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Name: Torvald Batterbutter
Nickname: Torvald
Age: 9 [Technically 24]
Sexuality: Dunno
Game: Sugar Rush
Side: Neutral Background Character, Trying To Become A Hero
Theme song:
~Swedish Fish
~Being By Herself
~Candy Wrappers
~Not Being Able To Race
~When People Mess With Her Bow
~Being Compared To Minty Zaki
Powers: Just Power ups
Weapons: ^Same as above^
Bio: She is a recolor of Minty Zaki. In video games 'Recolors' are only fillers: Some one created to take last place, or to be just there with no real point. Not really friends with anyone except Jubileena Bing-Bing, she tends to spend a lot of time alone.
Player: Danni Phantom Drama

Approved?: Well, it is MY character xD