Ninja and Pirates who are Fated to work Together for the Greater Good. ((sorry couldn't put the whole title in the subject.))

The year was 1872 and in the spring time where the weather in southern japan was just right so most where in light black clothing so they didn't sweat but also so they didn't lose any momentum while running. there were many ninjas and kunoichi but to looked unique each other they had a mark on there hand that was different for each ninjas or kunoichis. The Head Ninja had heard rumors in a cave nearby that had a clue to a key that hold ultimate power so he order the ninjas to found that cave. 15 ninjas and 15 kunoichis searched for that cave for about a month until they found it, while searching the cave which was very dark and very confusing because many path would lead to dead ends and most dead ends didn't have anything unique about them until one of the ninja found a switch in the last dead end they found which open one of the wall near the front of the cave move over to open a path. Everybody there was