Out of the Master Wizards available, there is one chosen by the 14th himself, depending on certain conditions such as strength, Sync Rate, and personality, to become the Head Sage. The Head Sage is in charge of the entire Covenant, overseeing missions and making sure that they are being carried out. The Head Sage is also the right hand of the 14th, and is the only Adaptor allowed in the Piano Room of the 14th’s Ark. Sometimes, if the Sage is trustworthy enough, the 14th will even give them access to the Piano, making them “players” and able to control the Ark and open Ark Gates wherever they wish.

The requirements of being Head Sage are thus:

- You must be a literate role player.
- If you use an already existing character, they must have reached critical point on their Innocence (surpassed 100% synchronization), Become a Master Wizard, and been chosen by the 14th. You have to give proof of this occurrence in the role play.
- If you do become Head Sage, your tasks become that of which the 14th gives you, as well as overseeing operations of the Covenant.