Welcome to the World of Pokemon Forums~!

These rules are what you need to follow at all times when posting here:

1. No hate/discrimination
2. No Mature/Explicit Materials (keep everything between PG13 and PG16 anything over that goes to pm's or spoilers(labeled for other to read at their own risk))
3. No excessive profanity (Swearing, Cursing, etc.)(A small amount is fine, but every other word can't be a swear word)
4. Please be kind and courteous of other members!
5. Follow Gaia's ToC.
6.If any of these rule are broken you will be warned, up to five times before you are booted from the guild.(you have the ability to rejoin but if you show the same problems you will be banned from guild activities altogether)

Thank you, and have a nice day~!
