn't really expected to have a good time anyway. Her ears perked at a crackling, and her golden eyes sleepily opened. Greedy? Selfish? The black cat pae frowned, her tail flicking. They were talking about her room service earlier, weren't they?! Her fiery temper flared momentarily before she let it go. It wasn't worth getting angry about. Soon enough, the announcement cut out again and she began to drift back to sleep. That was of course, until the intercom came back on. She jolted upright, lips parting in disbelief. No warm meat? Cheese and fruit?! The angel frantically scrambled from her room. I've got to apologize, gotta apologize! She dashed onto the main deck with lightening speed, moving around other pae like quicksilver. But in the halls, nor on the deck, was there any sign of any of the wait staff. Her ears flattened and her tail flicked between her legs. This trip suddenly had gone from bad to worse.

OOC: blaugh  

Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Hunter 50
  • Tycoon 200


Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:16 am
Seeing the naiad motioning him to follow he did, he brought with him a shell necklace, the armband the naiad had given him and the piece of netting which he later dropped keeping just the jewelry. "What happened?" Vash asked once they were out of the water again and he could talk. he didn't get his answer before they were interrupted by the little fairy.


Back aboard ship he heard the argument that was accidentally broadcast for all to hear. He wasn't pleased at the insults but even less happy that he'd have to do more for himself. This was a vacation, now it didn't seem like it would be.



Lila followed the crowd back to the ship when she saw everyone returning to the ship. She herself didn't hear the argument or the following announcement about cold platters. Near dinner time she was on the search for a fairy to get help from but she didn't find any and it confused her. Most of the pae she actually did see seemed to be in a hurry to do whatever. Eventually the pae she tried to get the attn of was a black one with a set of whiskers, and some odd ears pressed against her head. She reached to tap it's shoulder
Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:24 am
The miserable female looked sadly over the deck, wishing with all her might that she could rewind time and stop herself from going onto the boat. First water, then vash, now she'd be forced to eat cold meat? A little tap on her shoulder. "HISSS!" Malloren jumped back as she whirled around, fur standing on end. She narrowed her eyes at the intruder, flashing her white teeth. "What?!" Plainly the purple demonic had no idea of what she was getting herself into.


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Hunter 50
  • Tycoon 200


Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:33 am
Lila pulled her hand back to her chest fast at the abrupt and very unhappy reaction that the pae made. She didn't know that the pae was extremely upset about anything but she did get the impression it was suspicious about something. "Sorry" she said meekly in her odd sounding voice "I'd like some warm tea, but helper fairy isn't replying to call" She watched the feline pae's face for it's response. With the pae's reaction though she didn't know IF she'd actually get a response.

Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:39 am
It was just some ignorant pae. As she assessed the situation and determined her of low-threat, the female unbarred her teeth but kept her eyes narrowed. Slowly her fur began to smooth out again. "Do I look like a helper fairy? You have to make your own warm tea now." Her tail swished with irritation as she continued her glare, obviously not in the mood for company. In fact, she hated new pae. Yuki was always the one good with meeting others, and she provided the backup. She was so lost without her twin.


Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Hunter 50
  • Tycoon 200


Hungry Animal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:44 am
Lila frowned, why would she have to make her own tea, the little fairy always did it for her, she didn't even know where a kitchen was on this ship. "No... you don't... but.... I don't understand" she replied quietly her nearly monotone odd sounding voice growing quieter under the glare or the feline pae. She'd not yet met a pae as hostile towards her without even knowing about her disability. She took a step backwards feeling uncomfortable from the glare. She wished she hadn't come on this trip, that Naomi hadn't insisted she leave the comforts and familiarity of her home in the city.

Tartara Seabreeze

(( to clarify since i dont wanna change this atm lol hostility being making fun of her teasing her or otherwise unkind things... not physical violence ))  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:25 pm
When the alarm sounded, the demon was in reasonably shallow water already, finishing filling his net with oysters. The two aquatic predators were easily recognized on sight, even if he'd never seen such a creature before in his life. One predator knew another simply from movement of purpose. He didn't have much to worry about from here, as it seemed the little water fairy things were trying to drive the Pae into shallow waters away from the beasts as it were.

Melek was still puzzling over the box when the horn sounded, long and low. He looked around curiously, wondering what the sound was for, where it came from, who made it and how...

Then, he got an eyeful of teeth attached to a long, sleek, grey form.

Time to go.

What was it? Didn't matter. But, it might! Nope, get away from it first, he argued with the incessant curiosity bickering with common sense in his brain. His water-logged wings slowed him greatly in the water, and it didn't help that he was reluctant to let go of the curious box he'd found, but he started kicking slowly and steadily, thinking if he didn't draw attention to himself by flailing, maybe he could make it safely to shallower waters without being seen. He wasn't that far down, after all. Just keep kicking, Melek, don't watch the circling predators...

One of the sharks turned, coming back in his direction again. The angel panicked, seeing those teeth coming closer, adrenaline exaggerating how swiftly they might close in and... In a panic, Melek released the box with one hand, sweeping an arm out wide towards the predator behind him. An eruption of bright lights and a series of popping sounds as if someone had dropped a string of firecrackers followed. The angel hesitated for a moment, wide eyed, thinking 'Woah...'

He nearly jumped out of his feathers when a hand seized his shoulder in an iron grip, spinning him around in the water. He found himself face-to-face with a different predator: Kane. The demon gave him a shove, pointing towards the beach impatiently before setting off again. Somewhat slower, and with a cautious backwards glance to ensure that the Aquatls had the beasts under control, Melek followed after, rising towards the surface.

Kane surfaced and shook the water from his hair, dragging his net of oysters after him. A quick, subtle glance assured him that both gifts for his girls were still wound around his wrist. He paid them no extra mind, turning instead to wait for the angel to surface. "Hey, kid," he drawled when Melek appeared, shaking water from his ears. "Impressive light show and all, but next time? Maybe get a move on in case the thing that's chasing you isn't quite so impressed."

Finishing shaking water from his ears in time to hear the last part clearly, Melek flushed. "...sorry." He thought he'd only hesitated for a moment, but maybe it'd been longer than that. Maybe he'd been lucky that the toothy fish had been more interested in the Aquatls distracting it than in him and his sad attempts as a diversion.

Seeing the angel suddenly so dejected, Kane rolled his eyes. "Oy, kid, stoppit. Geez, so you froze up. You're still here. Just don't do it again. Or better yet, maybe try not to get in that situation again?" He gave the other a none-too-gentle shove towards the main group. "Now, go see what the hell that thing is you were so set on bringing back." Kane hadn't been interested in sparkly treasures like most of the Pae'il had. He had his treasure right here in his net. Maybe with a little lemon later, if he could find some on the ship...


After the intercom crackled to silence the first time, the tiger demon raised an eyebrow at the exchange that had just been relayed for the whole ship to hear. How...interesting. Seems that the party was over, in some sense. No more little fairies waiting on everyone hand and foot. Well, Kane wasn't the type who needed pampered to survive, interesting as it had been while it lasted. He knew how to take care of himself. Chuckling a bit, he emptied the clams into the sink basin, then looked for the ceramic knife he'd put away the night before. Aha. He didn't need any fancy catering. Dinner was served.


Woah...what was that all about? Melek had been putting his new treasure box (because that's totally what it was, something you could put things in and they didn't come out again!) with his things when the intercom went off for the first time. He'd puzzled over what he'd heard. Had the other Pae'il really been that mean to the nice little fairies? He hadn't done anything mean, right? He didn't remember doing anything mean anyway...

He was still wondering over what this would mean for them all, as well as what might be a new interesting way to wear a hat, when the intercom went off again. Oh, well...at least there was still dinner, right? Cold meat, cheese, and fruit wasn't so bad...

He had to wonder though, where all the little fairies had gone? Weren't they out in the middle of the sea? Did they go back to the island to stay there? Could they fly all the way back to Telrunya? That'd be a long way, wouldn't it?

Puzzling over these thoughts, he headed out to get a plate of food and maybe just slip back to his room for the night. It had been a bit of an overly-exciting day, afterall.


Shameless Shapeshifter

21,640 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Signature Look 250
  • Dressed Up 200


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:18 pm
As much as Lisandru liked relaxing outside--with no one in his immediate vicinity except those he asked to be there--he was beyond happy to find himself back inside, tucked away from the problems of the day and most importantly tucked away from other Pae'il. He was okay with his solitary room, tight as some people may have found it. It was ... comfortable.

Well, that was until he started hearing some shouting over the intercom.

Lisandru groaned, picking up his pillow from underneath his head and placing it above his head instead, pressing it tightly against his ears. Was all that shouting necessary? Didn't they know better than to leave the intercom on and keep shouting even though it was all going over the intercom?

... Wouldn't they be able to hear the echo...?


It seemed they were in a pretty heated argument, and the more they talked, the more Lisandru did not like where this was all going. He came here for relaxation, not to deal with fairies rebelling against other fairies and calling all the Pae'il selfish. Lisandru didn't think he was terribly selfish. In fact, with all he would rather be left be, he thought he was rather quite the opposite ... unless saying it was okay for the fairies to leave him alone was somehow being selfish now?

Lisandru's mind spun in circles often when he was left to his own devices, but it came to a sharp halt once they were informed that there wouldn't be a full dinner service that night. Of course not. Whoever was that Pae'il that really started pissing them off was one that Lisandru briefly pondered making a bit sick--though he rapidly decided against it. Nothing was worth revealing what a ... danger he was.

Not that the bubbles didn't make that obvious.

Lisandru groaned. He would ... go obtain some cold meats later, he supposed...
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:09 pm
The lights were dimmed or turned off early, perhaps an attempt to suggest that the Pae'il aboard the ship call it an early night as well. There were no games being played tonight, no music on the dance floor, nor late-night buffets. The ship was quiet, the only sounds out on deck being those of the waves lapping against the side of the ship as it continued on its way to its next stop. The engine provided a low, constant vibration, only audible at the lowest levels of the ship. With not much else going on, and after a fairly eventful day, many seemed to follow the unspoken suggestion and retired to their respective rooms fairly early tonight, at least in comparison to the night before.

A couple of hours or so after the moon had reached its peak in the sky and slowly began to descend, the peace was shattered by the piercing sound of rending metal. The ship was jarred, the sudden halt in momentum throwing any loose objects forwards as the ship screeched to a standstill. The low droning of the engine had changed tone, the steady rhythm now breaking up at odd intervals. It didn't take an engineer to determine that something was wrong with the primary engine below decks.

Water began pouring in through the damaged hull, filling the lower decks, mostly containing technology hidden from the Pae'il above decks. Engines, furnaces, presumably kitchens and other services...though, the fairies were all long gone, leaving these areas abandoned. In time, the cool waters began seeping into the engine bay, flowing around the boilers...

The explosion rocked the entire ship, the lower floors breaking apart and falling in on the ones below. The ship shuddered, like a creature taking its last breath. The waters below churned and frothed. In the darkness, the ship had run aground on a jagged, exposed coral reef, shifting currents twisting amongst them. Perhaps if it had only taken some light hull damage, the ship could have endured until help arrived, but once the boiler blew...

Sleepy, groggy Pae'il were tossed into the sea as the ship fell apart. The currents seemed to sweep them up before the waters could swallow them whole, yet where was it that they were taking them? Some were knocked unconscious, some only lightly stunned, but it seemed that everything happened so quickly that there was no time to react. Most would later remember only a jarring stop, a great explosion of noise, the sudden cold of the sea, then darkness before they woke again...


Each Pae'il will awaken to find themselves on the beach of a small island, with only one other Pae'il nearby and some debris from the wreck in the sands around them if they search. There may be some bumps and bruises, but miraculously, it seems that all have survived without serious injury.


There will be no more group roleplay in this thread. In your first roleplay, your Pae'il will wake up to discover that they have been stranded with another Pae'il on a small island. The horizon in the distance is shrouded by a strange, perpetual mist from the surf, preventing any island from seeing any other island, so as far as they know, they are completely isolated.

There are three elements necessary for survival: 1 - Food, 2 - Water, and 3 - Shelter. Each pair will be given only two of these three. The player to start the roleplay should randomize 1 - 3 in their first post, and the other player should randomize 1 - 2 in their first post. These will be the two necessities that the Pae'il have provided for them, either though natural resources on the island or scavenged resources from the wrecked ship. Be creative!

The pair's first challenge will be working together to find some way to provide the final necessary resource in order to survive until they can be rescued.

The pair will face other challenges, but for the most part, you will be on your own for this roleplay from now on. We will only interrupt in the form of random events if you trigger them with certain RP events. The rest is up to you.

Additional Rules:
  • Use the tag [SUMMER] in all RP that is started, and include both Pae's names.
  • Only use the Event subforum.
  • Each started RP has to conclude. When an RP is done, post [FIN] at the end of the title.
  • Powers work, but Pae can't just fly off the island if they have wings. There is no other land visible, so they'd have to pick a direction at random and there's no guarantee it would be the correct one. They're more likely to exhaust themselves and drown, so don't try it. They may be able to fly, say, to the top of a tree, but they can't just leave the island in this manner.
  • Naiad and other aquatic Pae'il can't just swim away from the island either. The area is surrounded by the same twisting currents and jagged shoals that sank the ship and none of these Pae'il are skilled enough swimmers to survive the attempt. They may however swim in the waters surrounding their island. (Short answer: they can't just leave, but they can explore their immediate surroundings.)
  • While the point of the event is for the Pae'il to stay here and survive, if it is in their nature to attempt their own rescue, they may make this effort. Just understand that for the rules of the contest, they can't just magically rescue themselves and escape. They may make attempts, but they will fail.
  • Don't wait for prompts, we aren't giving any. We are only posting random events if the Pae'il do an action we are looking for.
  • You may start as many new RPs as you want, as long as the previous ones are completed.
  • We're looking for quality over quantity and realistic relationships to form.
  • All our colorists have been given permission to pick any couple's RP they enjoy to give a breeding. So create an interesting story if you want your pair to be blessed with babies.
  • Other prizes will be awarded upon successfully completing a random event.



A search of the beach by each couple may turn up...

Xanthea + Elizabeth
  • A bottle of wine
  • Kelp doll from diving excursion
  • Blanket, wet, but otherwise undamaged

Melek + Dahlia
  • A bottle of wine
  • A treasure box crab trap
  • A string of crystals from one of the ship's chandeliers

Dagen + Serephim
  • A few (possibly spoiled) oysters
  • The arm of a slot machine

Dysmas + Sweetie Drops
  • A bottle of wine
  • Armband from diving expedition
  • Delicate circlet from diving expedition
  • Metal shower head from one of the ship's bathrooms

Lila + Momoiro
  • Silver serving tray

Opal + Kane
  • A full bottle of wine
  • A half-full bottle of wine
  • Two ceramic knives
  • Kelp net
  • Two necklaces from diving expedition
  • Pile of leftover oyster shells, unopened - one containing a pearl

Cadassi + Leitha
  • Ceramic knife
  • Necklace of teeth from diving expedition
  • Fishbone comb
  • Wooden planks, possibly former pieces of the ship's deck

Zana + Aulii
  • Commemorative flask, dented, but usable

Lisandru + Prisma
  • Two forks, a spoon, and a butter knife

Niday + Tyra
  • Metal pipe, formerly from some part of the boiler system below decks

Stitch + Tocino
  • Arrowhead
  • Broken piece of the ship's railing

Kobalt + Edana
  • Ceramic knife
  • Twin thingamajigs (pair of costume jewelry earrings)
  • Roulette wheel from the casino table

Vash + Malloren
  • A bottle of wine
  • Ceramic knife
  • Fishbone comb
  • A couple necklaces from diving expedition
  • Armband from diving expedition
  • Brass horn, probably from the dance hall's band

Thalia + Hjörtur
  • A bottle of wine
  • Armbands from diving expedition
  • Fishbone comb from diving expedition
  • Bone bracer with amethyst from diving expedition
  • Pair of bongo drums

Szoorne + Brandy
  • Torn half of an ornate rug from the ship, approximately four feet by three feet


:[ Graveyard ]:

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